
I think this'll look better

2005-12-06, Mark Doliner
I think this'll look better
$page->title = 'Plugins';
$plugins = array(
/* "gaim-blogger" => array(
"URL" => "",
"TEXT" => "Makes use of Gaim's IM interface to post, edit, view and track blogs"
"Meanwhile Protocol Plugin" => array(
"URL" => "",
"TEXT" => "The Meanwhile Project is an open implementation of the Lotus Sametime Community Client protocol."
"guifications" => array(
"URL" => "",
"TEXT" => "Graphical notification when buddies sign on, sign off, go away, etc."
"Extended Preferences" => array(
"URL" => "",
"TEXT" => "The Gaim Extended Preferences Plugin adds additional preferences that have been commonly called for in the past from Gaim that are either already implemented and hidden, or trivial to implement via a plugin."
"IRC Helper" => array(
"URL" => "",
"TEXT" => "The Gaim IRC Helper plugin which seeks to handle the rough edges of the IRC protocol through network-specific code."
"gaim-e" => array(
"URL" => "",
"TEXT" => "Gaim-e Encryption Plugin (GPG encryption) (may not work with current versions of Gaim)"
"gaim-encryption" => array(
"URL" => "",
"TEXT" => "Another Gaim encryption plugin (RSA encryption)"
"Off-the-Record Messaging" => array(
"URL" => "",
"TEXT" => "Off-the-Record (OTR) Messaging allows you to have private (not just encrypted) conversations over instant messaging by providing: Encryption, Authentication, Deniability, and Perfect forward secrecy."
"PyGaim" => array(
"URL" => "",
"TEXT" => " PyGaim is a gaim plugin that enables Gaim to be exstensible with Python."
Welcome to our plugins page! Here you'll find a listing of some of the plugins
available for Gaim written by Gaim users. There are other great ones listed in
the <a href=";group_id=235&amp;func=browse">Plugins</a>
section on our SourceForge project page. Remember, the Protocol Plugins come
with Gaim.
while (list($name, $data) = each($plugins)) {
print " <li>";
print '<a href="' . $data["URL"] . '">';
print $name;
print "</a> - ";
print $data["TEXT"];
print "</li>\n";
More to come later....