
Today's lesson in not using Apple's private methods: somewhere between old/886f95f00431 and #9620 Apple changed their document icon setup process. Use the new methods and fix #9620.
(transplanted from 5cf365ce9352d25978ffd6073d3bc07573aba518)
* Adium is the legal property of its developers, whose names are listed in the copyright file included
* with this source distribution.
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU
* General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License,
* or (at your option) any later version.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even
* the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General
* Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not,
* write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
#import "ESFileTransferController.h"
#import <Adium/AIAccountControllerProtocol.h>
#import <Adium/AIChatControllerProtocol.h>
#import <Adium/AIContactControllerProtocol.h>
#import <Adium/AIInterfaceControllerProtocol.h>
#import <Adium/AIMenuControllerProtocol.h>
#import <Adium/AIToolbarControllerProtocol.h>
#import <Adium/AIContactAlertsControllerProtocol.h>
#import "ESFileTransferPreferences.h"
#import "ESFileTransferProgressWindowController.h"
#import "ESFileTransferRequestPromptController.h"
#import <AIUtilities/AIDictionaryAdditions.h>
#import <AIUtilities/AIFileManagerAdditions.h>
#import <AIUtilities/AIMenuAdditions.h>
#import <AIUtilities/AIStringAdditions.h>
#import <AIUtilities/AIToolbarUtilities.h>
#import <AIUtilities/AIObjectAdditions.h>
#import <AIUtilities/AIImageAdditions.h>
#import <Adium/AIAccount.h>
#import <Adium/AIListContact.h>
#import <Adium/AIListObject.h>
#import <Adium/AIListGroup.h>
#import "ESFileTransfer.h"
#import <Adium/AIWindowController.h>
#define SEND_FILE AILocalizedString(@"Send File",nil)
#define SEND_FILE_WITH_ELLIPSIS [SEND_FILE stringByAppendingEllipsis]
#define CONTACT AILocalizedString(@"Contact",nil)
#define SEND_FILE_IDENTIFIER @"SendFile"
#define FILE_TRANSFER_DEFAULT_PREFS @"FileTransferPrefs"
#define SAFE_FILE_EXTENSIONS_SET [NSSet setWithObjects:@"jpg",@"jpeg",@"gif",@"png",@"tif",@"tiff",@"psd",@"pdf",@"txt",@"rtf",@"html",@"htm",@"swf",@"mp3",@"wma",@"wmv",@"ogg",@"ogm",@"mov",@"mpg",@"mpeg",@"m1v",@"m2v",@"mp4",@"avi",@"vob",@"avi",@"asx",@"asf",@"pls",@"m3u",@"rmp",@"aif",@"aiff",@"aifc",@"wav",@"wave",@"m4a",@"m4p",@"m4b",@"dmg",@"udif",@"ndif",@"dart",@"sparseimage",@"cdr",@"dvdr",@"iso",@"img",@"toast",@"rar",@"sit",@"sitx",@"bin",@"hqx",@"zip",@"gz",@"tgz",@"tar",@"bz",@"bz2",@"tbz",@"z",@"taz",@"uu",@"uue",@"colloquytranscript",@"torrent",@"AdiumIcon",@"AdiumSoundset",@"AdiumEmoticon",@"AdiumMessageStyle",nil]
static ESFileTransferPreferences *preferences;
@interface ESFileTransferController ()
- (void)requestForSendingFileToListContact:(AIListContact *)listContact forWindow:(NSWindow *)theWindow;
- (void)configureFileTransferProgressWindow;
- (void)showProgressWindow:(id)sender;
- (void)showProgressWindowIfNotOpen:(id)sender;
- (void)_finishReceiveRequestForFileTransfer:(ESFileTransfer *)fileTransfer localFilename:(NSString *)localFilename;
- (BOOL)shouldOpenCompleteFileTransfer:(ESFileTransfer *)fileTransfer;
- (IBAction)contextualMenuSendFile:(id)sender;
- (IBAction)sendFileToSelectedContact:(id)sender;
@implementation ESFileTransferController
- (id)init
if ((self = [super init])) {
fileTransferArray = [[NSMutableArray alloc] init];
safeFileExtensions = nil;
return self;
- (void)controllerDidLoad
//Add our get info contextual menu item
menuItem_sendFileContext = [[NSMenuItem alloc] initWithTitle:SEND_FILE_WITH_ELLIPSIS
target:self action:@selector(contextualMenuSendFile:)
[adium.menuController addContextualMenuItem:menuItem_sendFileContext toLocation:Context_Contact_Action];
//Register the events we generate
NSObject <AIContactAlertsController> *contactAlertsController = adium.contactAlertsController;
[contactAlertsController registerEventID:FILE_TRANSFER_REQUEST withHandler:self inGroup:AIFileTransferEventHandlerGroup globalOnly:YES];
[contactAlertsController registerEventID:FILE_TRANSFER_WAITING_REMOTE withHandler:self inGroup:AIFileTransferEventHandlerGroup globalOnly:YES];
[contactAlertsController registerEventID:FILE_TRANSFER_BEGAN withHandler:self inGroup:AIFileTransferEventHandlerGroup globalOnly:YES];
[contactAlertsController registerEventID:FILE_TRANSFER_CANCELLED withHandler:self inGroup:AIFileTransferEventHandlerGroup globalOnly:YES];
