
More MySpace removal.
2016-09-04, Robert Vehse
More MySpace removal.
* Adium is the legal property of its developers, whose names are listed in the copyright file included
* with this source distribution.
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU
* General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License,
* or (at your option) any later version.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even
* the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General
* Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not,
* write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
#import "AIEventSoundsPlugin.h"
#import "AISoundController.h"
#import "ESEventSoundAlertDetailPane.h"
#import <AIUtilities/AIMenuAdditions.h>
#import <AIUtilities/AIStringAdditions.h>
#import <AIUtilities/AIImageAdditions.h>
#import <Adium/AISoundSet.h>
#import <Adium/AILocalizationTextField.h>
#define PLAY_A_SOUND AILocalizedString(@"Play a sound",nil)
#define KEY_DEFAULT_SOUND_DICT @"Default Sound Dict"
@interface ESEventSoundAlertDetailPane ()
- (NSMenu *)soundListMenu;
- (void)addSound:(NSString *)soundPath toMenu:(NSMenu *)soundMenu;
- (IBAction)selectSound:(id)sender;
* @class ESEventSoundAlertDetailPane
* @brief Details pane for the Play Sound action
@implementation ESEventSoundAlertDetailPane
* @brief Nib name
- (NSString *)nibName{
return @"EventSoundContactAlert";
* @brief Configure the detail view
- (void)viewDidLoad
[label_sound setLocalizedString:AILocalizedString(@"Sound:",nil)];
/* Loading and using the real file icons is slow, and all the sound files should have the same icons anyway. So
* we can cheat and load a sound icon from our bundle here (for all the menu items) for a nice speed boost. */
if (!soundFileIcon) soundFileIcon = [[NSImage imageNamed:@"SoundFileIcon" forClass:[self class]] retain];
//Prepare our sound menu
[popUp_actionDetails setMenu:[self soundListMenu]];
[super viewDidLoad];
* @brief View will close
- (void)viewWillClose
//The user probably does not want the sound to continue playing (especially if it's long), so stop it.
NSString *soundPath = [[popUp_actionDetails selectedItem] representedObject];
[adium.soundController stopPlayingSoundAtPath:soundPath];
[soundFileIcon release]; soundFileIcon = nil;
[super viewWillClose];
* @brief Configure for the action
- (void)configureForActionDetails:(NSDictionary *)inDetails listObject:(AIListObject *)inObject
NSString *selectedSound;
NSInteger soundIndex;
if (!inDetails) inDetails = [adium.preferenceController preferenceForKey:KEY_DEFAULT_SOUND_DICT
//If the user has a custom sound selected, we need to create an entry in the menu for it
selectedSound = [inDetails objectForKey:KEY_ALERT_SOUND_PATH];
if (selectedSound) {
if ([[popUp_actionDetails menu] indexOfItemWithRepresentedObject:selectedSound] == -1) {
[self addSound:selectedSound toMenu:[popUp_actionDetails menu]];
//Set the menu to its previous setting if the stored event matches
soundIndex = [popUp_actionDetails indexOfItemWithRepresentedObject:[inDetails objectForKey:KEY_ALERT_SOUND_PATH]];
if (soundIndex >= 0 && soundIndex < [popUp_actionDetails numberOfItems]) {
[popUp_actionDetails selectItemAtIndex:soundIndex];
} else {
[popUp_actionDetails selectItemAtIndex:-1];
* @brief Return our current configuration
- (NSDictionary *)actionDetails
NSString *soundPath = [[popUp_actionDetails selectedItem] representedObject];
NSDictionary *actionDetails = nil;
if (soundPath && [soundPath length]) {
actionDetails = [NSDictionary dictionaryWithObject:soundPath forKey:KEY_ALERT_SOUND_PATH];
//Save the preferred settings for future use as defaults
[adium.preferenceController setPreference:actionDetails
return actionDetails;
//Sound Menu -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
#pragma mark Sound Menu
* @brief Builds and returns a sound list menu
* The menu is organized by sound set.
