
Today's lesson in not using Apple's private methods: somewhere between old/886f95f00431 and #9620 Apple changed their document icon setup process. Use the new methods and fix #9620.
(transplanted from 5cf365ce9352d25978ffd6073d3bc07573aba518)
* Adium is the legal property of its developers, whose names are listed in the copyright file included
* with this source distribution.
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU
* General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License,
* or (at your option) any later version.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even
* the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General
* Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not,
* write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
#import "AIMenuController.h"
#import <Adium/AIAccount.h>
#import <Adium/AIChat.h>
#import <Adium/AIListContact.h>
#import <Adium/AIListBookmark.h>
#import <Adium/AIListObject.h>
#import <Adium/AIMetaContact.h>
#import <AIUtilities/AIMenuAdditions.h>
#import <AIUtilities/AIStringAdditions.h>
@interface AIMenuController ()
- (void)localizeMenuTitles;
- (void)updateAccountSpecificMenu:(NSMenu *)menu;
- (NSMenu *)contextualMenuWithLocations:(NSArray *)inLocationArray usingMenu:(NSMenu *)inMenu;
- (void)addMenuItemsForContact:(AIListContact *)inContact toMenu:(NSMenu *)workingMenu separatorItem:(BOOL *)separatorItem;
- (void)addMenuItemsForChat:(AIChat *)inContact toMenu:(NSMenu *)workingMenu separatorItem:(BOOL *)separatorItem;
@implementation AIMenuController
- (id)init
if ((self = [super init])) {
//Set up our contextual menu stuff
contextualMenu = [[NSMenu alloc] init];
[contextualMenu setDelegate:self];
contextualMenuItemDict = [[NSMutableDictionary alloc] init];
currentContextMenuObject = nil;
textViewContextualMenu = [[NSMenu alloc] init];
[textViewContextualMenu setDelegate:self];
return self;
- (void)awakeFromNib
//Build the array of menu locations
locationArray = [[NSMutableArray alloc] initWithObjects:menu_Adium_About, menu_Adium_Preferences, menu_Adium_Other,
menu_File_New, menu_File_Close, menu_File_Save, menu_File_Accounts, menu_File_Additions,
menu_Edit_Bottom, menu_Edit_Links, menu_Edit_Additions,
menu_View_General, menu_View_Sorting, menu_View_Toggles, menu_View_Counting_Toggles, menu_View_Appearance_Toggles, menu_View_Additions,
menu_Display_General, menu_Display_Jump, menu_Display_MessageControl,
menu_Contact_Manage, menu_Contact_Info, menu_Contact_Action, menu_Contact_NegativeAction, menu_Contact_Additions,
menu_Status_State, menu_Status_SocialNetworking, menu_Status_Accounts, menu_Status_Additions,
menu_Format_Styles, menu_Format_Palettes, menu_Format_Additions,
menu_Window_Top, menu_Window_Commands, menu_Window_Auxiliary, menu_Window_Fixed,
menu_Help_Local, menu_Help_Web, menu_Help_Additions,
menu_Dock_Status, nil];
- (void)controllerDidLoad
[self localizeMenuTitles];
- (void)controllerWillClose
//There's no need to remove the menu items, the system will take them out for us.
//Add a menu item
- (void)addMenuItem:(NSMenuItem *)newItem toLocation:(AIMenuLocation)location
NSMenuItem *menuItem;
NSMenu *targetMenu = nil;
NSInteger targetIndex;
NSInteger destination;
//Find the menu item (or the closest one above it)
destination = location;
menuItem = [locationArray objectAtIndex:destination];
while ((menuItem == nilMenuItem) && (destination > 0)) {
menuItem = [locationArray objectAtIndex:destination];
if ([menuItem isKindOfClass:[NSMenuItem class]]) {
//If attached to a menu item, insert below that item
targetMenu = [menuItem menu];
targetIndex = [targetMenu indexOfItem:menuItem];
//If the next item is its alternate, skip over it
if ((targetIndex < [targetMenu numberOfItems]-1) && [[targetMenu itemAtIndex:targetIndex+1] isAlternate]) {
} else {
//If it's attached to an NSMenu (and not an NSMenuItem), insert at the top of the menu
targetMenu = (NSMenu *)menuItem;
targetIndex = -1;
//Insert the new item and a divider (if necessary)
if (location != destination) {
[targetMenu insertItem:[NSMenuItem separatorItem] atIndex:++targetIndex];
[targetMenu insertItem:newItem atIndex:targetIndex+1];
//update the location array
