

2012-03-22, Frank Dowsett
* Adium is the legal property of its developers, whose names are listed in the copyright file included
* with this source distribution.
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU
* General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License,
* or (at your option) any later version.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even
* the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General
* Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not,
* write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
#import "AIDualWindowInterfacePlugin.h"
#import <Adium/AIInterfaceControllerProtocol.h>
#import <Adium/AIMenuControllerProtocol.h>
#import "AIMessageTabViewItem.h"
#import "AIMessageViewController.h"
#import "AIMessageWindowController.h"
#import "AIDockController.h"
#import <Adium/AIToolbarControllerProtocol.h>
#import <Adium/AIAccountControllerProtocol.h>
#import <AIUtilities/AIAttributedStringAdditions.h>
#import <AIUtilities/AIImageAdditions.h>
#import <AIUtilities/AIStringAdditions.h>
#import <AIUtilities/AIToolbarUtilities.h>
#import <AIUtilities/AIArrayAdditions.h>
#import <AIUtilities/AIWindowAdditions.h>
#import <Adium/AIChat.h>
#import <Adium/AIListContact.h>
#import <Adium/AIListObject.h>
#import <PSMTabBarControl/PSMTabBarControl.h>
#import <PSMTabBarControl/PSMOverflowPopUpButton.h>
#import <PSMTabBarControl/PSMAdiumTabStyle.h>
#import <PSMTabBarControl/PSMTabStyle.h>
#import "AIMessageTabSplitView.h"
#import <Adium/AIStatusIcons.h>
#import "AIInterfaceController.h"
#define KEY_MESSAGE_WINDOW_POSITION @"Message Window"
#define AIMessageTabDragBeganNotification @"AIMessageTabDragBeganNotification"
#define AIMessageTabDragEndedNotification @"AIMessageTabDragEndedNotification"
#define MESSAGE_WINDOW_NIB @"MessageWindow" //Filename of the message window nib
#define TAB_BAR_FPS 20.0
#define TAB_BAR_STEP 0.6
#define TOOLBAR_MESSAGE_WINDOW @"AdiumMessageWindow" //Toolbar identifier
#define KEY_VERTICAL_TABS_WIDTH @"Vertical Tabs Width"
@interface AIMessageWindowController ()
- (id)initWithWindowNibName:(NSString *)windowNibName interface:(AIDualWindowInterfacePlugin *)inInterface containerID:(NSString *)inContainerID containerName:(NSString *)inName;
- (void)_configureToolbar;
- (void)_updateWindowTitleAndIcon;
- (NSString *)_frameSaveKey;
- (void)_reloadContainedChats;
- (void)tabDraggingNotificationReceived:(NSNotification *)notification;
- (void)tabBarFrameChanged:(NSNotification *)notification;
- (void)closeAlertDidEnd:(NSAlert *)alert returnCode:(int)result contextInfo:(void *)contextInfo;
- (void)_relayoutWindow;
//Used to squelch compiler warnings on this private call
@interface NSWindow (AISecretWindowDocumentIconAdditions)
- (void)addDocumentIconButton;
@implementation AIMessageWindowController
//Create a new message window controller
+ (AIMessageWindowController *)messageWindowControllerForInterface:(AIDualWindowInterfacePlugin *)inInterface
withID:(NSString *)inContainerID
name:(NSString *)inName
return [[[self alloc] initWithWindowNibName:MESSAGE_WINDOW_NIB
containerName:inName] autorelease];
- (id)initWithWindowNibName:(NSString *)windowNibName
interface:(AIDualWindowInterfacePlugin *)inInterface
containerID:(NSString *)inContainerID
containerName:(NSString *)inName
if ((self = [super initWithWindowNibName:windowNibName])) {
NSWindow *myWindow;
interface = [inInterface retain];
containerName = [inName retain];
containerID = [inContainerID retain];
m_containedChats = [[NSMutableArray alloc] init];
hasShownDocumentButton = NO;
//Load our window
myWindow = [self window];
[[NSNotificationCenter defaultCenter] addObserver:self
[[NSNotificationCenter defaultCenter] addObserver:self
[[NSNotificationCenter defaultCenter] addObserver:self
[[NSNotificationCenter defaultCenter] addObserver:self
//Register as a tab drag observer so we know when tabs are dragged over our window and can show our tab bar
[myWindow registerForDraggedTypes:[NSArray arrayWithObject:@"PSMTabBarControlItemPBType"]];
[adium.preferenceController registerPreferenceObserver:self forGroup:PREF_GROUP_DUAL_WINDOW_INTERFACE];
return self;
- (void)dealloc
[[NSNotificationCenter defaultCenter] removeObserver:self];
/* Ensure our window is quite clear we have no desire to ever hear from it again. sendEvent: with a flags changed
* event is being sent to this AIMessageWindowController instance by the window after dallocing, for some reason.
* It seems likely a double-release is involved. I can't reproduce this locally, either... but calling
* [self setWindow:nil] appears to fix the problem where it was being experienced..
* Something is wrong elsewhere that this could be necessary, but this doesn't hurt I don't believe.
[[self window] setDelegate:nil];
[self setWindow:nil];
[tabView_tabBar setDelegate:nil];
[m_containedChats release];
[toolbarItems release];
[toolbar release];
[containerName release];
[containerID release];
[adium.preferenceController unregisterPreferenceObserver:self];
[super dealloc];
//Human readable container name
- (NSString *)name
return containerName;
//Internal container ID
- (NSString *)containerID
return containerID;
//PSMTabBarControl accessor
- (PSMTabBarControl *)tabBar
return tabView_tabBar;
- (NSString *)adiumFrameAutosaveName
return [self _frameSaveKey];
//Setup our window before it is displayed
- (void)windowDidLoad
[super windowDidLoad];
NSWindow *theWindow = [self window];
//Exclude this window from the window menu (since we add it manually)
[theWindow setExcludedFromWindowsMenu:YES];
[theWindow useOptimizedDrawing:YES];
[self _configureToolbar];
//Remove any tabs from our tab view, it needs to start out empty
while ([tabView_messages numberOfTabViewItems] > 0) {
[tabView_messages removeTabViewItem:[tabView_messages tabViewItemAtIndex:0]];
//Setup the tab bar
tabView_tabStyle = [[[PSMAdiumTabStyle alloc] init] autorelease];
[tabView_tabBar setStyle:tabView_tabStyle];
[tabView_tabBar setCanCloseOnlyTab:YES];
[tabView_tabBar setUseOverflowMenu:NO];
[tabView_tabBar setAllowsResizing:NO];
[tabView_tabBar setSizeCellsToFit:YES];
[tabView_tabBar setHideForSingleTab:!alwaysShowTabs];
[tabView_tabBar setSelectsTabsOnMouseDown:YES];
[tabView_tabBar setAutomaticallyAnimates:NO];
[tabView_tabBar setAllowsScrubbing:![[NSUserDefaults standardUserDefaults] boolForKey:@"AIDisableScrubbing"]];
[tabView_tabBar setAllowsBackgroundTabClosing:[[NSUserDefaults standardUserDefaults] boolForKey:@"AIAllowBackgroundTabClosing"]];
[tabView_tabBar setTearOffStyle:PSMTabBarTearOffAlphaWindow];
- (NSString *)_frameSaveKey
if ([[adium.preferenceController preferenceForKey:KEY_TABBED_CHATTING
group:PREF_GROUP_INTERFACE] boolValue] &&
![[adium.preferenceController preferenceForKey:KEY_GROUP_CHATS_BY_GROUP
group:PREF_GROUP_INTERFACE] boolValue]) {
} else {
//Not using tabbed chatting, or we're tabbing by groups: Save the window position on a per-container basis
return [NSString stringWithFormat:@"%@ %@",KEY_MESSAGE_WINDOW_POSITION, containerID];
- (BOOL)shouldCascadeWindows
if ([[adium.preferenceController preferenceForKey:KEY_TABBED_CHATTING group:PREF_GROUP_INTERFACE] boolValue])
return NO;
else //Not using tabbed chatting: Cascade if we have no frame
return ([self savedFrameString] == nil);
//Close the message window
- (IBAction)closeWindow:(id)sender
windowIsClosing = YES;
[[self window] performClose:nil];
* @brief Confirm if we should close the window.