[contactAlertsController registerEventID:FILE_TRANSFER_COMPLETE withHandler:self inGroup:AIFileTransferEventHandlerGroup globalOnly:YES];
[contactAlertsController registerEventID:FILE_TRANSFER_FAILED withHandler:self inGroup:AIFileTransferEventHandlerGroup globalOnly:NO];
//Install the Send File menu item
menuItem_sendFile = [[NSMenuItem alloc] initWithTitle:SEND_FILE_WITH_ELLIPSIS
target:self action:@selector(sendFileToSelectedContact:)
[menuItem_sendFile setKeyEquivalentModifierMask:(NSCommandKeyMask | NSShiftKeyMask)];
[adium.menuController addMenuItem:menuItem_sendFile toLocation:LOC_Contact_Action];
//Add our "Send File" toolbar item
NSToolbarItem *toolbarItem;
toolbarItem = [AIToolbarUtilities toolbarItemWithIdentifier:SEND_FILE_IDENTIFIER
toolTip:AILocalizedString(@"Send a file","Tooltip for the Send File toolbar item")
itemContent:[NSImage imageNamed:@"msg-send-file" forClass:[self class] loadLazily:YES]
[adium.toolbarController registerToolbarItem:toolbarItem forToolbarType:@"ListObject"];
//Register our default preferences
[adium.preferenceController registerDefaults:[NSDictionary dictionaryNamed:FILE_TRANSFER_DEFAULT_PREFS
forClass:[self class]]
//Observe pref changes
[adium.preferenceController registerPreferenceObserver:self forGroup:PREF_GROUP_FILE_TRANSFER];
preferences = [(ESFileTransferPreferences *)[ESFileTransferPreferences preferencePane] retain];
//Set up the file transfer progress window
[self configureFileTransferProgressWindow];
- (void)controllerWillClose
[adium.preferenceController unregisterPreferenceObserver:self];
- (void)dealloc
[super dealloc];
[safeFileExtensions release]; safeFileExtensions = nil;
[fileTransferArray release]; fileTransferArray = nil;
#pragma mark Access to file transfer objects
- (ESFileTransfer *)newFileTransferWithContact:(AIListContact *)inContact forAccount:(AIAccount *)inAccount type:(AIFileTransferType)t
ESFileTransfer *fileTransfer;
fileTransfer = [ESFileTransfer fileTransferWithContact:inContact
[fileTransferArray addObject:fileTransfer];
[fileTransfer setStatus:Not_Started_FileTransfer];
//Wait until the next run loop to inform observers of the new file transfer object;
//this way the code which requested a new ESFileTransfer has time to configure it before we
//dispaly information to the user
[[NSNotificationCenter defaultCenter] performSelector:@selector(postNotificationName:object:)
return fileTransfer;
- (NSUInteger)activeTransferCount
NSUInteger count = 0;
ESFileTransfer *t;
for (t in fileTransferArray) {
AIFileTransferStatus status = [t status];
if ((status == Unknown_Status_FileTransfer) ||
(status == Not_Started_FileTransfer) ||
(status == Checksumming_Filetransfer) ||
(status == Waiting_on_Remote_User_FileTransfer) ||
(status == Connecting_FileTransfer) ||
(status == Accepted_FileTransfer) ||
(status == In_Progress_FileTransfer))
return count;
- (NSArray *)fileTransferArray
return fileTransferArray;
//Remove a file transfer from our array.
- (void)_removeFileTransfer:(ESFileTransfer *)fileTransfer
[fileTransferArray removeObject:fileTransfer];
#pragma mark Sending and receiving
//Sent by an account when it gets a request for us to receive a file; prompt the user for a save location
- (void)receiveRequestForFileTransfer:(ESFileTransfer *)fileTransfer
AIListContact *listContact = [fileTransfer contact];
NSString *localFilename = nil;
[fileTransfer setFileTransferType:Incoming_FileTransfer];
[adium.contactAlertsController generateEvent:FILE_TRANSFER_REQUEST
if ((autoAcceptType == AutoAccept_All) ||
((autoAcceptType == AutoAccept_FromContactList) && [listContact isIntentionallyNotAStranger])) {
NSString *preferredDownloadFolder = [adium.preferenceController userPreferredDownloadFolder];
NSString *remoteFilename = [fileTransfer remoteFilename];
//If the incoming file would become hidden, prefix it with an underscore so it is visible.
if ([remoteFilename hasPrefix:@"."]) remoteFilename = [@"_" stringByAppendingString:remoteFilename ];
//If we should autoaccept, determine the local filename and proceed to accept the request.
localFilename = [preferredDownloadFolder stringByAppendingPathComponent:remoteFilename];
[self _finishReceiveRequestForFileTransfer:fileTransfer
localFilename:[[NSFileManager defaultManager] uniquePathForPath:localFilename]];
} else {
//Prompt to accept/deny
[ESFileTransferRequestPromptController displayPromptForFileTransfer:fileTransfer
* @brief Finish the receive request process
* Called by either ESFileTransferRequestPromptController or self, this method is the last step in accepting or
* refusing a request to be sent a file.
