
Today's lesson in not using Apple's private methods: somewhere between old/886f95f00431 and #9620 Apple changed their document icon setup process. Use the new methods and fix #9620.
(transplanted from 5cf365ce9352d25978ffd6073d3bc07573aba518)
* Adium is the legal property of its developers, whose names are listed in the copyright file included
* with this source distribution.
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU
* General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License,
* or (at your option) any later version.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even
* the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General
* Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not,
* write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
#import "AIDockController.h"
#import <Adium/AIInterfaceControllerProtocol.h>
#import <AIUtilities/AIDictionaryAdditions.h>
#import <AIUtilities/AIFileManagerAdditions.h>
#import <Adium/AIChatControllerProtocol.h>
#import <Adium/AIIconState.h>
#import <Adium/AIChat.h>
#import <Adium/AIStatusControllerProtocol.h>
#import <AIUtilities/AIApplicationAdditions.h>
#define DOCK_DEFAULT_PREFS @"DockPrefs"
#define LAST_ICON_UPDATE_VERSION @"Adium:Last Icon Update Version"
#define DOCK_ICON_INTERNAL_PATH @"../Shared Images/"
#define DOCK_ICON_SHARED_IMAGES @"Shared Dock Icon Images"
@interface AIDockController ()
- (void)_setNeedsDisplay;
- (void)_buildIcon;
- (void)animateIcon:(NSTimer *)timer;
- (void)_singleBounce;
- (BOOL)_continuousBounce;
- (void)_stopBouncing;
- (BOOL)_bounceWithInterval:(double)delay;
- (AIIconState *)iconStateFromStateDict:(NSDictionary *)stateDict folderPath:(NSString *)folderPath;
- (void)updateAppBundleIcon;
- (void)updateDockView;
- (void)updateDockBadge;
- (void)animateDockIcon;
- (void)appWillChangeActive:(NSNotification *)notification;
- (void)bounceWithTimer:(NSTimer *)timer;
@implementation AIDockController
//init and close
- (id)init
if ((self = [super init])) {
activeIconStateArray = [[NSMutableArray alloc] initWithObjects:@"Base",nil];
availableDynamicIconStateDict = [[NSMutableDictionary alloc] init];
currentIconState = nil;
currentAttentionRequest = -1;
currentBounceInterval = NO_BOUNCE_INTERVAL;
animationTimer = nil;
bounceTimer = nil;
needsDisplay = NO;
unviewedState = NO;
return self;
- (void)controllerDidLoad
dockTile = [NSApp dockTile];
view = [[NSImageView alloc] initWithFrame:NSMakeRect(0, 0, 128, 128)];
[dockTile setContentView:view];
//Register our default preferences
[adium.preferenceController registerDefaults:[NSDictionary dictionaryNamed:DOCK_DEFAULT_PREFS
forClass:[self class]]
//Observe pref changes
[adium.preferenceController registerPreferenceObserver:self forGroup:PREF_GROUP_APPEARANCE];
// Register as an observer of the status preferences for unread conversation count
[adium.preferenceController registerPreferenceObserver:self
[adium.chatController registerChatObserver:self];
NSNotificationCenter *notificationCenter = [NSNotificationCenter defaultCenter];
//We always want to stop bouncing when Adium is made active
[notificationCenter addObserver:self
//We also stop bouncing when Adium is no longer active
[notificationCenter addObserver:self
//If Adium has been upgraded since the last time we ran re-apply the user's custom icon
NSString *lastVersion = [[NSUserDefaults standardUserDefaults] objectForKey:LAST_ICON_UPDATE_VERSION];
if (![[NSApp applicationVersion] isEqualToString:lastVersion]) {
[self updateAppBundleIcon];
[[NSUserDefaults standardUserDefaults] setObject:[NSApp applicationVersion] forKey:LAST_ICON_UPDATE_VERSION];
- (void)controllerWillClose
[adium.preferenceController unregisterPreferenceObserver:self];
[adium.chatController unregisterChatObserver:self];
//Reset our icon by removing all icon states (except for the base state)
NSArray *stateArrayCopy = [[activeIconStateArray copy] autorelease]; //Work with a copy, since this array will change as we remove states
NSEnumerator *enumerator = [stateArrayCopy objectEnumerator];
[enumerator nextObject]; //Skip the first icon
for (NSString *iconState in enumerator) {
