
Updated libotr to 3.2.1, fixing a security vulnerability.
2012-09-06, Thijs Alkemade
Updated libotr to 3.2.1, fixing a security vulnerability.

This was all built using Homebrew ( It seems before libgcrypt and libgpg-error were linked statically into libotr, these are now separate frameworks.

Fixes #16122
global HandyAdiumScripts
on run
tell application "Adium"
set newChat to HandyAdiumScripts's makeNewChat()
tell account (HandyAdiumScripts's defaultAccount)
set newChat2 to make new chat with contacts {contact (HandyAdiumScripts's otherParticipant)} at end of chats of (get window of newChat)
end tell
set c to count chats of (get window of newChat)
close newChat2
if (count chats of (get window of newChat)) is not c - 1 then error
close (get window of newChat)
end tell
end run