
merge adium-1.6 into default

2014-07-20, Frank Dowsett
merge adium-1.6 into default
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<h1>IRC in Adium</h1>
<p>This page deals with IRC specialities. General group chat features are explained in <a href="Messaging-GroupChat.html">GroupChat</a>.</p>
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<h3>Joining a chat room</h3>
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<li>Add your account on an IRC server to Adium.</li>
<li>Select "Join Chat..." (⇧⌘J) from the File menu.</li>
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<p>You only need to enter a password for IRC servers requiring one to connect. In the case of freenode, identify to nickserv by entering "msg nickserv identify &lt;your-password&gt;", putting your password in the account's preferences will result in a "you are already connected" nickserv error.</p>
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<p>Many widely-used IRC commands like /join and /msg work in Adium too, but for ease of use these are accessible from the interface as well:</p>
<table class="list" cellspacing="0">
<th width="100">Command</th>
<th>Equivalent action</th>
<td>File → Join Group Chat... (⇧⌘J)</td>
<td>File → New Chat... (⌘N)</td>
<td>Contact → Get Info For Contact... (⌥⌘I)</td>
<td><i>Select the users you want to change the mode for, and use the button below the user list</i></td>
<td>File → <i>Your IRC Account</i> → View MOTD.</td>
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