
Adding +[NSString randomString] seems to be popular, it appears to be colliding with some plugin I have loaded. Add a prefix here.
* Adium is the legal property of its developers, whose names are listed in the copyright file included
* with this source distribution.
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU
* General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License,
* or (at your option) any later version.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even
* the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General
* Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not,
* write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
#import <Adium/AIListContactCell.h>
#import <Adium/AIListContact.h>
#import <AIUtilities/AIAttributedStringAdditions.h>
#import <AIUtilities/AIParagraphStyleAdditions.h>
#import <AIUtilities/AIStringAdditions.h>
#import <Adium/AIServiceIcons.h>
#import <Adium/AIUserIcons.h>
#import "AIProxyListObject.h"
#define CONTACT_INVERTED_TEXT_COLOR [NSColor whiteColor]
@implementation AIListContactCell
- (id)copyWithZone:(NSZone *)zone
AIListContactCell *newCell = [super copyWithZone:zone];
newCell->statusFont = [statusFont retain];
newCell->statusColor = [statusColor retain];
newCell->_statusAttributes = [_statusAttributes retain];
newCell->_statusAttributesInverted = [_statusAttributesInverted retain];
return newCell;
- (id)init
if ((self = [super init]))
backgroundOpacity = 1.0f;
statusFont = [[NSFont systemFontOfSize:12] retain];
statusColor = nil;
_statusAttributes = nil;
_statusAttributesInverted = nil;
shouldUseContactTextColors = YES;
useStatusMessageAsExtendedStatus = NO;
return self;
- (void)dealloc
[statusFont release];
[statusColor release];
[_statusAttributes release];
[_statusAttributesInverted release];
[super dealloc];
//Cell sizing and padding ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
#pragma mark Cell sizing and padding
//Size our cell to fit our content
- (NSSize)cellSize
CGFloat largestElementHeight;
//Display Name Height (And status text if below name)
if (extendedStatusVisible && (idleTimeIsBelow || statusMessageIsBelow)) {
largestElementHeight = labelFontHeight + statusFontHeight;
} else {
largestElementHeight = labelFontHeight;
//User Icon Height
if (userIconVisible) {
if (userIconSize.height > largestElementHeight) {
largestElementHeight = userIconSize.height;
//Status text height (If beside name)
if (extendedStatusVisible && !(idleTimeIsBelow || statusMessageIsBelow)) {
if (statusFontHeight > largestElementHeight) {
largestElementHeight = statusFontHeight;
return NSMakeSize(0, [super cellSize].height + largestElementHeight);
- (CGFloat)cellWidth
CGFloat width = [super cellWidth];
AIListObject *listObject = [proxyObject listObject];
width += AIceil(self.displayNameSize.width);
// Also account for idle times.
if (extendedStatusVisible && idleTimeVisible && !idleTimeIsBelow && [listObject valueForProperty:@"idleReadable"]) {
NSString *idleTimeString = [listObject valueForProperty:@"idleReadable"];
if (statusMessageVisible && !statusMessageIsBelow && [listObject statusMessageString]) {
// Account for the size of the ellipsis if there's a status message.