- (BOOL)windowShouldClose:(id)window
if (!windowIsClosing
&& self.containedChats.count > 1
&& [[adium.preferenceController preferenceForKey:KEY_CONFIRM_MSG_CLOSE group:PREF_GROUP_CONFIRMATIONS] boolValue]) {
NSString *suppressionText = nil;
NSInteger unreadCount = 0;
for (AIChat *chat in self.containedChats) {
if (chat.unviewedContentCount) {
switch ([[adium.preferenceController preferenceForKey:KEY_CONFIRM_MSG_CLOSE_TYPE group:PREF_GROUP_CONFIRMATIONS] integerValue]) {
case AIMessageCloseAlways:
suppressionText = AILocalizedString(@"Do not warn when closing multiple chats", nil);
case AIMessageCloseUnread:
if (unreadCount) {
suppressionText = AILocalizedString(@"Do not warn when closing unread chats", nil);
NSString *question = nil;
if (unreadCount) {
if (unreadCount == 1) {
question = [NSString stringWithFormat:AILocalizedString(@"%u chats are open in this window, 1 of which has unviewed messages. Do you want to close this window anyway?",nil),
} else {
question = [NSString stringWithFormat:AILocalizedString(@"%u chats are open in this window, %u of which have unviewed messages. Do you want to close this window anyway?",nil),
} else {
question = [NSString stringWithFormat:AILocalizedString(@"%u chats are open in this window. Do you want to close this window anyway?",nil),
if (suppressionText) {
NSAlert *alert = [NSAlert alertWithMessageText:AILocalizedString(@"Are you sure you want to close this window?", nil)
defaultButton:AILocalizedString(@"Close", nil)
alternateButton:AILocalizedStringFromTable(@"Cancel", @"Buttons", nil)
[alert setShowsSuppressionButton:YES];
[[alert suppressionButton] setTitle:suppressionText];
[alert beginSheetModalForWindow:self.window
return NO;
return YES;
- (void)closeAlertDidEnd:(NSAlert *)alert returnCode:(int)result contextInfo:(void *)contextInfo;
if ([alert suppressionButton].state == NSOnState) {
[adium.preferenceController setPreference:nil
if (result == NSAlertDefaultReturn) {
// Dismiss the alert sheet.
[self.window orderOut:nil];
// Don't prompt again.
windowIsClosing = YES;
// Close the window.
[self closeWindow:nil];
* @brief Called as the window closes
- (void)windowWillClose:(id)sender
NSEnumerator *enumerator;
AIMessageTabViewItem *tabViewItem;
if ([tabView_tabBar orientation] == PSMTabBarVerticalOrientation) {
CGFloat widthToStore;
if ([tabView_tabBar isTabBarHidden]) {
widthToStore = lastTabBarWidth;
} else {
widthToStore = NSWidth([tabView_tabBar frame]);
[adium.preferenceController setPreference:[NSNumber numberWithDouble:widthToStore]
windowIsClosing = YES;
[super windowWillClose:sender];
[adium.preferenceController unregisterPreferenceObserver:self];
//Close all our tabs (The array will change as we remove tabs, so we must work with a copy)
enumerator = [[tabView_messages tabViewItems] reverseObjectEnumerator];
while ((tabViewItem = [enumerator nextObject])) {
//Chats have all closed, set active to nil, let the interface know we closed. We should skip this step if our
//window is no longer visible, since in that case another window will have already became active.
if ([[self window] isVisible] && [[self window] isKeyWindow]) {
[adium.interfaceController chatDidBecomeActive:nil];
[interface containerDidClose:self];
- (void)preferencesChangedForGroup:(NSString *)group key:(NSString *)key
object:(AIListObject *)object preferenceDict:(NSDictionary *)prefDict firstTime:(BOOL)firstTime
if ([group isEqualToString:PREF_GROUP_DUAL_WINDOW_INTERFACE]) {
NSWindow *window = [self window];
alwaysShowTabs = ![[prefDict objectForKey:KEY_AUTOHIDE_TABBAR] boolValue];
[tabView_tabBar setHideForSingleTab:!alwaysShowTabs];
NSNumber *useOverflow = [prefDict objectForKey:KEY_TABBAR_OVERFLOW];
[tabView_tabBar setUseOverflowMenu:(useOverflow ? [useOverflow boolValue] : YES)];
[[tabView_tabBar overflowPopUpButton] setAlternateImage:[AIStatusIcons statusIconForStatusName:@"content" statusType:AIAvailableStatusType iconType:AIStatusIconTab direction:AIIconNormal]];
//NSImage *overflowImage = [[[NSImage alloc] initByReferencingFile:[[NSBundle mainBundle] pathForImageResource:@"overflow_overlay"]] autorelease];
//[[tabView_tabBar overflowPopUpButton] setAlternateImage:overflowImage];
//change the frame of the tab bar according to the orientation
if (firstTime || [key isEqualToString:KEY_TABBAR_POSITION]) {
tabPosition = [[prefDict objectForKey:KEY_TABBAR_POSITION] intValue];
lastTabBarWidth = ([prefDict objectForKey:KEY_VERTICAL_TABS_WIDTH] ?
