
xhtml 1.0 compliance

2005-12-20, Mark Doliner
xhtml 1.0 compliance
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<?xml-stylesheet type="text/xsl" href="gaim.xsl"?>
Skeleton Bug
<description>GaimBuddy still has a present, idle, and a couple other members it doesn't need, and that are just plain confusing now.</description>
<fixedby>at least partially by faceprint</fixedby>
<fixedon>2005-11-03, fixed on or before</fixedon>
<description>group numbers don't line up after a little while</description>
<description>there are a lot of signed-ness warnings, and other warnings in HEAD right now. Lets make sure we clean them up before we "freeze" the API by releasing 2.0.0 </description>
<foundon>march 24</foundon>
<fixedon>2005-11-03, fixed on or before</fixedon>
<description>Jabber doesn't send initial presence packet until your away state changes</description>
<foundon>march 24</foundon>
<fixedon>2005-11-03, fixed on or before</fixedon>
<description>jabber avatar code could be DoS'ed</description>
<foundon>march 24</foundon>
<description>Oscar status tries to get set before we're connected</description>
<foundon>march 24</foundon>
<fixedby>Mark Doliner</fixedby>
<fixedon>march 27</fixedon>
<description>Closing gaim with an oscar account set to invisible, and restarting gaim, just connects and doesn't go back to invisible</description>
<foundon>march 24</foundon>
<fixedby>Mark Doliner</fixedby>
<description>Disable account, leave gaim open, and it reconnects, this happens for at least oscar haven't tried anything else yet</description>
<foundon>march 24</foundon>
<fixedby>Mark Doliner</fixedby>
<fixedon>march 27</fixedon>
<description>Related to #8, when the accounts window is out of sync with what accounts are really enabled, setting the status to offline does nothing. Then re-enable the accout and it signs off.</description>
<foundon>march 24</foundon>
<description>Group counts don't get updated when going offline.</description>
<foundby>Mark Doliner</foundby>
<foundon>march 24</foundon>
<fixedon>march 25</fixedon>
<description>If you have yourself on your yahoo buddy list and do ANYTHING to your status, you are removed from the buddylist</description>
<foundon>march 24</foundon>
<fixedby>no idea</fixedby>
<fixedon>no idea</fixedon>
<description>setting global status to offline and waiting ends up in accounts reconnecting.</description>
<foundon>march 24</foundon>
<fixedby>Mark Doliner</fixedby>
<fixedon>march 27</fixedon>
<description>novell needs to be updated to status api</description>
<foundon>march 25</foundon>
<description>Infinite loop/crash on sending text with a background color</description>
<foundon>march 26</foundon>
<fixedon>march 29</fixedon>
<description>Infinite loop when receiving a message with a background color. Segfault when sending a message with a background color. The crash/loop is in gtk_imhtml_toggle_backcolor, and right now I don't have the patience to finish figuring it out.</description>
<foundon>march 26</foundon>
<fixedon>march 29</fixedon>
<description>If Show Empty Buddies and Show Empty Groups are both checked, and you sign off an account, any buddies who were not online will remain in your buddy list instead of being removed. It looks like gaim_gtk_blist_hide_node() isn't doing what it's supposed to. It only works for the online buddies because gaim_gtk_blist_update_buddy() is called on them after their presence is set to offline.</description>
<foundby>Mark Doliner</foundby>
<foundon>march 28</foundon>
<fixedon>September 11</fixedon>
<description>foreground and background color buttons do not untoggle correctly</description>
<foundon>march 30</foundon>
<fixedby>Mark Doliner</fixedby>
<description>SILC needs to be updated to the status API, and be able to log in.</description>
<foundon>april 4</foundon>
<fixedon>a while ago</fixedon>
<description>[14:08] LSchiere2 grim: add crash on aim send to your list</description>
<foundon>april 5</foundon>
<fixedby>Mark Doliner</fixedby>
<fixedon>april 5</fixedon>
<description>in prefs, the default message background color is not saving</description>
<foundon>april 5</foundon>
<fixedon>2005-11-04, fixed on or before</fixedon>
<description>ICQ accounts (and maybe AIM as well) are showing up with "Status: Online" when they correctly have an idle time.</description>
<foundon>april 26</foundon>
<fixedby>Who knows</fixedby>
<fixedon>Who knows</fixedon>
<description>Under some ill-defined conditions, buddies will show up in the buddy list as groups, but with the buddy rclick menu. This seems to happen esp. on upgrade, but is hard to duplicate reliably. Correction, adding a new buddy with jabber or icq (at very least) will duplicate this.</description>
<foundon>sometime ago</foundon>
<description>control-tab does not work as it did in oldstatus(this was originally fixed but is now rebroke</description>
<description>Creating a new account and saving it, sets it to enabled but does not attempt to log it on</description>
<foundby>grim and lschiere</foundby>
<foundon>may 17</foundon>
<fixedby>nosnilmot with help from bleeter</fixedby>
<description>Jabber emits a sign off signal if you have yourself on your list and set your status to available when you were away</description>
<foundon>may 26</foundon>