* @param fileTransfer The file transfer in question
* @param localFilename Full path at which to save the file. If anything exists at this path it will be overwritten without further confirmation. Pass nil to deny the transfer.
- (void)_finishReceiveRequestForFileTransfer:(ESFileTransfer *)fileTransfer localFilename:(NSString *)localFilename
if([fileTransfer isStopped]) //if it's been canceled while we were busy asking the user stuff, ignore it
if (localFilename) {
[fileTransfer setLocalFilename:localFilename];
[fileTransfer setStatus:Accepted_FileTransfer];
[(AIAccount<AIAccount_Files> *)fileTransfer.account acceptFileTransferRequest:fileTransfer];
if (showProgressWindow) {
[self showProgressWindowIfNotOpen:nil];
} else {
[(AIAccount<AIAccount_Files> *)fileTransfer.account rejectFileReceiveRequest:fileTransfer];
[fileTransfer setStatus:Cancelled_Local_FileTransfer];
- (NSOpenPanel *)sendFilePanelForListContact:(AIListContact *)listContact
NSOpenPanel *openPanel = [NSOpenPanel openPanel];
[openPanel setTitle:[NSString stringWithFormat:AILocalizedString(@"Send File to %@",nil),listContact.displayName]];
[openPanel setCanChooseDirectories:YES];
[openPanel setResolvesAliases:YES];
[openPanel setAllowsMultipleSelection:YES];
[openPanel setPrompt:AILocalizedStringFromTable(@"Send", @"Buttons", nil)];
return openPanel;
//Prompt the user for the file to send via an Open File dialogue
- (void)requestForSendingFileToListContact:(AIListContact *)listContact
[self requestForSendingFileToListContact:listContact forWindow:nil];
- (void)requestForSendingFileToListContact:(AIListContact *)listContact forWindow:(NSWindow *)theWindow
NSOpenPanel *openPanel = [self sendFilePanelForListContact:listContact];
id handler = ^(NSInteger result) {
if (result == NSFileHandlingPanelOKButton) {
for (NSURL *url in openPanel.URLs) {
[self sendFile:url.path toListContact:listContact];
if (theWindow) {
[openPanel beginSheetModalForWindow:theWindow completionHandler:handler];
} else {
[openPanel beginWithCompletionHandler:handler];
- (NSString *)pathToArchiveOfFolder:(NSString *)inPath
NSString *pathToArchive = nil;
NSFileManager *defaultManager = [NSFileManager defaultManager];
NSString *tmpDir;
//Desired folder: /private/tmp/$UID/`uuidgen`
tmpDir = [NSTemporaryDirectory() stringByAppendingPathComponent:[[NSProcessInfo processInfo] globallyUniqueString]];
if (tmpDir) {
NSString *launchPath = [[[@"/" stringByAppendingPathComponent:@"usr"] stringByAppendingPathComponent:@"bin"] stringByAppendingPathComponent:@"zip"];
//Proceed only if /usr/bin/zip exists
if ([defaultManager fileExistsAtPath:launchPath]) {
NSString *folderName = [inPath lastPathComponent];
NSArray *arguments;
NSTask *zipTask = nil;
BOOL success = YES;
//Ensure our temporary directory exists [it never will the first time this method is called]
[defaultManager createDirectoryAtPath:tmpDir withIntermediateDirectories:YES attributes:nil error:NULL];
pathToArchive = [[NSFileManager defaultManager] uniquePathForPath:[tmpDir stringByAppendingPathComponent:[folderName stringByAppendingPathExtension:@"zip"]]];
arguments = [NSArray arrayWithObjects:
@"-r", //we'll want to store recursively
@"-1", //use the fastest level of compression that isn't storage; the user can compress manually to do better
@"-y", //store symbolic links as such instead of resolving the link
@"-q", //shhh!