[self removeIconStateNamed:iconState];
//Force the icon to update
[self _buildIcon];
#pragma mark Dock Icon Packs
* @brief Returns an array of available dock icon pack paths
- (NSArray *)availableDockIconPacks
NSMutableArray * iconPackPaths = [NSMutableArray array]; //this will be the folder path for old packs, and the bundle resource path for new
for (NSString *path in [adium allResourcesForName:FOLDER_DOCK_ICONS withExtensions:@"AdiumIcon"]) {
NSBundle *xtraBundle = [NSBundle bundleWithPath:path];
if (xtraBundle && ([[xtraBundle objectForInfoDictionaryKey:@"XtraBundleVersion"] integerValue] == 1))//This checks for a new-style xtra
path = [xtraBundle resourcePath];
[iconPackPaths addObject:path];
return iconPackPaths;
//Load an icon pack
- (NSMutableDictionary *)iconPackAtPath:(NSString *)folderPath
//Load the icon pack
NSDictionary *iconPackDict = [NSDictionary dictionaryWithContentsOfFile:[folderPath stringByAppendingPathComponent:@"IconPack.plist"]];
NSMutableDictionary *iconStateDict = [NSMutableDictionary dictionary];
//Process each state in the icon pack, adding it to the iconStateDict
for (NSString *stateNameKey in [iconPackDict objectForKey:@"State"]) {
NSDictionary *stateDict = [[iconPackDict objectForKey:@"State"] objectForKey:stateNameKey];
AIIconState *iconState = [self iconStateFromStateDict:stateDict folderPath:folderPath];
if (iconState)
[iconStateDict setObject:iconState forKey:stateNameKey];
return [NSMutableDictionary dictionaryWithObjectsAndKeys:[iconPackDict objectForKey:@"Description"], @"Description", iconStateDict, @"State", nil];
- (AIIconState *)previewStateForIconPackAtPath:(NSString *)folderPath
AIIconState *previewState = nil;
[self getName:NULL previewState:&previewState forIconPackAtPath:folderPath];
return previewState;
* @brief Get the name and preview state for a dock icon pack
* @param outName Reference to an NSString, or NULL if this information is not needed
* @param outIconState Reference to an AIIconState, or NULL if this information is not needed
* @param folderPath The path to the dock icon pack
- (void)getName:(NSString **)outName previewState:(AIIconState **)outIconState forIconPackAtPath:(NSString *)folderPath
//Load the icon pack
NSDictionary *iconPackDict = [NSDictionary dictionaryWithContentsOfFile:[folderPath stringByAppendingPathComponent:@"IconPack.plist"]];
//Load the preview state
NSDictionary *stateDict = [[iconPackDict objectForKey:@"State"] objectForKey:@"Preview"];
if (outIconState) *outIconState = [self iconStateFromStateDict:stateDict folderPath:folderPath];
if (outName) *outName = [[iconPackDict objectForKey:@"Description"] objectForKey:@"Title"];
- (AIIconState *)iconStateFromStateDict:(NSDictionary *)stateDict folderPath:(NSString *)folderPath
AIIconState *iconState = nil;
//Get the state information
BOOL _overlay = [[stateDict objectForKey:@"Overlay"] boolValue];
BOOL looping = [[stateDict objectForKey:@"Looping"] boolValue];
if ([[stateDict objectForKey:@"Animated"] integerValue]) { //Animated State
NSMutableDictionary *tempIconCache = [NSMutableDictionary dictionary];
CGFloat delay = (CGFloat)[[stateDict objectForKey:@"Delay"] doubleValue];
NSArray *imageNameArray = [stateDict objectForKey:@"Images"];
//Load the images
NSMutableArray *imageArray = [NSMutableArray arrayWithCapacity:[imageNameArray count]];
for (NSString *imageName in imageNameArray) {
NSString *imagePath;
if ([imageName hasPrefix:DOCK_ICON_INTERNAL_PATH]) {
//Special hack for all the incorrectly made icon packs we have floating around out there :P
imageName = [imageName substringFromIndex:[DOCK_ICON_INTERNAL_PATH length]];
imagePath = [[NSBundle mainBundle] pathForResource:[[[imageName stringByDeletingPathExtension] stringByAppendingString:@"-localized"] stringByAppendingPathExtension:[imageName pathExtension]]
if (!imagePath) {
imagePath = [[NSBundle mainBundle] pathForResource:imageName
} else {
imagePath = [folderPath stringByAppendingPathComponent:imageName];
NSImage *image = [tempIconCache objectForKey:imagePath]; //We re-use the same images for each state if possible to lower memory usage.
