
This is a temporary fix for the rate limit problems.
2005-10-15, Mark Doliner
This is a temporary fix for the rate limit problems.

Cause: Gaim uses the SNAC 0x0004/0x0015 to fetch the away message
of each user in your buddy list. Previously this SNAC was in a
"rate class" that had an extremely lenient rate limit. Gaim would
fetch a new away message at most every 1.3 seconds. AOL recently
moved this SNAC to be in the same rate class as most of the other
SNACs (send IM, add buddy, connect to chat room, etc.) My temporary
fix is to bump this delay to 10 seconds.

We copied this functionality from iChat, and it looks like they
might actually be having the same problem (but I didn't even take
a packet capture to verify). If this is the case, AOL is really

Possibly better fixes:
* Use the rate information to delay packets so that we never hit
a rate limit
* There may be a different SNAC that is now more leniently rate
limited. Possibly 0x0002/0x0005 or 0x0004/0x0006.
SUBDIRS = smileys status
about_menu.png \
accounts.png \
away.png \
change-bgcolor-small.png \
change-fgcolor-small.png \
connect.png \
edit.png \
gaim.png \
gaim_auth.png \
gaim_cool.png \
gaim_error.png \
gaim_info.png \
gaim_question.png \
gaim_warning.png \
info.png \
insert-image-small.png \
insert-link-small.png \
insert-smiley-small.png \
logo.png \
msgpend.png \
msgunread.png \
offline.png \
online.png \
pause.png \
send-im.png \
tb_drag_arrow_down.xpm \
tb_drag_arrow_left.xpm \
tb_drag_arrow_right.xpm \
tb_drag_arrow_up.xpm \
text_bigger.png \
text_normal.png \
text_smaller.png \
typed.png \
typing.png \
Makefile.mingw \
smileys/Makefile.mingw \
smileys/default/Makefile.mingw \
smileys/none/Makefile.mingw \
status/default/Makefile.mingw \
status/Makefile.mingw \
gaim-install.ico \
gaim.ico \
gaim_away.ico \
gaim_offline.ico \
gaim_16.ico \
gaim_4bit_16.ico \
gaim_away_16.ico \
gaim_away_4bit_16.ico \
gaim_blank_4bit_16.ico \
gaim_msgpend_16.ico \
gaim_msgpend_4bit_16.ico \
gaim_msgunread_16.ico \
gaim_msgunread_4bit_16.ico \
gaim_offline_16.ico \
gaimbuttonpixdir = $(datadir)/pixmaps/gaim/buttons
gaimbuttonpix_DATA = about_menu.png accounts.png change-bgcolor-small.png change-fgcolor-small.png edit.png insert-image-small.png insert-link-small.png insert-smiley-small.png pause.png text_bigger.png text_normal.png text_smaller.png send-im.png
gaimdialogpixdir = $(datadir)/pixmaps/gaim/dialogs
gaimdialogpix_DATA = gaim_error.png gaim_info.png gaim_question.png gaim_warning.png gaim_cool.png gaim_auth.png
gaimiconpixdir = $(datadir)/pixmaps/gaim/icons
gaimiconpix_DATA = away.png connect.png msgpend.png offline.png online.png msgunread.png info.png
gaimdistpixdir = $(datadir)/pixmaps/gaim
gaimdistpix_DATA = logo.png tb_drag_arrow_down.xpm tb_drag_arrow_left.xpm tb_drag_arrow_right.xpm tb_drag_arrow_up.xpm typed.png typing.png
distpixmapdir = $(datadir)/pixmaps
distpixmap_DATA = gaim.png