
I've been holding off working around this crash in the hope that I'd be
able to reproduce it and track down the real problem. I didn't manage to,
and if we're releasing soonish it's probably best to try and avoid crashing.
Gaim: The Pimpin' Penguin IM Client that's good for the soul!
version 1.2.1 (4/3/2005):
* No changes
version 1.2.0 (3/17/2005):
* You can use gaim_signal_connect_priority() and
gaim_signal_connect_priority_vargs() to connect to
Gaim signals with a given priority (Will Gorman)
* Added: gaim_conversation_set_features
These allow plugins (notable prpls) to change the
formatting capabilities of an existing conversation.
This comes with a new "features" field in
GaimConversation (Christopher O'Brien)
* Added: GAIM_CONNECTION_NO_IMAGES to GaimConectionFlags
(Christopher O'Brien)
* Added: GAIM_CBFLAGS_TYPING to GaimConvChatBuddyFlags
(Christopher O'Brien)
* Added: gaim_account_request_add which takes the same arguments as
* gaim_account_notify_added but always asks the user if they want to add
* the buddy to the buddy list
* Added: An accompanying request_add GaimAccountUiOp
version 1.1.4 (2/24/2005):
* No changes
version 1.1.3 (2/17/2005):
* No changes
version 1.1.2 (1/20/2005):
* No changes
version 1.1.1 (12/28/2004):
* No changes
version 1.1.0 (12/02/2004):
* Added: gaim_utf8_salvage
* Added: binary relocation support in prefix.h
WARNING: If your plugin uses anything inside the
#ifdef ENABLE_BINRELOC from prefix.h, it won't be
loadable on a copy of Gaim compiled without binreloc
support. In particular, watch out for the autoconf-like
macros, and accidently including them through internal.h,
which you probably shouldn't be including anyway.
version 1.0.0 (09/17/2004):
* Added: get_chat_name to the GaimPluginProtocolInfo struct
* Changed: gaim_blist_update_buddy_presence(), presence changed to
type gboolean
* Changed: the versioning scheme, and all the plugin structs
version 0.82 (08/26/2004):
Gaim API:
* Removed: gaim_gtk_get_dispstyle(), gaim_gtk_change_text()
* Removed: multi.h
* Renamed: ui.h to gtkdialogs.h
* Renamed: gtkinternal.h to gtkgaim.h
* Renamed: show_info_dialog to gaim_gtkdialogs_info
* Renamed: show_log_dialog to gaim_gtkdialogs_log
* Renamed: show_warn_dialog to gaim_gtkdialogs_warn
* Renamed: show_im_dialog to gaim_gtkdialogs_im
* Renamed: gaim_gtkdialogs_new_im to gaim_gtkdialogs_im_with_user
* Renamed: destroy_all_dialogs to gaim_gtkdialogs_destroy_all
* Renamed: alias_dialog_bud to gaim_gtkdialogs_alias_buddy
* Renamed: alias_dialog_contact to gaim_gtkdialogs_alias_contact
* Renamed: alias_dialog_blist_chat to gaim_gtkdialogs_alias_chat
* Renamed: show_confirm_del to gaim_gtkdialogs_remove_buddy
* Renamed: show_confirm_del_group to gaim_gtkdialogs_remove_group
* Renamed: show_confirm_del_blist_chat to gaim_gtkdialogs_remove_chat
* Renamed: show_confirm_del_contact to gaim_gtkdialogs_remove_contact
* Renamed: show_about to gaim_gtkdialogs_about
* Added: gaim_notify_userinfo() and the associated notify_userinfo() UI op
(someone who knows just why we have this can edit here)
Buddy List API:
* Changed: gaim_blist_request_add_chat(), added name parameter
* Added: gaim_contact_on_account()
* Added: flags parameter to the GaimBlistNode struct
Conversation API:
* Added: gaim_gtkconv_button_new()
Protocol Plugin API: v7
* Added: chat_info_defaults to the GaimPluginProtocolInfo struct
* Added: conversation-updated for any update to the data associated
with the conversation (topic, icon, adding to buddy list, etc.)
Conversation API:
* Changed: gaim_conv_chat_add_user() (added new_arrival parameter)
version 0.81 (08/05/2004):
Commands API:
* Most functions now have a void *data argument.
