
RPM spec file cleanup and bits and pieces:
2005-04-28, Stu Tomlinson
RPM spec file cleanup and bits and pieces:
- Use perl_vendorlib & perl_archlib for better 64bit compat (Jeff Mahoney)
- Clean up Requires, most should be auto-detected
- Restore gtkspell-devel build requirement (and add --without gtkspell option)
- Fix Tcl build requirements to work across more distros
- Fix SILC build requirements to work across more distros

Talking of RPMs, I think we should separate distribution in the release
tag with a period, eg. -0.rh9, -0.fc1, -0.mdk10.0 etc, it would make E-V-R
comparisions a bit more sensible. What do others think?
use Gaim;
perl_api_version => 2,
name => "Example",
version => "1.1",
summary => "An example Gaim Perl plugin that does nothing useful.",
description => "An example Gaim perl script that does nothing particularly useful:\n\t-Show a dialog on load (doesn't currently do this)\n\t-Set user idle for 6,000 seconds (also not currently possible in Perl API)\n\t-Greets people signing on with \"Hello\"\n\t-Informs you when script has been loaded for one minute. (currently in debug output)",
author => "Eric Warmenhoven <eric\>",
url => "",
load => "plugin_load",
unload => "plugin_unload"
sub plugin_init {
return %PLUGIN_INFO;
sub plugin_load {
Gaim::debug_info("example perl plugin", "plugin_load\n");
my $plugin = shift;
# If the notification API had been implemented for Perl, it would be something like this to create a dialog
# Gaim::notify_info($plugin, "Example Perl Plugin", "Loaded");
# If there was a way to set the user Idle, it would be done here
# Listen for when buddies sign on so we can greet them
Gaim::signal_connect(Gaim::BuddyList::handle, "buddy-signed-on",
$plugin, \&buddy_signed_on_cb, "Hello!");
# Add a timer to prompt the user that the plugin has ben loaded for 60 seconds
Gaim::timeout_add($plugin, 60, \&notify);
sub plugin_unload {
my $plugin = shift;
sub buddy_signed_on_cb {
Gaim::debug_info("example perl plugin", "In buddy_signed_on_cb\n");
my ($buddy, $data) = @_;
Gaim::debug_info("example perl plugin", "Buddy '" .
$buddy->get_alias() . "' signed on.\n");
my $conv = Gaim::Conversation::IM::new($buddy->get_account(), $buddy->get_name());
sub notify {
Gaim::debug_info("example perl plugin", "gaim example perl plugin has been loaded for 1 minute\n");