
Fix refcounting of messages received from the network with purple3

purple3 takes the reference for the PurpleMessage passed to
purple_conversation_write_message(). The purple2 compat needs to
destroy the message. This patch removes the explicit calls to
purple_message_destroy() and changes the
purple_conversation_write_message() compat for purple2 to call
purple_message_destroy() internally.
// proto2 is required because we need to be able to serialize default values:
syntax = "proto2";
message GmailNotification {
optional string thread_id = 3;
//optional string previous_id = 4;
optional string id = 5;
repeated string labels = 6;
optional string subject = 7;
optional string snippet = 8;
optional string sender_name = 9;
optional string sender_email = 10;
//repeated unknown = 11;