
Adding +[NSString randomString] seems to be popular, it appears to be colliding with some plugin I have loaded. Add a prefix here.
* Adium is the legal property of its developers, whose names are listed in the copyright file included
* with this source distribution.
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU
* General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License,
* or (at your option) any later version.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even
* the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General
* Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not,
* write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
#import <Adium/AIContactControllerProtocol.h>
#import <Adium/AIChatControllerProtocol.h>
#import <Adium/AIContentControllerProtocol.h>
#import <Adium/AIStatusControllerProtocol.h>
#import <Adium/AIContentMessage.h>
#import <Adium/AIListContact.h>
#import <Adium/AIContactList.h>
#import <Adium/AIListGroup.h>
#import <Adium/AIMetaContact.h>
#import <Adium/AIService.h>
#import <Adium/AIUserIcons.h>
#import <Adium/ESFileTransfer.h>
#import <Adium/AIStatus.h>
#import <Adium/AIHTMLDecoder.h>
#import <AIUtilities/AIMutableOwnerArray.h>
#import <AIUtilities/AIMutableStringAdditions.h>
#import <AvailabilityMacros.h>
#import "AIAddressBookController.h"
#define KEY_BASE_WRITING_DIRECTION @"Base Writing Direction"
#define PREF_GROUP_WRITING_DIRECTION @"Writing Direction"
@interface AIListObject ()
- (void)setContainingObject:(AIListObject <AIContainingObject> *)inGroup;
@interface AIListContact ()
@property (readwrite, nonatomic, assign) AIMetaContact *metaContact;
- (void) remoteGroupingChanged;
@implementation AIListContact
//Init with an account
- (id)initWithUID:(NSString *)inUID account:(AIAccount *)inAccount service:(AIService *)inService
if ((self = [self initWithUID:inUID service:inService])) {
account = [inAccount retain];
return self;
//Standard init
- (id)initWithUID:(NSString *)inUID service:(AIService *)inService
if ((self = [super initWithUID:inUID service:inService])) {
account = nil;
m_remoteGroupNames = [[NSMutableSet alloc] initWithCapacity:1];
internalUniqueObjectID = nil;
return self;
- (void)dealloc
[account release]; account = nil;
[m_remoteGroupNames release]; m_remoteGroupNames = nil;
[internalUniqueObjectID release]; internalUniqueObjectID = nil;
[textColor release]; textColor = nil;
[invertedTextColor release]; invertedTextColor = nil;
[labelColor release]; labelColor = nil;
[imageOpacity release]; imageOpacity = nil;
[ABUniqueID release]; ABUniqueID = nil;
[textProfile release]; textProfile = nil;
[idleSince release]; idleSince = nil;
[idleReadable release]; idleReadable = nil;
[serverDisplayName release]; serverDisplayName = nil;
[formattedUID release]; formattedUID = nil;
[super dealloc];
//The account that owns this contact
@synthesize account;
* @brief Set the UID of this contact
* The UID for an AIListContact generally shouldn't change... if the contact is actually renamed serverside, however,
* it is useful to change the UID without having to change everything else associated with it.
- (void)setUID:(NSString *)inUID
if (UID != inUID) {
[UID release]; UID = [inUID retain];
[internalObjectID release]; internalObjectID = nil;
[internalUniqueObjectID release]; internalUniqueObjectID = nil;
//An object ID generated by Adium that is completely unique to this contact. This ID is generated from the service ID,
//UID, and account UID. Adium will not allow multiple contacts with the same internalUniqueObjectID to be created.
- (NSString *)internalUniqueObjectID
if (!internalUniqueObjectID) {
internalUniqueObjectID = [[AIListContact internalUniqueObjectIDForService:self.service
UID:self.UID] retain];
return internalUniqueObjectID;
//Generate a unique object ID for the passed object
+ (NSString *)internalUniqueObjectIDForService:(AIService *)inService account:(AIAccount *)inAccount UID:(NSString *)inUID
return [NSString stringWithFormat:@"%@.%@.%@", inService.serviceClass, inAccount.UID, inUID];
//Remote Grouping ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
#pragma mark Remote Grouping
- (NSSet *) remoteGroupNames
return [[m_remoteGroupNames copy] autorelease];
- (void) setRemoteGroupNames:(NSSet *)inGroupNames
NSParameterAssert(inGroupNames != nil);
[m_remoteGroupNames setSet:inGroupNames];
[self remoteGroupingChanged];
- (void) addRemoteGroupName:(NSString *)inName
NSParameterAssert(inName != nil);
if ([m_remoteGroupNames containsObject:inName])
[m_remoteGroupNames addObject:inName];
[self remoteGroupingChanged];
- (void) removeRemoteGroupName:(NSString *)inName
NSParameterAssert(inName != nil);
if (![m_remoteGroupNames containsObject:inName])
[m_remoteGroupNames removeObject:inName];
[self remoteGroupingChanged];
- (NSUInteger) countOfRemoteGroupNames
return m_remoteGroupNames.count;
- (NSSet *)remoteGroups
NSMutableSet *groups = [NSMutableSet set];
for (NSString *remoteGroup in m_remoteGroupNames) {
[groups addObject:[adium.contactController groupWithUID:remoteGroup]];
return groups;
- (void) remoteGroupingChanged
NSUInteger remoteGroupCount = m_remoteGroupNames.count;
if (remoteGroupCount == 0)
[AIUserIcons flushCacheForObject:self];
[self restoreGrouping];
if (self.isStranger != (remoteGroupCount == 0)) {
[self setValue:[NSNumber numberWithBool:remoteGroupCount > 0]
[self notifyOfChangedPropertiesSilently:YES];
//An AIListContact normally groups based on its remoteGroupNames (if it is not within a metaContact).