pathToArchive, //output to our destination name
folderName, //store the folder
AILog(@"-[ESFileTransferController pathToArchiveOfFolder:]: Will launch %@ with arguments %@ in directory %@",
launchPath, arguments, [inPath stringByDeletingLastPathComponent]);
zipTask = [[NSTask alloc] init];
[zipTask setLaunchPath:launchPath];
[zipTask setArguments:arguments];
[zipTask setCurrentDirectoryPath:[inPath stringByDeletingLastPathComponent]];
[zipTask launch];
[zipTask waitUntilExit];
@catch (id exc) {
success = NO;
if (success) {
success = (([zipTask terminationStatus] == -1) || ([zipTask terminationStatus] == 0));
if (!success) pathToArchive = nil;
AILog(@"-[ESFileTransferController pathToArchiveOfFolder:]: Success %i (%i), so pathToArchive is %@",
success, [zipTask terminationStatus], pathToArchive);
[zipTask release];
return pathToArchive;
//Initiate sending a file at a specified path to listContact
- (void)sendFile:(NSString *)inPath toListContact:(AIListContact *)listContact
AIAccount *account;
if ((account = [adium.accountController preferredAccountForSendingContentType:CONTENT_FILE_TRANSFER_TYPE
toContact:listContact]) &&
[account conformsToProtocol:@protocol(AIAccount_Files)]) {
NSFileManager *defaultManager = [NSFileManager defaultManager];
BOOL isDir;
//Resolve any alias we're passed if necessary
inPath = [defaultManager pathByResolvingAlias:inPath];
if ([defaultManager fileExistsAtPath:inPath isDirectory:&isDir]) {
//If we get a directory and the account we're sending from doesn't support folder transfers
if (isDir &&
![(AIAccount<AIAccount_Files> *)account canSendFolders]) {
inPath = [self pathToArchiveOfFolder:inPath];
if (inPath) {
long fileSize = [[[defaultManager attributesOfItemAtPath:inPath
error:NULL] objectForKey:NSFileSize] longValue];
if (fileSize > 0) {
ESFileTransfer *fileTransfer;
//Set up a fileTransfer object
fileTransfer = [self newFileTransferWithContact:listContact
[fileTransfer setLocalFilename:inPath];
[fileTransfer setSize:fileSize];
//The fileTransfer object should now have everything the account needs to begin transferring
[(AIAccount<AIAccount_Files> *)account beginSendOfFileTransfer:fileTransfer];
if (showProgressWindow) {
[self showProgressWindowIfNotOpen:nil];
} else {
//XXX Show a warning message rather than just beeping
//Menu or context menu item for sending a file was selected - possible only when a listContact is selected
- (IBAction)sendFileToSelectedContact:(id)sender
//Get the "selected" list object (contact list or message window)
AIListObject *selectedObject;
AIListContact *listContact = nil;
selectedObject = adium.interfaceController.selectedListObject;
if ([selectedObject isKindOfClass:[AIListContact class]]) {
listContact = [adium.contactController preferredContactForContentType:CONTENT_FILE_TRANSFER_TYPE
forListContact:(AIListContact *)selectedObject];
if (listContact) {
if (![sender isKindOfClass:[NSToolbarItem class]] || !listContact) {
[self requestForSendingFileToListContact:listContact];
} else {
AIChat *theChat = [adium.chatController existingChatWithContact:listContact];
NSWindow *theWindow = [adium.interfaceController windowForChat:theChat];
[self requestForSendingFileToListContact:listContact forWindow:theWindow];
//Prompt for a new contact with the current tab's name
- (IBAction)contextualMenuSendFile:(id)sender
AIListObject *selectedObject = adium.menuController.currentContextMenuObject;
AIListContact *listContact = [adium.contactController preferredContactForContentType:CONTENT_FILE_TRANSFER_TYPE
forListContact:(AIListContact *)selectedObject];
[NSApp activateIgnoringOtherApps:YES];
[self requestForSendingFileToListContact:listContact];
#pragma mark Status updates
- (void)fileTransfer:(ESFileTransfer *)fileTransfer didSetStatus:(AIFileTransferStatus)status
switch (status) {
case Checksumming_Filetransfer:
[adium.contactAlertsController generateEvent:FILE_TRANSFER_CHECKSUMMING
forListObject:[fileTransfer contact]
if (showProgressWindow) {
[self showProgressWindowIfNotOpen:nil];
case Waiting_on_Remote_User_FileTransfer:
[adium.contactAlertsController generateEvent:FILE_TRANSFER_WAITING_REMOTE
forListObject:[fileTransfer contact]
if (showProgressWindow) {
[self showProgressWindowIfNotOpen:nil];
case Accepted_FileTransfer:
[adium.contactAlertsController generateEvent:FILE_TRANSFER_BEGAN
forListObject:[fileTransfer contact]
if (showProgressWindow) {
[self showProgressWindowIfNotOpen:nil];
case Complete_FileTransfer:
[adium.contactAlertsController generateEvent:FILE_TRANSFER_COMPLETE
forListObject:[fileTransfer contact]
//The file is complete; if we are supposed to automatically open safe files and this is one, open it
if ([self shouldOpenCompleteFileTransfer:fileTransfer]) {
[fileTransfer openFile];
[[NSDistributedNotificationCenter defaultCenter] postNotificationName:@""
case Cancelled_Remote_FileTransfer:
