
file isExecutable
I am sick of people ignoring the "broken" label on the compile option to use
gtk2 in 0.59.x. secondly, there is no good reason to, cvs at its worse is
better gtk2 support than 0.59.x has now. third, 0.59.x will never have better
gtk2 support, its a bug fix series, not a development branch, and gtk2 support
is certainly a development act. for all of the above reasons i am treating the
gtk2 "support" in gtk1-stable as a bug, and removing it via a patch from faceprint
#!/usr/bin/perl -w
# Original by Andy Harrison,
# Rewrite by Decklin Foster,
# Available under the GPL.
package Gaim2Blt;
use strict;
use Getopt::Std;
use vars qw(%opts $in_group);
getopts('s:', \%opts);
die "usage: $0 -s 'screen name' gaim.buddy\n" unless $opts{s};
print <<"EOF";
Config {
version 1
User {
screenname "$opts{s}"
Buddy {
list {
while (<>) {
my ($type, $args) = split ' ', $_, 2;
next unless $type;
if ($type eq 'g') {
print " }\n" if ($in_group);
print qq( "$args" {\n);
$in_group = 1;
} elsif ($type eq 'b') {
my ($buddy, $alias) = split /:/, $args;
print qq( "$buddy"\n);
print <<"EOF";