(CGFloat)[[prefDict objectForKey:KEY_VERTICAL_TABS_WIDTH] doubleValue] :
[self _relayoutWindow];
//set tab style drawing attributes
[tabView_tabStyle setDrawsRight:(tabPosition == AdiumTabPositionRight)];
[tabView_tabStyle setDrawsUnified:(tabPosition == AdiumTabPositionTop)];
//[[[self window] toolbar] setShowsBaselineSeparator:(tabPosition != AdiumTabPositionTop)];
[self _updateWindowTitleAndIcon];
AIWindowLevel windowLevel = [[prefDict objectForKey:KEY_WINDOW_LEVEL] intValue];
NSInteger level;
switch (windowLevel) {
case AINormalWindowLevel:
level = NSNormalWindowLevel;
case AIFloatingWindowLevel:
level = NSFloatingWindowLevel;
case AIDesktopWindowLevel:
level = kCGDesktopWindowLevel;
level = NSNormalWindowLevel;
[window setLevel:level];
[window setHidesOnDeactivate:[[prefDict objectForKey:KEY_WINDOW_HIDE] boolValue]];
- (void)_relayoutWindow
PSMTabBarOrientation orientation = ((tabPosition == AdiumTabPositionBottom || tabPosition == AdiumTabPositionTop) ?
PSMTabBarHorizontalOrientation :
NSRect tabBarFrame = [tabView_tabBar frame];
NSRect tabViewMessagesFrame = [tabView_messages frame];
NSRect contentRect = [[[self window] contentView] frame];
//remove the split view if the last orientation was vertical
if ([tabView_tabBar orientation] == PSMTabBarVerticalOrientation) {
[tabView_messages retain];
[tabView_messages removeFromSuperview];
[tabView_tabBar retain];
[tabView_tabBar removeFromSuperview];
[tabView_splitView removeFromSuperview];
[[[self window] contentView] addSubview:tabView_messages];
[[[self window] contentView] addSubview:tabView_tabBar];
[tabView_messages release];
[tabView_tabBar release];
} else {
[tabView_horzLine removeFromSuperview];
tabView_horzLine = nil;
[tabView_tabBar setOrientation:orientation];
BOOL isTabBarHidden = [tabView_tabBar isTabBarHidden]; //!alwaysShowTabs && m_containedChats.count <= 1;
switch (orientation) {
case PSMTabBarHorizontalOrientation:
tabBarFrame.size.height = isTabBarHidden? 0 : kPSMTabBarControlHeight;
tabBarFrame.size.width = contentRect.size.width;
tabViewMessagesFrame.size.width = contentRect.size.width;
//set the position of the tab bar (top/bottom)
if (tabPosition == AdiumTabPositionBottom) {
tabBarFrame.origin.y = NSMinY(contentRect);
tabViewMessagesFrame.origin.y = NSHeight(tabBarFrame) + (isTabBarHidden ? 0 : (HORIZONTAL_TAB_BAR_TO_VIEW_SPACING - 1));
tabViewMessagesFrame.size.height = NSHeight(contentRect) - NSHeight(tabBarFrame) - (isTabBarHidden? 0 : HORIZONTAL_TAB_BAR_TO_VIEW_SPACING) + 3;
[tabView_tabBar setAutoresizingMask:(NSViewMaxYMargin | NSViewWidthSizable)];
} else {
// This arbitrary sizedown is so that top tabs look visually connected to their content below.
tabBarFrame.size.height -= 3;
tabBarFrame.origin.y = NSMaxY(contentRect) - NSHeight(tabBarFrame);
tabViewMessagesFrame.origin.y = NSMinY(contentRect);
tabViewMessagesFrame.size.height = NSHeight(contentRect) - NSHeight(tabBarFrame) + (isTabBarHidden? 2 : 1);
[tabView_tabBar setAutoresizingMask:(NSViewMinYMargin | NSViewWidthSizable)];
/* If the cell is less than 60, icon + title + unread message count may overlap */
[tabView_tabBar setCellMinWidth:60];
[tabView_tabBar setCellMaxWidth:250];
tabBarFrame.origin.x = 0;
tabViewMessagesFrame.origin.x = 0;
if (!isTabBarHidden){
NSRect horzLineFrame = NSMakeRect(tabBarFrame.origin.x, (tabPosition == AdiumTabPositionBottom)? NSMinY(tabViewMessagesFrame)-1 : NSMaxY(tabViewMessagesFrame)-2, NSWidth(tabViewMessagesFrame), 1);
NSUInteger mask = (tabPosition == AdiumTabPositionBottom)? (NSViewMaxYMargin|NSViewWidthSizable) : (NSViewMinYMargin|NSViewWidthSizable);
tabView_horzLine = [[[NSBox alloc] initWithFrame:horzLineFrame] autorelease];
[tabView_horzLine setBorderColor:[NSColor windowFrameColor]];
[tabView_horzLine setBorderWidth:1];
[tabView_horzLine setBorderType:NSLineBorder];
[tabView_horzLine setBoxType:NSBoxCustom];
[tabView_horzLine setAutoresizingMask:mask];
[[[self window] contentView] addSubview:tabView_horzLine];
case PSMTabBarVerticalOrientation:
tabBarFrame.size.height = [[[self window] contentView] frame].size.height;
tabBarFrame.size.width = [tabView_tabBar isTabBarHidden] ? 0 : lastTabBarWidth;
tabBarFrame.origin.y = NSMinY(contentRect);
tabViewMessagesFrame.origin.y = NSMinY(contentRect) - 0;
tabViewMessagesFrame.size.height = NSHeight(contentRect) + 2;
tabViewMessagesFrame.size.width = NSWidth(contentRect) - NSWidth(tabBarFrame);
//set the position of the tab bar (left/right)
if (tabPosition == AdiumTabPositionLeft) {
tabBarFrame.origin.x = NSMinX(contentRect);
tabViewMessagesFrame.origin.x = NSMaxX(tabBarFrame);
[tabView_tabBar setAutoresizingMask:NSViewHeightSizable];
} else {
tabViewMessagesFrame.origin.x = NSMinX(contentRect);
tabBarFrame.origin.x = NSWidth(contentRect) - NSWidth(tabBarFrame);
[tabView_tabBar setAutoresizingMask:NSViewHeightSizable | NSViewMinXMargin];
[tabView_tabBar setCellMinWidth:50];
[tabView_tabBar setCellMaxWidth:200];
//put the subviews into a split view
NSRect splitViewRect = [[[self window] contentView] frame];
splitViewRect.size.height += 2;
if (tabPosition == AdiumTabPositionLeft) {
splitViewRect.origin.x -= [tabView_tabBar isTabBarHidden] ? 0 : 1;
splitViewRect.size.width += [tabView_tabBar isTabBarHidden] ? 0 : 1;
