
Today's lesson in not using Apple's private methods: somewhere between old/886f95f00431 and #9620 Apple changed their document icon setup process. Use the new methods and fix #9620.
(transplanted from 5cf365ce9352d25978ffd6073d3bc07573aba518)
* Adium is the legal property of its developers, whose names are listed in the copyright file included
* with this source distribution.
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU
* General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License,
* or (at your option) any later version.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even
* the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General
* Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not,
* write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
#import <Adium/AIContactControllerProtocol.h>
#import "AIContactIdlePlugin.h"
#import <Adium/AIInterfaceControllerProtocol.h>
#import <AIUtilities/AIArrayAdditions.h>
#import <AIUtilities/AIDateFormatterAdditions.h>
#import <Adium/AIListObject.h>
#import <Adium/AIMetaContact.h>
@interface AIContactIdlePlugin ()
- (void)setIdleForObject:(AIListObject *)inObject silent:(BOOL)silent;
- (void)updateIdleObjectsTimer:(NSTimer *)inTimer;
* @class AIContactIdlePlugin
* @brief Contact idle time updating, and idle time tooltip component
@implementation AIContactIdlePlugin
* @brief Install
- (void)installPlugin
idleObjectArray = nil;
//Install our tooltip entry
[adium.interfaceController registerContactListTooltipEntry:self secondaryEntry:YES];
[[AIContactObserverManager sharedManager] registerListObjectObserver:self];
* @brief Uninstall
- (void)uninstallPlugin
//Stop tracking all idle handles
[idleObjectTimer invalidate]; [idleObjectTimer release]; idleObjectTimer = nil;
[[AIContactObserverManager sharedManager] unregisterListObjectObserver:self];
* @brief Deallocate
- (void)dealloc
[idleObjectArray release]; idleObjectArray = nil;
[super dealloc];
* @brief Update list object
* When the idleSince property changes, we start or stop tracking the object as appropriate.
* We track in order to have a simple number associated with the contact, updated once per minute, rather
* than calculating the time from IdleSince until Now whenever we want to display the idle time.
* Don't calculate an idle time for a metacontact; its "idle time" should be determined dynamically based on its contained contacts.
- (NSSet *)updateListObject:(AIListObject *)inObject keys:(NSSet *)inModifiedKeys silent:(BOOL)silent
if ((inModifiedKeys == nil || [inModifiedKeys containsObject:@"idleSince"]) &&
![inObject isKindOfClass:[AIMetaContact class]]) {
if ([inObject valueForProperty:@"idleSince"] != nil) {
//Track the handle
if (!idleObjectArray) {
idleObjectArray = [[NSMutableArray alloc] init];
idleObjectTimer = [[NSTimer scheduledTimerWithTimeInterval:IDLE_UPDATE_INTERVAL
repeats:YES] retain];
[idleObjectArray addObject:inObject];
//Set the correct idle value
[self setIdleForObject:inObject silent:silent];
} else {
if ([idleObjectArray containsObjectIdenticalTo:inObject]) {
//Stop tracking the handle
[idleObjectArray removeObject:inObject];
if ([idleObjectArray count] == 0) {
[idleObjectTimer invalidate]; [idleObjectTimer release]; idleObjectTimer = nil;
[idleObjectArray release]; idleObjectArray = nil;
//Set the correct idle value
[self setIdleForObject:inObject silent:silent];
return nil;
* @brief Updates the idle duration of all idle contacts
- (void)updateIdleObjectsTimer:(NSTimer *)inTimer
//There's actually no reason to re-sort in response to these status changes, but there is no way for us to
//let the Adium core know that. The best we can do is delay updates so only a single sort occurs
//of course, smart sorting controllers should be watching IdleSince, not Idle, since that's the important bit
[[AIContactObserverManager sharedManager] delayListObjectNotifications];
//Update everyone's idle time
for (AIListObject *object in idleObjectArray) {
[self setIdleForObject:object silent:YES];
[[AIContactObserverManager sharedManager] endListObjectNotificationsDelay];
* @brief Give a contact its correct idle value
- (void)setIdleForObject:(AIListObject *)inObject silent:(BOOL)silent
NSDate *idleSince = [inObject valueForProperty:@"idleSince"];
NSNumber *idleNumber = nil;
if (idleSince) { //Set the handle's 'idle' value
NSInteger idle = (CGFloat)(-[idleSince timeIntervalSinceNow]) / 60.0f;
/* They are idle; a non-zero idle time is needed. We'll treat them as generically idle until this updates */
if (idle == 0) {
idle = -1;
idleNumber = [NSNumber numberWithInteger:idle];
[inObject setValue:idleNumber
[inObject notifyOfChangedPropertiesSilently:silent];
//Tooltip entry ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------
#pragma mark Tooltip entry
* @brief Tooltip label
* @result A label, or nil if no tooltip entry should be shown
- (NSString *)labelForObject:(AIListObject *)inObject
NSInteger idle = inObject.idleTime;
NSString *entry = nil;
if ((idle > 599400) || (idle == -1)) { //Cap idle at 999 Hours (999*60*60 seconds)
entry = AILocalizedString(@"Idle",nil);
} else if (idle != 0) {
entry = AILocalizedString(@"Idle Time",nil);
return entry;
* @brief Tooltip entry
* @result The tooltip entry, or nil if no tooltip should be shown
- (NSAttributedString *)entryForObject:(AIListObject *)inObject
NSInteger idleMinutes = [inObject integerValueForProperty:@"idle"];
NSAttributedString *entry = nil;
if ((idleMinutes > 599400) || (idleMinutes == -1)) { //Cap idle at 999 Hours (999*60 minutes)
entry = [[NSAttributedString alloc] initWithString:AILocalizedString(@"Yes",nil)];
} else if (idleMinutes != 0) {
entry = [[NSAttributedString alloc] initWithString:[NSDateFormatter stringForTimeInterval:(idleMinutes * 60.0)]];
return [entry autorelease];
- (BOOL)shouldDisplayInContactInspector
/* Accounts should be including this information in the profile already */
return NO;