
Adding +[NSString randomString] seems to be popular, it appears to be colliding with some plugin I have loaded. Add a prefix here.
* Adium is the legal property of its developers, whose names are listed in the copyright file included
* with this source distribution.
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU
* General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License,
* or (at your option) any later version.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even
* the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General
* Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not,
* write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
#import <Adium/AIListObject.h>
#import <Adium/AIContactControllerProtocol.h>
#import <Adium/AIListContact.h>
#import <Adium/AIListGroup.h>
#import <Adium/AIService.h>
#import <Adium/AIUserIcons.h>
#import <AIUtilities/AIMutableOwnerArray.h>
#import <AIUtilities/AIImageAdditions.h>
#import <Adium/AIContactObserverManager.h>
#import <Adium/AIContactHidingController.h>
#import <Adium/AIStatus.h>
#define DisplayName @"Display Name"
#define LongDisplayName @"Long Display Name"
#define Key @"Key"
#define Group @"Group"
#define DisplayServiceID @"DisplayServiceID"
#define AlwaysVisible @"alwaysVisible"
@interface AIListObject ()
- (void)setContainingGroup:(AIListGroup *)inGroup;
- (void)setupObservedValues;
- (void)updateOrderCache;
@property (nonatomic, assign) AIService *service;
* @class AIListObject
* @brief Base class for all contacts, groups, and accounts
@implementation AIListObject
* @brief Initialize
* Designated initializer for AIListObject
- (id)initWithUID:(NSString *)inUID service:(AIService *)inService
if ((self = [super init])) {
m_groups = [[NSMutableSet alloc] initWithCapacity:1];
UID = [inUID retain];
service = inService;
// Delay until the next run loop so bookmarks can instantiate their values first.
[self performSelector:@selector(setupObservedValues) withObject:nil afterDelay:0.0];
return self;
* @brief Deallocate
- (void)dealloc
[UID release]; UID = nil;
[internalObjectID release]; internalObjectID = nil;
[m_groups release]; m_groups = nil;
[listObjectStatusMessage release]; listObjectStatusMessage = nil;
[listStateIcon release]; listStateIcon = nil;
[listStatusIcon release]; listStatusIcon = nil;
[listObjectStatusType release]; listObjectStatusType = nil;
[extendedStatus release]; extendedStatus = nil;
[listObjectStatusName release]; listObjectStatusName = nil;
[webKitUserIconPath release]; webKitUserIconPath = nil;
[super dealloc];
- (void)setupObservedValues
[self setValue:[self preferenceForKey:@"Visible" group:PREF_GROUP_ALWAYS_VISIBLE]
//Identification -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
#pragma mark Identification
* @brief UID for this object
* The UID is the name of the object. If the object's name is not case sensitive, it is normalized. If the object's
* name should be compared ignoring spaces, it has no spaces. For an account, this is the account name. For a contact,
* this is the screen name, buddy name, etc.
@synthesize UID;
* @brief Service of this object
@synthesize service;
* @brief Internal ID for this object
* An object ID generated by Adium that is shared by all objects which are, to most intents and purposes, identical to
* this object. Ths ID is composed of the service ID and UID, so any object with identical services and object IDs
* will have the same value here.
- (NSString *)internalObjectID
if (!internalObjectID) {
internalObjectID = [[AIListObject internalObjectIDForServiceID:self.service.serviceID UID:self.UID] retain];
return internalObjectID;
* @brief Generate an internal object ID
* @result The internalObjectID for an object with the specified serviceID and UID
+ (NSString *)internalObjectIDForServiceID:(NSString *)inServiceID UID:(NSString *)inUID
return [NSString stringWithFormat:@"%@.%@",inServiceID, inUID];
//Visibility -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
#pragma mark Visibility
* @brief Sets if list object should always be visible
- (void)setAlwaysVisible:(BOOL)inVisible
[self setPreference:[NSNumber numberWithBool:inVisible]
// This causes our container to update our visibility.
[self setValue:[NSNumber numberWithBool:inVisible]
* @brief Should this object ignore visibility settings?
