
Adding +[NSString randomString] seems to be popular, it appears to be colliding with some plugin I have loaded. Add a prefix here.
* Adium is the legal property of its developers, whose names are listed in the copyright file included
* with this source distribution.
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU
* General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License,
* or (at your option) any later version.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even
* the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General
* Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not,
* write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
#import <Adium/AIAccount.h>
#import <Adium/AIService.h>
#import <Adium/AIAccountControllerProtocol.h>
#import <Adium/AIAccountViewController.h>
#import "AICreateCommand.h"
* @class AIService
* @brief An IM Service
* This abstract class represents a service that Adium supports. Subclass this for every service.
@implementation AIService
+ (void)registerService
[[[self alloc] init] autorelease];
* @brief Init
- (id)init
if ((self = [super init])) {
//Register this service with Adium
[adium.accountController registerService:self];
[self registerStatuses];
return self;
//Account Creation -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
#pragma mark Account Creation
* @brief Create a new account for this service
* Creates a new account of this service. Accounts are identified by a unique number. We can't use service or
* UID, since both those values may change.
* @param inUID A unique identifier for the account being created.
* @param inInternalObjectID A unique internalObjectID for the account being created.
* @return An AIAccount object for this service.
- (id)accountWithUID:(NSString *)inUID internalObjectID:(NSString *)inInternalObjectID
return [[[[self accountClass] alloc] initWithUID:[self normalizeUID:inUID removeIgnoredCharacters:YES]
service:self] autorelease];
* @brief Account class associated with this service
* Subclass to return the account class associated with this service ([AISomethingAccount class]).
* @return The account class associated with this service.
- (Class)accountClass
return nil;
* @brief Account view controller for this service
* Subclass to return an account view controller which provides the necessary controls for configuring an account
* on this service.
* @return An AIAccountViewController or subclass for this service.
- (AIAccountViewController *)accountViewController
return [AIAccountViewController accountViewController];
* @brief Join chat view controller for this service
* Subclass to return a join chat view controller which provides the necessary controls for joining a chat on this
* service.
* @return An DCJoinChatViewController or subclass for this service.
- (DCJoinChatViewController *)joinChatView
return nil;
//Service Description --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
#pragma mark Service Description
* @brief Unique ID for this class
* Subclass to return a unique string ID which identifies this class. No two classes should have the same uniqueID.
* This value is used to determine which protocol code to use for the user's accounts.
* Examples: "libgaim-aim", "aim-toc2", "imservices-aim-.mac"
* @return NSString unique ID
- (NSString *)serviceCodeUniqueID{
return @"";
* @brief Service ID for this service
* Subclass to return a string which identifies this service. If multiple service classes are supporting the same
* service they should have the same serviceID. Not for user-display.
* Examples: "AIM", "MSN", "Jabber", "ICQ", "Mac"
* @return NSString service ID
- (NSString *)serviceID{
return @"";
* @brief Service class for this service
* Some separate services can communicate with eachother. These services, while they have separate serviceID's,
* are all part of a common service class. For instance, AIM, ICQ, and .Mac are all part of the "AIM" service class.
* For many services, the serviceClass will be identical to the serviceID. Not for user-display.
* Service classes may change, do not use them for any permenant storage (logs, preferences, etc).
* Examples: "AIM-compatible", "Jabber", "MSN"
* @return NSString service class
- (NSString *)serviceClass{
return @"";
* @brief Human readable short description
* Human readable, short description of this service
* This value is used in tooltips and the message window.
* Examples: "Jabber", "MSN", "AIM", ".Mac"
* @return NSString short description
- (NSString *)shortDescription{
return @"";
* @brief Human readable long description
* Human readable, long description of this service
* If there are multiple classes available for the same service, this description should briefly show the difference
* between the implementations. This value is used in the account preferences service menu.
* Examples: "Jabber", "MSN", "AOL Instant Messenger", ".Mac"
* @return NSString long description
- (NSString *)longDescription{
return @"";
* @brief Label for user name (general)
* String to use for describing the UID/username of this service. This value varies by service, but should be something
* along the lines of "User name", "Account name", "Screen name", "Member name", etc.
* This will be used for the account preferences to indicate the field for the account's user name. By default, contactUserNameLabel
* will return this value, as well.
* @return NSString label for username
- (NSString *)userNameLabel
return AILocalizedStringFromTableInBundle(@"User Name", nil, [NSBundle bundleForClass:[AIService class]], nil);
* @brief Label for user name
* String to use for describing the UID/username of contacts for this service. This value varies by service, but should be something
* along the lines of "User name", "Account name", "Screen name", "Member name", etc.
* By default, this returns -[self userNameLabel]; only override this method if contacts are named differently than own-account usernames.