[locationArray replaceObjectAtIndex:location withObject:newItem];
[[NSNotificationCenter defaultCenter] postNotificationName:AIMenuDidChange object:[newItem menu] userInfo:nil];
//Remove a menu item
- (void)removeMenuItem:(NSMenuItem *)targetItem
NSMenu *targetMenu = [targetItem menu];
if (!targetMenu) return;
NSInteger targetIndex = [targetMenu indexOfItem:targetItem];
NSUInteger loop, maxLoop;
//Fix the pointer if this is one
for (loop = 0, maxLoop = [locationArray count]; loop < maxLoop; loop++) {
NSMenuItem *menuItem = [locationArray objectAtIndex:loop];
//Move to the item above it, nil if a divider
if (menuItem == targetItem) {
if (targetIndex != 0) {
NSMenuItem *previousItem = [targetMenu itemAtIndex:(targetIndex - 1)];
if ([previousItem isSeparatorItem]) {
[locationArray replaceObjectAtIndex:loop withObject:nilMenuItem];
} else {
[locationArray replaceObjectAtIndex:loop withObject:previousItem];
} else {
//If there are no more items, attach to the menu
[locationArray replaceObjectAtIndex:loop withObject:targetMenu];
//Remove the item
[targetMenu removeItem:targetItem];
if (!menuItemProcessingDelays) {
//Remove any double dividers by removing the upper divier. Also, remove dividers at the top or bottom of the menu
for (loop = 0; loop < [targetMenu numberOfItems]; loop++) {
if (([[targetMenu itemAtIndex:loop] isSeparatorItem]) &&
((loop == [targetMenu numberOfItems] - 1) || (loop == 0) || ([[targetMenu itemAtIndex:loop-1] isSeparatorItem]))) {
[targetMenu removeItemAtIndex:loop];
loop--;//re-search the location
/* XXX Note that this notification isn't being posted if triggerred while in menuItemProcessingDelays.
* It's not currently needed in that situation so this is a very small performance hack... it could move outside the
* conditional if necessary. -evands
[[NSNotificationCenter defaultCenter] postNotificationName:AIMenuDidChange object:targetMenu userInfo:nil];
- (void)delayMenuItemPostProcessing
- (void)endDelayMenuItemPostProcessing
#pragma mark Contextual menu
* @brief Register a menu item for inclusion in contextual menus
* @param newItem The NSMenuItem to add
* @param location The AIContextMenuLocation associated with this menu item. Ordering within a given location is not defined.
- (void)addContextualMenuItem:(NSMenuItem *)newItem toLocation:(AIContextMenuLocation)location
NSNumber *key;
NSMutableArray *itemArray;
//Search for an existing item array for menu items in this location
key = [NSNumber numberWithInteger:location];
itemArray = [contextualMenuItemDict objectForKey:key];
//If one is not found, create it
if (!itemArray) {
itemArray = [NSMutableArray array];
[contextualMenuItemDict setObject:itemArray forKey:key];
//Add the passed menu item to the array
[itemArray addObject:newItem];
* @brief Obtain an NSMenu of contextual menu items for a list object
* @param inLocationArray An NSArray of NSNumbers whose intValues are AIContextMenuLocation. The menu will be returned with these locations' items in order, separated by NSMenuItemSeparators.
* @param inObject The object for which menu items should be generated
- (NSMenu *)contextualMenuWithLocations:(NSArray *)inLocationArray forListObject:(AIListObject *)inObject
NSMenu *workingMenu;
BOOL separatorItem;
//Remember what our menu is configured for
[currentContextMenuObject release];
currentContextMenuObject = [inObject retain];
//Get the pre-created contextual menu items
workingMenu = [self contextualMenuWithLocations:inLocationArray usingMenu:contextualMenu];
//Add any account-specific menu items
separatorItem = YES;
if ([inObject isKindOfClass:[AIMetaContact class]]) {
for (AIListContact *aListContact in ((AIMetaContact *)inObject).uniqueContainedObjects) {
[self addMenuItemsForContact:aListContact
} else if ([inObject isKindOfClass:[AIListContact class]] && ![inObject isKindOfClass:[AIListBookmark class]]) {
[self addMenuItemsForContact:(AIListContact *)inObject
return workingMenu;
* @brief Obtain an NSMenu of contextual menu items for a chat
* @param inLocationArray An NSArray of NSNumbers whose intValues are AIContextMenuLocation. The menu will be returned with these locations' items in order, separated by NSMenuItemSeparators.
