
Adding +[NSString randomString] seems to be popular, it appears to be colliding with some plugin I have loaded. Add a prefix here.
* Adium is the legal property of its developers, whose names are listed in the copyright file included
* with this source distribution.
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU
* General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License,
* or (at your option) any later version.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even
* the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General
* Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not,
* write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
#import <Adium/AIListContact.h>
#import <Adium/AIListGroup.h>
#import <Adium/AISortController.h>
#import <Adium/AIContactControllerProtocol.h>
#import <AIUtilities/AIStringAdditions.h>
#define KEY_RESOLVE_ALPHABETICALLY @"Status:Resolve Alphabetically"
NSComparisonResult basicGroupSort(id objectA, id objectB, void *context);
NSComparisonResult basicSort(id objectA, id objectB, void *context);
@interface AISortController()
- (NSArray *)sortedListObjects:(NSArray *)inObjects inContainer:(id<AIContainingObject>)container;
- (void)sortListObjects:(NSMutableArray *)inObjects inContainer:(id<AIContainingObject>)container;
@implementation AISortController
static AISortController *activeSortController = nil;
static NSMutableArray *sortControllers = nil;
+ (void) setActiveSortController:(AISortController *)newSortController
[activeSortController autorelease];
activeSortController = [newSortController retain];
[activeSortController didBecomeActive];
//The newly-active sort controller needs to know whether it should be forced to ignore groups
[activeSortController forceIgnoringOfGroups:![adium.contactController useContactListGroups]];
//Resort the list
[adium.contactController sortContactList];
+ (AISortController *)activeSortController
return activeSortController;
+ (void) registerSortController:(AISortController *)newSortController
sortControllers = [[NSMutableArray alloc] init];
[sortControllers addObject:newSortController];
+ (NSArray *)availableSortControllers
NSAssert(sortControllers != nil, @"Someone tried to get the list of sort controllers before any registered");
return sortControllers;
* @brief Initialize
- (id)init
if ((self = [super init])) {
statusKeysRequiringResort = [[self statusKeysRequiringResort] retain];
attributeKeysRequiringResort = [[self attributeKeysRequiringResort] retain];
sortFunction = [self sortFunction];
alwaysSortGroupsToTop = [self alwaysSortGroupsToTopByDefault];
configureView = nil;
becameActiveFirstTime = NO;
return self;
* @brief Deallocate
- (void)dealloc
[statusKeysRequiringResort release];
[attributeKeysRequiringResort release];
[configureView release]; configureView = nil;
[super dealloc];
* @brief Configure our customization view
- (NSView *)configureView
if (!configureView)
[NSBundle loadNibNamed:[self configureNibName] owner:self];
[self viewDidLoad];
return configureView;
//Sort Logic -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
#pragma mark Sort Logic
* @brief Should we resort for a set of changed properties?
* @param inModifiedKeys NSSet of NSString keys to test
* @result YES if we need to resort
- (BOOL)shouldSortForModifiedStatusKeys:(NSSet *)inModifiedKeys
if (statusKeysRequiringResort) {
return [statusKeysRequiringResort intersectsSet:inModifiedKeys];
} else {
return NO;
* @brief Should we resort for a set of changed attribute keys?
* @param inModifiedKeys NSSet of NSString keys to test
* @result YES if we need to resort
- (BOOL)shouldSortForModifiedAttributeKeys:(NSSet *)inModifiedKeys
if (attributeKeysRequiringResort) {
return [attributeKeysRequiringResort intersectsSet:inModifiedKeys];
} else {
return NO;
* @brief Always sort groups to the top by default?
* By default, manual sort ignores groups and sorts them alongside all other objects
* while alphabetical and status sort them to the top of any given array.
- (BOOL)alwaysSortGroupsToTopByDefault
return YES;
* @brief Force ignoring of groups?
* @param shouldForce If YES, groups are ignored. If NO, default behavior for this sort is used.
- (void)forceIgnoringOfGroups:(BOOL)shouldForce
alwaysSortGroupsToTop = shouldForce ? NO : [self alwaysSortGroupsToTopByDefault];
* @brief Can the user manually reorder when this sort controller is active?
* @result YES if we should allow manual sorting; NO if we should not.
- (BOOL)canSortManually {
return NO;
//Sorting -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
#pragma mark Sorting
* @brief Index for inserting an object into an array
* @param inObject The AIListObject to be inserted object
* @param inObjects An NSArray of AIListObject objects
* @result The index for insertion
- (int)indexForInserting:(AIListObject *)inObject intoObjects:(NSArray *)inObjects inContainer:(id<AIContainingObject>)container
NSEnumerator *enumerator = [inObjects objectEnumerator];
AIListObject *object;
int idx = 0;
SortContext context = {
if (alwaysSortGroupsToTop) {
while ((object = [enumerator nextObject]) && ((object == inObject) ||
basicGroupSort(inObject, object, &context) == NSOrderedDescending)) idx++;
} else {
while ((object = [enumerator nextObject]) && ((object == inObject) ||
basicSort(inObject, object, &context) == NSOrderedDescending)) idx++;
return idx;
* @brief Sort an array of list objects
* The passed list objects are sorted using sortFunction.