if (!image && imagePath) {
image = [[[NSImage alloc] initByReferencingFile:imagePath] autorelease];
if (image)
[tempIconCache setObject:image forKey:imagePath];
if (image)
[imageArray addObject:image];
//Create the state
if (delay != 0 && [imageArray count] != 0) {
iconState = [[AIIconState alloc] initWithImages:imageArray
} else {
NSLog(@"Invalid animated icon state");
} else { //Static State
NSString *imageName;
NSString *imagePath;
NSImage *image;
imageName = [stateDict objectForKey:@"Image"];
if ([imageName hasPrefix:DOCK_ICON_INTERNAL_PATH]) {
//Special hack for all the incorrectly made icon packs we have floating around out there :P
imageName = [imageName substringFromIndex:[DOCK_ICON_INTERNAL_PATH length]];
imagePath = [[NSBundle mainBundle] pathForResource:[[[imageName stringByDeletingPathExtension] stringByAppendingString:@"-localized"] stringByAppendingPathExtension:[imageName pathExtension]]
if (!imagePath) {
imagePath = [[NSBundle mainBundle] pathForResource:imageName
} else {
imagePath = [folderPath stringByAppendingPathComponent:imageName];
//Get the state information
image = [[NSImage alloc] initByReferencingFile:imagePath];
//Create the state
iconState = [[AIIconState alloc] initWithImage:image overlay:_overlay];
[image release];
return [iconState autorelease];
* @brief Does the current icon know how to display a given state?
- (BOOL)currentIconSupportsIconStateNamed:(NSString *)inName
return ([[availableIconStateDict objectForKey:@"State"] objectForKey:inName] != nil);
//Set an icon state from our currently loaded icon pack
- (void)setIconStateNamed:(NSString *)inName
if (![activeIconStateArray containsObject:inName]) {
[activeIconStateArray addObject:inName];
[self _setNeedsDisplay];
//Remove an active icon state
- (void)removeIconStateNamed:(NSString *)inName
if ([activeIconStateArray containsObject:inName]) {
[activeIconStateArray removeObject:inName];
[self _setNeedsDisplay];
//Set a custom icon state
- (void)setIconState:(AIIconState *)iconState named:(NSString *)inName
[availableDynamicIconStateDict setObject:iconState forKey:inName]; //Add the new state to our available dict
[self setIconStateNamed:inName]; //Set it
#pragma mark Controller
- (void)preferencesChangedForGroup:(NSString *)group key:(NSString *)key
object:(AIListObject *)object preferenceDict:(NSDictionary *)prefDict firstTime:(BOOL)firstTime
if ([group isEqualToString:PREF_GROUP_APPEARANCE]) {
if (!key || [key isEqualToString:KEY_ACTIVE_DOCK_ICON]) {
//Load the new icon pack
NSString *iconPath = [adium pathOfPackWithName:[prefDict objectForKey:KEY_ACTIVE_DOCK_ICON]
if (iconPath) {
NSMutableDictionary *newAvailableIconStateDict = [self iconPackAtPath:iconPath];
if (newAvailableIconStateDict) {
[availableIconStateDict autorelease];
availableIconStateDict = [newAvailableIconStateDict retain];
//Write the icon to the Adium application bundle so that Finder will see it.