<description>Draging conversations is really messed up. You can drag and drop them once, the arrows don't necessarily show, and you can't move them again. (12:33:47) Cae: LSchiere2: they're getting fielded as one big tab, but only partially. the tab movement issues thing, I mean. I have no idea how, but that's what appears to be happening. you can still move some tabs around after some cannot move - those that cannot move are grouped like one tab - the red arrow for placing the moving tab will jump to either side of the block of them. but dropping on one side still places it only one tab into the group. </description>
<foundon>may 27</foundon>
<description>[23:50] rlaager grim: I consider this a bug and suggest it be considered for inclusion on the HEAD bug list. When a buddy signs off and then signs back on in a second, the icon remains the signed-off door. I think the icon should change back to the online version as soon as they're back online. I don't know if it behaves this way in oldstatus.</description>
<foundon>june 12</foundon>
<description>MSN doesn't disconnect when you disable it (uncheck enabled in the accounts window)</description>
<foundon>June 24</foundon>
<fixedon>june 25</fixedon>
<description>Systray plugin sometimes fails to load on launch</description>
<foundon>A few weeks ago</foundon>
<fixedon>2005-11-04, can not reproduce</fixedon>
<description>MSN - 'invisible' status doesn't show you as invisible on other's buddylists</description>
<foundon>June 24</foundon>
<fixedon>September 10</fixedon>
<description>ICQ - 'invisible' status only shows you as away on other's buddylists.</description>
<foundon>June 24</foundon>
<fixedon>September 10</fixedon>
<description>ICQ - privacy setting does not save state</description>
<foundby>grim or bleeter</foundby>
<foundon>A while ago</foundon>
<description>saving formatting on send messes up history with CTRL+UP/CTRL+DOWN</description>
<foundon>A few weeks ago</foundon>
<fixedby>sadrul &amp; rlaager</fixedby>
<description>ICQ - Privacy settings allows 'add buddy' requests. ICQ privacy only applies to presence, not to messaging etc.</description>
<foundby>grim or bleeter</foundby>
<foundon>A while ago</foundon>
<fixedon>September 10</fixedon>
<description>preference window's has scalability problems</description>
<foundon>A while ago</foundon>
<fixedby>Sean Egan</fixedby>
<fixedon>2005-11-04, fixed on or before</fixedon>
<description>MSN - Doesn't sign in if status is set to invisible</description>
<foundon>A while ago</foundon>
<fixedon>September 10</fixedon>
<description>GTK - Can't start with debug window enabled</description>
<foundon>June 24</foundon>
<fixedon>2005-11-04, can not reproduce</fixedon>
<description>Jabber disconnects can cause segfaults: cancelling during login phase was the big ~50 line bt, although remember I got a server disconnect that faulted very similarly but with only ~15 lines of bt</description>
<foundon>June 30</foundon>
<description>take cvs. take an aim account. let it log on normally, and then sign on and off really fast till you get disconnected and told not to do that again for a while. hit reconnect anyway. that'll leave you with an accounts dialog that has the aim account checked as online (icon will still be inactive). sign it off, and then sign on and off again. it should crash as soon as you deselect it for the second time.</description>
<description>ICQ privacy doesn't work. Random users can still IM me. ICQ privacy only applies to presence, not to messaging etc.</description>
<foundon>August 9</foundon>
<fixedon>September 11</fixedon>
<description>IRC buddies always show as offline, except when they're first added (before I disconnect).</description>
<foundon>quite some time ago</foundon>
<fixedon>September 10</fixedon>
<description>Profile pictures for MSN and Yahoo! are no longer showing in Get Info.</description>
<foundon>quite some time ago</foundon>
<description>After you use I'dle Mak'er, you cannot be unidle, even if you disable the plugin<br/>sadrul discovered that using the plugin to set idle to 0 will unidle you. I consider this less than intuitive.</description>
<description>if you select text, then insert a smiley via ctrl-1 it won't replace the selected text. Huh? ctrl-1 doesn't do anything in HEAD, we killed it</description>
<fixedon>September 11</fixedon>
<description>Buddies are showing up as online who are not, and offline who are.</description>
<foundon>some time ago</foundon>
<description>Doing a Conversation -> Save As only saves the text visible in the conversation window. If you've used Conversation -> Clear (Ctrl-L), the file saved doesn't have the entire conversation. This was introduced when I removed the history variable from GaimConversation. We can always revert that change, but it would be nicer if there was a way to do this without duplicating the contents of the conversation. If nothing else, the current markup could be saved (appended) to a variable when Clear is used, and the Save As function could concatenate the markup from that variable and the markup currently in the GtkImHtml to geti the full conversation.</description>
<description>IRC buddies always show as offline. This broke again shortly after #40 was fixed. This seems to be a different problem, as they don't show online now when they're first added.</description>
<foundon>September 10 or 11</foundon>
<description>cannot drag a tab to the right of an only tab.</description>
<foundon>some time ago</foundon>
<description>whenever a given tab has focus and someone types something, their name in the tab becomes red, which is a little off but fine..but if you send a response it doesn't change from red..and in theory it should</description>
<foundby>several people</foundby>