
Changelog tweaks.
2017-04-04, Robert Vehse
Changelog tweaks.
import datetime
import plistlib
import re
import sgmllib
class Report(list):
type = ""
reportfile = ""
sourcefile = ""
endpathline = 0
def append(self, something):
# We don't want anything but ReportItems
if not isinstance(something, ReportItem):
raise TypeError
list.append(self, something)
def __eq__(self, other):
# This is where we'll implement our logic for deciding whether or not
# two reports refer to the same issue.
# They must be in the same source file
if self.sourcefile != other.sourcefile:
return False
# They have to have to be of the same type
if self.type != other.type:
return False
# They should have the same path length
if len(self) != len(other):
return False
# Compare each item in the reports
for i in range(0, len(self)):
# The lines should be within (drumroll for magic number)
if abs(self[i].line - other[i].line) > 20:
return False
# The comments should be the same, line numbers notwithstanding
commentA = re.sub("line [0-9]+", "xxx", self[i].comment)
commentB = re.sub("line [0-9]+", "xxx", other[i].comment)
if commentA != commentB:
return False
return True
def __ne__(self, other):
# If we don't define this, we can have the case that a == b and a != b
return not self.__eq__(other)
class ReportItem:
# This needs to be expanded, for instance to know about the function that
# the error resides in.
line = 0
comment = ""
class ReportParser(sgmllib.SGMLParser):
_endPath = False
_record = False
_buffer = ""
_queue = [ ]
_pathprefix = ""
def __init__(self, pathprefix = ""):
self._pathprefix = pathprefix = Report()
def handle_comment(self, comment):
comment = comment.strip()
# We can get BUGFILE and BUGDESC from comments
if comment.startswith("BUGFILE"):
bugfile = comment[8:]
if bugfile.startswith(self._pathprefix):
bugfile = bugfile[len(self._pathprefix) + 1:] = bugfile
elif comment.startswith("BUGDESC"): = comment[8:].lower()
def start_td(self, attrs):
attrs = dict(attrs)
# Read in a line number
if "class" in attrs and attrs["class"] == "num" and \
"id" in attrs and attrs["id"][:2] == "LN":
linenum = int(attrs["id"][2:])
# Add a report if we're ready
while len(self._queue) > 0:
ri = ReportItem()
ri.line = linenum
ri.comment = self._queue.pop(0)
if self._endPath:
self._endPath = False = linenum
def start_div(self, attrs):
attrs = dict(attrs)
# Is this a message?
if "class" in attrs and attrs["class"] == "msg":
self._record = True
self._buffer = ""
if "id" in attrs and attrs["id"] == "EndPath":
self._endPath = True
def end_div(self):
if self._record:
self._record = False
self._buffer = ""
def handle_data(self, data):
if self._record:
self._buffer += data
def summaryPlistForReports(reports, revision = "Unknown"):
summary = {
"Timestamp" : datetime.datetime.utcnow(),
"Revision" : str(revision),
"Reports" : [ ],
for r in reports:
"Bug Type" : r.type,
"Report File" : r.reportfile,
"Source File" : r.sourcefile,
"End Path Line Number" : r.endpathline,
"Path" : [ ],
for i in r:
"Line Number" : i.line,
"Comment" : i.comment,
return plistlib.writePlistToString(summary)
def summaryPlistToReports(data):
summary = plistlib.readPlistFromString(data)
reports = [ ]
# Read in each report
for x in summary["Reports"]:
report = Report()
report.type = x["Bug Type"]
report.reportfile = x["Report File"]
report.sourcefile = x["Source File"]
report.endpathline = x["End Path Line Number"]
for y in x["Path"]:
item = ReportItem()
item.line = y["Line Number"]
item.comment = y["Comment"]
return reports
if __name__ == "__main__":
print "This file should not be invoked directly."