} else {
splitViewRect.size.width += [tabView_tabBar isTabBarHidden] ? 0 : 1;
tabView_splitView = [[[AIMessageTabSplitView alloc] initWithFrame:splitViewRect] autorelease];
[tabView_splitView setDividerThickness:([tabView_tabBar isTabBarHidden] ? 0 : VERTICAL_DIVIDER_THICKNESS)];
[tabView_splitView setVertical:YES];
[tabView_splitView setDelegate:self];
if (tabPosition == AdiumTabPositionLeft) {
[tabView_splitView addSubview:tabView_tabBar];
[tabView_splitView addSubview:tabView_messages];
[tabView_splitView setTabPosition:AIMessageSplitTabPositionLeft];
[tabView_splitView setLeftColor:[NSColor colorWithCalibratedWhite:0.92f alpha:1.0f]
rightColor:[NSColor colorWithCalibratedWhite:0.91f alpha:1.0f]];
} else {
[tabView_splitView addSubview:tabView_messages];
[tabView_splitView addSubview:tabView_tabBar];
[tabView_splitView setTabPosition:AIMessageSplitTabPositionRight];
[tabView_splitView setLeftColor:[NSColor colorWithCalibratedWhite:0.91f alpha:1.0f]
rightColor:[NSColor colorWithCalibratedWhite:0.92f alpha:1.0f]];
[tabView_splitView adjustSubviews];
[tabView_splitView setAutoresizingMask:(NSViewWidthSizable | NSViewHeightSizable)];
[[[self window] contentView] addSubview:tabView_splitView];
[tabView_messages setFrame:tabViewMessagesFrame];
[tabView_tabBar setFrame:tabBarFrame];
//update the tab bar and tab view frame
[[[self window] contentView] setNeedsDisplay:YES];
- (void)updateOverflowMenuUnviewedContentIcon
BOOL someUnviewedContent = NO;
NSInteger count = [[tabView_tabBar representedTabViewItems] count];
for (NSInteger i = [tabView_tabBar numberOfVisibleTabs]; i < count; i++) {
if ([[[[tabView_tabBar representedTabViewItems] objectAtIndex:i] chat] unviewedContentCount] > 0) {
someUnviewedContent = YES;
[[tabView_tabBar overflowPopUpButton] setAnimatingAlternateImage:someUnviewedContent];
- (void)updateIconForTabViewItem:(AIMessageTabViewItem *)tabViewItem
if (tabViewItem == [tabView_messages selectedTabViewItem]) {
[self _updateWindowTitleAndIcon];
if ([[tabView_tabBar representedTabViewItems] indexOfObject:tabViewItem] >= [tabView_tabBar numberOfVisibleTabs]) {
//The chat is in the overflow menu. If any chat has unviewed content, it should be animating to demonstrate that.
[self updateOverflowMenuUnviewedContentIcon];
- (AdiumTabPosition)tabPosition
return tabPosition;
//Contained Chats ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
#pragma mark Contained Chats
//Add a tab view item container at the end of the tabs (without changing the current selection)
- (void)addTabViewItem:(AIMessageTabViewItem *)inTabViewItem
[self addTabViewItem:inTabViewItem atIndex:-1 silent:NO];
//Add a tab view item container (without changing the current selection)
//If silent is NO, the interface controller will be informed of the add
- (void)addTabViewItem:(AIMessageTabViewItem *)inTabViewItem atIndex:(NSInteger)idx silent:(BOOL)silent
/* XXX This mirrors the hack in -[AIMessageTabViewItem initWithMessageView]. It may have been undone
* in removeTabViewItem:silent: below if the tab was moving between windows.
[inTabViewItem setIdentifier:inTabViewItem];
if (idx == -1) {
[tabView_messages addTabViewItem:inTabViewItem];
} else {
[tabView_messages insertTabViewItem:inTabViewItem atIndex:idx];
//Refresh our list and order of chats
[self _reloadContainedChats];
if (![tabView_messages selectedTabViewItem]) [tabView_messages selectNextTabViewItem:nil];
if (!silent) [adium.interfaceController];
//Remove a tab view item container
//If silent is NO, the interface controller will be informed of the remove
- (void)removeTabViewItem:(AIMessageTabViewItem *)inTabViewItem silent:(BOOL)silent
/* When a tab isn't selected, its views are not within any window. We want the tab to be able to remove tracking rects
* from the window before closing, so if it isn't selected we need to select it briefly to let this happen. Since this is
* all within the same run loop, as long as code in the tab view's delegate is well-behaved and uses setNeedsDisplay: rather
* than display if it does drawing, the UI shouldn't change at all.
if ([tabView_messages selectedTabViewItem] != inTabViewItem) {
NSTabViewItem *oldTabViewItem = [tabView_messages selectedTabViewItem];
[tabView_messages selectTabViewItem:inTabViewItem];
//The tab view item needs to know that this window controller no longer contains it
[inTabViewItem setWindowController:nil];
[tabView_messages selectTabViewItem:oldTabViewItem];
} else {
//The tab view item needs to know that this window controller no longer contains it
[inTabViewItem setWindowController:nil];
//If the tab is selected, select the next tab before closing it (To mirror the behavior of safari)
if (!windowIsClosing && inTabViewItem == [tabView_messages selectedTabViewItem]) {
[tabView_messages selectNextTabViewItem:nil];
//Remove the tab and let the interface know a container closed
if (!silent) [adium.interfaceController];
//Now remove the tab view item from our NSTabView
[tabView_messages removeTabViewItem:inTabViewItem];
/* AIMessageTabViewItem sets itself as its own identifer. We have to break the recursive retain from the outside.
* This must be done last so that the NSTabView and its delegate (PSMTabBarControl) can still make use of the idenfitier.
