
a first generation of my notes for translators, as I seem to be answering
this quite a bit.
First Post: Quick little update
So for the past few days I have been thinking about how to implement the collaborative developer into Gaim. I decided to implement into the chatroom itself and then have smaller tabbed windows inside the chatroom for the documents being edited. Last night I finished modularizing the code and got a hang of using the autotools and this morning I finished writing the code that created the toolbar in the chat sessions. Here is a little screenshot I'll add more later.<br> <center><a href=""><img src="" alt="Screenshot #1" / border="0"/></a></center><br>
<b>*Update*</b> - I just realized this was my first post and I haven't really explained what my project is about. So let me tell you a little something about myself and my project. My name is Cristhian Kim and I will be a sophomore this fall at Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute where I am studying Computer Science and Electrical Engineering and my home is in New York City where I will be for the summer. My project deals with implementing a collaborative editor into Gaim. I would like to thank the Gaim team and Google for giving me this opportunity of a lifetime. I would also like to thank Sean from the Gaim team for sending us SoC'ers copies of his latest book to aid us with the development of our projets.