
Undeprecate some Keychain lookups.
2012-04-30, Frank Dowsett
Parents 8b28ca8ca7d5
Children 3692c6d45956
Undeprecate some Keychain lookups.
--- a/Frameworks/AIUtilities Framework/Source/AIKeychain.m Mon Apr 30 19:41:23 2012 -0400
+++ b/Frameworks/AIUtilities Framework/Source/AIKeychain.m Mon Apr 30 23:02:50 2012 -0400
@@ -829,79 +829,63 @@
NSDictionary *result = nil;
// Search for keychain items whose server is our key
- SecKeychainSearchRef search = NULL;
- struct SecKeychainAttribute searchAttrs[] = {
- {
- .tag = kSecServerItemAttr,
- .length = (UInt32)[server length],
- .data = (void *)[server UTF8String],
- },
- {
- .tag = kSecProtocolItemAttr,
- .length = sizeof(SecProtocolType),
- .data = &protocol,
- }
- };
- struct SecKeychainAttributeList searchAttrList = {
- .count = 2,
- .attr = searchAttrs,
- };
- // If keychainRef is NULL, the users's default keychain search list will be used
- OSStatus err = SecKeychainSearchCreateFromAttributes(keychainRef, kSecInternetPasswordItemClass, &searchAttrList, &search);
+ SecKeychainItemRef item = NULL;
+ UInt32 passwordLength = 0U;
+ void *passwordBytes = NULL;
- if (err == noErr) {
- SecKeychainItemRef item = NULL;
- err = SecKeychainSearchCopyNext(search, &item);
+ // If keychainRef is NULL, the user's default keychain search list will be used
+ OSStatus err = SecKeychainFindInternetPassword(keychainRef,
+ (unsigned int)[server length],
+ [server UTF8String],
+ 0,
+ 0,
+ 0,
+ 0,
+ protocol,
+ kSecAuthenticationTypeAny,
+ &passwordLength,
+ &passwordBytes,
+ &item);
+ if (err == errSecItemNotFound) {
+ // No matching server found
+ } else if (err == noErr) {
+ // Output storage.
+ struct SecKeychainAttributeList *attrList = NULL;
- if (err == errSecItemNotFound) {
- // No matching server found
- } else if (err == noErr) {
- // Output storage.
- struct SecKeychainAttributeList *attrList = NULL;
- UInt32 passwordLength = 0U;
- void *passwordBytes = NULL;
- // First, grab the username.
- UInt32 tags[] = { kSecAccountItemAttr };
- struct SecKeychainAttributeInfo info = {
- .count = 1,
- .tag = tags,
- .format = formats,
- };
+ // First, grab the username.
+ UInt32 tags[] = { kSecAccountItemAttr };
+ struct SecKeychainAttributeInfo info = {
+ .count = 1,
+ .tag = tags,
+ .format = formats,
+ };
+ err = SecKeychainItemCopyAttributesAndData(item,
+ &info,
+ /* itemClass */ NULL,
+ &attrList,
+ &passwordLength,
+ &passwordBytes);
+ if (err == noErr) {
+ NSString *username = [NSString stringWithBytes:attrList->attr[0].data length:attrList->attr[0].length encoding:NSUTF8StringEncoding];
+ NSString *password = [NSString stringWithBytes:passwordBytes length:passwordLength encoding:NSUTF8StringEncoding];
+ result = [NSDictionary dictionaryWithObjectsAndKeys:
+ username, @"Username",
+ password, @"Password",
+ nil];
- err = SecKeychainItemCopyAttributesAndData(item,
- &info,
- /* itemClass */ NULL,
- &attrList,
- &passwordLength,
- &passwordBytes);
- if (err == noErr) {
- NSString *username = [NSString stringWithBytes:attrList->attr[0].data length:attrList->attr[0].length encoding:NSUTF8StringEncoding];
- NSString *password = [NSString stringWithBytes:passwordBytes length:passwordLength encoding:NSUTF8StringEncoding];
- result = [NSDictionary dictionaryWithObjectsAndKeys:
- username, @"Username",
- password, @"Password",
- nil];
- SecKeychainItemFreeAttributesAndData(attrList, passwordBytes);
- } else {
- NSLog(@"Error extracting infomation from keychain item");
- }
- if (item) {
- CFRelease(item);
- }
+ SecKeychainItemFreeAttributesAndData(attrList, passwordBytes);
} else {
- NSLog(@"%@: Error in SecKeychainSearchCopyNext(); err is %ld", self, (long)err);
+ NSLog(@"Error extracting infomation from keychain item");
- if (search) {
- CFRelease(search);
+ if (item) {
+ CFRelease(item);
} else {
NSLog(@"%@: Could not create search; err is %ld", self, (long)err);