[adium.contactAlertsController generateEvent:FILE_TRANSFER_CANCELLED
forListObject:[fileTransfer contact]
case Failed_FileTransfer:
[adium.contactAlertsController generateEvent:FILE_TRANSFER_FAILED
forListObject:[fileTransfer contact]
- (BOOL)shouldOpenCompleteFileTransfer:(ESFileTransfer *)fileTransfer
BOOL shouldOpen = NO;
if (autoOpenSafe &&
([fileTransfer fileTransferType] == Incoming_FileTransfer)) {
if (!safeFileExtensions) safeFileExtensions = [SAFE_FILE_EXTENSIONS_SET retain];
shouldOpen = [safeFileExtensions containsObject:[[[fileTransfer localFilename] pathExtension] lowercaseString]];
return shouldOpen;
- (BOOL)validateMenuItem:(NSMenuItem *)menuItem
AIListContact *listContact = nil;
if (menuItem == menuItem_sendFile) {
AIListObject *selectedObject = adium.interfaceController.selectedListObject;
if (selectedObject && [selectedObject isKindOfClass:[AIListContact class]]) {
listContact = [adium.contactController preferredContactForContentType:CONTENT_FILE_TRANSFER_TYPE
forListContact:(AIListContact *)selectedObject];
return listContact != nil;
} else if (menuItem == menuItem_sendFileContext) {
AIListObject *selectedObject = adium.menuController.currentContextMenuObject;
if (selectedObject && [selectedObject isKindOfClass:[AIListContact class]]) {
listContact = [adium.contactController preferredContactForContentType:CONTENT_FILE_TRANSFER_TYPE
forListContact:(AIListContact *)selectedObject];
return listContact != nil;
} else if (menuItem == menuItem_showFileTransferProgress) {
return YES;
return YES;
- (BOOL)validateToolbarItem:(NSToolbarItem *)theItem
AIListContact *listContact = nil;
AIListObject *selectedObject = adium.interfaceController.selectedListObject;
if (selectedObject && [selectedObject isKindOfClass:[AIListContact class]]) {
listContact = [adium.contactController preferredContactForContentType:CONTENT_FILE_TRANSFER_TYPE
forListContact:(AIListContact *)selectedObject];
return listContact != nil;
#pragma mark File transfer progress window
- (void)configureFileTransferProgressWindow
//Add the File Transfer Progress window menuItem
menuItem_showFileTransferProgress = [[NSMenuItem alloc] initWithTitle:AILocalizedString(@"File Transfers",nil)
[menuItem_showFileTransferProgress setKeyEquivalentModifierMask:(NSCommandKeyMask | NSAlternateKeyMask)];
[adium.menuController addMenuItem:menuItem_showFileTransferProgress toLocation:LOC_Window_Auxiliary];
//Show the file transfer progress window
- (void)showProgressWindow:(id)sender
[ESFileTransferProgressWindowController showFileTransferProgressWindow];
- (void)showProgressWindowIfNotOpen:(id)sender
[ESFileTransferProgressWindowController showFileTransferProgressWindowIfNotOpen];
#pragma mark Preferences
- (void)preferencesChangedForGroup:(NSString *)group key:(NSString *)key
object:(AIListObject *)object preferenceDict:(NSDictionary *)prefDict firstTime:(BOOL)firstTime
autoAcceptType = [[prefDict objectForKey:KEY_FT_AUTO_ACCEPT] intValue];
autoOpenSafe = [[prefDict objectForKey:KEY_FT_AUTO_OPEN_SAFE] boolValue];
//If we created a safe file extensions set and no longer need it, desroy it
if (!autoOpenSafe && safeFileExtensions) {
[safeFileExtensions release]; safeFileExtensions = nil;
showProgressWindow = [[prefDict objectForKey:KEY_FT_SHOW_PROGRESS_WINDOW] boolValue];
#pragma mark AIEventHandler
- (NSString *)shortDescriptionForEventID:(NSString *)eventID
NSString *description;
if ([eventID isEqualToString:FILE_TRANSFER_FAILED]) {
description = AILocalizedString(@"File transfer fails",nil);
} else {
description = @"";
return description;
- (NSString *)globalShortDescriptionForEventID:(NSString *)eventID
NSString *description;
if ([eventID isEqualToString:FILE_TRANSFER_REQUEST]) {
description = AILocalizedString(@"File transfer requested",nil);
} else if ([eventID isEqualToString:FILE_TRANSFER_CHECKSUMMING]) {
description = AILocalizedString(@"File is checksummed before sending",nil);
} else if ([eventID isEqualToString:FILE_TRANSFER_WAITING_REMOTE]) {
description = AILocalizedString(@"File transfer being offered to other side",nil);
} else if ([eventID isEqualToString:FILE_TRANSFER_BEGAN]) {
description = AILocalizedString(@"File transfer begins",nil);
} else if ([eventID isEqualToString:FILE_TRANSFER_CANCELLED]) {
description = AILocalizedString(@"File transfer cancelled by the other side",nil);
} else if ([eventID isEqualToString:FILE_TRANSFER_COMPLETE]) {
description = AILocalizedString(@"File transfer completed successfully",nil);
} else if ([eventID isEqualToString:FILE_TRANSFER_FAILED]) {
description = AILocalizedString(@"File transfer failed",nil);
} else {
description = @"";
return description;
//Evan: This exists because old X(tras) relied upon matching the description of event IDs, and I don't feel like making
//a converter for old packs. If anyone wants to fix this situation, please feel free :)
//XXX-fix this for the above comment.
