
Close adium-
2016-09-04, Robert Vehse
Close adium-
* Adium is the legal property of its developers, whose names are listed in the copyright file included
* with this source distribution.
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU
* General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License,
* or (at your option) any later version.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even
* the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General
* Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not,
* write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
#import "AIAnimatingListOutlineView.h"
#import "AIOutlineViewAnimation.h"
@interface AIAnimatingListOutlineView ()
- (NSRect)unanimatedRectOfRow:(NSInteger)rowIndex;
* @class AIAnimatingListOutlineView
* @brief An outline view which animates changes to its order
* Implementation inspired by Dan Wood's AnimatingTableView in TableTester,
* Used with permission. AIAnimatingListOutlineView is licensed under the GPL, like Adium itself; Dan's tabletester code
* is BSD, with explicit double-licensing as GPL the parts used in this class.
@implementation AIAnimatingListOutlineView
- (void)_initAnimatingListOutlineView
allAnimatingItemsDict = [[NSMutableDictionary alloc] init];
animationsCount = 0;
animations = [[NSMutableSet alloc] init];
animationHedgeFactor = NSZeroSize;
enableAnimation = YES;
- (id)initWithCoder:(NSCoder *)aDecoder
if ((self = [super initWithCoder:aDecoder])) {
[self _initAnimatingListOutlineView];
return self;
- (id)initWithFrame:(NSRect)frame
if ((self = [super initWithFrame:frame])) {
[self _initAnimatingListOutlineView];
return self;
- (void)dealloc
[animations makeObjectsPerformSelector:@selector(stopAnimation)];
[animations release];
[allAnimatingItemsDict release];
[super dealloc];
#pragma mark Enabling
- (void)setEnableAnimation:(BOOL)shouldEnable
enableAnimation = shouldEnable;
- (BOOL)enableAnimation
return enableAnimation;
#pragma mark Rect determination
* @brief Return the current rect for an item at a given row
* This is the same as rectOfRow but is slightly faster if an NSValue pointer for the item is already known.
* @result The rect in which the row is currently displayed
- (NSRect)currentDisplayRectForItemPointer:(NSValue *)itemPointer atRow:(NSInteger)rowIndex
NSDictionary *animDict = [allAnimatingItemsDict objectForKey:itemPointer];
NSRect rect;
if (animDict) {
CGFloat progress = (CGFloat)[[animDict objectForKey:@"progress"] doubleValue];
NSRect oldR = [[animDict objectForKey:@"old rect"] rectValue];
NSRect newR = [self unanimatedRectOfRow:rowIndex];
//Calculate a rectangle between the original and the final rectangles.
rect = NSMakeRect(NSMinX(oldR) + (progress * (NSMinX(newR) - NSMinX(oldR))),
NSMinY(oldR) + (progress * (NSMinY(newR) - NSMinY(oldR))),
NSWidth(newR), NSHeight(newR) );
} else {
rect = [self unanimatedRectOfRow:rowIndex];
return rect;
* @brief Return the current rect for a row
* If we're animating, this is somewhere between (progress % between) the old and new rects.
* If we're not, pass it to super.
* @result The rect in which the row is currently displayed
- (NSRect)rectOfRow:(NSInteger)rowIndex
if (animationsCount > 0) {
return [self currentDisplayRectForItemPointer:[NSValue valueWithPointer:[self itemAtRow:rowIndex]] atRow:rowIndex];
} else {
return [super rectOfRow:rowIndex];
* @brief What rows are in a given rect?
* When animating, the range has to be expanded to include rows which NSTableView would not expect to be in the rect
- (NSRange)rowsInRect:(NSRect)inRect
if (animationsCount > 0) {
//The rows in a given rect aren't necessarily sequential while we're animating. Too bad this doesn't return an NSIndexSet.
NSInteger count = [self numberOfRows];
NSRange range = NSMakeRange(0, count);
BOOL foundLowest = NO;
for (NSInteger i = 0; i < count; i++) {
NSRect rowRect = [self rectOfRow:i];
if (!foundLowest) {
if (NSIntersectsRect(rowRect, inRect)) {
foundLowest = YES;
} else {
range.location += 1;
range.length -= 1;
} else {
//Looking for the highest
if (NSIntersectsRect(rowRect, inRect)) {
//We need to reach here
if ((range.location + range.length) < i) {
range.length = i - range.location;
return range;
} else {
return [super rowsInRect:inRect];
* @brief Rect of the row if we weren't animating
* @result The rect in which the row would be displayed were all animations complete.
- (NSRect)unanimatedRectOfRow:(NSInteger)rowIndex
return [super rectOfRow:rowIndex];
#pragma mark Indexes, before and after
* @brief Return a dictionary of indexes keyed by pointers to items for item and all children
* This function uses itself recursively; when calling from outside, dict should be nil.