* @returns If object should always be visible
- (BOOL)alwaysVisible
return [self boolValueForProperty:AlwaysVisible];
//Grouping / Ownership -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
#pragma mark Grouping / Ownership
- (NSSet *) groups
#warning Very inefficient
return [[m_groups copy] autorelease];
- (void) addContainingGroup:(AIListGroup *)inGroup
NSParameterAssert(inGroup && [inGroup canContainObject:self]);
if (![self.groups containsObject:inGroup]) {
if (inGroup)
[m_groups addObject:inGroup];
- (void) removeContainingGroup:(AIListGroup *)group
NSParameterAssert(group != nil && [m_groups containsObject:group]);
[m_groups removeObject:group];
- (NSSet *)containingObjects
return self.groups;
- (void)removeFromGroup:(AIListObject <AIContainingObject> *)group
NSString *error = [NSString stringWithFormat:@"%@ needs an implementation of -removeFromGroup:", NSStringFromClass([self class])];
NSAssert(NO, error);
* @brief Set the local grouping for this object
* PRIVATE: This is only for use by AIListObjects conforming to the AIContainingObject protocol.
- (void)setContainingGroup:(AIListGroup *)inGroup
[m_groups removeAllObjects];
[self addContainingGroup:inGroup];
- (void) moveContainedObject:(AIListObject *)listObject toIndex:(NSInteger)idx
id<AIContainingObject>container = (id<AIContainingObject>)self;
// We can't enforce this, since we're asked to set it for objects we don't yet *officially* contain.
//NSAssert([container.containedObjects containsObject:listObject], @"Asked to set an index for an object which doesn't exist.");
if (idx == 0) {
//Moved to the top of a group. New index is between 0 and the lowest current index
[container listObject:listObject didSetOrderIndex: self.smallestOrder / 2];
} else if (idx >= container.visibleCount) {
//Moved to the bottom of a group. New index is one higher than the highest current index
[container listObject:listObject didSetOrderIndex: self.largestOrder + 1];
} else {
//Moved somewhere in the middle. New index is the average of the next largest and smallest index
AIListObject *previousObject = [container.visibleContainedObjects objectAtIndex:idx-1];
AIListObject *nextObject = [container.visibleContainedObjects objectAtIndex:idx];
float nextLowest = [container orderIndexForObject:previousObject];
float nextHighest = [container orderIndexForObject:nextObject];
/* XXX - Fixme as per below
* It's possible that nextLowest > nextHighest if ordering is not strictly based on the ordering indexes themselves.
* For example, a group sorted by status then manually could look like (status - ordering index):
* Away Contact - 100
* Away Contact - 120
* Offline Contact - 110
* Offline Contact - 113
* Offline Contact - 125
* Dropping between Away Contact and Offline Contact should make an Away Contact be > 120 but an Offline Contact be < 110.
* Only the sort controller knows the answer as to where this contact should be positioned in the end.
AILogWithSignature(@"%@: Moving %@ into %@'s index %i using order index %f (between %@ and %@)",
container, listObject, container.visibleContainedObjects, idx,
(nextHighest + nextLowest) / 2, nextObject, previousObject);
[container listObject: listObject didSetOrderIndex: (nextHighest + nextLowest) / 2];
//Properties ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
#pragma mark Properties
* @brief Called after properties have been modified; informs the contact controller.
* @param keys The properties
* @param silent YES indicates that this should not trigger 'noisy' notifications - it is appropriate for notifications as an account signs on and notes tons of contacts.
- (void)didModifyProperties:(NSSet *)keys silent:(BOOL)silent
[[AIContactObserverManager sharedManager] listObjectStatusChanged:self
* @brief Called after status changes have been modified and notifications posted
* When we notify of queued status changes, our containing group should notify as well so it can stay in sync with
* any changes it may have made in object:didChangeValueForProperty:notify:
* @param silent YES indicates that this should not trigger 'noisy' notifications - it is appropriate for notifications as an account signs on and notes tons of contacts.
