
update tags

2019-09-10, convert-repo
update tags
* @file prpl.h Protocol Plugin functions
* @ingroup core
* gaim
* Gaim is the legal property of its developers, whose names are too numerous
* to list here. Please refer to the COPYRIGHT file distributed with this
* source distribution.
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
* Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
/* this file should be all that prpls need to include. therefore, by including
* this file, they should get glib, proxy, gaim_connection, prpl, etc. */
#ifndef _GAIM_PRPL_H_
#define _GAIM_PRPL_H_
typedef struct _GaimPluginProtocolInfo GaimPluginProtocolInfo;
/** @name Basic Protocol Information */
typedef enum {
GAIM_ICON_SCALE_DISPLAY = 0x01, /**< We scale the icon when we display it */
GAIM_ICON_SCALE_SEND = 0x02 /**< We scale the icon before we send it to the server */
} GaimIconScaleRules;
* A description of a Buddy Icon specification. This tells Gaim what kind of image file
* it should give this prpl, and what kind of image file it should expect back.
* Dimensions less than 1 should be ignored and the image not scaled.
typedef struct {
char *format; /**< This is a comma-delimited list of image formats or NULL if icons are not supported.
* The core nor the prpl will actually check to see if the data it's given matches this, it's entirely
* up to the UI to do what it wants */
int min_width; /**< The minimum width of this icon */
int min_height; /**< The minimum height of this icon */
int max_width; /**< The maximum width of this icon */
int max_height; /**< The maximum height of this icon */
GaimIconScaleRules scale_rules; /**< How to stretch this icon */
} GaimBuddyIconSpec;
* This \#define exists just to make it easier to fill out the buddy icon
* field in the prpl info struct for protocols that couldn't care less.
#define NO_BUDDY_ICONS {NULL, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0}
#include "blist.h"
#include "conversation.h"
#include "ft.h"
#include "proxy.h"
#include "plugin.h"
#include "roomlist.h"
#include "status.h"
#include "whiteboard.h"
struct proto_chat_entry {
const char *label;
const char *identifier;
gboolean required;
gboolean is_int;
int min;
int max;
gboolean secret;
* Protocol options
* These should all be stuff that some plugins can do and others can't.
typedef enum
* Use a unique name, not an alias, for chat rooms.
* Jabber lets you choose what name you want for chat.
* So it shouldn't be pulling the alias for when you're in chat;
* it gets annoying.
* Chat rooms have topics.
* IRC and Jabber support this.
OPT_PROTO_CHAT_TOPIC = 0x00000008,
* Don't require passwords for sign-in.
* Zephyr doesn't require passwords, so there's no
* need for a password prompt.
* Notify on new mail.
* MSN and Yahoo notify you when you have new mail.
OPT_PROTO_MAIL_CHECK = 0x00000020,
* Images in IMs.
* Oscar lets you send images in direct IMs.
OPT_PROTO_IM_IMAGE = 0x00000040,
* Allow passwords to be optional.
* Passwords in IRC are optional, and are needed for certain
* functionality.
* Allows font size to be specified in sane point size
* Probably just Jabber and Y!M
* Set the Register button active when screenname is not given.
* Gadu-Gadu doesn't need a screenname to register new account.
} GaimProtocolOptions;
* A protocol plugin information structure.
* Every protocol plugin initializes this structure. It is the gateway
* between gaim and the protocol plugin. Many of this callbacks can be
* NULL. If a callback must be implemented, it has a comment indicating so.
struct _GaimPluginProtocolInfo
GaimProtocolOptions options; /**< Protocol options. */
GList *user_splits; /* A GList of GaimAccountUserSplit */
GList *protocol_options; /* A GList of GaimAccountOption */
GaimBuddyIconSpec icon_spec; /* The icon spec. */
* Returns the base icon name for the given buddy and account.