idleTimeString = [idleTimeString stringByAppendingEllipsis];
NSAttributedString *idleAttString = [[NSAttributedString alloc] initWithString:idleTimeString attributes:self.statusAttributes];
width += AIceil([idleAttString size].width);
[idleAttString release];
//User icon
if (userIconVisible) {
width += AIceil(userIconSize.width);
//Status icon
if (statusIconsVisible &&
(statusIconPosition != LIST_POSITION_BADGE_LEFT && statusIconPosition != LIST_POSITION_BADGE_RIGHT)) {
width += AIceil([[self statusImage] size].width);
//Service icon
if (serviceIconsVisible &&
(serviceIconPosition != LIST_POSITION_BADGE_LEFT && serviceIconPosition != LIST_POSITION_BADGE_RIGHT)) {
width += AIceil([[self serviceImage] size].width);
if ((userIconVisible && (userIconPosition == LIST_POSITION_FAR_LEFT || userIconPosition == LIST_POSITION_LEFT)) ||
(serviceIconsVisible && (serviceIconPosition == LIST_POSITION_FAR_LEFT || serviceIconPosition == LIST_POSITION_LEFT)) ||
(statusIconsVisible && (statusIconPosition == LIST_POSITION_FAR_LEFT || statusIconPosition == LIST_POSITION_LEFT))) {
//Something is on the left. Give TEXT_WITH_IMAGES_LEFT_PAD between that and the display name
if ((userIconVisible && (userIconPosition == LIST_POSITION_FAR_RIGHT || userIconPosition == LIST_POSITION_RIGHT)) ||
(serviceIconsVisible && (serviceIconPosition == LIST_POSITION_FAR_RIGHT || serviceIconPosition == LIST_POSITION_RIGHT)) ||
(statusIconsVisible && (statusIconPosition == LIST_POSITION_FAR_RIGHT || statusIconPosition == LIST_POSITION_RIGHT))) {
//Something is on the right. Give TEXT_WITH_IMAGES_LEFT_PAD between that and the display name
return width + 1;
//Status Text ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
#pragma mark Status Text
//Font used to display status text
- (void)setStatusFont:(NSFont *)inFont
if (statusFont != inFont) {
[statusFont release];
statusFont = [inFont retain];
//Calculate and cache the height of this font
statusFontHeight = [[[[NSLayoutManager alloc] init] autorelease] defaultLineHeightForFont:[self statusFont]];
//Flush the status attributes cache
[_statusAttributes release]; _statusAttributes = nil;
- (NSFont *)statusFont{
return statusFont;
//Color of status text
- (void)setStatusColor:(NSColor *)inColor
if (statusColor != inColor) {
[statusColor release];
statusColor = [inColor retain];
//Flush the status attributes cache
[_statusAttributes release]; _statusAttributes = nil;
- (NSColor *)statusColor
return statusColor;
//Attributes for displaying the status string (Cached)
//Cache is flushed when alignment, color, or font is changed
- (NSDictionary *)statusAttributes
AIListObject *listObject = [proxyObject listObject];
if (!_statusAttributes) {
NSMutableParagraphStyle *paragraphStyle = [NSMutableParagraphStyle styleWithAlignment:NSLeftTextAlignment
[paragraphStyle setMaximumLineHeight:(float)labelFontHeight];
_statusAttributes = [[NSDictionary dictionaryWithObjectsAndKeys:
paragraphStyle, NSParagraphStyleAttributeName,
[self statusColor], NSForegroundColorAttributeName,
[self statusFont], NSFontAttributeName,nil] retain];
if (backgroundColorIsEvents && [listObject boolValueForProperty:@"isEvent"]) {
//If we are showing a temporary event with a custom background color, use the standard text color
//since it will be appropriate to the current background color.
