
Make this sucker compile again!!
draft default tip
2022-03-31, Gary Kramlich
Make this sucker compile again!!
* Music messaging plugin for Gaim
* Copyright (C) 2005 Christian Muise.
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
* modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as
* published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the
* License, or (at your option) any later version.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
* WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
* Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA
* 02111-1307, USA.
#include "internal.h"
#include "gtkgaim.h"
#include "conversation.h"
#include "gtkconv.h"
#include "gtkplugin.h"
#include "gtkutils.h"
#include "notify.h"
#include "version.h"
#include "debug.h"
#include <dbus/dbus.h>
#include "dbus-maybe.h"
#include "dbus-bindings.h"
#include "dbus-server.h"
#include "dbus-gaim.h"
#define MUSICMESSAGING_PLUGIN_ID "gtk-hazure-musicmessaging"
#define MUSICMESSAGING_START_MSG _("A music messaging session has been requested. Please click the MM icon to accept.")
#define MUSICMESSAGING_CONFIRM_MSG _("Music messaging session confirmed.")
typedef struct {
GaimConversation *conv; /* pointer to the conversation */
GtkWidget *seperator; /* seperator in the conversation */
GtkWidget *button; /* button in the conversation */
GPid pid; /* the pid of the score editor */
gboolean started; /* session has started and editor run */
gboolean originator; /* started the mm session */
gboolean requested; /* received a request to start a session */
} MMConversation;
static gboolean start_session(MMConversation *mmconv);
static void run_editor(MMConversation *mmconv);
static void kill_editor(MMConversation *mmconv);
static void add_button (MMConversation *mmconv);
static void remove_widget (GtkWidget *button);
static void init_conversation (GaimConversation *conv);
static void conv_destroyed(GaimConversation *conv);
static gboolean intercept_sent(GaimAccount *account, const char *who, char **message, void* pData);
static gboolean intercept_received(GaimAccount *account, char **sender, char **message, GaimConversation *conv, int *flags);
static gboolean send_change_request (const int session, const char *id, const char *command, const char *parameters);
static gboolean send_change_confirmed (const int session, const char *command, const char *parameters);
static void session_end (MMConversation *mmconv);
/* Globals */
/* List of sessions */
GList *conversations;
/* Pointer to this plugin */
GaimPlugin *plugin_pointer;
/* Define types needed for DBus */
DBusGConnection *connection;
DBusGProxy *proxy;
#define DBUS_SERVICE_GSCORE "org.gscore.GScoreService"
#define DBUS_PATH_GSCORE "/org/gscore/GScoreObject"
#define DBUS_INTERFACE_GSCORE "org.gscore.GScoreInterface"
/* Define the functions to export for use with DBus */
DBUS_EXPORT void music_messaging_change_request (const int session, const char *command, const char *parameters);
DBUS_EXPORT void music_messaging_change_confirmed (const int session, const char *command, const char *parameters);
DBUS_EXPORT void music_messaging_change_failed (const int session, const char *id, const char *command, const char *parameters);
DBUS_EXPORT void music_messaging_done_session (const int session);
/* This file has been generated by the
script. It contains dbus wrappers for the four functions declared
above. */
#include "music-messaging-bindings.c"