[inTabViewItem setIdentifier:nil];
//close if we're empty
if (!windowIsClosing && [self.containedChats count] == 0) {
[self closeWindow:nil];
- (void)moveTabViewItem:(AIMessageTabViewItem *)inTabViewItem toIndex:(NSInteger)idx
AIChat *chat =;
if ([self.containedChats indexOfObject:chat] != idx) {
NSMutableArray *cells = [tabView_tabBar cells];
[cells moveObject:[cells objectAtIndex:[[tabView_tabBar representedTabViewItems] indexOfObject:inTabViewItem]] toIndex:idx];
[tabView_tabBar setNeedsDisplay:YES];
[m_containedChats moveObject:chat toIndex:idx];
[adium.interfaceController chatOrderDidChange];
//Returns YES if we are empty (currently contain no chats)
- (BOOL)containerIsEmpty
return [self.containedChats count] == 0;
//Returns an array of the chats we contain
@synthesize containedChats = m_containedChats;
- (void)_reloadContainedChats
NSEnumerator *enumerator;
AIMessageTabViewItem *tabViewItem;
//Update our contained chats array to mirror the order of the tabs
[m_containedChats release]; m_containedChats = [[NSMutableArray alloc] init];
enumerator = [[tabView_messages tabViewItems] objectEnumerator];
while ((tabViewItem = [enumerator nextObject])) {
[tabViewItem setWindowController:self];
[m_containedChats addObject:[tabViewItem chat]];
//Active Chat Tracking -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
#pragma mark Active Chat Tracking
//Our selected tab is now the active chat
- (void)windowDidBecomeKey:(NSNotification *)notification
[adium.interfaceController chatDidBecomeActive:[(AIMessageTabViewItem *)[tabView_messages selectedTabViewItem] chat]];
//Our selected tab is no longer the active chat
- (void)windowDidResignKey:(NSNotification *)notification
[((AIMessageTabViewItem *)tabView_messages.selectedTabViewItem).messageViewController.messageDisplayController markForFocusChange];
[adium.interfaceController chatDidBecomeActive:nil];
//Update our window title
- (void)_updateWindowTitleAndIcon
NSString *label = [(AIMessageTabViewItem *)[tabView_messages selectedTabViewItem] label];
NSString *title;
NSButton *button;
NSWindow *window = [self window];
//Window Title
if (([tabView_messages numberOfTabViewItems] == 1) || !containerName) {
title = (label ? [NSString stringWithFormat:@"%@", label] : nil);
} else {
if (containerName && label) {
title = [NSString stringWithFormat:@"%@ - %@", containerName, label];
} else {
if (containerName)
title = containerName;
else if (label)
title = label;
title = nil;
if (title) [window setTitle:title];
//Window Icon (We display state in the window title if tabs are not visible)
if (!hasShownDocumentButton) {
if ([window respondsToSelector:@selector(addDocumentIconButton)]) {
[window addDocumentIconButton];
hasShownDocumentButton = YES;
button = [window standardWindowButton:NSWindowDocumentIconButton];
if ([tabView_tabBar isTabBarHidden]) {
NSImage *image = [(AIMessageTabViewItem *)[tabView_messages selectedTabViewItem] stateIcon];
if (image != [button image]) {
[button setImage:image];
} else {
if ([button image]) {
[button setImage:nil];
- (AIChat *)activeChat
AIMessageTabViewItem *selectedTabViewItem = (AIMessageTabViewItem *)[tabView_messages selectedTabViewItem];
if (![selectedTabViewItem isKindOfClass:[AIMessageTabViewItem class]]) {
return nil;
return [selectedTabViewItem chat];
//AISplitView Delegate -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
#pragma mark AISplitView Delegate
//handles the minimum size of vertical tabs
- (CGFloat)splitView:(NSSplitView *)sender constrainMinCoordinate:(CGFloat)proposedMin ofSubviewAt:(NSInteger)offset
CGFloat min = proposedMin;
if (sender == tabView_splitView) {
switch (tabPosition) {
case AdiumTabPositionBottom:
case AdiumTabPositionTop:
/* should never be passed these */
case AdiumTabPositionLeft:
min = ([tabView_tabBar isTabBarHidden] ? 0 : MINIMUM_WIDTH_FOR_VERTICAL_TABS);
case AdiumTabPositionRight:
min = ([tabView_tabBar isTabBarHidden] ?
NSWidth([tabView_splitView frame]) :
(NSWidth([tabView_splitView frame]) - MAXIMUM_WIDTH_FOR_VERTICAL_TABS - [sender dividerThickness]));
} else {
NSLog(@"Unknown split view");
return min;
//handles the maximum size of vertical tabs
- (CGFloat)splitView:(NSSplitView *)sender constrainMaxCoordinate:(CGFloat)proposedMax ofSubviewAt:(NSInteger)offset
CGFloat max = proposedMax;
if (sender == tabView_splitView) {
switch (tabPosition) {
case AdiumTabPositionBottom:
case AdiumTabPositionTop:
/* should never be passed these */
case AdiumTabPositionLeft:
case AdiumTabPositionRight:
} else {
NSLog(@"Unknown split view");
return max;
- (void)splitView:(NSSplitView *)sender resizeSubviewsWithOldSize:(NSSize)oldSize
NSRect messageFrame = [tabView_messages frame], tabBarFrame = [tabView_tabBar frame];
messageFrame.size = NSMakeSize([sender frame].size.width - tabBarFrame.size.width - [sender dividerThickness], [sender frame].size.height);
tabBarFrame.size = NSMakeSize(tabBarFrame.size.width, [sender frame].size.height);
if (sender == tabView_splitView) {
switch (tabPosition) {
case AdiumTabPositionBottom:
case AdiumTabPositionTop:
/* should never be passed these */
case AdiumTabPositionLeft:
messageFrame.origin.x = NSWidth(tabBarFrame) + [sender dividerThickness];
case AdiumTabPositionRight:
messageFrame.origin.x = 0;
tabBarFrame.origin.x = NSWidth(messageFrame) + [sender dividerThickness];
[tabView_messages setFrame:messageFrame];
[tabView_tabBar setFrame:tabBarFrame];
//PSMTabBarControl Delegate -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
#pragma mark PSMTabBarControl Delegate
//Handle closing a tab
- (BOOL)tabView:(NSTabView *)tabView shouldCloseTabViewItem:(NSTabViewItem *)tabViewItem
//The window controller handles removing the tab as we need to dispose of tracking rects properly
if ([tabViewItem respondsToSelector:@selector(chat)]) {
AIChat *chat = [(AIMessageTabViewItem *)tabViewItem chat];
[adium.interfaceController closeChat:chat];
return NO;
- (void)tabView:(NSTabView *)tabView willSelectTabViewItem:(NSTabViewItem *)tabViewItem
AIMessageTabViewItem *selectedTabViewItem = (AIMessageTabViewItem *)[tabView_messages selectedTabViewItem];
if ([selectedTabViewItem isKindOfClass:[AIMessageTabViewItem class]]) {
[selectedTabViewItem tabViewItemWillDeselect];
//Our selected tab has changed, update the active chat
- (void)tabView:(NSTabView *)aTabView didSelectTabViewItem:(NSTabViewItem *)tabViewItem
if (tabViewItem != nil) {
AIChat *chat = [(AIMessageTabViewItem *)tabViewItem chat];
[(AIMessageTabViewItem *)tabViewItem tabViewItemWasSelected]; //Let the tab know it was selected
if ([[self window] isMainWindow]) { //If our window is main, set the newly selected container as active
[adium.interfaceController chatDidBecomeActive:chat];
[self _updateWindowTitleAndIcon]; //Reflect change in window title
