
Updated libotr to 3.2.1, fixing a security vulnerability.
2012-09-06, Thijs Alkemade
Updated libotr to 3.2.1, fixing a security vulnerability.

This was all built using Homebrew ( It seems before libgcrypt and libgpg-error were linked statically into libotr, these are now separate frameworks.

Fixes #16122
global HandyAdiumScripts
on run
tell application "Adium"
set n to (get name of service "AIM")
set s to (get service "AIM")
set name of service "AIM" to "dummy"
--should never get here!
set name of s to n --restore
--actually this won't restore because service names are what's
--used in objectSpecifier to refer to these objects...
on error number num
if num is -2700 then error
end try
end tell
end run