* If buddy is NULL, it will return the name to use for the account's
* icon. This must be implemented.
const char *(*list_icon)(GaimAccount *account, GaimBuddy *buddy);
* Fills the four char**'s with string identifiers for "emblems"
* that the UI will interpret and display as relevant
void (*list_emblems)(GaimBuddy *buddy, const char **se, const char **sw,
const char **nw, const char **ne);
* Gets a short string representing this buddy's status. This will
* be shown on the buddy list.
char *(*status_text)(GaimBuddy *buddy);
* Allows the prpl to add text to a buddy's tooltip.
void (*tooltip_text)(GaimBuddy *buddy, GString *str, gboolean full);
* This must be implemented, and must add at least the offline
* and online states.
GList *(*status_types)(GaimAccount *account);
GList *(*blist_node_menu)(GaimBlistNode *node);
GList *(*chat_info)(GaimConnection *);
GHashTable *(*chat_info_defaults)(GaimConnection *, const char *chat_name);
/* All the server-related functions */
/** This must be implemented. */
void (*login)(GaimAccount *);
/** This must be implemented. */
void (*close)(GaimConnection *);
* This PRPL function should return a positive value on success.
* If the message is too big to be sent, return -E2BIG. If
* the account is not connected, return -ENOTCONN. If the
* PRPL is unable to send the message for another reason, return
* some other negative value. You can use one of the valid
* errno values, or just big something. If the message should
* not be echoed to the conversation window, return 0.
int (*send_im)(GaimConnection *, const char *who,
const char *message,
GaimMessageFlags flags);
void (*set_info)(GaimConnection *, const char *info);
int (*send_typing)(GaimConnection *, const char *name, int typing);
void (*get_info)(GaimConnection *, const char *who);
void (*set_status)(GaimAccount *account, GaimStatus *status);
void (*set_idle)(GaimConnection *, int idletime);
void (*change_passwd)(GaimConnection *, const char *old_pass,
const char *new_pass);
void (*add_buddy)(GaimConnection *, GaimBuddy *buddy, GaimGroup *group);
void (*add_buddies)(GaimConnection *, GList *buddies, GList *groups);
void (*remove_buddy)(GaimConnection *, GaimBuddy *buddy, GaimGroup *group);
void (*remove_buddies)(GaimConnection *, GList *buddies, GList *groups);
void (*add_permit)(GaimConnection *, const char *name);
void (*add_deny)(GaimConnection *, const char *name);
void (*rem_permit)(GaimConnection *, const char *name);
void (*rem_deny)(GaimConnection *, const char *name);
void (*set_permit_deny)(GaimConnection *);
void (*join_chat)(GaimConnection *, GHashTable *components);
void (*reject_chat)(GaimConnection *, GHashTable *components);
char *(*get_chat_name)(GHashTable *components);
void (*chat_invite)(GaimConnection *, int id,
const char *who, const char *message);
void (*chat_leave)(GaimConnection *, int id);
void (*chat_whisper)(GaimConnection *, int id,
const char *who, const char *message);
int (*chat_send)(GaimConnection *, int id, const char *message, GaimMessageFlags flags);
void (*keepalive)(GaimConnection *);
/* new user registration */
void (*register_user)(GaimAccount *);
/* get "chat buddy" info and away message */
void (*get_cb_info)(GaimConnection *, int, const char *who);
void (*get_cb_away)(GaimConnection *, int, const char *who);
/* save/store buddy's alias on server list/roster */
void (*alias_buddy)(GaimConnection *, const char *who,
const char *alias);
/* change a buddy's group on a server list/roster */
void (*group_buddy)(GaimConnection *, const char *who,
const char *old_group, const char *new_group);
/* rename a group on a server list/roster */
void (*rename_group)(GaimConnection *, const char *old_name,
GaimGroup *group, GList *moved_buddies);
void (*buddy_free)(GaimBuddy *);
void (*convo_closed)(GaimConnection *, const char *who);
const char *(*normalize)(const GaimAccount *, const char *);
void (*set_buddy_icon)(GaimConnection *, const char *filename);
void (*remove_group)(GaimConnection *gc, GaimGroup *group);