/* Exported functions */
void music_messaging_change_request(const int session, const char *command, const char *parameters)
MMConversation *mmconv = (MMConversation *)g_list_nth_data(conversations, session);
if (mmconv->started)
if (mmconv->originator)
char *name = (mmconv->conv)->name;
send_change_request (session, name, command, parameters);
} else
GString *to_send = g_string_new("");
g_string_append_printf(to_send, "##MM## request %s %s##MM##", command, parameters);
gaim_conv_im_send(GAIM_CONV_IM(mmconv->conv), to_send->str);
gaim_debug_misc("Sent request: %s\n", to_send->str);
void music_messaging_change_confirmed(const int session, const char *command, const char *parameters)
MMConversation *mmconv = (MMConversation *)g_list_nth_data(conversations, session);
if (mmconv->started)
if (mmconv->originator)
GString *to_send = g_string_new("");
g_string_append_printf(to_send, "##MM## confirm %s %s##MM##", command, parameters);
gaim_conv_im_send(GAIM_CONV_IM(mmconv->conv), to_send->str);
} else
/* Do nothing. If they aren't the originator, then they can't confirm. */
void music_messaging_change_failed(const int session, const char *id, const char *command, const char *parameters)
MMConversation *mmconv = (MMConversation *)g_list_nth_data(conversations, session);
gaim_notify_message(plugin_pointer, GAIM_NOTIFY_MSG_INFO, command,
parameters, NULL, NULL, NULL);
if (mmconv->started)
if (mmconv->originator)
GString *to_send = g_string_new("");
g_string_append_printf(to_send, "##MM## failed %s %s %s##MM##", id, command, parameters);
gaim_conv_im_send(GAIM_CONV_IM(mmconv->conv), to_send->str);
} else
/* Do nothing. If they aren't the originator, then they can't confirm. */
void music_messaging_done_session(const int session)
MMConversation *mmconv = (MMConversation *)g_list_nth_data(conversations, session);
gaim_notify_message(plugin_pointer, GAIM_NOTIFY_MSG_INFO, "Session",
"Session Complete", NULL, NULL, NULL);
/* DBus commands that can be sent to the editor */
DBusConnection *gaim_dbus_get_connection(void);
static gboolean send_change_request (const int session, const char *id, const char *command, const char *parameters)
DBusMessage *message;
/* Create the signal we need */
message = dbus_message_new_signal (DBUS_PATH_GAIM, DBUS_INTERFACE_GAIM, "GscoreChangeRequest");
/* Append the string "Ping!" to the signal */
dbus_message_append_args (message,
DBUS_TYPE_INT32, &session,
DBUS_TYPE_STRING, &parameters,
/* Send the signal */
dbus_connection_send (gaim_dbus_get_connection(), message, NULL);
/* Free the signal now we have finished with it */
dbus_message_unref (message);
/* Tell the user we sent a signal */
g_printerr("Sent change request signal: %d %s %s %s\n", session, id, command, parameters);
return TRUE;
static gboolean send_change_confirmed (const int session, const char *command, const char *parameters)
DBusMessage *message;
/* Create the signal we need */
message = dbus_message_new_signal (DBUS_PATH_GAIM, DBUS_INTERFACE_GAIM, "GscoreChangeConfirmed");
/* Append the string "Ping!" to the signal */
dbus_message_append_args (message,
DBUS_TYPE_INT32, &session,
DBUS_TYPE_STRING, &parameters,
/* Send the signal */
dbus_connection_send (gaim_dbus_get_connection(), message, NULL);
/* Free the signal now we have finished with it */
dbus_message_unref (message);
/* Tell the user we sent a signal */
g_printerr("Sent change confirmed signal.\n");
return TRUE;