- (NSString *)englishGlobalShortDescriptionForEventID:(NSString *)eventID
NSString *description;
if ([eventID isEqualToString:FILE_TRANSFER_REQUEST]) {
description = @"File Transfer Request";
} else if ([eventID isEqualToString:FILE_TRANSFER_CHECKSUMMING]) {
description = @"File Checksumming for Sending";
} else if ([eventID isEqualToString:FILE_TRANSFER_WAITING_REMOTE]) {
description = @"File Transfer Being Offered to Remote User";
} else if ([eventID isEqualToString:FILE_TRANSFER_BEGAN]) {
description = @"File Transfer Began";
} else if ([eventID isEqualToString:FILE_TRANSFER_CANCELLED]) {
//Canceled, not Cancelled as we use elsewhere in Adium, for historical reasons. Both are valid spellings.
description = @"File Transfer Canceled Remotely";
} else if ([eventID isEqualToString:FILE_TRANSFER_COMPLETE]) {
description = @"File Transfer Complete";
} else if ([eventID isEqualToString:FILE_TRANSFER_FAILED]) {
description = @"File transfer failed";
} else {
description = @"";
return description;
- (NSString *)longDescriptionForEventID:(NSString *)eventID forListObject:(AIListObject *)listObject
NSString *description;
if (listObject) {
NSString *format;
if ([eventID isEqualToString:FILE_TRANSFER_FAILED]) {
format = AILocalizedString(@"When a file transfer with %@ fails",nil);
} else {
format = nil;
if (format) {
NSString *name;
name = ([listObject isKindOfClass:[AIListGroup class]] ?
[NSString stringWithFormat:AILocalizedString(@"a member of %@",nil),listObject.displayName] :
description = [NSString stringWithFormat:format, name];
} else {
description = @"";
} else {
if ([eventID isEqualToString:FILE_TRANSFER_REQUEST]) {
description = AILocalizedString(@"When a file transfer is requested",nil);
} else if ([eventID isEqualToString:FILE_TRANSFER_CHECKSUMMING]) {
description = AILocalizedString(@"When a file is checksummed prior to sending",nil);
} else if ([eventID isEqualToString:FILE_TRANSFER_WAITING_REMOTE]) {
description = AILocalizedString(@"When a file transfer is offered to a remote user",nil);
} else if ([eventID isEqualToString:FILE_TRANSFER_BEGAN]) {
description = AILocalizedString(@"When a file transfer begins",nil);
} else if ([eventID isEqualToString:FILE_TRANSFER_CANCELLED]) {
description = AILocalizedString(@"When a file transfer is cancelled remotely",nil);
} else if ([eventID isEqualToString:FILE_TRANSFER_COMPLETE]) {
description = AILocalizedString(@"When a file transfer is completed successfully",nil);
} else if ([eventID isEqualToString:FILE_TRANSFER_FAILED]) {
description = AILocalizedString(@"When a file transfer fails",nil);
} else {
description = @"";
return description;
- (NSString *)naturalLanguageDescriptionForEventID:(NSString *)eventID
listObject:(AIListObject *)listObject
NSString *description = nil;
NSString *displayName, *displayFilename;
ESFileTransfer *fileTransfer;
NSParameterAssert([userInfo isKindOfClass:[ESFileTransfer class]]);
fileTransfer = (ESFileTransfer *)userInfo;
displayName = listObject.displayName;
displayFilename = [fileTransfer displayFilename];
if (includeSubject) {
NSString *format = nil;
if ([eventID isEqualToString:FILE_TRANSFER_REQUEST]) {
//Should only happen for an incoming transfer
format = AILocalizedString(@"%@ requests to send you %@","A person is wanting to send you a file. The first %@ is a name; the second %@ is the filename of the file being sent.");
} else if ([eventID isEqualToString:FILE_TRANSFER_WAITING_REMOTE]) {
//Should only happen for outgoing file transfers
format = AILocalizedString(@"Offering to send %@ to %@","You are offering to send a file to a remote user. The first %@ is the filename of the file being sent; the second %@ is the recipient of the file being sent.");
} else if ([eventID isEqualToString:FILE_TRANSFER_BEGAN]) {
if ([fileTransfer fileTransferType] == Incoming_FileTransfer) {
format = AILocalizedString(@"%@ began sending you %@","A person began sending you a file. The first %@ is a name; the second %@ is the filename of the file being sent.");
