
Leak fixes, round #2. And some minor MSN tweaks suggested by Felipe.
#include "internal.h"
#include "connection.h"
#include "debug.h"
#include "pluginpref.h"
#include "prpl.h"
#include "signals.h"
#include "version.h"
#define AUTORECON_PLUGIN_ID "core-autorecon"
#define INITIAL 8000
#define MAXTIME 2048000
typedef struct {
int delay;
guint timeout;
} GaimAutoRecon;
I use a struct here, but the visible/invisible isn't yet supported
in this plugin, so this is more for future implementation of those
typedef struct {
const char *state;
const char *message;
} GaimAwayState;
static GHashTable *hash = NULL;
static GHashTable *awayStates = NULL;
#define AUTORECON_OPT "/plugins/core/autorecon"
#define OPT_HIDE_CONNECTED AUTORECON_OPT "/hide_connected_error"
#define OPT_HIDE_CONNECTING AUTORECON_OPT "/hide_connecting_error"
#define OPT_RESTORE_STATE AUTORECON_OPT "/restore_state"
/* storage of original (old_ops) and modified (new_ops) ui ops to allow us to
intercept calls to report_disconnect */
static GaimConnectionUiOps *old_ops = NULL;
static GaimConnectionUiOps *new_ops = NULL;
static void report_disconnect(GaimConnection *gc, const char *text) {
if(old_ops == NULL || old_ops->report_disconnect == NULL) {
/* there's nothing to call through to, so don't bother
checking prefs */
} else if(gc->state == GAIM_CONNECTED
&& gaim_prefs_get_bool(OPT_HIDE_CONNECTED)) {
/* this is a connected error, and we're hiding those */
gaim_debug(GAIM_DEBUG_INFO, "autorecon",
"hid disconnect error message (%s)\n", text);
} else if(gc->state == GAIM_CONNECTING
&& gaim_prefs_get_bool(OPT_HIDE_CONNECTING)) {
/* this is a connecting error, and we're hiding those */
gaim_debug(GAIM_DEBUG_INFO, "autorecon",
"hid error message while connecting (%s)\n", text);
/* if we haven't returned by now, then let's pass to the real
function */
old_ops->report_disconnect(gc, text);
static gboolean do_signon(gpointer data) {
GaimAccount *account = data;
GaimAutoRecon *info;
gaim_debug(GAIM_DEBUG_INFO, "autorecon", "do_signon called\n");
g_return_val_if_fail(account != NULL, FALSE);
info = g_hash_table_lookup(hash, account);
if (g_list_index(gaim_accounts_get_all(), account) < 0)
return FALSE;
info->timeout = 0;
gaim_debug(GAIM_DEBUG_INFO, "autorecon", "calling gaim_account_connect\n");
gaim_debug(GAIM_DEBUG_INFO, "autorecon", "done calling gaim_account_connect\n");
return FALSE;
static void reconnect(GaimConnection *gc, void *m) {
GaimAccount *account;
GaimAutoRecon *info;
g_return_if_fail(gc != NULL);
account = gaim_connection_get_account(gc);
info = g_hash_table_lookup(hash, account);
if (!gc->wants_to_die) {
if (info == NULL) {
info = g_new0(GaimAutoRecon, 1);
g_hash_table_insert(hash, account, info);
info->delay = INITIAL;
} else {
info->delay = MIN(2 * info->delay, MAXTIME);
if (info->timeout != 0)
info->timeout = g_timeout_add(info->delay, do_signon, account);
} else if (info != NULL) {
g_hash_table_remove(hash, account);
if (gc->wants_to_die)
g_hash_table_remove(awayStates, account);
static void save_state(GaimAccount *account, const char *state, const char *message) {
/* Saves whether the account is back/away/visible/invisible */
GaimAwayState *info;
if (!strcmp(state,GAIM_AWAY_CUSTOM)) {
info = g_new0(GaimAwayState, 1);
info->state = state;
info->message = message;
g_hash_table_insert(awayStates, account, info);
} else if(!strcmp(state,"Back"))
g_hash_table_remove(awayStates, account);
static void restore_state(GaimConnection *gc, void *m) {
/* Restore the state to what it was before the disconnect */
GaimAwayState *info;
GaimAccount *account;