static int
mmconv_from_conv_loc(GaimConversation *conv)
MMConversation *mmconv_current = NULL;
guint i;
for (i = 0; i < g_list_length(conversations); i++)
mmconv_current = (MMConversation *)g_list_nth_data(conversations, i);
if (conv == mmconv_current->conv)
return i;
return -1;
static MMConversation*
mmconv_from_conv(GaimConversation *conv)
return (MMConversation *)g_list_nth_data(conversations, mmconv_from_conv_loc(conv));
static gboolean
plugin_load(GaimPlugin *plugin) {
void *conv_list_handle;
/* First, we have to register our four exported functions with the
main gaim dbus loop. Without this statement, the gaim dbus
code wouldn't know about our functions. */
/* Keep the plugin for reference (needed for notify's) */
plugin_pointer = plugin;
/* Add the button to all the current conversations */
gaim_conversation_foreach (init_conversation);
/* Listen for any new conversations */
conv_list_handle = gaim_conversations_get_handle();
gaim_signal_connect(conv_list_handle, "conversation-created",
plugin, GAIM_CALLBACK(init_conversation), NULL);
/* Listen for conversations that are ending */
gaim_signal_connect(conv_list_handle, "deleting-conversation",
plugin, GAIM_CALLBACK(conv_destroyed), NULL);
/* Listen for sending/receiving messages to replace tags */
gaim_signal_connect(conv_list_handle, "sending-im-msg",
plugin, GAIM_CALLBACK(intercept_sent), NULL);
gaim_signal_connect(conv_list_handle, "receiving-im-msg",
plugin, GAIM_CALLBACK(intercept_received), NULL);
return TRUE;
static gboolean
plugin_unload(GaimPlugin *plugin) {
MMConversation *mmconv = NULL;
while (g_list_length(conversations) > 0)
mmconv = g_list_first(conversations)->data;
return TRUE;
static gboolean
intercept_sent(GaimAccount *account, const char *who, char **message, void* pData)
if (0 == strncmp(*message, MUSICMESSAGING_PREFIX, strlen(MUSICMESSAGING_PREFIX)))
gaim_debug_misc("gaim-musicmessaging", "Sent MM Message: %s\n", *message);
message = 0;
else if (0 == strncmp(*message, MUSICMESSAGING_START_MSG, strlen(MUSICMESSAGING_START_MSG)))
gaim_debug_misc("gaim-musicmessaging", "Sent MM request.\n");
return FALSE;
else if (0 == strncmp(*message, MUSICMESSAGING_CONFIRM_MSG, strlen(MUSICMESSAGING_CONFIRM_MSG)))
gaim_debug_misc("gaim-musicmessaging", "Sent MM confirm.\n");
return FALSE;
else if (0 == strncmp(*message, "test1", strlen("test1")))
gaim_debug_misc("gaim-musicmessaging", "\n\nTEST 1\n\n");
send_change_request(0, "test-id", "test-command", "test-parameters");
return FALSE;
else if (0 == strncmp(*message, "test2", strlen("test2")))
gaim_debug_misc("gaim-musicmessaging", "\n\nTEST 2\n\n");
send_change_confirmed(1, "test-command", "test-parameters");
return FALSE;
return FALSE;
/* Do nothing...procceed as normal */
return TRUE;
static gboolean
intercept_received(GaimAccount *account, char **sender, char **message, GaimConversation *conv, int *flags)
MMConversation *mmconv = mmconv_from_conv(conv);
gaim_debug_misc("gaim-musicmessaging", "Intercepted: %s\n", *message);
if (strstr(*message, MUSICMESSAGING_PREFIX))
char *parsed_message = strtok(strstr(*message, MUSICMESSAGING_PREFIX), "<");
gaim_debug_misc("gaim-musicmessaging", "Received an MM Message: %s\n", parsed_message);
if (mmconv->started)
if (strstr(parsed_message, "request"))
if (mmconv->originator)
int session = mmconv_from_conv_loc(conv);
char *id = (mmconv->conv)->name;
char *command;
char *parameters;
gaim_debug_misc("gaim-musicmessaging", "Sending request to gscore.\n");
