
Adding +[NSString randomString] seems to be popular, it appears to be colliding with some plugin I have loaded. Add a prefix here.
* Adium is the legal property of its developers, whose names are listed in the copyright file included
* with this source distribution.
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU
* General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License,
* or (at your option) any later version.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even
* the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General
* Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not,
* write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
#import <Adium/AIStatus.h>
#import <Adium/AIStatusIcons.h>
#import <Adium/AIAccountControllerProtocol.h>
#import <Adium/AIStatusControllerProtocol.h>
#import <Adium/AIHTMLDecoder.h>
#import <AIUtilities/AIAttributedStringAdditions.h>
#import <AIUtilities/AIStringAdditions.h>
@implementation AIStatus
* @brief Create an autoreleased AIStatus
* @result New autoreleased AIStatus
+ (AIStatus *)status
AIStatus *newStatus = [[[self alloc] init] autorelease];
//Configure defaults as necessary
[newStatus setAutoReplyIsStatusMessage:YES];
return newStatus;
* @brief Crate an AIStatus from a dictionary
* @param inDictionary A dictionary of keys to use as the new AIStatus's statusDict
* @result AIStatus from inDictionary
+ (AIStatus *)statusWithDictionary:(NSDictionary *)inDictionary
AIStatus *status = [self status];
[status->statusDict addEntriesFromDictionary:inDictionary];
return status;
* @brief Create an autoreleased AIStatus of a specified type
* The new AIStatus will have its statusType and statusName set appropriately.
* @result New autoreleased AIStatus
+ (AIStatus *)statusOfType:(AIStatusType)inStatusType
AIStatus *status = [self status];
[status setStatusType:inStatusType];
[status setStatusName:[adium.statusController defaultStatusNameForType:inStatusType]];
if (inStatusType == AIAwayStatusType) {
[status setHasAutoReply:YES];
return status;
- (void)dealloc
[filteredStatusMessage release];
[super dealloc];
* @brief Returns an appropriate icon for this state
* This method will generate an appropriate status icon based on the state's content.
* @param iconType The AIStatusIconType to use
* @result An <tt>NSImage</tt>
- (NSImage *)iconOfType:(AIStatusIconType)iconType direction:(AIIconDirection)direction
NSString *statusName;
AIStatusType statusType;
if ([self shouldForceInitialIdleTime]) {
statusName = @"Idle";
statusType = AIAwayStatusType;
} else {
statusName = self.statusName;
statusType = self.statusType;
return [AIStatusIcons statusIconForStatusName:statusName
* @brief The status message for this status
* @result An NSAttributedString status message, or nil if no status message or a 0-length status message is set
- (NSAttributedString *)statusMessage
NSAttributedString *statusMessage;
statusMessage = [statusDict objectForKey:STATUS_STATUS_MESSAGE];
if (![statusMessage length]) statusMessage = nil;
return statusMessage;
* @brief Return the status message as a string
- (NSString *)statusMessageString
return [self.statusMessage string];
* @brief Set the status message
- (void)setStatusMessage:(NSAttributedString *)statusMessage
if (statusMessage) {
[statusDict setObject:statusMessage
} else {
[statusDict removeObjectForKey:STATUS_STATUS_MESSAGE];
[filteredStatusMessage release]; filteredStatusMessage = nil;
* @brief Set the status message as a string
* @param statusMessageString The status message as a string; HTML may be passed if desired
- (void)setStatusMessageString:(NSString *)statusMessageString
[self setStatusMessage:[AIHTMLDecoder decodeHTML:statusMessageString]];
- (void)setFilteredStatusMessage:(NSString *)inFilteredStatusMessage
if (![filteredStatusMessage isEqualToString:inFilteredStatusMessage]) {
[filteredStatusMessage release];
filteredStatusMessage = [inFilteredStatusMessage retain];
[[NSNotificationCenter defaultCenter] postNotificationName:@"AIStatusFilteredStatusMessageChanged"
- (NSString *)statusMessageTooltipString
return (filteredStatusMessage ? filteredStatusMessage : [self statusMessageString]);
* @brief The auto reply to send when in this status
* @result An NSAttributedString auto reply, or nil if no auto reply should be sent
- (NSAttributedString *)autoReply
NSAttributedString *autoReply = nil;
if ([self hasAutoReply]) {
autoReply = ([self autoReplyIsStatusMessage] ?