* @param inChat The chat for which menu items should be generated
- (NSMenu *)contextualMenuWithLocations:(NSArray *)inLocationArray forChat:(AIChat *)inChat
NSMenu *workingMenu;
BOOL separatorItem;
//Remember what our menu is configured for
[currentContextMenuChat release];
currentContextMenuChat = [inChat retain];
//Get the pre-created contextual menu items
workingMenu = [self contextualMenuWithLocations:inLocationArray usingMenu:contextualMenu];
//Add any account-specific menu items
separatorItem = (workingMenu.numberOfItems != 0);
[self addMenuItemsForChat:inChat
return workingMenu;
- (NSMenu *)contextualMenuWithLocations:(NSArray *)inLocationArray forListObject:(AIListObject *)inObject inChat:(AIChat *)inChat
[currentContextMenuChat release];
currentContextMenuChat = [inChat retain];
return [self contextualMenuWithLocations:inLocationArray forListObject:inObject];
* @brief Add account-specific menuItems for a passed contact to a menu.
* @param inContact The contact
* @param workingMenu The NSMenu, which must not be nil
* @param seperatorItem Pointer to a BOOL which can be YES to indicate that a separator item should be inserted before the menu items if any are added. It will then be set to NO.
- (void)addMenuItemsForContact:(AIListContact *)inContact toMenu:(NSMenu *)workingMenu separatorItem:(BOOL *)separatorItem
NSArray *itemArray = [inContact.account menuItemsForContact:inContact];
if (itemArray && [itemArray count]) {
NSMenuItem *menuItem;
if (*separatorItem == YES) {
[workingMenu addItem:[NSMenuItem separatorItem]];
*separatorItem = NO;
for (menuItem in itemArray) {
[workingMenu addItem:menuItem];
* @brief Add account-specific menuItems for a passed chat to a menu.
* @param inChat The chat
* @param workingMenu The NSMenu, which must not be nil
* @param seperatorItem Pointer to a BOOL which can be YES to indicate that a separator item should be inserted before the menu items if any are added. It will then be set to NO.
- (void)addMenuItemsForChat:(AIChat *)inContact toMenu:(NSMenu *)workingMenu separatorItem:(BOOL *)separatorItem
NSArray *itemArray = [inContact.account menuItemsForChat:inContact];
if (itemArray && [itemArray count]) {
NSMenuItem *menuItem;
if (*separatorItem == YES) {
[workingMenu addItem:[NSMenuItem separatorItem]];
*separatorItem = NO;
for (menuItem in itemArray) {
[workingMenu addItem:menuItem];
- (NSMenu *)contextualMenuWithLocations:(NSArray *)inLocationArray
return [self contextualMenuWithLocations:inLocationArray usingMenu:textViewContextualMenu];
- (NSMenu *)contextualMenuWithLocations:(NSArray *)inLocationArray usingMenu:(NSMenu *)inMenu
NSNumber *location;
NSMenuItem *menuItem;
BOOL itemsAbove = NO;
//Remove all items from the existing menu
[inMenu removeAllItems];
//Process each specified location
for (location in inLocationArray) {
NSArray *menuItems = [contextualMenuItemDict objectForKey:location];
//Add a seperator
if (itemsAbove && [menuItems count]) {
[inMenu addItem:[NSMenuItem separatorItem]];
itemsAbove = NO;
//Add each menu item in the location
for (menuItem in menuItems) {
//Add the menu item
[inMenu addItem:menuItem];
itemsAbove = YES;
return inMenu;
- (AIListObject *)currentContextMenuObject
return currentContextMenuObject;
- (AIChat *)currentContextMenuChat
return currentContextMenuChat;
#pragma mark Italics
- (void)removeItalicsKeyEquivalent
[menuItem_Format_Italics setKeyEquivalent:@""];
- (void)restoreItalicsKeyEquivalent
[menuItem_Format_Italics setKeyEquivalent:@"i"];
#pragma mark Localization
- (void)localizeMenuTitles
//Menu items in MainMenu.nib for localization purposes
[menuItem_file setTitle:AILocalizedString(@"File","Title of the File menu")];
[menuItem_edit setTitle:AILocalizedString(@"Edit","Title of the Edit menu")];
[menuItem_view setTitle:AILocalizedString(@"View","Title of the View menu")];
[menuItem_display setTitle:AILocalizedString(@"Display", "Title of the Display menu")];
[menuItem_status setTitle:AILocalizedString(@"Status","Title of the Status menu")];