* We assume that, in general, the array is already close to being properly sorted; we therefore generate and use a hint.
* This mildly hurts our worst case performance, but it improves both our best and average cases, so it is a worthwhile tradeoff.
* @param inObjects An NSArray of AIListObject instances to sort
* @result A sorted NSArray containing the same AIListObjects from inObjects
- (NSArray *)sortedListObjects:(NSArray *)inObjects inContainer:(id<AIContainingObject>)container
SortContext context = {
return [inObjects sortedArrayUsingFunction:(alwaysSortGroupsToTop ? basicGroupSort : basicSort)
hint:[inObjects sortedArrayHint]];
- (void) sortListObjects:(NSMutableArray *)inObjects inContainer:(id<AIContainingObject>)container
SortContext context = {
[inObjects sortUsingFunction:(alwaysSortGroupsToTop ? basicGroupSort : basicSort) context:&context];
* @brief Primary sort when groups are sorted alongside contacts (alwaysSortGroupsToTop == FALSE)
NSComparisonResult basicSort(id objectA, id objectB, void *context)
SortContext ctx = *((SortContext*)context);
return (ctx.function)(objectA, objectB, NO, ctx.container);
* @brief Primary sort when groups are always sorted to the top
NSComparisonResult basicGroupSort(id objectA, id objectB, void *context)
BOOL groupA = [objectA isKindOfClass:[AIListGroup class]];
BOOL groupB = [objectB isKindOfClass:[AIListGroup class]];
if (groupA && !groupB) {
return NSOrderedAscending;
} else if (!groupA && groupB) {
return NSOrderedDescending;
} else {
SortContext ctx = *((SortContext*)context);
return (ctx.function)(objectA, objectB, groupA, ctx.container);
* @brief The controller became active (in use by Adium)
- (void)didBecomeActive
if (!becameActiveFirstTime) {
[self didBecomeActiveFirstTime];
becameActiveFirstTime = YES;
* @brief Title for the Configure Sort menu item when this sort is active
* Subclasses should provide a title for configuring the sort only if configuration is possible.
* @result Localized title. If nil, the menu item will be disabled.
- (NSString *)configureSortMenuItemTitle{
NSString *configureSortWindowTitle = [self configureSortWindowTitle];
if (configureSortWindowTitle) {
return [[self configureSortWindowTitle] stringByAppendingEllipsis];
} else {
return nil;
* @brief NSSortDescriptor override to perform sorting our way.
- (NSComparisonResult)compareObject:(id)object1 toObject:(id)object2
if (alwaysSortGroupsToTop) {
return basicGroupSort(object1, object2, sortFunction);
} else {
return basicSort(object1, object2, sortFunction);
//For subclasses -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
#pragma mark For Subclasses:
* @brief Non-localized identifier
- (NSString *)identifier{ return nil; };
* @brief Localized display name
- (NSString *)displayName{ return nil; };
* @brief Properties which, when changed, should trigger a resort
- (NSSet *)statusKeysRequiringResort{ return nil; };
* @brief Attribute keys which, when changed, should trigger a resort
- (NSSet *)attributeKeysRequiringResort{ return nil; };
* @brief Sort function
- (sortfunc)sortFunction{ return NULL; };
* @brief Did become active first time
* Called only once; gives the sort controller an opportunity to set defaults and load preferences lazily.
- (void)didBecomeActiveFirstTime {};
* @brief Window title when configuring the sort
* Subclasses should provide a title for configuring the sort only if configuration is possible.
* @result Localized title. If nil, the menu item will be disabled.
- (NSString *)configureSortWindowTitle{ return nil; };
* @brief Nib name for configuration
- (NSString *)configureNibName{ return nil; };
* @brief View did load
- (void)viewDidLoad{ };
* @brief Preference changed
* Sort controllers should live update as preferences change.
- (IBAction)changePreference:(id)sender{ };
@implementation NSArray (AdiumSorting)
- (NSArray *) sortedArrayUsingActiveSortControllerInContainer:(id<AIContainingObject>)container
return [[AISortController activeSortController] sortedListObjects:self inContainer:container];
@implementation NSMutableArray (AdiumSorting)
- (void) sortUsingActiveSortControllerInContainer:(id<AIContainingObject>)container
[[AISortController activeSortController] sortListObjects:self inContainer:container];