} else {
format = AILocalizedString(@"%@ began receiving %@","A person began receiving a file from you. The first %@ is the recipient of the file; the second %@ is the filename of the file being sent.");
} else if ([eventID isEqualToString:FILE_TRANSFER_CANCELLED]) {
format = AILocalizedString(@"%@ cancelled the transfer of %@","The other contact cancelled a file transfer in progress. The first %@ is the recipient of the file; the second %@ is the filename of the file being sent.");
} else if ([eventID isEqualToString:FILE_TRANSFER_COMPLETE]) {
if ([fileTransfer fileTransferType] == Incoming_FileTransfer) {
format = AILocalizedString(@"%@ sent you %@","First placeholder is a name; second is a filename");
} else {
format = AILocalizedString(@"%@ received %@","First placeholder is a name; second is a filename");
} else if ([eventID isEqualToString:FILE_TRANSFER_FAILED]) {
if ([fileTransfer fileTransferType] == Incoming_FileTransfer) {
format = AILocalizedString(@"%@'s transfer of %@ failed","First placeholder is a name; second is a filename");
} else {
format = AILocalizedString(@"Your transfer to %@ of %@ failed","First placeholder is a name; second is a filename");
if (format) {
description = [NSString stringWithFormat:format,displayName,displayFilename];
} else {
NSString *format = nil;
if ([eventID isEqualToString:FILE_TRANSFER_REQUEST]) {
//Should only happen for an incoming transfer
format = AILocalizedString(@"requests to send you %@","%@ is a filename of a file being sent");
}else if ([eventID isEqualToString:FILE_TRANSFER_WAITING_REMOTE]) {
//Should only happen for an outgoing transfer
format = AILocalizedString(@"offers to send %@","%@ is a filename of a file being sent");
} else if ([eventID isEqualToString:FILE_TRANSFER_BEGAN]) {
if ([fileTransfer fileTransferType] == Incoming_FileTransfer) {
format = AILocalizedString(@"began sending you %@","%@ is a filename of a file being sent");
} else {
format = AILocalizedString(@"began receiving %@","%@ is a filename of a file being sent");
} else if ([eventID isEqualToString:FILE_TRANSFER_CANCELLED]) {
format = AILocalizedString(@"cancelled the transfer of %@","%@ is a filename of a file being sent");
} else if ([eventID isEqualToString:FILE_TRANSFER_COMPLETE]) {
if ([fileTransfer fileTransferType] == Incoming_FileTransfer) {
format = AILocalizedString(@"sent you %@","%@ is a filename of a file being sent");
} else {
format = AILocalizedString(@"received %@","%@ is a filename of a file being sent");
} else if ([eventID isEqualToString:FILE_TRANSFER_FAILED]) {
if ([fileTransfer fileTransferType] == Incoming_FileTransfer) {
format = AILocalizedString(@"failed to send you %@","%@ is a filename of a file being sent");
} else {
format = AILocalizedString(@"failed to receive %@","%@ is a filename of a file being sent");
if (format) {
description = [NSString stringWithFormat:format,displayFilename];
return description;
- (NSImage *)imageForEventID:(NSString *)eventID
static NSImage *eventImage = nil;
if (!eventImage) eventImage = [[NSImage imageNamed:@"pref-file-transfer" forClass:[self class]] retain];
return eventImage;
- (NSString *)descriptionForCombinedEventID:(NSString *)eventID
forListObject:(AIListObject *)listObject
forChat:(AIChat *)chat
NSString *format = nil;
if ([eventID isEqualToString:FILE_TRANSFER_REQUEST]) {
format = AILocalizedString(@"%u incoming file transfers",nil);
} else if ([eventID isEqualToString:FILE_TRANSFER_CHECKSUMMING]) {
format = AILocalizedString(@"%u files being checksummed prior to sending",nil);
} else if ([eventID isEqualToString:FILE_TRANSFER_WAITING_REMOTE]) {
format = AILocalizedString(@"%u files offered to send",nil);
} else if ([eventID isEqualToString:FILE_TRANSFER_BEGAN]) {
format = AILocalizedString(@"%u files began transferring",nil);
} else if ([eventID isEqualToString:FILE_TRANSFER_CANCELLED]) {
format = AILocalizedString(@"%u files cancelled remotely",nil);
} else if ([eventID isEqualToString:FILE_TRANSFER_COMPLETE]) {