//On launch we only need to update the icon file if this is a new version of Adium.
//When preferences change we always want to update it
if (!firstTime) {
[self updateAppBundleIcon];
//Recomposite the icon
[self _setNeedsDisplay];
if (firstTime || [key isEqualToString:KEY_BADGE_DOCK_ICON]) {
BOOL newShouldBadge = [[prefDict objectForKey:KEY_BADGE_DOCK_ICON] boolValue];
if (newShouldBadge != shouldBadge) {
shouldBadge = newShouldBadge;
[self updateDockBadge];
if (firstTime || [key isEqualToString:KEY_ANIMATE_DOCK_ICON]) {
BOOL newAnimateDockIcon = [[prefDict objectForKey:KEY_ANIMATE_DOCK_ICON] boolValue];
if (newAnimateDockIcon != animateDockIcon) {
animateDockIcon = newAnimateDockIcon;
[self animateDockIcon];
if ([group isEqualToString:PREF_GROUP_STATUS_PREFERENCES]) {
if (firstTime || [key isEqualToString:KEY_STATUS_CONVERSATION_COUNT]) {
BOOL newShowConversationCount = [[prefDict objectForKey:KEY_STATUS_CONVERSATION_COUNT] boolValue];
if (newShowConversationCount != showConversationCount) {
showConversationCount = newShowConversationCount;
[self updateDockBadge];
if ([key isEqualToString:KEY_STATUS_MENTION_COUNT]) {
//Just update as the counting is handled elsewhere
[self updateDockBadge];
//Icons ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- (void)_setNeedsDisplay
if (!needsDisplay) {
needsDisplay = YES;
//Invoke a display after a short delay
[NSTimer scheduledTimerWithTimeInterval:ICON_DISPLAY_DELAY
- (void)updateAppBundleIcon
NSImage *image = [[[availableIconStateDict objectForKey:@"State"] objectForKey:@"ApplicationIcon"] image];
if (!image)
image = [[[availableIconStateDict objectForKey:@"State"] objectForKey:@"Base"] image];
if (image) {
[[NSWorkspace sharedWorkspace] setIcon:image
forFile:[[NSBundle mainBundle] bundlePath]
//Finder won't update Adium's icon to match the new one until it is restarted if we don't
//tell NSWorkspace to note the change.
[[NSWorkspace sharedWorkspace] noteFileSystemChanged:[[NSBundle mainBundle] bundlePath]];
* @brief Return the dock icon image without any auxiliary states
- (NSImage *)baseApplicationIconImage
NSDictionary *availableIcons = [availableIconStateDict objectForKey:@"State"];
AIIconState *baseState = [availableIcons objectForKey:@"Base"];
if (baseState) {
AIIconState *iconState = [[[AIIconState alloc] initByCompositingStates:[NSArray arrayWithObject:baseState]] autorelease];
return [iconState image];
return nil;
- (void)setOverlay:(NSImage *)newImage
[overlay release];
overlay = [newImage retain];
[self updateDockView];
//Build/Pre-render the icon images, start/stop animation
- (void)_buildIcon
NSMutableArray *iconStates = [NSMutableArray array];
//Stop any existing animation
[animationTimer invalidate]; [animationTimer release]; animationTimer = nil;
if (observingFlash) {
[adium.interfaceController unregisterFlashObserver:self];
observingFlash = NO;
//Build an array of the valid active icon states
NSDictionary *availableIcons = [availableIconStateDict objectForKey:@"State"];
for (NSString *name in activeIconStateArray) {
AIIconState *state = [availableIcons objectForKey:name];
if (!state)
state = [availableDynamicIconStateDict objectForKey:name];
if (state)
[iconStates addObject:state];
@try {
//Generate the composited icon state
[currentIconState release];
currentIconState = [[AIIconState alloc] initByCompositingStates:iconStates];
if (![currentIconState animated]) { //Static icon
[self updateDockView];
} else { //Animated icon
//Our dock icon can run its animation at any speed, but we want to try and sync it with the global Adium flashing. To do this, we delay starting our timer until the next flash occurs.