char *(*get_cb_real_name)(GaimConnection *gc, int id, const char *who);
void (*set_chat_topic)(GaimConnection *gc, int id, const char *topic);
GaimChat *(*find_blist_chat)(GaimAccount *account, const char *name);
/* room listing prpl callbacks */
GaimRoomlist *(*roomlist_get_list)(GaimConnection *gc);
void (*roomlist_cancel)(GaimRoomlist *list);
void (*roomlist_expand_category)(GaimRoomlist *list, GaimRoomlistRoom *category);
/* file transfer callbacks */
gboolean (*can_receive_file)(GaimConnection *, const char *who);
void (*send_file)(GaimConnection *, const char *who, const char *filename);
GaimXfer *(*new_xfer)(GaimConnection *, const char *who);
gboolean (*offline_message)(const GaimBuddy *buddy);
GaimWhiteboardPrplOps *whiteboard_prpl_ops;
#define GAIM_IS_PROTOCOL_PLUGIN(plugin) \
((plugin)->info->type == GAIM_PLUGIN_PROTOCOL)
((GaimPluginProtocolInfo *)(plugin)->info->extra_info)
#ifdef __cplusplus
extern "C" {
/** @name Protocol Plugin API */
* Notifies Gaim that an account's idle state and time have changed.
* This is meant to be called from protocol plugins.
* @param account The account.
* @param idle The user's idle state.
* @param idle_time The user's idle time.
void gaim_prpl_got_account_idle(GaimAccount *account, gboolean idle,
time_t idle_time);
* Notifies Gaim of an account's log-in time.
* This is meant to be called from protocol plugins.
* @param account The account the user is on.
* @param login_time The user's log-in time.
void gaim_prpl_got_account_login_time(GaimAccount *account, time_t login_time);
* Notifies Gaim that an account's status has changed.
* This is meant to be called from protocol plugins.
* @param account The account the user is on.
* @param status_id The status ID.
* @param ... A NULL-terminated list of attribute IDs and values,
* beginning with the value for @a attr_id.
void gaim_prpl_got_account_status(GaimAccount *account,
const char *status_id, ...);
* Notifies Gaim that a user's idle state and time have changed.
* This is meant to be called from protocol plugins.
* @param account The account the user is on.
* @param name The screen name of the user.
* @param idle The user's idle state.
* @param idle_time The user's idle time. This is the time at
* which the user became idle, in seconds since
* the epoch.
void gaim_prpl_got_user_idle(GaimAccount *account, const char *name,
gboolean idle, time_t idle_time);
* Notifies Gaim of a user's log-in time.
* This is meant to be called from protocol plugins.
* @param account The account the user is on.
* @param name The screen name of the user.
* @param login_time The user's log-in time.
void gaim_prpl_got_user_login_time(GaimAccount *account, const char *name,
time_t login_time);
* Notifies Gaim that a user's status has changed.
* This is meant to be called from protocol plugins.
* @param account The account the user is on.
* @param name The screen name of the user.
* @param status_id The status ID.
* @param ... A NULL-terminated list of attribute IDs and values,
* beginning with the value for @a attr_id.
void gaim_prpl_got_user_status(GaimAccount *account, const char *name,
const char *status_id, ...);
* Informs the server that an account's status changed.
* @param account The account the user is on.
* @param old_status The previous status.
* @param new_status The status that was activated, or deactivated
* (in the case of independent statuses).
void gaim_prpl_change_account_status(GaimAccount *account,
GaimStatus *old_status,
GaimStatus *new_status);
* Retrieves the list of stock status types from a prpl.
* @param account The account the user is on.
* @param presence The presence for which we're going to get statuses
* @return List of statuses
GList *gaim_prpl_get_statuses(GaimAccount *account, GaimPresence *presence);
/** @name Protocol Plugin Subsystem API */
* Finds a protocol plugin structure of the specified type.
* @param id The protocol plugin;
GaimPlugin *gaim_find_prpl(const char *id);
#ifdef __cplusplus
#endif /* _PRPL_H_ */