NSMutableDictionary *mutableStatusAttributes = [_statusAttributes mutableCopy];
[mutableStatusAttributes setObject:[self textColor]
return [mutableStatusAttributes autorelease];
} else {
return _statusAttributes;
- (NSDictionary *)statusAttributesInverted
if (!_statusAttributesInverted) {
_statusAttributesInverted = [[self statusAttributes] mutableCopy];
[_statusAttributesInverted setObject:CONTACT_INVERTED_STATUS_COLOR forKey:NSForegroundColorAttributeName];
return _statusAttributesInverted;
//Flush status attributes when alignment is changed
- (void)setTextAlignment:(NSTextAlignment)inAlignment
[super setTextAlignment:inAlignment];
[_statusAttributes release]; _statusAttributes = nil;
//Display options ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
#pragma mark Display options
//User Icon Visibility
- (void)setUserIconVisible:(BOOL)inShowIcon
userIconVisible = inShowIcon;
- (BOOL)userIconVisible{
return userIconVisible;
//User Icon Size
- (void)setUserIconSize:(NSInteger)inSize
userIconSize = NSMakeSize(inSize, inSize);
userIconRoundingRadius = (userIconSize.width / 4);
if (userIconRoundingRadius > 3) userIconRoundingRadius = 3;
- (CGFloat)userIconSize{
return userIconSize.height;
//Extended Status Visibility
- (void)setExtendedStatusVisible:(BOOL)inShowStatus
extendedStatusVisible = inShowStatus;
- (BOOL)extendedStatusVisible{
return extendedStatusVisible;
//Status Icon Visibility
- (void)setStatusIconsVisible:(BOOL)inShowStatus
statusIconsVisible = inShowStatus;
- (BOOL)statusIconsVisible{
return statusIconsVisible;
//Service Icon Visibility
- (void)setServiceIconsVisible:(BOOL)inShowService
serviceIconsVisible = inShowService;
- (BOOL)serviceIconsVisible{
return serviceIconsVisible;
//Element Positioning
- (void)setIdleTimeIsBelowName:(BOOL)isBelow{
idleTimeIsBelow = isBelow;
- (void)setStatusMessageIsBelowName:(BOOL)isBelow{
statusMessageIsBelow = isBelow;
- (void)setStatusMessageIsVisible:(BOOL)isVisible{
statusMessageVisible = isVisible;
- (void)setIdleTimeIsVisible:(BOOL)isVisible{
idleTimeVisible = isVisible;
- (void)setUserIconPosition:(LIST_POSITION)inPosition{
userIconPosition = inPosition;
- (void)setStatusIconPosition:(LIST_POSITION)inPosition{
statusIconPosition = inPosition;
- (void)setServiceIconPosition:(LIST_POSITION)inPosition{
serviceIconPosition = inPosition;
- (void)setBackgroundOpacity:(CGFloat)inOpacity
backgroundOpacity = inOpacity;
- (CGFloat)backgroundOpacity{
return backgroundOpacity;
- (void)setBackgroundColorIsStatus:(BOOL)isStatus
backgroundColorIsStatus = isStatus;
- (void)setBackgroundColorIsEvents:(BOOL)isEvents
backgroundColorIsEvents = isEvents;
- (void)setShouldUseContactTextColors:(BOOL)flag
shouldUseContactTextColors = flag;
- (void)setUseStatusMessageAsExtendedStatus:(BOOL)flag
useStatusMessageAsExtendedStatus = flag;
//Drawing --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
#pragma mark Drawing
//Draw content of our cell
- (void)drawContentWithFrame:(NSRect)rect
AIListObject *listObject = [proxyObject listObject];
//Far Left
if (statusIconPosition == LIST_POSITION_FAR_LEFT) rect = [self drawStatusIconInRect:rect position:IMAGE_POSITION_LEFT];
if (serviceIconPosition == LIST_POSITION_FAR_LEFT) rect = [self drawServiceIconInRect:rect position:IMAGE_POSITION_LEFT];
//User Icon [Left]
if (userIconPosition == LIST_POSITION_LEFT) rect = [self drawUserIconInRect:rect position:IMAGE_POSITION_LEFT];
if (statusIconPosition == LIST_POSITION_LEFT) rect = [self drawStatusIconInRect:rect position:IMAGE_POSITION_LEFT];
if (serviceIconPosition == LIST_POSITION_LEFT) rect = [self drawServiceIconInRect:rect position:IMAGE_POSITION_LEFT];
//Far Right
if (statusIconPosition == LIST_POSITION_FAR_RIGHT) rect = [self drawStatusIconInRect:rect position:IMAGE_POSITION_RIGHT];
