
Fix moving all buddies from one group to anotherr. KingAnt can you look at the XXX note that I added
Gaim: The Pimpin' Penguin IM Client that's good for the soul!
version 1.3.2:
* No changes
version 1.3.1 (6/9/2005):
* No changes
version 1.3.0 (5/10/2005):
* Added: gaim_blist_schedule_save()
This should be used instead of gaim_blist_sync when you
want the blist.xml file to be written to disk. There
should not be many occasions when you want to do this,
as the functions in the blist API that modify the buddy
list will normally call it for you.
Tells the conversation API to not normalize screen names
in conversations. This is used by the Jabber PRPL.
version 1.2.1 (4/3/2005):
* No changes
version 1.2.0 (3/17/2005):
* You can use gaim_signal_connect_priority() and
gaim_signal_connect_priority_vargs() to connect to
Gaim signals with a given priority (Will Gorman)
* Added: gaim_conversation_set_features
These allow plugins (notable prpls) to change the
formatting capabilities of an existing conversation.
This comes with a new "features" field in
GaimConversation (Christopher O'Brien)
* Added: GAIM_CONNECTION_NO_IMAGES to GaimConectionFlags
(Christopher O'Brien)
* Added: GAIM_CBFLAGS_TYPING to GaimConvChatBuddyFlags
(Christopher O'Brien)
* Added: gaim_account_request_add which takes the same arguments as
* gaim_account_notify_added but always asks the user if they want to add
* the buddy to the buddy list
* Added: An accompanying request_add GaimAccountUiOp
version 1.1.4 (2/24/2005):
* No changes
version 1.1.3 (2/17/2005):
* No changes
version 1.1.2 (1/20/2005):
* No changes
version 1.1.1 (12/28/2004):
* No changes
version 1.1.0 (12/02/2004):
* Added: gaim_utf8_salvage
* Added: binary relocation support in prefix.h
WARNING: If your plugin uses anything inside the
#ifdef ENABLE_BINRELOC from prefix.h, it won't be
loadable on a copy of Gaim compiled without binreloc
support. In particular, watch out for the autoconf-like
macros, and accidently including them through internal.h,
which you probably shouldn't be including anyway.
version 1.0.0 (09/17/2004):
* Added: get_chat_name to the GaimPluginProtocolInfo struct
* Changed: gaim_blist_update_buddy_presence(), presence changed to
type gboolean
* Changed: the versioning scheme, and all the plugin structs
version 0.82 (08/26/2004):
Gaim API:
* Removed: gaim_gtk_get_dispstyle(), gaim_gtk_change_text()
* Removed: multi.h
* Renamed: ui.h to gtkdialogs.h
* Renamed: gtkinternal.h to gtkgaim.h
* Renamed: show_info_dialog to gaim_gtkdialogs_info
* Renamed: show_log_dialog to gaim_gtkdialogs_log
* Renamed: show_warn_dialog to gaim_gtkdialogs_warn
* Renamed: show_im_dialog to gaim_gtkdialogs_im
* Renamed: gaim_gtkdialogs_new_im to gaim_gtkdialogs_im_with_user
* Renamed: destroy_all_dialogs to gaim_gtkdialogs_destroy_all
* Renamed: alias_dialog_bud to gaim_gtkdialogs_alias_buddy
* Renamed: alias_dialog_contact to gaim_gtkdialogs_alias_contact
* Renamed: alias_dialog_blist_chat to gaim_gtkdialogs_alias_chat
* Renamed: show_confirm_del to gaim_gtkdialogs_remove_buddy
* Renamed: show_confirm_del_group to gaim_gtkdialogs_remove_group
* Renamed: show_confirm_del_blist_chat to gaim_gtkdialogs_remove_chat
* Renamed: show_confirm_del_contact to gaim_gtkdialogs_remove_contact
* Renamed: show_about to gaim_gtkdialogs_about
* Added: gaim_notify_userinfo() and the associated notify_userinfo() UI op
(someone who knows just why we have this can edit here)
Buddy List API:
* Changed: gaim_blist_request_add_chat(), added name parameter
* Added: gaim_contact_on_account()
* Added: flags parameter to the GaimBlistNode struct
Conversation API:
* Added: gaim_gtkconv_button_new()
Protocol Plugin API: v7
* Added: chat_info_defaults to the GaimPluginProtocolInfo struct
* Added: conversation-updated for any update to the data associated
with the conversation (topic, icon, adding to buddy list, etc.)
Conversation API:
* Changed: gaim_conv_chat_add_user() (added new_arrival parameter)
version 0.81 (08/05/2004):
Commands API:
* Most functions now have a void *data argument.