[menuItem_contact setTitle:AILocalizedString(@"Contact","Title of the Contact menu")];
[menuItem_format setTitle:AILocalizedString(@"Format","Title of the Format menu")];
[menuItem_window setTitle:AILocalizedString(@"Window","Title of the Window menu")];
[menuItem_help setTitle:AILocalizedString(@"Help","Title of the Help menu")];
//Also set the title of their submenus (Leopard requires this)
[[menuItem_file submenu] setTitle:AILocalizedString(@"File","Title of the File menu")];
[[menuItem_edit submenu] setTitle:AILocalizedString(@"Edit","Title of the Edit menu")];
[[menuItem_view submenu] setTitle:AILocalizedString(@"View","Title of the View menu")];
[[menuItem_display submenu] setTitle:AILocalizedString(@"Display", "Title of the Display menu")];
[[menuItem_status submenu] setTitle:AILocalizedString(@"Status","Title of the Status menu")];
[[menuItem_contact submenu] setTitle:AILocalizedString(@"Contact","Title of the Contact menu")];
[[menuItem_format submenu] setTitle:AILocalizedString(@"Format","Title of the Format menu")];
[[menuItem_window submenu] setTitle:AILocalizedString(@"Window","Title of the Window menu")];
[[menuItem_help submenu] setTitle:AILocalizedString(@"Help","Title of the Help menu")];
//Adium menu
[menuItem_aboutAdium setTitle:AILocalizedString(@"About Adium",nil)];
[menuItem_adiumXtras setTitle:[AILocalizedString(@"Xtras Manager",nil) stringByAppendingEllipsis]];
[menuItem_checkForUpdates setTitle:[AILocalizedString(@"Check For Updates",nil) stringByAppendingEllipsis]];
[menuItem_preferences setTitle:[AILocalizedString(@"Preferences",nil) stringByAppendingEllipsis]];
[menuItem_donate setTitle:[AILocalizedString(@"Donate",nil) stringByAppendingEllipsis]];
[menuItem_helpOut setTitle:[AILocalizedString(@"Contributing to Adium",nil) stringByAppendingEllipsis]];
[menuItem_services setTitle:AILocalizedString(@"Services","Services menu item in the Adium menu")];
[menuItem_hideAdium setTitle:AILocalizedString(@"Hide Adium",nil)];
[menuItem_hideOthers setTitle:AILocalizedString(@"Hide Others",nil)];
[menuItem_showAll setTitle:AILocalizedString(@"Show All",nil)];
[menuItem_quitAdium setTitle:AILocalizedString(@"Quit Adium",nil)];
//File menu
[menuItem_reopenTab setTitle:AILocalizedString(@"Reopen Closed Tab", "Title for the reopen closed tab menu item")];
[menuItem_close setTitle:AILocalizedString(@"Close Window","Title for the close window menu item")];
[menuItem_closeChat setTitle:AILocalizedString(@"Close Chat","Title for the close chat menu item")];
[menuItem_closeAllChats setTitle:AILocalizedString(@"Close All Chats","Title for the close all chats menu item")];
[menuItem_saveAs setTitle:[AILocalizedString(@"Save As",nil) stringByAppendingEllipsis]];
[menuItem_print setTitle:[AILocalizedString(@"Print",nil) stringByAppendingEllipsis]];
//Edit menu
[menuItem_cut setTitle:AILocalizedString(@"Cut",nil)];
[menuItem_copy setTitle:AILocalizedString(@"Copy",nil)];
[menuItem_paste setTitle:AILocalizedString(@"Paste",nil)];
[menuItem_pasteWithImagesAndColors setTitle:AILocalizedString(@"Paste with Images and Colors",nil)];
[menuItem_pasteAndMatchStyle setTitle:AILocalizedString(@"Paste and Match Style",nil)];
[menuItem_clear setTitle:AILocalizedString(@"Clear",nil)];
[menuItem_selectAll setTitle:AILocalizedString(@"Select All",nil)];
[menuItem_deselectAll setTitle:AILocalizedString(@"Deselect All",nil)];
#define TITLE_FIND AILocalizedString(@"Find",nil)
[menuItem_find setTitle:TITLE_FIND];
[menuItem_findCommand setTitle:[TITLE_FIND stringByAppendingEllipsis]];
[menuItem_findNext setTitle:AILocalizedString(@"Find Next",nil)];
[menuItem_findPrevious setTitle:AILocalizedString(@"Find Previous",nil)];
[menuItem_findUseSelectionForFind setTitle:AILocalizedString(@"Use Selection for Find",nil)];
[menuItem_findJumpToSelection setTitle:AILocalizedString(@"Jump to Selection",nil)];
#define TITLE_SPELLING AILocalizedString(@"Spelling",nil)
[menuItem_spelling setTitle:TITLE_SPELLING];
[menuItem_spellingCommand setTitle:[TITLE_SPELLING stringByAppendingEllipsis]];