//Restore this grouping.
- (void)restoreGrouping
if (self.metaContact) {
[self.metaContact updateRemoteGroupingOfContact:self];
//Create a group for the contact even if contact list groups aren't on,
//otherwise requests for all the contact list groups will return nothing
NSMutableSet *groups = [NSMutableSet set];
for (NSString *remoteGroupName in m_remoteGroupNames) {
AIListGroup *localGroup = [adium.contactController groupWithUID:remoteGroupName];
if (!adium.contactController.useContactListGroups)
localGroup = adium.contactController.contactList;
else if (adium.contactController.useOfflineGroup && ! && !self.alwaysVisible)
localGroup = adium.contactController.offlineGroup;
[groups addObject:localGroup];
[adium.contactController _moveContactLocally:self fromGroups:self.groups toGroups:groups];
#pragma mark Names
* @brief Display name
* Display name, drawing first from any externally-provided display name, then falling back to
* the formatted UID.
* A listContact attempts to have the same displayName as its containing contact (potentially its metaContact).
* If it is not in a metaContact, its display name is returned by super.displayName
- (NSString *)displayName
AIMetaContact *meta = self.metaContact;
NSString *displayName = meta ? meta.displayName : super.displayName;
//If a display name was found, return it; otherwise, return the formattedUID
return displayName ? displayName : self.formattedUID;
* @brief Own display name
* Returns the display name without trying to account for a metaContact. Exists for use by AIMetaContact to avoid
* infinite recursion by its displayName calling our displayName calling its displayName and so on.
- (NSString *)ownDisplayName
return super.displayName;
* @brief This contact's serverside display name, which is generally specificed by the contact remotely
* @result The serverside display name, or nil if none is set
- (NSString *)serversideDisplayName
return [self valueForProperty:@"serverDisplayName"];
- (void)setServersideAlias:(NSString *)alias
BOOL changes = NO;
BOOL displayNameChanges = NO;
//This is the server display name. Set it as such.
if (![alias isEqualToString:[self valueForProperty:@"serverDisplayName"]]) {
//Set the server display name property as the full display name
[self setValue:alias
changes = YES;
NSMutableString *cleanedAlias;
//Remove any newlines, since we won't want them anywhere below
cleanedAlias = [alias mutableCopy];
[cleanedAlias convertNewlinesToSlashes];
AIMutableOwnerArray *displayNameArray = [self displayArrayForKey:@"Display Name"];
NSString *oldDisplayName = [displayNameArray objectValue];
//If the mutableOwnerArray's current value isn't identical to this alias, we should set it
if (![[displayNameArray objectWithOwner:self.account] isEqualToString:cleanedAlias]) {
[displayNameArray setObject:cleanedAlias
//If this causes the object value to change, we need to request a manual update of the display name
if (oldDisplayName != [displayNameArray objectValue]) {
displayNameChanges = YES;
if (changes) {
//Apply any changes
[self notifyOfChangedPropertiesSilently:silent];
if (displayNameChanges) {
//Request an alias change
[[NSNotificationCenter defaultCenter] postNotificationName:Contact_ApplyDisplayName
userInfo:[NSDictionary dictionaryWithObject:[NSNumber numberWithBool:YES]
[cleanedAlias release];
* @brief The way this object's name should be spoken
* If not found, the display name is returned.
- (NSString *)phoneticName
AIMetaContact *meta = self.metaContact;
NSString *phoneticName;
phoneticName = meta ? meta.phoneticName : super.phoneticName;;
//If a display name was found, return it; otherwise, return the formattedUID
return phoneticName ? phoneticName : self.displayName;
* @brief Own phonetic name
* Returns the phonetic name without trying to account for a metaContact. Exists for use by AIMetaContact to avoid
* infinite recursion by its phoneticName calling our phoneticName calling its phoneticName and so on.