[adium.interfaceController chatDidBecomeVisible:chat inWindow:[self window]];
- (BOOL)tabView:(NSTabView*)tabView shouldDragTabViewItem:(NSTabViewItem *)tabViewItem fromTabBar:(PSMTabBarControl *)tabBarControl
return YES;
- (BOOL)tabView:(NSTabView*)tabView shouldDropTabViewItem:(NSTabViewItem *)tabViewItem inTabBar:(PSMTabBarControl *)tabBarControl
return YES;
- (void)tabView:(NSTabView *)tabView closeWindowForLastTabViewItem:(NSTabViewItem *)tabViewItem
[self closeWindow:self];
//Contextual menu for tabs
- (NSMenu *)tabView:(NSTabView *)tabView menuForTabViewItem:(NSTabViewItem *)tabViewItem
AIChat *chat = [(AIMessageTabViewItem *)tabViewItem chat];
AIListContact *selectedObject = chat.listObject.parentContact;
NSMenu *tmp = nil;
if (selectedObject) {
NSMutableArray *locations;
if ([selectedObject isIntentionallyNotAStranger]) {
locations = [NSMutableArray arrayWithObjects:
[NSNumber numberWithInteger:Context_Contact_Manage],
[NSNumber numberWithInteger:Context_Contact_Action],
[NSNumber numberWithInteger:Context_Contact_NegativeAction],
[NSNumber numberWithInteger:Context_Contact_ChatAction],
[NSNumber numberWithInteger:Context_Contact_Additions], nil];
} else {
locations = [NSMutableArray arrayWithObjects:
[NSNumber numberWithInteger:Context_Contact_Manage],
[NSNumber numberWithInteger:Context_Contact_Action],
[NSNumber numberWithInteger:Context_Contact_NegativeAction],
[NSNumber numberWithInteger:Context_Contact_ChatAction],
[NSNumber numberWithInteger:Context_Contact_Stranger_ChatAction],
[NSNumber numberWithInteger:Context_Contact_Additions], nil];
[locations addObject:[NSNumber numberWithInteger:Context_Tab_Action]];
tmp = [adium.menuController contextualMenuWithLocations:locations
} else if (chat.isGroupChat) {
NSArray *locations = [NSArray arrayWithObjects:
[NSNumber numberWithInteger:Context_GroupChat_Manage],
[NSNumber numberWithInteger:Context_GroupChat_Action],
[NSNumber numberWithInteger:Context_Tab_Action], nil];
tmp = [adium.menuController contextualMenuWithLocations:locations
return tmp;
//Tab count changed
- (void)tabViewDidChangeNumberOfTabViewItems:(NSTabView *)tabView
[self _updateWindowTitleAndIcon];
[self _reloadContainedChats];
[adium.interfaceController chatOrderDidChange];
//Tabs reordered
- (void)tabView:(NSTabView*)aTabView didDropTabViewItem:(NSTabViewItem *)tabViewItem inTabBar:(PSMTabBarControl *)tabBarControl;
[self _reloadContainedChats];
[adium.interfaceController chatOrderDidChange];
//Allow dragging of text
- (NSArray *)allowedDraggedTypesForTabView:(NSTabView *)aTabView
return [NSArray arrayWithObjects:NSRTFPboardType, NSStringPboardType, NSFilenamesPboardType, NSTIFFPboardType, NSPDFPboardType, nil];
//Accept dragged text
- (void)tabView:(NSTabView *)aTabView acceptedDraggingInfo:(id <NSDraggingInfo>)draggingInfo onTabViewItem:(NSTabViewItem *)tabViewItem
[[(AIMessageTabViewItem *)tabViewItem messageViewController] addDraggedDataToTextEntryView:draggingInfo];
//Get an image representation of the chat
- (NSImage *)tabView:(NSTabView *)tabView imageForTabViewItem:(NSTabViewItem *)tabViewItem offset:(NSSize *)offset styleMask:(NSUInteger *)styleMask
// grabs whole window image
NSImage *viewImage = [[[NSImage alloc] init] autorelease];
NSRect contentFrame = [[[self window] contentView] frame];
[[[self window] contentView] lockFocus];
NSBitmapImageRep *viewRep = [[[NSBitmapImageRep alloc] initWithFocusedViewRect:contentFrame] autorelease];
[viewImage addRepresentation:viewRep];
[[[self window] contentView] unlockFocus];
// grabs snapshot of dragged tabViewItem's view (represents content being dragged)
NSView *viewForImage = [tabViewItem view];
NSRect viewRect = [viewForImage frame];
NSImage *tabViewImage = [[[NSImage alloc] initWithSize:viewRect.size] autorelease];
[tabViewImage lockFocus];
[viewForImage drawRect:[viewForImage bounds]];
[tabViewImage unlockFocus];
[viewImage lockFocus];
NSPoint tabOrigin = [tabView frame].origin;
tabOrigin.x += 10;
tabOrigin.y += 13;
[tabViewImage compositeToPoint:tabOrigin operation:NSCompositeSourceOver];
[viewImage unlockFocus];
//draw over where the tab bar would usually be
NSRect tabFrame = [tabView_tabBar frame];
[viewImage lockFocus];
[[NSColor windowBackgroundColor] set];
//draw the background flipped, which is actually the right way up
NSAffineTransform *transform = [NSAffineTransform transform];
[transform scaleXBy:1.0f yBy:-1.0f];
[transform concat];
tabFrame.origin.y = -tabFrame.origin.y - tabFrame.size.height;
[[(PSMTabBarControl *)[tabView delegate] style] drawBackgroundInRect:tabFrame];
[transform invert];
[transform concat];
[viewImage unlockFocus];
id <PSMTabStyle> style = [(PSMTabBarControl *)[tabView delegate] style];
switch (tabPosition) {
case AdiumTabPositionBottom:
offset->width = [style leftMarginForTabBarControl];
offset->height = contentFrame.size.height;
case AdiumTabPositionTop:
offset->width = [style leftMarginForTabBarControl];
offset->height = 21;
case AdiumTabPositionLeft:
offset->width = 0;
offset->height = 21 + [style topMarginForTabBarControl];
case AdiumTabPositionRight:
offset->width = [tabView_tabBar frame].origin.x;
offset->height = 21 + [style topMarginForTabBarControl];
*styleMask = NSTitledWindowMask;
return viewImage;
//Create a new tab window
- (PSMTabBarControl *)tabView:(NSTabView *)tabView newTabBarForDraggedTabViewItem:(NSTabViewItem *)tabViewItem atPoint:(NSPoint)point
id newController = [interface openNewContainer];
NSRect frame;
id <PSMTabStyle> style = [(PSMTabBarControl *)[tabView delegate] style];
//set the size of the new window
//set the size and origin separately so that toolbar visibility and size doesn't mess things up
frame.size = [[self window] frame].size;
frame.origin = NSZeroPoint;
[[newController window] setFrame:frame display:NO];
switch (tabPosition) {
case AdiumTabPositionBottom:
point.x -= [style leftMarginForTabBarControl];
point.y -= 22;
case AdiumTabPositionTop:
point.x -= [style leftMarginForTabBarControl];
point.y -= NSHeight([[[newController window] contentView] frame]) + 1;
case AdiumTabPositionLeft:
point.y -= NSHeight([[[newController window] contentView] frame]) - [style topMarginForTabBarControl] + 1;
case AdiumTabPositionRight:
point.x -= NSMinX([tabView_tabBar frame]);
point.y -= NSHeight([[[newController window] contentView] frame]) - [style topMarginForTabBarControl] + 1;
//set the origin point of the new window
frame.origin = point;
[[newController window] setFrame:frame display:NO];
return [newController tabBar];
- (void)tabView:(NSTabView *)tabView tabBarDidHide:(PSMTabBarControl *)tabBarControl
//hide the space between the tab bar and the tab view
NSRect frame = [tabView frame];
switch ([tabBarControl orientation]) {
case PSMTabBarHorizontalOrientation:
/* We put a space between a bottom horizontal tab bar and the message tab view.