- (void)didNotifyOfChangedPropertiesSilently:(BOOL)silent
//Let our containing objects know about the notification request
for (AIListContact<AIContainingObject> *container in self.containingObjects)
[container notifyOfChangedPropertiesSilently:silent];
* @brief Notification of changed properties
* Subclasses may wish to override these - they must be sure to call super's implementation, too!
- (void)object:(id)inObject didChangeValueForProperty:(NSString *)key notify:(NotifyTiming)notify
//Inform our containing groups about the new property value
for (AIListContact<AIContainingObject> *container in self.containingObjects)
[container object:self didChangeValueForProperty:key notify:notify];
[super object:inObject didChangeValueForProperty:key notify:notify];
//AIMutableOwnerArray delegate ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
#pragma mark AIMutableOwnerArray delegate
* @brief One of our mutable owners set an object
* A mutable owner array (one of our displayArrays) set an object
- (void)mutableOwnerArray:(AIMutableOwnerArray *)inArray didSetObject:(id)anObject withOwner:(id)inOwner priorityLevel:(float)priority
for (AIListContact<AIContainingObject> *container in self.containingObjects)
[container listObject:self mutableOwnerArray:inArray didSetObject:anObject withOwner:inOwner priorityLevel:priority];
* @brief Another object changed one of our mutable owner arrays
* Empty implementation by default - we do not need to take any action when a mutable owner array changes
- (void)listObject:(AIListObject *)listObject mutableOwnerArray:(AIMutableOwnerArray *)inArray didSetObject:(id)anObject withOwner:(AIListObject *)inOwner priorityLevel:(float)priority
//Object specific preferences ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
#pragma mark Object specific preferences
* @brief Set a preference value
- (void)setPreference:(id)value forKey:(NSString *)key group:(NSString *)group
[adium.preferenceController setPreference:value forKey:key group:group object:self];
- (void)setPreferences:(NSDictionary *)prefs inGroup:(NSString *)group
[adium.preferenceController setPreferences:prefs inGroup:group object:self];
- (void)setFormattedUID:(NSString *)inFormattedUID notify:(NotifyTiming)notify
[self setValue:inFormattedUID
* @brief Retrieve a preference value
- (id)preferenceForKey:(NSString *)key group:(NSString *)group
return [adium.preferenceController preferenceForKey:key group:group objectIgnoringInheritance:self];
* @brief Path for storing our reference file
- (NSString *)pathToPreferences
//Display Name -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
#pragma mark Display Name
* A list object basically has 4 different variations of display.
* - UID, the base UID of the contact "aiser123"
* - formattedUID, formating or alteration of the UID provided by the account code "AIser 123"
* - DisplayName, short formatted name provided by plugins "Adam Iser"
* - LongDisplayName, long formatted name provided by plugins "Adam Iser (AIser 123)"
* A value will always be returned by these methods, so if there is no long display name present it will fall back to
* display name, formattedUID, and finally UID (which is guaranteed to be present). Use whichever one seems best
* suited for what is being displayed.
* @brief Server-formatted UID
* @result NSString of the server-formatted UID if present; otherwise the same as the UID
- (NSString *)formattedUID
NSString *outName = [self valueForProperty:KEY_FORMATTED_UID];
return outName ? outName : UID;
* @brief Long display name
* Though in many cases the same as the display name, a long display name allows additional information about the object
* to be displayed. One preference, for example, sets a long display names formatted as "Alias (Username)".
- (NSString *)longDisplayName
NSString *outName = [self displayArrayObjectForKey:LongDisplayName];
return outName ? outName : self.displayName;
* @brief Display name
* Display name, drawing first from any externally-provided display name, then falling back to
* the formatted UID.
- (NSString *)displayName
NSString *displayName = [self displayArrayObjectForKey:DisplayName];
return displayName ? displayName : self.formattedUID;
* @brief The way this object's name should be spoken
* If not found, the display name is returned.