* @result The dictionary
- (NSMutableDictionary *)indexesForItemAndChildren:(id)item dict:(NSMutableDictionary *)dict
if (!dict) dict = [NSMutableDictionary dictionary];
NSInteger idx = (item ? [self rowForItem:item] : -1);
if ((idx != -1) || !item) {
if (!item || ([self isExpandable:item] &&
[self isItemExpanded:item])) {
NSInteger numChildren = [[self dataSource] outlineView:self numberOfChildrenOfItem:item];
//Add each child
for (NSInteger i = 0; i < numChildren; i++) {
id thisChild = [[self dataSource] outlineView:self child:i ofItem:item];
dict = [self indexesForItemAndChildren:thisChild dict:dict];
if (item) [dict setObject:[NSNumber numberWithInteger:idx] forKey:[NSValue valueWithPointer:item]];
return dict;
* @brief Create a dictionary of the current indexes, keyed by items, and configure before an animation starts
* Every row, regardles of whether it has changed (which we don't know yet), starts off at its current index ("old index")
* with a progress of 0% towards its new index.
* This is called before allowing super to perform an update.
* @result A dictionary of indexes keyed by pointers to items
- (NSDictionary *)saveCurrentIndexesForItem:(id)item
NSDictionary *oldDict = [self indexesForItemAndChildren:item dict:nil];
for (id oldItem in oldDict) {
NSNumber *oldIndex = [oldDict objectForKey:oldItem];
[allAnimatingItemsDict setObject:[NSMutableDictionary dictionaryWithObjectsAndKeys:
oldIndex, @"old index",
oldIndex, @"new index", /* unchanged */
[NSValue valueWithRect:[self unanimatedRectOfRow:[oldIndex integerValue]]], @"old rect",
[NSNumber numberWithDouble:0.0f], @"progress", nil]
return oldDict;
* @brief Given old indexes, after an update has occurred, determine what needs to be animated
* Any item which is not at the same row as it was in oldDict has changed.
* allAnimatingItemsDict already has this item at 0% from the old row towards its new row.
* If the item has not changed, immediately set it to 100% progress.
* Finally, create and start an AIOutlineViewAnimation which will notify us as the animation progresses.
- (void)updateForNewIndexesFromOldIndexes:(NSDictionary *)oldDict forItem:(id)item recalculateHedge:(BOOL)recalculateHedge duration:(NSTimeInterval)duration
NSDictionary *newDict = [self indexesForItemAndChildren:item dict:nil];
NSMutableDictionary *animatingRowsDict = [NSMutableDictionary dictionary];
if (recalculateHedge) {
[self willChangeValueForKey:@"totalHeight"];
animationHedgeFactor = NSZeroSize;
//Compare differences
for (id oldItem in oldDict) {
NSNumber *oldIndex = [oldDict objectForKey:oldItem];
NSNumber *newIndex = [newDict objectForKey:oldItem];
if (newIndex) {
NSInteger oldIndexInt = [oldIndex integerValue];
NSInteger newIndexInt = [newIndex integerValue];
if (oldIndexInt != newIndexInt) {
[animatingRowsDict setObject:oldIndex
[[allAnimatingItemsDict objectForKey:oldItem] setObject:newIndex
forKey:@"new index"];
if (recalculateHedge) {
//If we're animating a row which will be starting off outside our bounds, set the hedge factor
if (oldIndexInt >= [self numberOfRows]) {
animationHedgeFactor.height += ([self currentDisplayRectForItemPointer:oldItem atRow:newIndexInt].size.height +
[self intercellSpacing].height);
} else {
[[allAnimatingItemsDict objectForKey:oldItem] setObject:[NSNumber numberWithDouble:1.0f]
} else {
//The item is no longer in the outline view
[allAnimatingItemsDict removeObjectForKey:oldItem];
if ([animatingRowsDict count]) {
AIOutlineViewAnimation *animation = [AIOutlineViewAnimation listObjectAnimationWithDictionary:animatingRowsDict
[animation setDuration:duration];
[animation startAnimation];
[animations addObject:animation];
} else {
//This was incremented in saveCurrentIndexesForItem:, but we didn't end up actually creating an animation for it
if (recalculateHedge)
[self didChangeValueForKey:@"totalHeight"];
#pragma mark AIOutlineViewAnimation callbacks
* @brief The animation for some rows (animatingRowsDict) has progressed
* Update the progress for those rows as tracked in allAnimatingItemsDict, then display.
