
And here too..

2005-04-26, Gary Kramlich
And here too..
Translation README
Updated: 04-October-2003
Translated .po files may be submitted in whatever native encoding is
most convenient (and hopefully canonical). Please ensure that the
Content-type: line reflects the proper character set.
Updated: 19-April-2003
To supply a new translation, you first need a copy of gaim.pot.
This can be built by typing:
./ --pot
from the gaim/po/ directory.
To update an exsting translation, type:
where LANG is the language code to update, such as fr or ja. This will build
a new gaim.pot and update the translation with the changes. You may then
begin editing the updated file.
New or updated translations should be sent to the gaim-devel listserv
Please check your translations carefully. Make sure you have the same
number of newlines and %s or other formatting codes in the translation as
you have in the original.
Updated: 05-August-2003
Before submitting updated or new translations, please run the following
command to ensure the file does not contain errors:
> msgfmt -c --statistics xx.po
The comments at the top of each .po file should appear as follows:
# Gaim Xxxxx translation
# Copyright (C) 2002, Another Name <>
# Copyright (C) 2003, Your Name <>
# This file is distributed under the same license as the Gaim package.
Thank you for flying Valu-Jet.