- (NSString *)phoneticName
NSString *phoneticName = [self displayArrayObjectForKey:@"Phonetic Name"];
return phoneticName ? phoneticName : self.displayName;
//Apply an alias
- (void)setDisplayName:(NSString *)alias
if ([alias length] == 0) alias = nil;
NSString *oldAlias = [self preferenceForKey:@"Alias" group:PREF_GROUP_ALIASES];
if ((!alias && oldAlias) ||
(alias && !([alias isEqualToString:oldAlias]))) {
//Save the alias
AILogWithSignature(@"%@: %@", self, alias);
[self setPreference:alias forKey:@"Alias" group:PREF_GROUP_ALIASES];
//XXX - There must be a cleaner way to do this alias stuff! This works for now :)
[[NSNotificationCenter defaultCenter] postNotificationName:Contact_ApplyDisplayName
userInfo:[NSDictionary dictionaryWithObject:[NSNumber numberWithBool:YES]
#pragma mark Key-Value Pairing
- (NSImage *)userIcon
return [self internalUserIcon];
- (NSImage *)internalUserIcon
return [AIUserIcons userIconForObject:self];
- (NSData *)userIconData
NSImage *userIcon = [self userIcon];
return ([userIcon PNGRepresentation]);
- (void)setUserIconData:(NSData *)inData
[AIUserIcons setManuallySetUserIconData:inData forObject:self];
- (NSInteger)idleTime
return [self integerValueForProperty:@"idle"];
//A standard listObject is never a stranger
- (BOOL)isStranger{
return NO;
- (NSString *)notes
NSString *notes;
notes = [self preferenceForKey:@"Notes" group:PREF_GROUP_NOTES];
if (!notes) notes = [self valueForProperty:@"Notes"];
return notes;
- (void)setNotes:(NSString *)notes
if ([notes length] == 0) notes = nil;
NSString *oldNotes = [self preferenceForKey:@"Notes" group:PREF_GROUP_NOTES];
if ((!notes && oldNotes) ||
(notes && (![notes isEqualToString:oldNotes]))) {
//Save the note
[self setPreference:notes forKey:@"Notes" group:PREF_GROUP_NOTES];
#pragma mark Status states
* @brief The name for the specific status of this object
* The statusName provides further detail after the statusType. It may be a string such as @"Busy" or @"BRB".
* Possible values are determined by installed services; many default possibilities are listed in AIStatusController.h.
* The statusName may be nil if no additional status information is available for the contact. For example, an AIM
* contact will never have a statusName value, as the possibilities enumerated by AIStatusType -- and therefore returned
* by -AIListObject.statusType -- cover all possibilities. An ICQ contact, on the other hand, might have a statusType
* of AIAwayStatusType and then a statusName of @"Not Available" or @"DND".
* @result The statusName, or nil none exists
- (NSString *)statusName
return [self valueForProperty:@"listObjectStatusName"];
* @brief The general type of this object's status
* @result The AIStatusType for this object, indicating if it is available, away, invisible, offline, etc.
- (AIStatusType)statusType
if ( {
NSNumber *statusTypeNumber = [self valueForProperty:@"listObjectStatusType"];
if (statusTypeNumber)
return [statusTypeNumber intValue];
return AIAvailableStatusType;
return AIOfflineStatusType;
* @brief Store the status name and type for this object
* This is used by account code to let the object know its name and status type
* @param statusName The statusName, which further specifies the statusType, or nil if none is available
* @param statusType The AIStatusType describing this object's status
* @param notify The NotifyTiming for this operation
- (void)setStatusWithName:(NSString *)statusName statusType:(AIStatusType)statusType notify:(NotifyTiming)notify
AIStatusType currentStatusType = self.statusType;
NSString *oldStatusName = self.statusName;
if (currentStatusType != statusType) {
[self setValue:[NSNumber numberWithInt:statusType] forProperty:@"listObjectStatusType" notify:NotifyLater];
if ((!statusName && oldStatusName) || (statusName && ![statusName isEqualToString:oldStatusName])) {
[self setValue:statusName forProperty:@"listObjectStatusName" notify:NotifyLater];
if (notify) [self notifyOfChangedPropertiesSilently:NO];
* @brief Return the status message for this object
* The statusMessage may supplement the statusType and statusName with a message describing the object's status; in AIM,
* for example, both available and away statuses can have an associated, user-set message.