- (void)animation:(AIOutlineViewAnimation *)animation didSetCurrentValue:(float)currentValue forDict:(NSDictionary *)animatingRowsDict
CGFloat maxRequiredY = 0;
[self willChangeValueForKey:@"totalHeight"];
//Update progress for each item in animatingRowsDict
for (NSValue *itemPointer in animatingRowsDict) {
NSMutableDictionary *animDict = [allAnimatingItemsDict objectForKey:itemPointer];
NSInteger newIndex = [[animDict objectForKey:@"new index"] integerValue];
NSRect oldFrame, newFrame;
//We'll need to redisplay the space we were in previously
oldFrame = [self currentDisplayRectForItemPointer:itemPointer
[self setNeedsDisplayInRect:oldFrame];
//Update the actual progress
[animDict setObject:[NSNumber numberWithDouble:currentValue]
//We'll need to redisplay after updating to the new location
newFrame = [self currentDisplayRectForItemPointer:itemPointer
[self setNeedsDisplayInRect:[self currentDisplayRectForItemPointer:itemPointer
//Track how much Y-space we're requiring at this point
if (NSMaxY(newFrame) > maxRequiredY) {
maxRequiredY = NSMaxY(newFrame);
//The hedge factor can now be updated to be minimal for the animation
if (maxRequiredY > [self totalHeight]) {
animationHedgeFactor.height = maxRequiredY - [self totalHeight];
} else if (maxRequiredY > [super totalHeight]) {
animationHedgeFactor.height = maxRequiredY - [super totalHeight];
} else {
animationHedgeFactor.height = 0;
[self didChangeValueForKey:@"totalHeight"];
* @brief Animation ended
- (void)animationDidEnd:(NSAnimation *)animation
if (animationsCount == 0) {
[self willChangeValueForKey:@"totalHeight"];
animationHedgeFactor = NSZeroSize;
[allAnimatingItemsDict removeAllObjects];
[self didChangeValueForKey:@"totalHeight"];
[animation stopAnimation];
[animations removeObject:animation];
#pragma mark Intercepting changes so we can animate
- (void)reloadData
if (enableAnimation) {
NSDictionary *oldDict = [self saveCurrentIndexesForItem:nil];
//If items are expanded or collapsed during reload, we don't want to animate that
disableExpansionAnimation = YES;
[super reloadData];
disableExpansionAnimation = NO;
[self updateForNewIndexesFromOldIndexes:oldDict forItem:nil recalculateHedge:YES duration:LIST_OBJECT_ANIMATION_DURATION];
} else {
[super reloadData];
- (void)reloadItem:(id)item reloadChildren:(BOOL)reloadChildren
if (enableAnimation) {
NSDictionary *oldDict = [self saveCurrentIndexesForItem:item];
[super reloadItem:item reloadChildren:reloadChildren];
[self updateForNewIndexesFromOldIndexes:oldDict forItem:item recalculateHedge:YES duration:LIST_OBJECT_ANIMATION_DURATION];
} else {
[super reloadItem:item reloadChildren:reloadChildren];
- (void)reloadItem:(id)item
if (enableAnimation) {
NSDictionary *oldDict = [self saveCurrentIndexesForItem:item];
[super reloadItem:item];
[self updateForNewIndexesFromOldIndexes:oldDict forItem:item recalculateHedge:YES duration:LIST_OBJECT_ANIMATION_DURATION];
} else {
[super reloadItem:item];
- (void)expandItem:(id)item
if (enableAnimation) {
if (!disableExpansionAnimation) {
NSDictionary *oldDict = [self saveCurrentIndexesForItem:nil];
[super expandItem:item];
[self updateForNewIndexesFromOldIndexes:oldDict forItem:nil recalculateHedge:YES duration:EXPANSION_DURATION];
} else {
[super expandItem:item];
} else {
[super expandItem:item];
* @brief Collapse an item
* This one is a bit tricker. If the window or view will resize (using -[self totalHeight] as a guide) when the item is collapsed,
* it will cut off our animating-upward items in rows beneath it unless we set animationHedgeFactor to include
* the height of each row within item.
* As we animate, animationHedgeFactor will be decreased back toward 0.
- (void)collapseItem:(id)item
if (enableAnimation) {
if (!disableExpansionAnimation) {
NSDictionary *oldDict = [self saveCurrentIndexesForItem:nil];
[self willChangeValueForKey:@"totalHeight"];
//Maintain space for the animation to display
NSInteger numChildren = [[self dataSource] outlineView:self numberOfChildrenOfItem:item];
for (NSInteger i = 0; i < numChildren; i++) {
id thisChild = [[self dataSource] outlineView:self child:i ofItem:item];
animationHedgeFactor.height += [self currentDisplayRectForItemPointer:[NSValue valueWithPointer:thisChild]
atRow:[self rowForItem:thisChild]].size.height + [self intercellSpacing].height;
//Actually collapse the item
[super collapseItem:item];
[self didChangeValueForKey:@"totalHeight"];
//Now animate the movement
[self updateForNewIndexesFromOldIndexes:oldDict forItem:nil recalculateHedge:NO duration:EXPANSION_DURATION];
} else {
[super collapseItem:item];
} else {
[super collapseItem:item];
#pragma mark Total height
* @brief Total height required by this view
* This is the only point of overlap with AIListOutlineView; otherwise, we are just an NSOutlineView subclass.
* Add the current animationHedgeFactor's height to whatever super says.
- (NSInteger)totalHeight
return [super totalHeight] + animationHedgeFactor.height;