* This space is not needed when the tab bar is at the top.
if (tabPosition == AdiumTabPositionBottom) {
NSRect lineFrame = tabView_horzLine.frame;
[tabView_horzLine setFrame:lineFrame];
} else {
NSRect lineFrame = tabView_horzLine.frame;
[tabView_horzLine setFrame:lineFrame];
[tabView_horzLine setHidden:YES];
case PSMTabBarVerticalOrientation:
[tabView_splitView setDividerThickness:0];
[tabView setFrame:frame];
[tabBarControl setHidden:YES];
[tabView setNeedsDisplay:YES];
[[tabView_messages tabViewItems] makeObjectsPerformSelector:@selector(tabViewDidChangeVisibility)];
- (void)tabView:(NSTabView *)tabView tabBarDidUnhide:(PSMTabBarControl *)tabBarControl
//show the space between the tab bar and the tab view
NSRect frame = [tabView frame];
switch ([tabBarControl orientation]) {
case PSMTabBarHorizontalOrientation:
/* We put a space between a bottom horizontal tab bar and the message tab view.
* This space is not needed when the tab bar is at the top.
if (tabPosition == AdiumTabPositionBottom) {
NSRect lineFrame = tabView_horzLine.frame;
[tabView_horzLine setFrame:lineFrame];
} else {
NSRect lineFrame = tabView_horzLine.frame;
[tabView_horzLine setFrame:lineFrame];
[tabView_horzLine setHidden:NO];
case PSMTabBarVerticalOrientation:
[tabView_splitView setDividerThickness:VERTICAL_DIVIDER_THICKNESS];
[tabView setFrame:frame];
[tabBarControl setHidden:NO];
[tabView setNeedsDisplay:YES];
[[tabView_messages tabViewItems] makeObjectsPerformSelector:@selector(tabViewDidChangeVisibility)];
- (CGFloat)desiredWidthForVerticalTabBar:(PSMTabBarControl *)tabBarControl
return (lastTabBarWidth ? lastTabBarWidth : 120);
- (NSString *)tabView:(NSTabView *)tabView toolTipForTabViewItem:(NSTabViewItem *)tabViewItem
AIChat *chat = [(AIMessageTabViewItem *)tabViewItem chat];
NSString *tooltip = nil;
if (chat.isGroupChat) {
tooltip = [NSString stringWithFormat:AILocalizedString(@"%@ in %@","AccountName on ChatRoomName"), chat.account.formattedUID,];
} else {
AIListObject *destination = chat.listObject;
NSString *destinationDisplayName = destination.displayName;
NSString *destinationFormattedUID = destination.formattedUID;
BOOL includeDestination = NO;
BOOL includeSource = NO;
if (destinationFormattedUID && destinationDisplayName &&
![[destinationDisplayName compactedString] isEqualToString:[destinationFormattedUID compactedString]]) {
includeDestination = YES;
NSUInteger onlineAccounts = 0;
for (AIAccount *account in adium.accountController.accounts) {
if (onlineAccounts >= 2) break;
if ( onlineAccounts++;
if (onlineAccounts >= 2)
includeSource = YES;
AILog(@"Displaying tooltip for %@ --> %@ (%@) --> %@ (%@)", chat, chat.account, chat.account.formattedUID, destination, destinationFormattedUID);
if (includeDestination && includeSource) {
tooltip = [NSString stringWithFormat:AILocalizedString(@"%@ talking to %@","AccountName talking to Username"), chat.account.formattedUID, destinationFormattedUID];
} else if (includeDestination) {
tooltip = destinationFormattedUID;
} else if (includeSource) {
tooltip = chat.account.formattedUID;
return tooltip;
- (void)tabView:(NSTabView *)aTabView tabViewItem:(NSTabViewItem *)tabViewItem isInOverflowMenu:(BOOL)inOverflowMenu
//Wait until the next run loop, then update the icons so the overflow menu will be updated appropriately
[self performSelector:@selector(updateOverflowMenuUnviewedContentIcon)
//Tab Bar Visibility --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
#pragma mark Tab Bar Visibility/Drag And Drop
//Replaced by PSMTabBarControl
//Make sure auto-hide suppression is off after a drag completes
- (void)tabDraggingNotificationReceived:(NSNotification *)notification
if ([[notification name] isEqualToString:PSMTabDragDidBeginNotification]) {
[tabView_tabBar setHideForSingleTab:NO];
} else {
[tabView_tabBar setHideForSingleTab:!alwaysShowTabs];
//Save width of the vertical tabs when changed
- (void)tabBarFrameChanged:(NSNotification *)notification {
if ([tabView_tabBar orientation] == PSMTabBarVerticalOrientation) {
if (![tabView_tabBar isTabBarHidden]) {
CGFloat newWidth = NSWidth([tabView_tabBar frame]);
lastTabBarWidth = newWidth;
/*//Custom Tabs Delegate -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
#pragma mark Custom Tabs Delegate
//Bring our window to the front
- (NSDragOperation)draggingEntered:(id <NSDraggingInfo>)sender
NSDragOperation tmp = NSDragOperationNone;
NSString *type = [[sender draggingPasteboard] availableTypeFromArray:[NSArray arrayWithObjects:TAB_CELL_IDENTIFIER,nil]];
if (sender == nil || type) {
if (![[self window] isKeyWindow]) [[self window] makeKeyAndOrderFront:nil];
[self _suppressTabHiding:YES];
tmp = NSDragOperationPrivate;
return tmp;
- (void)draggingExited:(id <NSDraggingInfo>)sender
NSString *type = [[sender draggingPasteboard] availableTypeFromArray:[NSArray arrayWithObjects:TAB_CELL_IDENTIFIER,nil]];
if (sender == nil || type) [self _suppressTabHiding:NO];
- (void)_suppressTabHiding:(BOOL)suppress
supressHiding = suppress;
[self updateTabBarVisibilityAndAnimate:YES];
//Send the print message to our view
- (void)adiumPrint:(id)sender
id controller = [(AIMessageTabViewItem *)[tabView_messages selectedTabViewItem] messageViewController];
if ([controller respondsToSelector:@selector(adiumPrint:)]) {
[controller adiumPrint:sender];
//Toolbar --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
#pragma mark Toolbar
//Install our toolbar
- (void)_configureToolbar
// NSToolbar *toolbar; change this if need be
toolbar = [[NSToolbar alloc] initWithIdentifier:TOOLBAR_MESSAGE_WINDOW];
[toolbar setDelegate:self];
[toolbar setDisplayMode:NSToolbarDisplayModeIconOnly];
[toolbar setSizeMode:NSToolbarSizeModeSmall];
[toolbar setVisible:YES];
[toolbar setAllowsUserCustomization:YES];
[toolbar setAutosavesConfiguration:YES];
toolbarItems = [[adium.toolbarController toolbarItemsForToolbarTypes:[NSArray arrayWithObjects:@"General", @"ListObject", @"TextEntry", @"MessageWindow", nil]] retain];
/* Seemingly randomly, setToolbar: may throw:
* Exception: NSInternalInconsistencyException
* Reason: Uninitialized rectangle passed to [View initWithFrame:].