/* Get past the first two terms - '##MM##' and 'request' */
strtok(parsed_message, " "); /* '##MM##' */
strtok(NULL, " "); /* 'request' */
command = strtok(NULL, " ");
parameters = strtok(NULL, "#");
send_change_request (session, id, command, parameters);
} else if (strstr(parsed_message, "confirm"))
if (!mmconv->originator)
int session = mmconv_from_conv_loc(conv);
char *command;
char *parameters;
gaim_debug_misc("gaim-musicmessaging", "Sending confirmation to gscore.\n");
/* Get past the first two terms - '##MM##' and 'confirm' */
strtok(parsed_message, " "); /* '##MM##' */
strtok(NULL, " "); /* 'confirm' */
command = strtok(NULL, " ");
parameters = strtok(NULL, "#");
send_change_confirmed (session, command, parameters);
} else if (strstr(parsed_message, "failed"))
char *id;
char *command;
/* Get past the first two terms - '##MM##' and 'confirm' */
strtok(parsed_message, " "); /* '##MM##' */
strtok(NULL, " "); /* 'failed' */
id = strtok(NULL, " ");
command = strtok(NULL, " ");
/* char *parameters = strtok(NULL, "#"); DONT NEED PARAMETERS */
if ((mmconv->conv)->name == id)
gaim_notify_message(plugin_pointer, GAIM_NOTIFY_MSG_ERROR,
_("Music Messaging"),
_("There was a conflict in running the command:"), command, NULL, NULL);
message = 0;
else if (strstr(*message, MUSICMESSAGING_START_MSG))
gaim_debug_misc("gaim-musicmessaging", "Received MM request.\n");
if (!(mmconv->originator))
mmconv->requested = TRUE;
return FALSE;
else if (strstr(*message, MUSICMESSAGING_CONFIRM_MSG))
gaim_debug_misc("gaim-musicmessagin", "Received MM confirm.\n");
if (mmconv->originator)
return FALSE;
return FALSE;
/* Do nothing. */
return TRUE;
static void send_request(MMConversation *mmconv)
GaimConnection *connection = gaim_conversation_get_gc(mmconv->conv);
const char *convName = gaim_conversation_get_name(mmconv->conv);
serv_send_im(connection, convName, MUSICMESSAGING_START_MSG, GAIM_MESSAGE_SEND);
static void send_request_confirmed(MMConversation *mmconv)
GaimConnection *connection = gaim_conversation_get_gc(mmconv->conv);
const char *convName = gaim_conversation_get_name(mmconv->conv);
serv_send_im(connection, convName, MUSICMESSAGING_CONFIRM_MSG, GAIM_MESSAGE_SEND);
static gboolean
start_session(MMConversation *mmconv)
return TRUE;
static void session_end (MMConversation *mmconv)
mmconv->started = FALSE;
mmconv->originator = FALSE;
mmconv->requested = FALSE;
static void music_button_toggled (GtkWidget *widget, gpointer data)
MMConversation *mmconv = mmconv_from_conv(((MMConversation *) data)->conv);
if (gtk_toggle_button_get_active (GTK_TOGGLE_BUTTON (widget)))
if (((MMConversation *) data)->requested)
((MMConversation *) data)->originator = TRUE;
send_request((MMConversation *) data);
} else {
session_end((MMConversation *)data);
static void set_editor_path (GtkWidget *button, GtkWidget *text_field)
const char * path = gtk_entry_get_text((GtkEntry*)text_field);
gaim_prefs_set_string("/plugins/gtk/musicmessaging/editor_path", path);
static void run_editor (MMConversation *mmconv)
GError *spawn_error = NULL;
GString *session_id;
gchar * args[4];
args[0] = (gchar *)gaim_prefs_get_string("/plugins/gtk/musicmessaging/editor_path");
args[1] = "-session_id";
session_id = g_string_new("");
g_string_sprintfa(session_id, "%d", mmconv_from_conv_loc(mmconv->conv));
args[2] = session_id->str;
args[3] = NULL;
if (!(g_spawn_async (".", args, NULL, 4, NULL, NULL, &(mmconv->pid), &spawn_error)))