Blist API:
* Added: gaim_buddy_get_contact_alias
* Renamed: gaim_get_buddy_alias to gaim_buddy_get_alias
* Renamed: gaim_get_buddy_alias_only to gaim_buddy_get_alias_only
Conversation API:
* Changed: gaim_conv_chat_add_user(), added flags parameter
* Changed: gaim_conv_chat_add_users(), added GList of flags parameter
* Changed: gaim_conv_chat_get_users(), now returns a GList of
* Changed: gaim_conv_chat_set_users() now expects a GList of
* Added: gaim_conv_chat_set_user_flags()
* Added: gaim_conv_chat_get_user_flags()
* Added: gaim_conv_chat_find_user()
* Added: gaim_conv_chat_cb_new()
* Added: gaim_conv_chat_cb_find()
* Added: gaim_conv_chat_cb_destroy()
* Added: gaim_conv_chat_cb_get_name()
Conversation UI ops:
* Added: chat_update_user()
* Changed: chat-buddy-joining & chat-buddy-joined now include the user's flags
* Changed: chat-buddy-joining & chat-buddy-leaving are now booleans, return
TRUE if you don't want the join/leave to be displayed in the UI.
* Added: chat-buddy-flags for when user's flags change
gaim_marshal_VOID__POINTER_POINTER_POINTER_UINT_UINT (required for the new
chat-buddy-flags signal)
* Added: account-modified for when account settings have been changed.
version 0.80 (07/15/2004):
Gaim API:
* Removed: PRPL numbers : gaim_account_set_protocol(),
gaim_account_get_protocol(), gaim_accounts_find_with_prpl_num,
gaim_prpl_num_to_id(), gaim_prpl_id_to_num(), GaimProtocol
Protocol Plugin API: v6
* Added: can_receive_file & send_file to the GaimPluginProtocolInfo struct
* Changed "chat-invited" to also include the components hash table so
plugins can use serv_join_chat when the signal is emitted.
* Added "chat-topic-changed" signal plugins know when a topic is changed.
version 0.79 (06/24/2004):
Gaim API:
* gaim_url_parse() now takes two additional parameters, which are used
for returning the username and password from the URL, if they exist.
* Added: has_focus UI op to GaimConversationUiOps and
* Added: gaim_conversation_has_focus() and gaim_conv_window_has_focus().
* Removed: gaim_blist_save()
Protocol Plugin API: v5
* Changed: add_buddy, add_buddies, remove_buddy, remove_buddies,
rename_group and remove_group to take GaimBuddy's and
GaimGroup's consistently.
* Removed: OPT_PROTO_BUDDY_ICON (replaced by icon_spec)
* Added: icon_spec to the GaimPluginProtocolInfo struct
version 0.78 (05/30/2004):
Plugin API: v4
* Added: actions - for plugins to add to the new Plugin Actions menu
Loader Plugin API: v2 (no changes)
Protocol Plugin API: v4
* Removed: set_dir, get_dir and dir_search (not used, AIM-centric)
* Removed: actions (replaced by generic plugin actions)
Perl Plugin API: v2 (no changes)
TCL Plugin API: (no changes)
* Added: "blist-node-extended-menu" for extending Buddy, Chat and
Group right-click menus
* Added: "drawing-tooltip" for plugins to allow plugins to change text
appearing in tooltips
* Added: "gtkblist-created"
* Added: "receiving-im-msg" and "receiving-chat-msg" (these behave
exactly like received-*-msg used to)
* Added: "buddy-idle-updated" signal, for when the idle time changes.
* Changed: "received-im-msg" and "received-chat-msg" no longer pass
pointers to who, message and flags, and are now void.
* Removed: "drawing-menu" - it was UI sepecific and
"blist-node-extended-menu" is superior
version 0.77 (04/22/2004):
Loader & Protocol Plugins independantly versioned
Plugin loading now checks versioning on plugins (Standard, Loader &
Plugin API: v3
* Added: prefs_info for UI independant plugin prefs
Loader Plugin API: v2
* Added: api_version at top of GaimPluginLoaderInfo struct
Protocol Plugin API: v2
* Added: api_version at top of GaimPluginProtocolInfo struct
* Added: chat_menu for protocol specific extensions to the chat menu
* Removed: get_away "Nada used it. Pink elephants on parade."
* Removed: protocol_prefs (replaced by generic plugin prefs_info)
Perl Plugin API: v2 (no changes)
TCL API: (no changes)
* Added: "conversation-drag-ended"
version 0.76 (04/01/2004):
Plugin API: v2
Perl Plugin API: v2
Loader Plugin API: (not versioned)
Protocol Plugin API: (not versioned)
* Added: protocol_prefs for protocol specific preferences
* Added: reject_chat so protocols can act on chat invite rejection
TCL Plugin API: (not versioned)
* Changes to plugin registration to show descriptions