[menuItem_spellingCheckSpelling setTitle:AILocalizedString(@"Check Spelling",nil)];
[menuItem_spellingCheckSpellingAsYouType setTitle:AILocalizedString(@"Check Spelling As You Type",nil)];
[menuItem_spellingCheckGrammarWithSpelling setTitle:AILocalizedString(@"Check Grammar With Spelling",nil)];
[menuItem_speech setTitle:AILocalizedString(@"Speech",nil)];
[menuItem_startSpeaking setTitle:AILocalizedString(@"Start Speaking",nil)];
[menuItem_stopSpeaking setTitle:AILocalizedString(@"Stop Speaking",nil)];
//View menu
[menuItem_customizeToolbar setTitle:[AILocalizedString(@"Customize Toolbar",nil) stringByAppendingEllipsis]];
//Format menu
[menuItem_bold setTitle:AILocalizedString(@"Bold",nil)];
[menuItem_italic setTitle:AILocalizedString(@"Italic",nil)];
[menuItem_underline setTitle:AILocalizedString(@"Underline",nil)];
[menuItem_showFonts setTitle:AILocalizedString(@"Show Fonts",nil)];
[menuItem_showColors setTitle:AILocalizedString(@"Show Colors",nil)];
[menuItem_bigger setTitle:AILocalizedString(@"Bigger", "Menu item title for making the font size bigger")];
[menuItem_smaller setTitle:AILocalizedString(@"Smaller", "Menu item title for making the font size smaller")];
[menuItem_copyStyle setTitle:AILocalizedString(@"Copy Style",nil)];
[menuItem_pasteStyle setTitle:AILocalizedString(@"Paste Style",nil)];
[menuItem_writingDirection setTitle:AILocalizedString(@"Writing Direction",nil)];
[menuItem_rightToLeft setTitle:AILocalizedString(@"Right to Left", "Menu item in a submenu under 'writing direction' for writing which goes from right to left")];
//Window menu
[menuItem_minimize setTitle:AILocalizedString(@"Minimize", "Minimize menu item title int he Wndow menu")];
[menuItem_zoom setTitle:AILocalizedString(@"Zoom", "Zoom menu item title in the Window menu")];
[menuItem_bringAllToFront setTitle:AILocalizedString(@"Bring All to Front",nil)];
//Help menu
[menuItem_adiumHelp setTitle:AILocalizedString(@"Adium Help",nil)];
[menuItem_releaseNotes setTitle:AILocalizedString(@"View Release Notes",nil)];
[menuItem_contribute setTitle:AILocalizedString(@"Contribute",nil)];
[menuItem_reportABug setTitle:AILocalizedString(@"Report a Bug",nil)];
[menuItem_sendFeedback setTitle:AILocalizedString(@"Send Feedback",nil)];
[menuItem_adiumForums setTitle:AILocalizedString(@"Adium Forums",nil)];
#pragma mark Menu delegate (contextual menu)
* @brief Give menu items' targets the chance to update the menu before it is displayed
* This is useful since the menu is generated by many disparate classes; a single class as delegate can't handle all items.
- (void)menuNeedsUpdate:(NSMenu *)menu
NSArray *menuItems = [[[menu itemArray] copy] autorelease];
NSMenuItem *menuItem;
for (menuItem in menuItems) {
id target = [menuItem target];
if ([target respondsToSelector:@selector(menu:needsUpdateForMenuItem:)])
[target menu:menu needsUpdateForMenuItem:menuItem];
if (menu == menu_Contact_Manage) {
[self updateAccountSpecificMenu:menu];
* @brief Add account-specific menu items to the main Contact menu.
* These begin at the menu item by the id menu_Contact_AccountSpecific.
- (void)updateAccountSpecificMenu:(NSMenu *)menu
NSInteger separatorIndex = [menu indexOfItem:menu_Contact_AccountSpecific];
[menu removeAllItemsAfterIndex:separatorIndex];
BOOL separatorItem = NO;
// Add all items for this contact, if one exists.
AIListObject *inObject = adium.interfaceController.selectedListObject;
if ([inObject isKindOfClass:[AIMetaContact class]]) {
for (AIListContact *aListContact in ((AIMetaContact *)inObject).uniqueContainedObjects) {
[self addMenuItemsForContact:aListContact
} else if ([inObject isKindOfClass:[AIListContact class]] && ![inObject isKindOfClass:[AIListBookmark class]]) {
[self addMenuItemsForContact:(AIListContact *)inObject
} else if (adium.interfaceController.activeChat.isGroupChat) {
[self addMenuItemsForChat:adium.interfaceController.activeChat
// If no account specific items, hide the separator item.
[menu_Contact_AccountSpecific setHidden:(menu.numberOfItems == separatorIndex+1)];