Blist API:
* Added: gaim_buddy_get_contact_alias
* Renamed: gaim_get_buddy_alias to gaim_buddy_get_alias
* Renamed: gaim_get_buddy_alias_only to gaim_buddy_get_alias_only
Conversation API:
* Changed: gaim_conv_chat_add_user(), added flags parameter
* Changed: gaim_conv_chat_add_users(), added GList of flags parameter
* Changed: gaim_conv_chat_get_users(), now returns a GList of
* Changed: gaim_conv_chat_set_users() now expects a GList of
* Added: gaim_conv_chat_set_user_flags()
* Added: gaim_conv_chat_get_user_flags()
* Added: gaim_conv_chat_find_user()
* Added: gaim_conv_chat_cb_new()
* Added: gaim_conv_chat_cb_find()
* Added: gaim_conv_chat_cb_destroy()
* Added: gaim_conv_chat_cb_get_name()
Conversation UI ops:
* Added: chat_update_user()
* Changed: chat-buddy-joining & chat-buddy-joined now include the user's flags
* Changed: chat-buddy-joining & chat-buddy-leaving are now booleans, return
TRUE if you don't want the join/leave to be displayed in the UI.
* Added: chat-buddy-flags for when user's flags change
gaim_marshal_VOID__POINTER_POINTER_POINTER_UINT_UINT (required for the new
chat-buddy-flags signal)
* Added: account-modified for when account settings have been changed.
version 0.80 (07/15/2004):
Gaim API:
* Removed: PRPL numbers : gaim_account_set_protocol(),
gaim_account_get_protocol(), gaim_accounts_find_with_prpl_num,
gaim_prpl_num_to_id(), gaim_prpl_id_to_num(), GaimProtocol
Protocol Plugin API: v6
* Added: can_receive_file & send_file to the GaimPluginProtocolInfo struct
* Changed "chat-invited" to also include the components hash table so
plugins can use serv_join_chat when the signal is emitted.
* Added "chat-topic-changed" signal plugins know when a topic is changed.
version 0.79 (06/24/2004):
Gaim API:
* gaim_url_parse() now takes two additional parameters, which are used
for returning the username and password from the URL, if they exist.
* Added: has_focus UI op to GaimConversationUiOps and
* Added: gaim_conversation_has_focus() and gaim_conv_window_has_focus().
* Removed: gaim_blist_save()
Protocol Plugin API: v5
* Changed: add_buddy, add_buddies, remove_buddy, remove_buddies,
rename_group and remove_group to take GaimBuddy's and
GaimGroup's consistently.
* Removed: OPT_PROTO_BUDDY_ICON (replaced by icon_spec)
* Added: icon_spec to the GaimPluginProtocolInfo struct
version 0.78 (05/30/2004):
Plugin API: v4
* Added: actions - for plugins to add to the new Plugin Actions menu
Loader Plugin API: v2 (no changes)
Protocol Plugin API: v4
* Removed: set_dir, get_dir and dir_search (not used, AIM-centric)
* Removed: actions (replaced by generic plugin actions)
Perl Plugin API: v2 (no changes)
TCL Plugin API: (no changes)
* Added: "blist-node-extended-menu" for extending Buddy, Chat and
Group right-click menus
* Added: "drawing-tooltip" for plugins to allow plugins to change text
appearing in tooltips
* Added: "gtkblist-created"
* Added: "receiving-im-msg" and "receiving-chat-msg" (these behave
exactly like received-*-msg used to)
* Added: "buddy-idle-updated" signal, for when the idle time changes.
* Changed: "received-im-msg" and "received-chat-msg" no longer pass
pointers to who, message and flags, and are now void.
* Removed: "drawing-menu" - it was UI sepecific and
"blist-node-extended-menu" is superior
version 0.77 (04/22/2004):
Loader & Protocol Plugins independantly versioned
Plugin loading now checks versioning on plugins (Standard, Loader &
Plugin API: v3
* Added: prefs_info for UI independant plugin prefs
Loader Plugin API: v2
* Added: api_version at top of GaimPluginLoaderInfo struct
Protocol Plugin API: v2
* Added: api_version at top of GaimPluginProtocolInfo struct
* Added: chat_menu for protocol specific extensions to the chat menu
* Removed: get_away "Nada used it. Pink elephants on parade."
* Removed: protocol_prefs (replaced by generic plugin prefs_info)
Perl Plugin API: v2 (no changes)
TCL API: (no changes)
* Added: "conversation-drag-ended"
version 0.76 (04/01/2004):
Plugin API: v2
Perl Plugin API: v2
Loader Plugin API: (not versioned)
Protocol Plugin API: (not versioned)
* Added: protocol_prefs for protocol specific preferences
* Added: reject_chat so protocols can act on chat invite rejection
TCL Plugin API: (not versioned)
* Changes to plugin registration to show descriptions