- (NSMenu *)soundListMenu
NSMenu *soundMenu = [[NSMenu alloc] init];
NSMenuItem *menuItem;
//Add all soundsets to our menu
for (AISoundSet *soundSet in adium.soundController.soundSets) {
NSString *soundSetName = nil;
NSArray *soundSetContents = nil;
NSString *soundPath;
soundSetName = [soundSet name];
soundSetContents = [[soundSet sounds] allValues];
NSAssert1(soundSetName != nil, @"Sound set does not have a name: %@", soundSet);
if (soundSetContents && [soundSetContents count]) {
NSMenu *soundsetMenu = [[NSMenu allocWithZone:[NSMenu menuZone]] init];
//Add an item for the set
menuItem = [[[NSMenuItem allocWithZone:[NSMenu menuZone]] initWithTitle:soundSetName
keyEquivalent:@""] autorelease];
//Add an item for each sound
for (soundPath in soundSetContents) {
[self addSound:soundPath toMenu:soundsetMenu];
[menuItem setSubmenu:soundsetMenu];
[soundsetMenu release];
[soundMenu addItem:menuItem];
//Add a divider between the sets and Other...
[soundMenu addItem:[NSMenuItem separatorItem]];
//Add the "Other..." item
menuItem = [[[NSMenuItem allocWithZone:[NSMenu menuZone]] initWithTitle:OTHER_ELLIPSIS
keyEquivalent:@""] autorelease];
[soundMenu addItem:menuItem];
[soundMenu setAutoenablesItems:NO];
return [soundMenu autorelease];
* @brief Add a sound menu item to a menu
- (void)addSound:(NSString *)soundPath toMenu:(NSMenu *)soundMenu
NSString *soundTitle = [[soundPath lastPathComponent] stringByDeletingPathExtension];
NSMenuItem *menuItem = [[[NSMenuItem allocWithZone:[NSMenu menuZone]] initWithTitle:soundTitle
keyEquivalent:@""] autorelease];
[menuItem setRepresentedObject:[soundPath stringByCollapsingBundlePath]];
[menuItem setImage:soundFileIcon];
[soundMenu addItem:menuItem];
* @brief Add a soundPath to the menu root if it is not yet present, then select it
* @param The soundPath, which should have a collapsed bundle path (to match menuItem represented objects)
- (void)addAndSelectSoundPath:(NSString *)soundPath
NSMenu *rootMenu = [popUp_actionDetails menu];
NSInteger menuIndex;
//Check for it currently being present in the root menu
menuIndex = [popUp_actionDetails indexOfItemWithRepresentedObject:soundPath];
if (menuIndex == -1) {
//Add it if it wasn't found
[self addSound:soundPath toMenu:rootMenu];
menuIndex = [popUp_actionDetails indexOfItemWithRepresentedObject:soundPath];
if (menuIndex != -1) {
[popUp_actionDetails selectItemAtIndex:menuIndex];
* @brief A sound was selected from a sound popUp menu
* Update our header and play the sound. If "Other..." is selected, allow selection of a file.
- (IBAction)selectSound:(id)sender
NSString *soundPath = [sender representedObject];
if (soundPath != nil && [soundPath length] != 0) {
[adium.soundController playSoundAtPath:[soundPath stringByExpandingBundlePath]]; //Play the sound
//Update the menu and and the selection
[self addAndSelectSoundPath:soundPath];
[self detailsForHeaderChanged];
} else { //selected "Other..."
NSOpenPanel *openPanel = [NSOpenPanel openPanel];
openPanel.allowedFileTypes = [NSSound soundUnfilteredTypes]; //allow all the sounds NSSound understands
[openPanel beginSheetModalForWindow:[view window] completionHandler:^(NSInteger result) {
if (result == NSFileHandlingPanelOKButton) {
NSString *path = openPanel.URL.path;
[adium.soundController playSoundAtPath:path]; //Play the sound
//Update the menu and and the selection
[self addAndSelectSoundPath:[path stringByCollapsingBundlePath]];
[self detailsForHeaderChanged];