if (serviceIconPosition == LIST_POSITION_FAR_RIGHT) rect = [self drawServiceIconInRect:rect position:IMAGE_POSITION_RIGHT];
//User Icon [Right]
if (userIconPosition == LIST_POSITION_RIGHT) rect = [self drawUserIconInRect:rect position:IMAGE_POSITION_RIGHT];
if (statusIconPosition == LIST_POSITION_RIGHT) rect = [self drawStatusIconInRect:rect position:IMAGE_POSITION_RIGHT];
if (serviceIconPosition == LIST_POSITION_RIGHT) rect = [self drawServiceIconInRect:rect position:IMAGE_POSITION_RIGHT];
if ((userIconVisible && (userIconPosition == LIST_POSITION_FAR_LEFT || userIconPosition == LIST_POSITION_LEFT)) ||
(serviceIconsVisible && (serviceIconPosition == LIST_POSITION_FAR_LEFT || serviceIconPosition == LIST_POSITION_LEFT)) ||
(statusIconsVisible && (statusIconPosition == LIST_POSITION_FAR_LEFT || statusIconPosition == LIST_POSITION_LEFT))) {
//Something is on the left. Give TEXT_WITH_IMAGES_LEFT_PAD between that and the display name
rect.origin.x += TEXT_WITH_IMAGES_LEFT_PAD;
rect.size.width -= TEXT_WITH_IMAGES_LEFT_PAD;
if ((userIconVisible && (userIconPosition == LIST_POSITION_FAR_RIGHT || userIconPosition == LIST_POSITION_RIGHT)) ||
(serviceIconsVisible && (serviceIconPosition == LIST_POSITION_FAR_RIGHT || serviceIconPosition == LIST_POSITION_RIGHT)) ||
(statusIconsVisible && (statusIconPosition == LIST_POSITION_FAR_RIGHT || statusIconPosition == LIST_POSITION_RIGHT))) {
//Something is on the right. Give TEXT_WITH_IMAGES_LEFT_PAD between that and the display name
rect.size.width -= TEXT_WITH_IMAGES_RIGHT_PAD;
// For the case of either in the same place, use the extended status.
if (idleTimeIsBelow && statusMessageIsBelow) {
rect = [self drawUserExtendedStatusInRect:rect
withMessage:(useStatusMessageAsExtendedStatus ?
[listObject statusMessageString] :
[listObject valueForProperty:@"extendedStatus"])
[self drawDisplayNameWithFrame:rect];
} else if (!idleTimeIsBelow && !statusMessageIsBelow) {
// Draw the display name before
rect = [self drawDisplayNameWithFrame:rect];
[self drawUserExtendedStatusInRect:rect
withMessage:(useStatusMessageAsExtendedStatus ?
[listObject statusMessageString] :
[listObject valueForProperty:@"extendedStatus"])
} else {
if (statusMessageIsBelow && statusMessageVisible) {
rect = [self drawUserExtendedStatusInRect:rect
withMessage:[listObject valueForProperty:@"extendedStatus"]
if (idleTimeIsBelow && idleTimeVisible) {
rect = [self drawUserExtendedStatusInRect:rect
withMessage:[listObject valueForProperty:@"idleReadable"]
// Draw the display name after we've drawn things that go below it.
rect = [self drawDisplayNameWithFrame:rect];
if (!statusMessageIsBelow && statusMessageVisible) {
rect = [self drawUserExtendedStatusInRect:rect
withMessage:[listObject statusMessageString]
if (!idleTimeIsBelow && idleTimeVisible) {
[self drawUserExtendedStatusInRect:rect
withMessage:[listObject valueForProperty:@"idleReadable"]
//Draw the background of our cell
- (void)drawBackgroundWithFrame:(NSRect)rect
NSColor *labelColor = [self labelColor];
if (labelColor && ![self cellIsSelected]) {
[labelColor set];
[NSBezierPath fillRect:rect];
//User Icon
- (NSRect)drawUserIconInRect:(NSRect)inRect position:(IMAGE_POSITION)position
AIListObject *listObject = [proxyObject listObject];
NSRect rect = inRect;
if (userIconVisible) {
NSImageInterpolation savedInterpolation = [[NSGraphicsContext currentContext] imageInterpolation];
NSImage *image;
NSRect drawRect;
image = [self userIconImage];
if (!image) {
// if using service icons, set the interpolation to high
[[NSGraphicsContext currentContext] setImageInterpolation:NSImageInterpolationHigh];
image = [AIServiceIcons serviceIconForObject:listObject type:AIServiceIconLarge direction:AIIconFlipped];
//Rounded corners for our user images.