[adium.interfaceController registerFlashObserver:self];
observingFlash = YES;
//Set the first frame of our animation
[self animateIcon:nil]; //Set the icon and move to the next frame
@catch (NSException *exception) {
if ([[exception name] isEqualToString:NSImageCacheException])
currentIconState = nil;
@finally {
needsDisplay = NO;
- (void)flash:(int)value
//Start the flash timer
animationTimer = [[NSTimer scheduledTimerWithTimeInterval:[currentIconState animationDelay]
repeats:YES] retain];
//Animate the icon
[self animateIcon:animationTimer]; //Set the icon and move to the next frame
//Once our animations stops, we no longer need to observe flashing
[adium.interfaceController unregisterFlashObserver:self];
observingFlash = NO;
//Move the dock to the next animation frame (Assumes the current state is animated)
- (void)animateIcon:(NSTimer *)timer
//Move to the next image
if (timer) {
[currentIconState nextFrame];
[self updateDockView];
//Bouncing -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
#pragma mark Bouncing
* @brief Perform a bouncing behavior
* @result YES if the behavior is ongoing; NO if it isn't (because it is immediately complete or some other, faster continuous behavior is in progress)
- (BOOL)performBehavior:(AIDockBehavior)behavior
BOOL ongoingBehavior = NO;
//Start up the new behavior
switch (behavior) {
case AIDockBehaviorStopBouncing: {
[self _stopBouncing];
case AIDockBehaviorBounceOnce: {
if (currentBounceInterval >= SINGLE_BOUNCE_INTERVAL) {
currentBounceInterval = SINGLE_BOUNCE_INTERVAL;
[self _singleBounce];
case AIDockBehaviorBounceRepeatedly: ongoingBehavior = [self _continuousBounce]; break;
case AIDockBehaviorBounceDelay_FiveSeconds: ongoingBehavior = [self _bounceWithInterval:5.0]; break;
case AIDockBehaviorBounceDelay_TenSeconds: ongoingBehavior = [self _bounceWithInterval:10.0]; break;
case AIDockBehaviorBounceDelay_FifteenSeconds: ongoingBehavior = [self _bounceWithInterval:15.0]; break;
case AIDockBehaviorBounceDelay_ThirtySeconds: ongoingBehavior = [self _bounceWithInterval:30.0]; break;
case AIDockBehaviorBounceDelay_OneMinute: ongoingBehavior = [self _bounceWithInterval:60.0]; break;
return ongoingBehavior;
//Return a string description of the bouncing behavior
- (NSString *)descriptionForBehavior:(AIDockBehavior)behavior
switch (behavior) {
case AIDockBehaviorStopBouncing: return AILocalizedString(@"None",nil);
case AIDockBehaviorBounceOnce: return AILocalizedString(@"Once",nil);
case AIDockBehaviorBounceRepeatedly: return AILocalizedString(@"Repeatedly",nil);
case AIDockBehaviorBounceDelay_FiveSeconds: return AILocalizedString(@"Every 5 Seconds",nil);
case AIDockBehaviorBounceDelay_TenSeconds: return AILocalizedString(@"Every 10 Seconds",nil);
case AIDockBehaviorBounceDelay_FifteenSeconds: return AILocalizedString(@"Every 15 Seconds",nil);
case AIDockBehaviorBounceDelay_ThirtySeconds: return AILocalizedString(@"Every 30 Seconds",nil);
case AIDockBehaviorBounceDelay_OneMinute: return AILocalizedString(@"Every 60 Seconds",nil);
default: return @"";
* @brief Start a delayed, repeated bounce
* @result YES if we are now bouncing more frequently than before; NO if this call had no effect