* @return NSString label for username
- (NSString *)contactUserNameLabel
return [self userNameLabel];
* @brief Placeholder string for the UID field
- (NSString *)UIDPlaceholder
return @"";
* @brief Service importance
* Importance grouping of this service. Used to make service listings and menus more organized by placing more important
* services at the top of lists or displaying them with more visibility.
* @return AIServiceImportance importance of this service
- (AIServiceImportance)serviceImportance
return AIServiceUnsupported;
* @brief Default icon
* Service Icon packs should always include images for all the built-in Adium services. This method allows external
* service plugins to specify an image which will be used when the service icon pack does not specify one. It will
* also be useful if new services are added to Adium itself after a significant number of Service Icon packs exist
* which do not yet have an image for this service. If the active Service Icon pack provides an image for this service,
* this method will not be called.
* The service should _not_ cache this icon internally; multiple calls should return unique NSImage objects.
* @param iconType The AIServiceIconType of the icon to return. This specifies the desired size of the icon.
* @return NSImage to use for this service by default
- (NSImage *)defaultServiceIconOfType:(AIServiceIconType)iconType
return nil;
* @brief Path for default icon
* For use in message views, this is the path to a default icon as described above.
* @param iconType The AIServiceIconType of the icon to return.
* @return The path to the image, otherwise nil.
- (NSString *)pathForDefaultServiceIconOfType:(AIServiceIconType)iconType
return nil;
//Service Properties ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
#pragma mark Service Properties
* @brief Allowed characters
* Characters allowed in user names on this service. The user will not be allowed to type any characters not in this
* set as a contact or account name.
* @return NSCharacterSet of allowed characters
- (NSCharacterSet *)allowedCharacters
return [[NSCharacterSet illegalCharacterSet] invertedSet];
* @brief Allowed characters for our account name
* Offers further distinction of allowed characters, for situations where certain characters are allowed
* for our account name only, or characters which are allowed in user names are forbidden in our own account name.
* If this distinction is not made, do not subclass this methods and instead subclass allowedCharacters.
* @return NSCharacterSet of allowed characters
- (NSCharacterSet *)allowedCharactersForAccountName
return ([self allowedCharacters]);
* @brief Allowed characters for UIDs
* Offers further distinction of allowed characters, for situations where certain characters are allowed
* for our account name only, or characters which are allowed in user names are forbidden in our own account name.
* If this distinction is not made, do not subclass this methods and instead subclass allowedCharacters.
* @return NSCharacterSet of allowed characters, or nil if all characters are allowed
- (NSCharacterSet *)allowedCharactersForUIDs
return [self allowedCharacters];
* @brief Ignored characters
* Ignored characters for user names on this service. Ignored characters are stripped from account and contact names
* before they are used, but the user is free to type them and they may be used by the service code. For instance,
* spaces are allowed in AIM usernames, but "ad am" is treated as equal to "adam" because space is an ignored character.
* @return NSCharacterSet of ignored characters, or nil if no characters are ignored
- (NSCharacterSet *)ignoredCharacters
return nil;
* @brief Allowed name length
* Max allowed length of user names of this service. Account and contact names longer than this will not be allowed.
* @return Max name length
- (NSUInteger)allowedLength
return NSUIntegerMax;
* @brief Allowed account name length
* Offers further distinction of allowed name length, for situations where our account name has a different
* length restriction than the names of our contacts. If this distinction is not made, do not subclass these methods
* and instead subclass allowedLength.
* @return Max name length
- (NSUInteger)allowedLengthForAccountName
return [self allowedLength];
* @brief Allowed UID length
* Offers further distinction of allowed name length, for situations where our account name has a different
* length restriction than the names of our contacts. If this distinction is not made, do not subclass these methods
* and instead subclass allowedLength.
* @return Max name length
- (NSUInteger)allowedLengthForUIDs
return [self allowedLength];
* @brief Case sensitivity of names
* Determines if usernames such as "Adam" and "adam" are unique.
* @return Case sensitivity
- (BOOL)caseSensitive
return NO;
* @brief Can create group chats?
* Does this service support group chats (Also known as multi-user chats, chat rooms, conferences, etc)? Services
* which do not support group chats are automatically excluded from the group chat interface elements.
* @return Can create group chats
- (BOOL)canCreateGroupChats
return NO;
* @brief Can register accounts?
* Does this service support registering new accounts from within Adium? This is here for Jabber.
* @return Can register accounts
- (BOOL)canRegisterNewAccounts
return NO;
* @brief Supports proxy settings?
* Does this service support connecting via a proxy?
* @return Supports proxy settings
- (BOOL)supportsProxySettings
return YES;
* @brief Supports password
* Subclasses should return NO if this service does not use passwords at all for connectivity.