rect = [image drawRoundedInRect:rect
fraction:[self imageOpacityForDrawing]
[[NSGraphicsContext currentContext] setImageInterpolation: savedInterpolation];
//If we're using space on the left, shift the origin right
if (position == IMAGE_POSITION_LEFT) rect.origin.x += USER_ICON_LEFT_PAD;
rect.size.width -= USER_ICON_LEFT_PAD;
if ((statusIconPosition == LIST_POSITION_BADGE_LEFT) || (statusIconPosition == LIST_POSITION_BADGE_RIGHT) ||
(serviceIconPosition == LIST_POSITION_BADGE_LEFT) || (serviceIconPosition == LIST_POSITION_BADGE_RIGHT)) {
drawRect = [image rectForDrawingInRect:inRect
if (statusIconPosition == LIST_POSITION_BADGE_LEFT) {
[self drawStatusIconInRect:drawRect position:IMAGE_POSITION_LOWER_LEFT];
} else if (statusIconPosition == LIST_POSITION_BADGE_RIGHT) {
[self drawStatusIconInRect:drawRect position:IMAGE_POSITION_LOWER_RIGHT];
if (serviceIconPosition == LIST_POSITION_BADGE_LEFT) {
[self drawServiceIconInRect:drawRect position:IMAGE_POSITION_LOWER_LEFT];
} else if (serviceIconPosition == LIST_POSITION_BADGE_RIGHT) {
[self drawServiceIconInRect:drawRect position:IMAGE_POSITION_LOWER_RIGHT];
//If we're using space on the right, shrink the width so we won't be overlapped
if (position == IMAGE_POSITION_LEFT) rect.origin.x += USER_ICON_RIGHT_PAD;
rect.size.width -= USER_ICON_RIGHT_PAD;
return rect;
//Status Icon
- (NSRect)drawStatusIconInRect:(NSRect)rect position:(IMAGE_POSITION)position
if (statusIconsVisible) {
if (!isBadge) {
if (position == IMAGE_POSITION_LEFT) rect.origin.x += STATUS_ICON_LEFT_PAD;
rect.size.width -= STATUS_ICON_LEFT_PAD;
NSImage *image = [self statusImage];
[image setFlipped:![image isFlipped]];
rect = [image drawInRect:rect
atSize:NSMakeSize(0, 0)
[image setFlipped:![image isFlipped]];
if (!isBadge) {
if (position == IMAGE_POSITION_LEFT) rect.origin.x += STATUS_ICON_RIGHT_PAD;
rect.size.width -= STATUS_ICON_RIGHT_PAD;
return rect;
//Service Icon
- (NSRect)drawServiceIconInRect:(NSRect)rect position:(IMAGE_POSITION)position
if (serviceIconsVisible) {
if (!isBadge) {
if (position == IMAGE_POSITION_LEFT) rect.origin.x += SERVICE_ICON_LEFT_PAD;
rect.size.width -= SERVICE_ICON_LEFT_PAD;
Draw the service icon if (it is not a badge), or if (it is a badge and there is a userIconImage)
(We have already drawn the service icon if there is no userIconImage, in drawUserIconInRect:position:)
if (!isBadge || ([self userIconImage] != nil)) {
NSImage *image = [self serviceImage];
rect = [image drawInRect:rect
atSize:NSMakeSize(0, 0)
fraction:[self imageOpacityForDrawing]];
if (!isBadge) {
if (position == IMAGE_POSITION_LEFT) rect.origin.x += SERVICE_ICON_RIGHT_PAD;
rect.size.width -= SERVICE_ICON_RIGHT_PAD;
return rect;
//User Extended Status
- (NSRect)drawUserExtendedStatusInRect:(NSRect)rect withMessage:(NSString *)string drawUnder:(BOOL)drawUnder
if (extendedStatusVisible && (drawUnder || [self textAlignment] != NSCenterTextAlignment)) {
if (string) {
CGFloat halfHeight = rect.size.height / 2;
if (drawUnder) {
rect.origin.y += halfHeight;
rect.size.height -= halfHeight;
} else {
if ([self textAlignment] == NSLeftTextAlignment) rect.origin.x += NAME_STATUS_PAD;
rect.size.width -= NAME_STATUS_PAD;
NSDictionary *attributes = ([self cellIsSelected] ?