self.statusMessage :
[statusDict objectForKey:STATUS_AUTO_REPLY_MESSAGE]);
if (![autoReply length]) autoReply = nil;
return autoReply;
* @brief Autoreply as a string
- (NSString *)autoReplyString
return [[self autoReply] string];
* @brief Set the autoReply
- (void)setAutoReply:(NSAttributedString *)autoReply
if (autoReply) {
[statusDict setObject:autoReply
} else {
[statusDict removeObjectForKey:STATUS_AUTO_REPLY_MESSAGE];
* @brief Set the autoreply as a string
* @param autoReplyString The autoreply as a string; HTML may be passed if desired
- (void)setAutoReplyString:(NSString *)autoReplyString
[self setAutoReply:[AIHTMLDecoder decodeHTML:autoReplyString]];
* @brief Does this status state send an autoReeply?
- (BOOL)hasAutoReply
return [[statusDict objectForKey:STATUS_HAS_AUTO_REPLY] boolValue];
* @brief Set if this status sends an autoReply
- (void)setHasAutoReply:(BOOL)hasAutoReply
[statusDict setObject:[NSNumber numberWithBool:hasAutoReply]
* @brief Is the autoReply the same as the status message?
- (BOOL)autoReplyIsStatusMessage
return [[statusDict objectForKey:STATUS_AUTO_REPLY_IS_STATUS_MESSAGE] boolValue];
* @brief Set if the autoReply is the same as the status message
- (void)setAutoReplyIsStatusMessage:(BOOL)autoReplyIsStatusMessage
[statusDict setObject:[NSNumber numberWithBool:autoReplyIsStatusMessage]
* @brief Returns an appropriate title
* Not all states provide a title. This method will generate an appropriate title based on the states' content.
* If the state has a specified title, it will always be used.
- (NSString *)title
NSAttributedString *statusMessage, *autoReply;
NSString *title = nil;
AIStatusType statusType;
NSRange linebreakRange;
//Start off using super's implementation, looking for a directly assigned title
title = [super title];
/* Now we start falling through looking to generate a title if we don't have one yet */
//If the state has a status message, use it.
if (!title &&
(statusMessage = self.statusMessage) &&
([statusMessage length])) {
title = [statusMessage string];
//If the state has an autoreply (but no status message), use it.
if (!title &&
(autoReply = [self autoReply]) &&
([autoReply length])) {
title = [autoReply string];
/* If the state is not an available state, or it's an available state with a non-default statusName,
* use the description of the state itself. */
statusType = self.statusType;
if (!title &&
((self.statusType != AIAvailableStatusType) || ((self.statusName != nil) &&
![self.statusName isEqualToString:STATUS_NAME_AVAILABLE]))) {
title = [adium.statusController descriptionForStateOfStatus:self];
//If the state is simply idle, use the string "Idle"
if (!title && [self shouldForceInitialIdleTime]) {
title = AILocalizedString(@"Idle", nil);
if (!title && (statusType == AIOfflineStatusType)) {
title = [adium.statusController localizedDescriptionForCoreStatusName:STATUS_NAME_OFFLINE];
//If the state is none of the above, use the string "Available"
if (!title) title = [adium.statusController localizedDescriptionForCoreStatusName:STATUS_NAME_AVAILABLE];
//Strip newlines and whitespace from the beginning and the end
title = [title stringByTrimmingCharactersInSet:[NSCharacterSet whitespaceAndNewlineCharacterSet]];
//Only use the first line of a multi-line title
linebreakRange = [title lineRangeForRange:NSMakeRange(0, 0)];
//check to make sure that there actually is a linebreak to account for
// by comparing the linebreak range against the whole string's range.
if ( !NSEqualRanges(linebreakRange, NSMakeRange(0, [title length])) ) {
title = [title substringWithRange:linebreakRange];
return title;
* @brief The specific status name
* This is a name which was added as available by one or more installed AIService objects. Accounts should
* use this name if possible, handle the other Adium default statusName values if not, and then, if all else fails
* use the return of statusType to know the general type of status.
- (NSString *)statusName
return [statusDict objectForKey:STATUS_STATUS_NAME];
* @brief Set the specific status name
* Set the name which will be used by accounts to know which specific state to apply when this status is made active.
* This name is for internal use only and should not be localized.