* @result The NSAttributedString statusMessagae, or nil if none is set
- (NSAttributedString *)statusMessage
return [self valueForProperty:@"listObjectStatusMessage"];
* @brief Return the status message for this object as NSString
* The statusMessageString may supplement the statusType and statusName with a message describing the object's status; in AIM,
* for example, both available and away statuses can have an associated, user-set message.
* @result The NSString statusMessage, or nil if none is set
- (NSString *)statusMessageString;
return [[self valueForProperty:@"listObjectStatusMessage"] string];
* @brief Is this object connected via a mobile device?
* The default implementation simply returns NO. Only an AIListContact can be mobile... but a base implementation here
* makes code elsewhere much simpler.
- (BOOL)isMobile
return NO;
* @brief Is this contact blocked?
* @result A boolean indicating if the object is blocked
- (BOOL)isBlocked
return NO;
* @brief Set the current status message
* @param statusMessage Status message. May be nil.
* @param notify How to notify of the change. See -[ESObjectWithProperties setValue:forProperty:notify:].
- (void)setStatusMessage:(NSAttributedString *)inStatusMessage notify:(NotifyTiming)notify
if (!inStatusMessage ||
![listObjectStatusMessage isEqualToAttributedString:inStatusMessage]) {
[self setValue:inStatusMessage forProperty:@"listObjectStatusMessage" notify:notify];
- (void)setBaseAvailableStatusAndNotify:(NotifyTiming)notify
[self setStatusWithName:nil
[self setStatusMessage:nil
if (notify) [self notifyOfChangedPropertiesSilently:NO];
- (BOOL)online
return [self boolValueForProperty:@"isOnline"];
- (AIStatusSummary)statusSummary
if ( {
if (self.statusType == AIAwayStatusType || self.statusType == AIInvisibleStatusType)
return [self boolValueForProperty:@"isIdle"] ? AIAwayAndIdleStatus : AIAwayStatus;
if ([self boolValueForProperty:@"isIdle"])
return AIIdleStatus;
return AIAvailableStatus;
//We don't know the status of an stranger who isn't showing up as online
return self.isStranger ? AIUnknownStatus : AIOfflineStatus;
- (void)notifyOfChangedPropertiesSilently:(BOOL)silent
[super notifyOfChangedPropertiesSilently:silent];
* @brief Are sounds for this object muted?
- (BOOL)soundsAreMuted
return NO;
#pragma mark Methods for AIContainingObject-compliant classes to inherit
- (void)listObject:(AIListObject *)listObject didSetOrderIndex:(float)orderIndexForObject
NSDictionary *dict = [self preferenceForKey:@"OrderIndexDictionary"
NSMutableDictionary *newDict = (dict ? [[dict mutableCopy] autorelease] : [NSMutableDictionary dictionary]);
// Sanity check - are we trying to assign infinity?
if (orderIndexForObject == INFINITY) {
AILogWithSignature(@"Correcting for INFINITY index, inObj=%@ allObj=%@", listObject, [newDict allKeysForObject:[NSNumber numberWithFloat:INFINITY]]);
// Remove any objects that currently are currently set to INFINITY, they'll regenerate their position to the last place.
for (NSString *key in [newDict allKeysForObject:[NSNumber numberWithFloat:INFINITY]]) {
[newDict removeObjectForKey:key];
// Update the preference.
[self setPreference:newDict
// Update our largest cache.