* If NO, all fields related to passwords will be hidden for this service and the user will never be prompted to
* enter passwords.
- (BOOL)supportsPassword
return YES;
* @brief Requires Password
* Subclasses should return NO if this service does not require a password. Returning NO from this method will use the password if
* entered but allow a conection to be initiated with no password without prompting for one.
* If YES, Adium will insist upon a password being entered before a connection can begin.
* By default, the service requires a password if it is supported. See -[AIService supportsPassword].
- (BOOL)requiresPassword
return [self supportsPassword];
* @brief Register statuses
* Called automatically. Services should register any supported status with the statusController.
- (void)registerStatuses{};
* @brief Default user name
* The default user name for a service is set for all new accounts. As it's not
* possible to guess the user name for most service types (AIM, MSN, etc.), the
* base class returns @"".
* @return The default user name for this service, or @"" for no default
- (NSString *)defaultUserName
return @"";
* @brief Is this a social networking service like Twitter or Facebook?
* If YES, accounts on this service treat status very differently than non-social-networking accounts.
* For example, global status messages dont apply to social networking services, and their status is handled uniquely.
- (BOOL)isSocialNetworkingService
return NO;
* @brief Is this service hidden?
* If YES, it will not appear in service dropdowns.
* This is useful for allowing a legacy service to stick around seamlessly.
- (BOOL)isHidden
return NO;
//Utilities ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
#pragma mark Utilities
* @brief Normalize a UID
* Normalizes a UID. All invalid characters and ignored characters are removed.
* UID's are ONLY filtered when creating contacts, and when renaming contacts.
* - When changing ownership of a contact, a filter is not necessary, since all the accounts should have the same service
* types and requirements.
* - When account code retrieves contacts from the contact list, filtering is NOT done. It is up to the account to
* ensure it passes UIDs in the proper format for its service type.
* - Filter UIDs only when the user has entered or mucked with them in some way... UID's TO and FROM account code
* @return NSString filtered UID
- (NSString *)normalizeUID:(NSString *)inUID removeIgnoredCharacters:(BOOL)removeIgnored
NSString *workingString = ([self caseSensitive] ? inUID : [inUID lowercaseString]);
NSCharacterSet *allowedCharacters = [self allowedCharactersForUIDs];
NSCharacterSet *ignoredCharacters = [self ignoredCharacters];
/* If all characters are allowed, and we're either not removing ignored characters OR there are none, no change
* needed. */
if (!allowedCharacters && (!removeIgnored || !ignoredCharacters))
return [[inUID copy] autorelease];
//Prepare a little buffer for our filtered UID
NSUInteger destLength = 0;
NSUInteger workingStringLength = [workingString length];
unichar *dest = malloc(workingStringLength * sizeof(unichar));
//Filter the UID
unsigned pos;
for (pos = 0; pos < workingStringLength; pos++) {
unichar c = [workingString characterAtIndex:pos];
if ([allowedCharacters characterIsMember:c] && (!removeIgnored || ![ignoredCharacters characterIsMember:c])) {
dest[destLength] = (removeIgnored ? c : [inUID characterAtIndex:pos]);
//Turn it back into a string and return
NSString *filteredString = [NSString stringWithCharacters:dest length:destLength];
return filteredString;
* @brief Normalize a chat name
* The default implementation only lowercases the name.
- (NSString *)normalizeChatName:(NSString *)inChatName
return [inChatName lowercaseString];
* @brief Compare this service to another, ranking by long description
- (NSComparisonResult)compareLongDescription:(AIService *)inService
return [[self longDescription] compare:[inService longDescription]];
- (NSString *)description
return [NSString stringWithFormat:@"<%@: serviceCodeUniqueID = %@; serviceID = %@; serviceClass = %@; longDescription = %@>",
NSStringFromClass([self class]), self.serviceCodeUniqueID, self.serviceID, self.serviceClass, self.longDescription];
#pragma mark AppleScript
* @brief Returns a list of all accounts that use this service.
- (NSArray *)accounts
NSMutableArray *accountsForThisService = [[[NSMutableArray alloc] init] autorelease];
for (AIAccount *account in adium.accountController.accounts) {
if (account.service == self)
[accountsForThisService addObject:account];
return accountsForThisService;
* @brief This class is specified using the 'services' key of AIApplication
- (NSScriptObjectSpecifier *)objectSpecifier
NSScriptClassDescription *containerClassDesc = (NSScriptClassDescription *)[NSScriptClassDescription classDescriptionForClass:[NSApp class]];
return [[[NSNameSpecifier alloc]
containerSpecifier:nil key:@"services"
name:self.serviceID] autorelease];
- (NSData *)image
return [[AIServiceIcons serviceIconForService:self type:AIServiceIconLarge direction:AIIconNormal] TIFFRepresentation];