
(21:23:17) SimGuy: LSchiere: why is it that gaim-ssl.txt is not a web page?
(21:23:36) LSchiere: SimGuy: because i don't know how to use the includes
and engines ChipX86|Coding wrote
(21:23:47) LSchiere: and so i just committed the file nosnilmot gave me
(21:24:10) nosnilmot: SimGuy:
(21:24:21) nosnilmot: LSchiere: do you want that?
(21:24:40) nosnilmot: SimGuy: because I was a lazy sod originally
(21:25:01) SimGuy: nosnilmot: haha, that's exactly the sort of thing i
(21:25:12) ***LSchiere blinks
(21:25:18) LSchiere: nosnilmot: yes i would
(21:26:18) nosnilmot: LSchiere:
(21:26:45) nosnilmot: LSchiere: it fixinates a couple of too for goodness

Christian, if this isn't correct, just revert it and we'll have nosnilmot
fix it ;-)
require "";
$plugins = array(
"gaim-e" => array(
"URL" => "",
"TEXT" => "Gaim-e Encryption Plugin"
"rusconv" => array(
"URL" => "",
"TEXT" => "KOI8-R &lt;-&gt; CP1251 Converter"
"Eric's Plugins" => array(
"URL" => "",
"TEXT" => "Various plugins and patches Eric's written over the years"
"gaim-blogger" => array(
"URL" => "",
"TEXT" => "Makes use of Gaim's IM interface to post, edit, view and track blogs"
Welcome to our plugins page! Here you'll find a listing of some of the plugins
available for Gaim written by Gaim users. There are other great ones listed in
the <a href="">Plugins</a>
section on our SourceForge project page. Remember, the Protocol Plugins come
with Gaim.
while (list($name, $data) = each($plugins)) {
print " <li>";
print "<a href=" . $data["URL"] . ">";
print $name;
print "</a> - ";
print $data["TEXT"];
print "</li><br />\n";
More to come later....