format = AILocalizedString(@"%u files completed successfully",nil);
} else if ([eventID isEqualToString:FILE_TRANSFER_FAILED]) {
format = AILocalizedString(@"%u file transfers failed",nil);
return format ? [NSString stringWithFormat:format, count] : @"";
#pragma mark Strings for sizes
#define ZERO_BYTES AILocalizedString(@"Zero bytes", "no file size")
- (NSString *)stringForSize:(unsigned long long)inSize
NSString *ret = nil;
if ( inSize == 0. ) ret = ZERO_BYTES;
else if ( inSize > 0. && inSize < 1024. ) ret = [NSString stringWithFormat:AILocalizedString( @"%llu bytes", "file size measured in bytes" ), inSize];
else if ( inSize >= 1024. && inSize < pow( 1024., 2. ) ) ret = [NSString stringWithFormat:AILocalizedString( @"%.1f KB", "file size measured in kilobytes" ), ( inSize / 1024. )];
else if ( inSize >= pow( 1024., 2. ) && inSize < pow( 1024., 3. ) ) ret = [NSString stringWithFormat:AILocalizedString( @"%.2f MB", "file size measured in megabytes" ), ( inSize / pow( 1024., 2. ) )];
else if ( inSize >= pow( 1024., 3. ) && inSize < pow( 1024., 4. ) ) ret = [NSString stringWithFormat:AILocalizedString( @"%.3f GB", "file size measured in gigabytes" ), ( inSize / pow( 1024., 3. ) )];
else if ( inSize >= pow( 1024., 4. ) ) ret = [NSString stringWithFormat:AILocalizedString( @"%.4f TB", "file size measured in terabytes" ), ( inSize / pow( 1024., 4. ) )];
if (!ret) ret = ZERO_BYTES;
return ret;
- (NSString *)stringForSize:(unsigned long long)inSize of:(unsigned long long)totalSize ofString:(NSString *)totalSizeString
NSString *ret = nil;
if ( inSize == 0. ) {
} else if ( inSize > 0. && inSize < 1024. ) {
if ( totalSize > 0. && totalSize < 1024. ) {
ret = [NSString stringWithFormat:AILocalizedString( @"%llu of %llu bytes", "file sizes both measured in bytes" ), inSize, totalSize];
} else {
ret = [NSString stringWithFormat:AILocalizedString( @"%llu bytes of %@", "file size measured in bytes out of some other measurement" ), inSize, totalSizeString];
} else if ( inSize >= 1024. && inSize < pow( 1024., 2. ) ) {
if ( totalSize >= 1024. && totalSize < pow( 1024., 2. ) ) {
ret = [NSString stringWithFormat:AILocalizedString( @"%.1f of %.1f KB", "file sizes both measured in kilobytes" ), ( inSize / 1024. ), ( totalSize / 1024. )];
} else {
ret = [NSString stringWithFormat:AILocalizedString( @"%.1f KB of %@", "file size measured in kilobytes out of some other measurement" ), ( inSize / 1024. ), totalSizeString];
else if ( inSize >= pow( 1024., 2. ) && inSize < pow( 1024., 3. ) ) {
if ( totalSize >= pow( 1024., 2. ) && totalSize < pow( 1024., 3. ) ) {
ret = [NSString stringWithFormat:AILocalizedString( @"%.2f of %.2f MB", "file sizes both measured in megabytes" ), ( inSize / pow( 1024., 2. ) ), ( totalSize / pow( 1024., 2. ) )];
} else {
ret = [NSString stringWithFormat:AILocalizedString( @"%.2f MB of %@", "file size measured in megabytes out of some other measurement" ), ( inSize / pow( 1024., 2. ) ), totalSizeString];
else if ( inSize >= pow( 1024., 3. ) && inSize < pow( 1024., 4. ) ) {
if ( totalSize >= pow( 1024., 3. ) && totalSize < pow( 1024., 4. ) ) {
ret = [NSString stringWithFormat:AILocalizedString( @"%.3f of %.3f GB", "file sizes both measured in gigabytes" ), ( inSize / pow( 1024., 3. ) ), ( totalSize / pow( 1024., 3. ) )];
} else {
ret = [NSString stringWithFormat:AILocalizedString( @"%.3f GB of %@", "file size measured in gigabytes out of some other measurement" ), ( inSize / pow( 1024., 3. ) ), totalSizeString];
else if ( inSize >= pow( 1024., 4. ) ) {
if ( totalSize >= pow( 1024., 4. ) ) {
ret = [NSString stringWithFormat:AILocalizedString( @"%.4f of %.4f TB", "file sizes both measured in terabytes" ), ( inSize / pow( 1024., 4. ) ), ( totalSize / pow( 1024., 4. ) )];
} else {
ret = [NSString stringWithFormat:AILocalizedString( @"%.4f TB of %@", "file size measured in terabytes out of some other measurement" ), ( inSize / pow( 1024., 4. ) ), totalSizeString];
if (!ret) ret = ZERO_BYTES;
return ret;