g_return_if_fail(gc != NULL && gaim_prefs_get_bool(OPT_RESTORE_STATE));
account = gaim_connection_get_account(gc);
info = g_hash_table_lookup(awayStates, account);
if (info)
serv_set_away(gc, info->state, info->message);
static void
free_auto_recon(gpointer data)
GaimAutoRecon *info = data;
if (info->timeout != 0)
static gboolean
plugin_load(GaimPlugin *plugin)
/* this was the suggested way to override a single function of the
real ui ops. However, there's a mild concern of having more than one
bit of code making a new ui op call-through copy. If plugins A and B
both override the ui ops (in that order), B thinks that the
overridden ui ops A created was the original. If A unloads first,
and swaps out and frees its overridden version, then B is calling
through to a free'd ui op. There needs to be a way to "stack up"
overridden ui ops or something... I have a good idea of how to write
such a creature if someone wants it done. - siege 2004-04-20 */
/* get old ops, make a copy with a minor change */
old_ops = gaim_connections_get_ui_ops();
new_ops = (GaimConnectionUiOps *) g_memdup(old_ops,
new_ops->report_disconnect = report_disconnect;
hash = g_hash_table_new_full(g_int_hash, g_int_equal, NULL,
awayStates = g_hash_table_new(g_int_hash, g_int_equal);
gaim_signal_connect(gaim_connections_get_handle(), "signed-off",
plugin, GAIM_CALLBACK(reconnect), NULL);
gaim_signal_connect(gaim_connections_get_handle(), "signed-on",
plugin, GAIM_CALLBACK(restore_state), NULL);
gaim_signal_connect(gaim_accounts_get_handle(), "account-away",
plugin, GAIM_CALLBACK(save_state), NULL);
return TRUE;
static gboolean
plugin_unload(GaimPlugin *plugin)
gaim_signal_disconnect(gaim_connections_get_handle(), "signed-off",
plugin, GAIM_CALLBACK(reconnect));
gaim_signal_disconnect(gaim_connections_get_handle(), "signed-on",
plugin, GAIM_CALLBACK(restore_state));
gaim_signal_disconnect(gaim_accounts_get_handle(), "account-away",
plugin, GAIM_CALLBACK(save_state));
hash = NULL;
awayStates = NULL;
old_ops = new_ops = NULL;
return TRUE;
static GaimPluginPrefFrame *get_plugin_pref_frame(GaimPlugin *plugin) {
GaimPluginPrefFrame *frame = gaim_plugin_pref_frame_new();
GaimPluginPref *pref;
pref = gaim_plugin_pref_new_with_label(_("Error Message Suppression"));
gaim_plugin_pref_frame_add(frame, pref);
pref = gaim_plugin_pref_new_with_name_and_label(OPT_HIDE_CONNECTED,
_("Hide Disconnect Errors"));
gaim_plugin_pref_frame_add(frame, pref);
pref = gaim_plugin_pref_new_with_name_and_label(OPT_HIDE_CONNECTING,
_("Hide Login Errors"));
gaim_plugin_pref_frame_add(frame, pref);
pref = gaim_plugin_pref_new_with_name_and_label(OPT_RESTORE_STATE,
_("Restore Away State On Reconnect"));
gaim_plugin_pref_frame_add(frame, pref);
return frame;
static GaimPluginUiInfo pref_info = {
static GaimPluginInfo info =
NULL, /**< ui_requirement */
0, /**< flags */
NULL, /**< dependencies */
GAIM_PRIORITY_DEFAULT, /**< priority */
N_("Auto-Reconnect"), /**< name */
VERSION, /**< version */
/** summary */
N_("When you are kicked offline, this reconnects you."),
/** description */
N_("When you are kicked offline, this reconnects you."),
"Eric Warmenhoven <>", /**< author */
GAIM_WEBSITE, /**< homepage */
plugin_load, /**< load */
plugin_unload, /**< unload */
NULL, /**< destroy */
NULL, /**< ui_info */
NULL, /**< extra_info */
&pref_info, /**< prefs_info */
static void
init_plugin(GaimPlugin *plugin)
gaim_prefs_add_bool(OPT_HIDE_CONNECTED, FALSE);
gaim_prefs_add_bool(OPT_HIDE_CONNECTING, FALSE);
gaim_prefs_add_bool(OPT_RESTORE_STATE, TRUE);
GAIM_INIT_PLUGIN(autorecon, init_plugin, info)