- (void)setStatusName:(NSString *)statusName
if (statusName) {
[statusDict setObject:statusName
} else {
[statusDict removeObjectForKey:STATUS_STATUS_NAME];
* @brief Should this state force an account to be idle?
* @result YES if the account will be forced to be idle
- (BOOL)shouldForceInitialIdleTime
return [[statusDict objectForKey:STATUS_SHOULD_FORCE_INITIAL_IDLE_TIME] boolValue];
* @brief Set if this state should force an account to be idle?
* @param shouldForceInitialIdleTime YES if the account will be forced to be idle
- (void)setShouldForceInitialIdleTime:(BOOL)shouldForceInitialIdleTime
[statusDict setObject:[NSNumber numberWithBool:shouldForceInitialIdleTime]
* @brief The time the account should be set to have been idle when this state is set
* @result Number of seconds idle
- (double)forcedInitialIdleTime
return [[statusDict objectForKey:STATUS_FORCED_INITIAL_IDLE_TIME] doubleValue];
* @brief The time the account should be set to have been idle when this state is set
* @param forcedInitialIdleTime Number of seconds idle
- (void)setForcedInitialIdleTime:(double)forcedInitialIdleTime
[statusDict setObject:[NSNumber numberWithDouble:forcedInitialIdleTime]
* @brief Is this status state mutable?
* If this method indicates the status state is not mutable, it should not be presented to the user for editing.
* This should be the condition for (and only for) basic saved states built in to Adium.
* @result AIStateMutabilityType value
- (AIStatusMutabilityType)mutabilityType
return [[statusDict objectForKey:STATUS_MUTABILITY_TYPE] intValue];
* @brief Set the mutability type of this status. The default is AIEditableState
- (void)setMutabilityType:(AIStatusMutabilityType)mutabilityType
[statusDict setObject:[NSNumber numberWithInt:mutabilityType]
- (BOOL)mutesSound
return [[statusDict objectForKey:STATUS_MUTE_SOUNDS] boolValue];
- (void)setMutesSound:(BOOL)mutes
[statusDict setObject:[NSNumber numberWithBool:mutes] forKey:STATUS_MUTE_SOUNDS];
- (BOOL)silencesGrowl
return [[statusDict objectForKey:STATUS_SILENCE_GROWL] boolValue];
- (void)setSilencesGrowl:(BOOL)mutes
[statusDict setObject:[NSNumber numberWithBool:mutes] forKey:STATUS_SILENCE_GROWL];
- (void)setSpecialStatusType:(AISpecialStatusType)inSpecialStatusType
[statusDict setObject:[NSNumber numberWithInt:inSpecialStatusType] forKey:STATUS_SPECIAL_TYPE];
- (AISpecialStatusType)specialStatusType
return [[statusDict objectForKey:STATUS_SPECIAL_TYPE] intValue];
#pragma mark Applescript
* @brief Returns the message of this status as an NSTextStorage
- (NSTextStorage *)scriptingMessage
return [[[NSTextStorage alloc] initWithAttributedString:self.statusMessage] autorelease];
- (void)setScriptingMessage:(NSTextStorage *)newMessage
NSLog(@"setScriptingMessage: %@", newMessage);
if ([self mutabilityType] == AIEditableStatusState || [self mutabilityType] == AITemporaryEditableStatusState) {
if ([newMessage isKindOfClass:[NSAttributedString class]])
[self setStatusMessage:newMessage];
else if ([newMessage isKindOfClass:[NSString class]])
[self setStatusMessageString:(NSString *)newMessage];
else {
[[NSScriptCommand currentCommand] setScriptErrorNumber:errOSACantAssign];
[[NSScriptCommand currentCommand] setScriptErrorString:@"Status message must be a string or an attributed string."];
[adium.statusController savedStatusesChanged];
AILogWithSignature(@"Applying %@ to %@", self, [adium.accountController accountsWithCurrentStatus:self]);
[adium.statusController applyState:self toAccounts:[adium.accountController accountsWithCurrentStatus:self]];
} else {
AIStatus *newStatus = [[self mutableCopy] autorelease];
[newStatus setMutabilityType:AITemporaryEditableStatusState];
if ([newMessage isKindOfClass:[NSAttributedString class]])
[newStatus setStatusMessage:newMessage];
else if ([newMessage isKindOfClass:[NSString class]])
[newStatus setStatusMessageString:(NSString *)newMessage];
else {
[[NSScriptCommand currentCommand] setScriptErrorNumber:errOSACantAssign];