[self updateOrderCache];
// Assume an index of largest+1
orderIndexForObject = self.largestOrder + 1;
NSNumber *orderIndexForObjectNumber = [NSNumber numberWithFloat:orderIndexForObject];
//Prevent setting an order index which we already have
NSArray *existingKeys = [dict allKeysForObject:orderIndexForObjectNumber];
while (existingKeys.count && ![existingKeys isEqualToArray:[NSArray arrayWithObject:listObject.internalObjectID]]) {
if (existingKeys.count == 1) {
AILogWithSignature(@"*** Warning: %@ had order index %f, but %@ already had an object with that order index. Setting to %f instead. Incrementing.",
listObject, orderIndexForObject, self, orderIndexForObject+1);
orderIndexForObjectNumber = [NSNumber numberWithFloat:orderIndexForObject];
existingKeys = [dict allKeysForObject:orderIndexForObjectNumber];
} else {
/* How could this happen? -evands */
AILogWithSignature(@"More than one object has %f! We'll grant it to %@", orderIndexForObject, listObject);
for (NSString *key in [existingKeys objectEnumerator]) {
[newDict removeObjectForKey:key];
existingKeys = nil;
[newDict setObject:orderIndexForObjectNumber
[self setPreference:newDict
[self updateOrderCache];
//Order index
- (float)orderIndexForObject:(AIListObject *)listObject
NSDictionary *dict = [self preferenceForKey:@"OrderIndexDictionary"
NSNumber *orderIndexForObjectNumber = [dict objectForKey:listObject.internalObjectID];
float orderIndexForObject = (orderIndexForObjectNumber ? [orderIndexForObjectNumber floatValue] : 0);
//Evan: I don't know how we got up to infinity.. perhaps pref corruption in a previous version?
//In any case, check against it; if we stored it, reset to a reasonable number.
//XXX is this still needed?
if (!(orderIndexForObject < INFINITY)) orderIndexForObject = 0;
if (!orderIndexForObject) {
orderIndexForObject = self.largestOrder + 1;
[(id<AIContainingObject>)self listObject:listObject didSetOrderIndex: orderIndexForObject];
return orderIndexForObject;
- (float)smallestOrder
if (!cachedSmallestOrder) {
[self updateOrderCache];
return cachedSmallestOrder;
- (float)largestOrder
if (!cachedLargestOrder) {
[self updateOrderCache];
return cachedLargestOrder;
- (void)updateOrderCache
float smallest = INFINITY, largest = 0;
NSDictionary *orderIndex = [self preferenceForKey:@"OrderIndexDictionary" group:PREF_GROUP_OBJECT_STATUS_CACHE];
for (NSNumber *idx in orderIndex.allValues) {
smallest = MIN(smallest, idx.floatValue);
largest = MAX(largest, idx.floatValue);
cachedSmallestOrder = (smallest == INFINITY ? 1 : smallest);
cachedLargestOrder = largest;
#pragma mark Comparison
- (BOOL)isEqual:(id)anObject
return ([anObject isMemberOfClass:[self class]] &&
[[(AIListObject *)anObject internalObjectID] isEqualToString:self.internalObjectID]);
- (NSComparisonResult)compare:(AIListObject *)other {
NSParameterAssert([other isKindOfClass:[AIListObject class]]);
return [self.internalObjectID caseInsensitiveCompare:other.internalObjectID];
#pragma mark Icons
- (NSImage *)menuIcon
return [AIUserIcons menuUserIconForObject:self];
- (NSImage *)statusIcon
NSImage *statusIcon = [self valueForProperty:@"listStateIcon"];
if (!statusIcon) statusIcon = [self valueForProperty:@"listStatusIcon"];
if (!statusIcon) statusIcon = [AIStatusIcons statusIconForUnknownStatusWithIconType:AIStatusIconList
return statusIcon;
#pragma mark Debugging
- (NSString *)description
return [NSString stringWithFormat:@"<%@:%x %@>",NSStringFromClass([self class]), self, self.internalObjectID];
#pragma mark Applescript
- (int)scriptingStatusType
AIStatusType statusType = self.statusType;
switch (statusType) {
case AIAvailableStatusType:
return AIAvailableStatusTypeAS;
case AIOfflineStatusType:
return AIOfflineStatusTypeAS;
case AIAwayStatusType:
return AIAwayStatusTypeAS;
case AIInvisibleStatusType:
return AIInvisibleStatusTypeAS;
return 0;
* @brief Returns the current status message as rich text
- (NSTextStorage *)scriptingStatusMessage
return [[[NSTextStorage alloc] initWithAttributedString:self.statusMessage] autorelease];
* Trivial plugin compatibility; these methods were removed from the public API
* but have trivial new-API implementations
@implementation AIListObject (PluginCompatibility)
- (NSString *)serviceID
return self.service.serviceID;