- (BOOL)_bounceWithInterval:(NSTimeInterval)delay
//Bounce only if the new delay is a faster bounce than the current one
if (delay < currentBounceInterval) {
[self _singleBounce]; // do one right away
currentBounceInterval = delay;
bounceTimer = [[NSTimer scheduledTimerWithTimeInterval:delay
repeats:YES] retain];
return YES;
return NO;
//Activated by the time after each delay
- (void)bounceWithTimer:(NSTimer *)timer
[self _singleBounce];
//Bounce once via NSApp's NSInformationalRequest (also used by the timer to perform a single bounce)
- (void)_singleBounce
currentAttentionRequest = [NSApp requestUserAttention:NSInformationalRequest];
* @brief Bounce continuously via NSApp's NSCriticalRequest
* We will bounce until we become the active application or our dock icon is clicked
* @result YES if we are now bouncing more frequently than before; NO if this call had no effect
- (BOOL)_continuousBounce
if (CONTINUOUS_BOUNCE_INTERVAL < currentBounceInterval) {
currentAttentionRequest = [NSApp requestUserAttention:NSCriticalRequest];
return YES;
return NO;
//Stop bouncing
- (void)_stopBouncing
//Stop any timer
if (bounceTimer) {
[bounceTimer invalidate];
[bounceTimer release];
bounceTimer = nil;
//Stop any continuous bouncing
if (currentAttentionRequest != -1) {
[NSApp cancelUserAttentionRequest:currentAttentionRequest];
currentAttentionRequest = -1;
currentBounceInterval = NO_BOUNCE_INTERVAL;
- (void)appWillChangeActive:(NSNotification *)notification
[self _stopBouncing]; //Stop any bouncing
#pragma mark Dock Drawing
- (void)updateDockView
NSImage *image = [[[currentIconState image] copy] autorelease];
if (overlay) {
[image lockFocus];
[overlay drawInRect:[view frame] fromRect:NSZeroRect operation:NSCompositeSourceOver fraction:1.0f];
[image unlockFocus];
[view setImage:image];
[dockTile setContentView:view];
[dockTile display];
- (void)updateDockBadge
NSInteger contentCount = (showConversationCount ?
[adium.chatController unviewedConversationCount] : [adium.chatController unviewedContentCount]);
if (contentCount > 0 && shouldBadge)
[dockTile setBadgeLabel:[NSString stringWithFormat:@"%d", contentCount]];
[dockTile setBadgeLabel:nil];
- (void)animateDockIcon
[self updateDockBadge];
if (adium.chatController.unviewedContentCount && animateDockIcon) {
//If this is the first contact with unviewed content, animate the dock
if (!unviewedState) {
NSString *iconState;
if (([adium.statusController.activeStatusState statusType] == AIInvisibleStatusType) &&
[self currentIconSupportsIconStateNamed:@"InvisibleAlert"]) {
iconState = @"InvisibleAlert";
} else {
iconState = @"Alert";
[self setIconStateNamed:iconState];
unviewedState = YES;
} else if (unviewedState) {
//If there are no more contacts with unviewed content, stop animating the dock
[self removeIconStateNamed:@"Alert"];
[self removeIconStateNamed:@"InvisibleAlert"];
unviewedState = NO;
* @brief When a chat has unviewed content update the badge and maybe start/stop the animation
- (NSSet *)updateChat:(AIChat *)inChat keys:(NSSet *)inModifiedKeys silent:(BOOL)silent
if (inModifiedKeys == nil || [inModifiedKeys containsObject:KEY_UNVIEWED_CONTENT]) {
[self animateDockIcon];
return nil;