[[NSScriptCommand currentCommand] setScriptErrorString:@"Status message must be a string or an attributed string."];
[adium.statusController savedStatusesChanged];
[adium.statusController applyState:newStatus toAccounts:[adium.accountController accountsWithCurrentStatus:self]];
- (NSTextStorage *)scriptingAutoreply
return [[[NSTextStorage alloc] initWithAttributedString:[self autoReply]] autorelease];
- (void)setScriptingAutoreply:(NSTextStorage *)newAutoreply
if ([self mutabilityType] == AIEditableStatusState || [self mutabilityType] == AITemporaryEditableStatusState) {
if ([newAutoreply isKindOfClass:[NSAttributedString class]])
[self setAutoReply:newAutoreply];
else if ([newAutoreply isKindOfClass:[NSString class]])
[self setAutoReplyString:(NSString *)newAutoreply];
else {
[[NSScriptCommand currentCommand] setScriptErrorNumber:errOSACantAssign];
[[NSScriptCommand currentCommand] setScriptErrorString:@"Autoreply message must be a string or an attributed string."];
[adium.statusController savedStatusesChanged];
[adium.statusController applyState:self toAccounts:[adium.accountController accountsWithCurrentStatus:self]];
} else {
AIStatus *newStatus = [[self mutableCopy] autorelease];
[newStatus setMutabilityType:AITemporaryEditableStatusState];
if ([newAutoreply isKindOfClass:[NSAttributedString class]])
[newStatus setAutoReply:newAutoreply];
else if ([newAutoreply isKindOfClass:[NSString class]])
[newStatus setAutoReplyString:(NSString *)newAutoreply];
else {
[[NSScriptCommand currentCommand] setScriptErrorNumber:errOSACantAssign];
[[NSScriptCommand currentCommand] setScriptErrorString:@"Autoreply message must be a string or an attributed string."];
[adium.statusController savedStatusesChanged];
[adium.statusController applyState:newStatus toAccounts:[adium.accountController accountsWithCurrentStatus:self]];
- (void)setStatusTypeApplescript:(AIStatusTypeApplescript)statusTypeApplescript
AIStatusType statusType;
switch (statusTypeApplescript) {
case AIAvailableStatusTypeAS:
statusType = AIAvailableStatusType;
case AIAwayStatusTypeAS:
statusType = AIAwayStatusType;
case AIInvisibleStatusTypeAS:
statusType = AIInvisibleStatusType;
case AIOfflineStatusTypeAS:
statusType = AIOfflineStatusType;
if ([self mutabilityType] == AIEditableStatusState || [self mutabilityType] == AITemporaryEditableStatusState) {
[self setStatusType:statusType];
[adium.statusController savedStatusesChanged];
[adium.statusController applyState:self toAccounts:[adium.accountController accountsWithCurrentStatus:self]];
} else {
AIStatus *newStatus = [[self mutableCopy] autorelease];
[newStatus setMutabilityType:AITemporaryEditableStatusState];
[newStatus setStatusType:statusType];
[newStatus setStatusName:[adium.statusController defaultStatusNameForType:statusType]];
[adium.statusController savedStatusesChanged];
[adium.statusController applyState:newStatus toAccounts:[adium.accountController accountsWithCurrentStatus:self]];
* @brief Returns the title of this status.
- (NSString *)scriptingTitle
return [self title];
* @brief Sets the title of this status to the given value.
* This may copy self, if self is not editable.
- (void)setScriptingTitle:(NSString *)newTitle
if ([self mutabilityType] == AIEditableStatusState || [self mutabilityType] == AITemporaryEditableStatusState) {
[self setTitle:newTitle];
[adium.statusController savedStatusesChanged];
[adium.statusController applyState:self toAccounts:[adium.accountController accountsWithCurrentStatus:self]];
} else {
AIStatus *newStatus = [[self mutableCopy] autorelease];
[newStatus setMutabilityType:AITemporaryEditableStatusState];
[newStatus setTitle:newTitle];
[adium.statusController savedStatusesChanged];
[adium.statusController applyState:newStatus toAccounts:[adium.accountController accountsWithCurrentStatus:self]];
- (BOOL)scriptingMutabilityType
return [self mutabilityType] != AITemporaryEditableStatusState;