
Disable ICQ "webaware" in the old status branch--the Ubunutu guy
asked about included a patch to disable this.
/** @page buddyicon-signals Buddy Icon Signals
@signal buddy-icon-cached
@signaldef buddy-icon-cached
void (*buddy-icon-cached)(GaimBuddyIcon *icon, GaimBuddy *buddy, const char *filename, const char *old_icon);
Emitted when a buddy icon is cached.
@param icon The icon that was just cached.
@param buddy The buddy the icon belongs to.
@param filename The full filename for the newly created icon cache file.
@param old_icon The filename of the icon cache file for the buddy's previous icon, or @c NULL if the buddy
had no icon when this new icon was set. This filename is generally the full filename of the
previous icon cache file, but if the previous buddy icon was set in an old version of Gaim,
this may just be the basename of the icon cache file. The directory can be obtained with