
More changelogging for 1.5.11.
2015-04-02, Thijs Alkemade
More changelogging for 1.5.11.
global HandyAdiumScripts
on run
tell application "Adium"
set newAccount to HandyAdiumScripts's makeTemporaryAccount()
set c to count accounts
delete newAccount
if (count accounts) is not c - 1 then
--it's possible that something bad happened
--because I couldn't delete the account I created
--however, there's nothing I can do about it. I'll
--print a message to the user, though.
do script "echo 'It is possible that an extra temporary account has been created by running this unit test. Please delete the account " & (get the name of newAccount) & " and fix the account creation or deletion code."
end tell
end run