
Merged matthewkotila/adium/tip into default

Fixes #16970 ("Transition from SenTestingKit to XCTest") in order to build on OS X 10.11 / Xcode 7.2.
* Adium is the legal property of its developers, whose names are listed in the copyright file included
* with this source distribution.
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU
* General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License,
* or (at your option) any later version.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even
* the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General
* Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not,
* write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
#import <Adium/AIStatusControllerProtocol.h>
#import "DCPurpleMeanwhileJoinChatViewController.h"
#import "ESPurpleMeanwhileAccount.h"
#import "ESPurpleMeanwhileAccountViewController.h"
#import "ESMeanwhileService.h"
#import <AIUtilities/AICharacterSetAdditions.h>
@implementation ESMeanwhileService
//Account Creation
- (Class)accountClass{
return [ESPurpleMeanwhileAccount class];
- (AIAccountViewController *)accountViewController{
return [ESPurpleMeanwhileAccountViewController accountViewController];
- (DCJoinChatViewController *)joinChatView{
return [DCPurpleMeanwhileJoinChatViewController joinChatView];
//Service Description
- (NSString *)serviceCodeUniqueID{
return @"libpurple-Sametime";
- (NSString *)serviceID{
return @"Sametime";
- (NSString *)serviceClass{
return @"Sametime";
- (NSString *)shortDescription{
return @"Sametime";
- (NSString *)longDescription{
return @"Lotus Sametime";
- (NSURL *)serviceAccountSetupURL
return [NSURL URLWithString:AILocalizedString(@"", @"URL for Sametime signup or about page. Replace with the URL to an equivalent page in your language if one exists.")];
- (NSString *)accountSetupLabel
return AILocalizedString(@"About Sametime", @"Text for Lotus Sametime sign up button");
- (NSCharacterSet *)allowedCharacters{
NSMutableCharacterSet *allowedCharacters = [[NSCharacterSet alphanumericCharacterSet] mutableCopy];
NSCharacterSet *returnSet;
[allowedCharacters formUnionWithCharacterSet:[NSCharacterSet punctuationCharacterSet]];
[allowedCharacters formUnionWithCharacterSet:[NSCharacterSet symbolCharacterSet]];
[allowedCharacters addCharactersInString:@" "];
returnSet = [allowedCharacters immutableCopy];
return returnSet;
- (NSUInteger)allowedLength{
return 1000;
- (BOOL)caseSensitive{
return YES;
- (AIServiceImportance)serviceImportance{
return AIServiceSecondary;
- (BOOL)canCreateGroupChats{
return YES;
- (void)registerStatuses{
[adium.statusController registerStatus:STATUS_NAME_AVAILABLE
withDescription:[adium.statusController localizedDescriptionForCoreStatusName:STATUS_NAME_AVAILABLE]
[adium.statusController registerStatus:STATUS_NAME_AWAY
withDescription:[adium.statusController localizedDescriptionForCoreStatusName:STATUS_NAME_AWAY]
[adium.statusController registerStatus:STATUS_NAME_DND
withDescription:[adium.statusController localizedDescriptionForCoreStatusName:STATUS_NAME_DND]
m = g_list_append(m, _("Active"));
m = g_list_append(m, _("Away"));
m = g_list_append(m, _("Do Not Disturb"));