
Changelog tweaks.
2017-04-04, Robert Vehse
Changelog tweaks.
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<h1>Persistent prompts for passwords</h1>
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<h3>Run keychain repair</h3>
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<p>If Adium prompts you for your password every time you connect, and checking the “remember my password” box does not work, open the Keychain Access application and run Keychain First Aid or Repair from the Keychain Access menu. If that does not solve the problem, you can also try deleting each Adium entry that you see in the Keychain Access application.</p>
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<h3>Re-download Adium</h3>
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<p>If you run an application “slimmer” that removes code from your applications that does not match your computer's CPU architecture, it can cause the same symptoms as described here. Re-downloading and installing a fresh, un-slimmed Adium should solve that problem.</p>
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