- (NSString *)ownPhoneticName
return super.phoneticName;
#pragma mark Properties
* @brief Set online
- (void)setOnline:(BOOL)online notify:(NotifyTiming)notify silently:(BOOL)silent
if (online != {
[self setValue:[NSNumber numberWithBool:online]
if (!silent) {
[self setValue:[NSNumber numberWithBool:YES]
forProperty:(online ? @"signedOn" : @"signedOff")
[self setValue:nil
forProperty:(online ? @"signedOff" : @"signedOn")
[self setValue:nil
forProperty:(online ? @"signedOn" : @"signedOff")
if (online) {
if (notify == NotifyNow) {
[self notifyOfChangedPropertiesSilently:silent];
} else {
//Will always notify
[self.account removePropertyValuesFromContact:self
* @brief Set the sign on date
- (void)setSignonDate:(NSDate *)signonDate notify:(NotifyTiming)notify
[self setValue:signonDate
forProperty:@"Signon Date"
* @brief Date this contact signed on, if available
- (NSDate *)signonDate
return [self valueForProperty:@"Signon Date"];
* @brief Set the idle state
* @param isIdle YES if the contact is idle
* @param idleSinceDate The date this contact went idle. Only relevant if isIdle is YES
* @param notify The NotifyTiming
- (void)setIdle:(BOOL)inIsIdle sinceDate:(NSDate *)idleSinceDate notify:(NotifyTiming)notify
if (inIsIdle) {
if (idleSinceDate) {
[self setValue:idleSinceDate
} else {
//No idleSinceDate means we are Idle but don't know how long, so set to -1
[self setValue:[NSNumber numberWithInt:-1]
} else {
[self setValue:nil
[self setValue:nil
/* @"idle", for a contact with an IdleSince date, will be changing every minute. @"isIdle" provides observers a way
* to perform an action when the contact becomes/comes back from idle, regardless of whether an IdleSince is available,
* without having to do that action every minute for other contacts.
[self setValue:[NSNumber numberWithBool:inIsIdle]
//Apply any changes
if (notify == NotifyNow) {
[self notifyOfChangedPropertiesSilently:NO];
- (void)setServersideIconData:(NSData *)iconData notify:(NotifyTiming)notify
[AIUserIcons setServersideIconData:iconData forObject:self notify:notify];
* @brief Set the warning level
* @param warningLevel The warning level, an integer between 0 and 100
* @param notify The NotifyTiming
- (void)setWarningLevel:(NSInteger)warningLevel notify:(NotifyTiming)notify
if (warningLevel != self.warningLevel) {
[self setValue:[NSNumber numberWithInteger:warningLevel]
* @brief Warning level
* @result The warning level, an integer between 0 and 100
- (NSInteger)warningLevel
return [self integerValueForProperty:@"Warning"];
* @brief Set the profile array
- (void)setProfileArray:(NSArray *)array notify:(NotifyTiming)notify
[self setValue:array
* @brief The profile array
- (NSArray *)profileArray
return [self valueForProperty:@"ProfileArray"];
* @brief Set the profile
- (void)setProfile:(NSAttributedString *)profile notify:(NotifyTiming)notify
[self setValue:profile
* @brief Profile
- (NSAttributedString *)profile
return [self valueForProperty:@"textProfile"];
* @brief Is this contact a stranger?
* A listContact is a stranger if it has a nil remoteGroupName
- (BOOL)isStranger
return ![self boolValueForProperty:@"notAStranger"];
* @brief If this contact intentionally on the contact list?
- (BOOL)isIntentionallyNotAStranger
return !self.isStranger && [self.account isContactIntentionallyListed:self];
* @brief Is this object connected via a mobile device?
- (BOOL)isMobile
return [self boolValueForProperty:@"isMobile"];
* @brief Set if this contact is mobile
- (void)setIsMobile:(BOOL)inIsMobile notify:(NotifyTiming)notify
[self setValue:[NSNumber numberWithBool:inIsMobile]
* @brief Is this contact blocked?