* With the same window positioning information as a user for whom this happens consistently, I can't reproduce. Let's
* fail to set the toolbar gracefully.
[[self window] setToolbar:toolbar];
@catch(id exc)
NSLog(@"Warning: While setting the message window's toolbar, exception %@ was thrown.", exc);
- (NSToolbarItem *)toolbar:(NSToolbar *)toolbar itemForItemIdentifier:(NSString *)itemIdentifier willBeInsertedIntoToolbar:(BOOL)flag
return [AIToolbarUtilities toolbarItemFromDictionary:toolbarItems withIdentifier:itemIdentifier];
- (NSArray *)toolbarDefaultItemIdentifiers:(NSToolbar*)toolbar
return [NSArray arrayWithObjects:@"UserIcon",@"Encryption", NSToolbarSeparatorItemIdentifier,
@"SourceDestination", @"InsertEmoticon", @"BlockParticipants", @"LinkEditor", @"SafariLink", @"AddBookmark", NSToolbarShowColorsItemIdentifier,
NSToolbarShowFontsItemIdentifier, NSToolbarFlexibleSpaceItemIdentifier, @"SendFile",
@"ShowInfo", @"LogViewer", nil];
- (NSArray *)toolbarAllowedItemIdentifiers:(NSToolbar*)toolbar
return [[toolbarItems allKeys] arrayByAddingObjectsFromArray:
[NSArray arrayWithObjects:NSToolbarSeparatorItemIdentifier,
NSToolbarCustomizeToolbarItemIdentifier, nil]];
- (void)toolbarWillAddItem:(NSNotification *)notification
NSToolbarItem *item = [[notification userInfo] objectForKey:@"item"];
if ([[item itemIdentifier] isEqualToString:NSToolbarShowFontsItemIdentifier]) {
[item setTarget:adium.interfaceController];
[item setAction:@selector(toggleFontPanel:)];
- (void)removeToolbarItemWithIdentifier:(NSString*)identifier
NSArray *itemArray = [toolbar items];
NSEnumerator *enumerator = [itemArray objectEnumerator];
NSToolbarItem *item;
NSInteger idx = NSNotFound;
while ((item = [enumerator nextObject])) {
if ([[item itemIdentifier] isEqualToString:identifier]) {
idx = [itemArray indexOfObject:item];
if (idx != NSNotFound) {
[toolbar removeItemAtIndex:idx];
#pragma mark Miniaturization
* @brief Our window is about to minimize
* Set our miniwindow image, which will display in the dock, appropriately.
- (void)windowWillMiniaturize:(NSNotification *)notification
NSImage *miniwindowImage;
NSImage *chatImage = [[(AIMessageTabViewItem *)[tabView_messages selectedTabViewItem] chat] chatImage];
NSImage *appImage = [adium.dockController baseApplicationIconImage];
NSSize chatImageSize = [chatImage size];
NSSize appImageSize = [appImage size];
NSSize newChatImageSize;
NSSize badgeSize;
miniwindowImage = [[NSImage alloc] initWithSize:NSMakeSize(128,128)];
//Determine the properly scaled chat image size
newChatImageSize = NSMakeSize(96,96);
if (chatImageSize.width != chatImageSize.height) {
if (chatImageSize.width > chatImageSize.height) {
//Give width priority: Make the height change by the same proportion as the width will change
newChatImageSize.height = chatImageSize.height * (newChatImageSize.width / chatImageSize.width);
} else {
//Give height priority: Make the width change by the same proportion as the height will change
newChatImageSize.width = chatImageSize.width * (newChatImageSize.height / chatImageSize.height);
//OS X 10.4 always returns a square application icon of 128x128, but better safe than sorry
badgeSize = NSMakeSize(48, 48);
if (appImageSize.width != appImageSize.height) {
if (appImageSize.width > appImageSize.height) {
//Give width priority: Make the height change by the same proportion as the width will change
badgeSize.height = appImageSize.height * (badgeSize.width / appImageSize.width);
} else {
//Give height priority: Make the width change by the same proportion as the height will change
badgeSize.width = appImageSize.width * (badgeSize.height / appImageSize.height);
[miniwindowImage lockFocus];
//Draw the chat image with space around it (the dock will do ugly scaling if we don't make a transparent border)
[chatImage drawInRect:NSMakeRect((128 - newChatImageSize.width)/2, (128 - newChatImageSize.height)/2,
newChatImageSize.width, newChatImageSize.height)
fromRect:NSMakeRect(0, 0, chatImageSize.width, chatImageSize.height)
//Draw the Adium icon as a badge in the bottom right
[appImage drawInRect:NSMakeRect(128 - badgeSize.width,
fromRect:NSMakeRect(0, 0, appImageSize.width, appImageSize.height)
[miniwindowImage unlockFocus];
//Set the image
[[self window] setMiniwindowImage:miniwindowImage];
[miniwindowImage release];
- (BOOL)window:(NSWindow *)sender shouldDragDocumentWithEvent:(NSEvent *)mouseEvent from:(NSPoint)startPoint withPasteboard:(NSPasteboard *)pasteboard
return NO;
#pragma mark Printing
* @brief Support for printing. Forward the print command to the active tab view's message view controller
- (void)adiumPrint:(id)sender
[[(AIMessageTabViewItem *)[tabView_messages selectedTabViewItem] messageViewController] adiumPrint:sender];
#pragma mark Gestures
* @brief Responds to a swipe gesture
* This is a private method added in AppKit 949.18.0.
- (void)swipeWithEvent:(NSEvent *)inEvent
// We don't do anything for vertical swipes.
if ([inEvent deltaY] != 0)
// Horizontal swipe; +1f is left, -1f is right.
if ([inEvent deltaX] == -1) {
[adium.interfaceController nextChat:nil];
} else {
[adium.interfaceController previousChat:nil];
//inherit this
@dynamic window;