gaim_notify_error(plugin_pointer, _("Error Running Editor"),
_("The following error has occured:"), spawn_error->message);
mmconv->started = FALSE;
mmconv->started = TRUE;
static void kill_editor (MMConversation *mmconv)
if (mmconv->pid)
kill(mmconv->pid, SIGINT);
mmconv->pid = 0;
static void init_conversation (GaimConversation *conv)
MMConversation *mmconv;
mmconv = g_malloc(sizeof(MMConversation));
mmconv->conv = conv;
mmconv->started = FALSE;
mmconv->originator = FALSE;
mmconv->requested = FALSE;
conversations = g_list_append(conversations, mmconv);
static void conv_destroyed (GaimConversation *conv)
MMConversation *mmconv = mmconv_from_conv(conv);
if (mmconv->started)
conversations = g_list_remove(conversations, mmconv);
static void add_button (MMConversation *mmconv)
GaimConversation *conv = mmconv->conv;
GtkWidget *button, *image, *sep;
gchar *file_path;
button = gtk_toggle_button_new();
gtk_button_set_relief(GTK_BUTTON(button), GTK_RELIEF_NONE);
g_signal_connect(G_OBJECT(button), "toggled", G_CALLBACK(music_button_toggled), mmconv);
file_path = g_build_filename(DATADIR, "pixmaps", "gaim", "buttons",
"music.png", NULL);
image = gtk_image_new_from_file(file_path);
gtk_container_add((GtkContainer *)button, image);
sep = gtk_vseparator_new();
mmconv->seperator = sep;
mmconv->button = button;
gtk_box_pack_start(GTK_BOX(GAIM_GTK_CONVERSATION(conv)->toolbar), sep, FALSE, FALSE, 0);
gtk_box_pack_start(GTK_BOX(GAIM_GTK_CONVERSATION(conv)->toolbar), button, FALSE, FALSE, 0);
static void remove_widget (GtkWidget *button)
static GtkWidget *
get_config_frame(GaimPlugin *plugin)
GtkWidget *ret;
GtkWidget *vbox;
GtkWidget *editor_path;
GtkWidget *editor_path_label;
GtkWidget *editor_path_button;
/* Outside container */
ret = gtk_vbox_new(FALSE, 18);
gtk_container_set_border_width(GTK_CONTAINER(ret), 10);
/* Configuration frame */
vbox = gaim_gtk_make_frame(ret, _("Music Messaging Configuration"));
/* Path to the score editor */
editor_path = gtk_entry_new();
editor_path_label = gtk_label_new(_("Score Editor Path"));
editor_path_button = gtk_button_new_with_mnemonic(_("_Apply"));
gtk_entry_set_text((GtkEntry*)editor_path, "/usr/local/bin/gscore");
g_signal_connect(G_OBJECT(editor_path_button), "clicked",
G_CALLBACK(set_editor_path), editor_path);
gtk_box_pack_start(GTK_BOX(vbox), editor_path_label, FALSE, FALSE, 0);
gtk_box_pack_start(GTK_BOX(vbox), editor_path, FALSE, FALSE, 0);
gtk_box_pack_start(GTK_BOX(vbox), editor_path_button, FALSE, FALSE, 0);
return ret;
static GaimGtkPluginUiInfo ui_info =
0 /* page_num (reserved) */
static GaimPluginInfo info = {
GAIM_GTK_PLUGIN_TYPE, /**< ui_requirement */
0, /**< flags */
NULL, /**< dependencies */
GAIM_PRIORITY_DEFAULT, /**< priority */
"Music Messaging", /**< name */
VERSION, /**< version */
N_("Music Messaging Plugin for collaborative composition."),
/** summary */
N_("The Music Messaging Plugin allows a number of users to simultaneously work on a piece of music by editting a common score in real-time."),
/** description */
"Christian Muise <>", /**< author */
GAIM_WEBSITE, /**< homepage */
plugin_load, /**< load */
plugin_unload, /**< unload */
NULL, /**< destroy */
&ui_info, /**< ui_info */
NULL, /**< extra_info */
static void
init_plugin(GaimPlugin *plugin) {
gaim_prefs_add_string("/plugins/gtk/musicmessaging/editor_path", "/usr/local/bin/gscore");
GAIM_INIT_PLUGIN(musicmessaging, init_plugin, info);