[self statusAttributesInverted] :
[self statusAttributes]);
NSAttributedString *extStatus = [[NSAttributedString alloc] initWithString:string attributes:attributes];
NSSize nameSize = [extStatus size];
NSRect drawRect = rect;
if (nameSize.width > drawRect.size.width) nameSize = rect.size;
switch ([self textAlignment]) {
case NSCenterTextAlignment:
drawRect.origin.x += (drawRect.size.width - nameSize.width) / 2.0f;
case NSRightTextAlignment:
drawRect.origin.x += (drawRect.size.width - nameSize.width);
CGFloat half, offset;
if (drawUnder) {
half = AIceil((drawRect.size.height - statusFontHeight) / 2.0f);
offset = 0;
} else {
half = AIceil((drawRect.size.height - labelFontHeight) / 2.0f);
offset = (labelFontHeight - statusFontHeight) + ([[self font] descender] - [[self statusFont] descender]);
[extStatus drawInRect:NSMakeRect(drawRect.origin.x,
drawRect.origin.y + half + offset,
drawRect.size.height - (half + offset))];
[extStatus release];
if (drawUnder) {
rect.origin.y -= halfHeight;
return rect;
- (void)setUseAliasesOnNonParentContacts:(BOOL)inFlag
useAliasesOnNonParentContacts = inFlag;
- (BOOL)shouldShowAlias
AIListObject *listObject = [proxyObject listObject];
// If we use aliases...
if (useAliasesAsRequested) {
// If we use aliases on non-parents OR this is a parent...
if (useAliasesOnNonParentContacts || !((AIListContact *)listObject).metaContact) {
return YES;
return NO;
//Contact label color
- (NSColor *)labelColor
AIListObject *listObject = [proxyObject listObject];
BOOL isEvent = [listObject boolValueForProperty:@"isEvent"];
if ((isEvent && backgroundColorIsEvents) || (!isEvent && backgroundColorIsStatus)) {
NSColor *labelColor = [listObject valueForProperty:@"labelColor"];
CGFloat colorOpacity = [labelColor alphaComponent];
CGFloat targetOpacity = backgroundOpacity * colorOpacity;
return (targetOpacity != colorOpacity) ? [labelColor colorWithAlphaComponent:targetOpacity] : labelColor;
} else {
return nil;
//Contact text color
- (NSColor *)textColor
AIListObject *listObject = [proxyObject listObject];
NSColor *theTextColor;
if (shouldUseContactTextColors && (theTextColor = [listObject valueForProperty:@"textColor"])) {
return theTextColor;
} else {
return [super textColor];
- (NSColor *)invertedTextColor
return CONTACT_INVERTED_TEXT_COLOR/*[[self textColor] colorWithInvertedLuminance]*/;
//Contact user image - AIUserIcons should already have been informed of our desired size by setUserIconSize: above.
- (NSImage *)userIconImage
AIListObject *listObject = [proxyObject listObject];
return [AIUserIcons listUserIconForContact:(AIListContact *)listObject size:userIconSize];
//Contact state or status image
- (NSImage *)statusImage
AIListObject *listObject = [proxyObject listObject];
return [listObject statusIcon];
//Contact service image
- (NSImage *)serviceImage
AIListObject *listObject = [proxyObject listObject];
return [AIServiceIcons serviceIconForObject:listObject type:AIServiceIconList direction:AIIconFlipped];
- (float)imageOpacityForDrawing
AIListObject *listObject = [proxyObject listObject];
NSNumber *imageOpacityNumber = [listObject numberValueForProperty:@"imageOpacity"];
return (imageOpacityNumber ? [imageOpacityNumber floatValue] : 0.0f);