* @result A boolean indicating if the contact is blocked or not
- (BOOL)isBlocked
return [self boolValueForProperty:KEY_IS_BLOCKED];
- (void)setIsBlocked:(BOOL)yesOrNo updateList:(BOOL)addToPrivacyLists
[self setIsOnPrivacyList:yesOrNo updateList:addToPrivacyLists privacyType:AIPrivacyTypeDeny];
- (void)setIsAllowed:(BOOL)yesOrNo updateList:(BOOL)addToPrivacyLists
[self setIsOnPrivacyList:yesOrNo updateList:addToPrivacyLists privacyType:AIPrivacyTypePermit];
* @brief Set if this contact is on the privacy list
- (void)setIsOnPrivacyList:(BOOL)shouldBeBlocked updateList:(BOOL)addToPrivacyLists privacyType:(AIPrivacyType)privType
if (addToPrivacyLists) { //caller of this method wants to actually block or unblock the contact, rather than just update the property
if (![self.account conformsToProtocol:@protocol(AIAccount_Privacy)]) {
NSLog(@"Privacy is not supported on contacts for the account: %@", self.account);
id<AIAccount_Privacy> contactAccount = (id<AIAccount_Privacy>)self.account;
BOOL contactIsBlocked = [[contactAccount listObjectsOnPrivacyList:privType] containsObject:self];
if (shouldBeBlocked == contactIsBlocked)
BOOL result = NO;
if (shouldBeBlocked)
result = [contactAccount addListObject:self toPrivacyList:privType];
result = [contactAccount removeListObject:self fromPrivacyList:privType];
//Don't update the property if we didn't change anything
if (!result)
[self setValue:[NSNumber numberWithBool:((privType == AIPrivacyTypeDeny) == shouldBeBlocked)]
- (AIEncryptedChatPreference)encryptedChatPreferences {
AIEncryptedChatPreference pref = EncryptedChat_Default;
//Get the contact's preference (or metacontact's)
NSNumber *prefNumber = [self.parentContact preferenceForKey:KEY_ENCRYPTED_CHAT_PREFERENCE group:GROUP_ENCRYPTION];
//If that turned up nothing, check all the groups it's in
if (!prefNumber || [prefNumber integerValue] == EncryptedChat_Default) {
for (AIListGroup *group in self.parentContact.groups)
if ((prefNumber = [group preferenceForKey:KEY_ENCRYPTED_CHAT_PREFERENCE group:GROUP_ENCRYPTION]))
//If that turned up nothing, check global prefs
if (!prefNumber)
prefNumber = [adium.preferenceController preferenceForKey:KEY_ENCRYPTED_CHAT_PREFERENCE group:GROUP_ENCRYPTION];
//If no contact preference or the contact is set to use the default, use the account preference
if (!prefNumber || ([prefNumber integerValue] == EncryptedChat_Default)) {
prefNumber = [self.account preferenceForKey:KEY_ENCRYPTED_CHAT_PREFERENCE
if (prefNumber)
pref = [prefNumber intValue];
return pref;
- (void)setAlwaysVisible:(BOOL)inVisible
[super setAlwaysVisible:inVisible];
[self restoreGrouping];
- (BOOL)alwaysVisible
if (self.metaContact) {
return self.metaContact.alwaysVisible;
return [super alwaysVisible];
#pragma mark Status
* @brief Determine the status message to be displayed in the contact list
* Look at the contact's status message.
* Failing that, look for a statusName, which might be something like "DND" or "Free for Chat"
* and look up the localized description of it.
- (NSAttributedString *)contactListStatusMessage
NSAttributedString *contactListStatusMessage = self.statusMessage;
if (!contactListStatusMessage) {
NSString *statusName = self.statusName;
if (statusName) {
NSString *descriptionOfStatus = [adium.statusController localizedDescriptionForStatusName:statusName
if (descriptionOfStatus)
contactListStatusMessage = [[[NSAttributedString alloc] initWithString:descriptionOfStatus] autorelease];
return contactListStatusMessage;
* @brief Are sounds for this contact muted?
- (BOOL)soundsAreMuted
return [self.account.statusState mutesSound];
#pragma mark Parents
* @brief This object's parent AIListContact
* The parent AIListContact is the appropriate place to apply preferences specific to this contact so that such
* preferences are also applied to other AIListContacts in the same meta contact, if necessary.
* @result Either this contact or some more-encompassing contact which ultimately contains it.
- (AIListContact *)parentContact
return self.metaContact ?: self;
- (BOOL)containsObject:(AIListObject*)object
return NO;
- (NSSet *) containingObjects {
if (metaContact)
return [NSSet setWithObject:metaContact];
return super.containingObjects;
* @brief Can this object be part of a metacontact?
- (BOOL)canJoinMetaContacts
return YES;
- (AIMetaContact *)metaContact
return metaContact;
- (void) setMetaContact:(AIMetaContact *)meta
metaContact = meta;
/* Ugly: Subclass accessing superclass's ivar */
[m_groups removeAllObjects];
- (BOOL) existsServerside
return YES;
- (void)removeFromGroup:(AIListObject <AIContainingObject> *)group
if ( {
if (group == adium.contactController.contactList
|| group == adium.contactController.offlineGroup) {
[self.account removeContacts:[NSArray arrayWithObject:self]
fromGroups:[self.remoteGroups allObjects]];
} else {
[self.account removeContacts:[NSArray arrayWithObject:self]
fromGroups:[NSArray arrayWithObject:group]];
#pragma mark Equality
- (BOOL)isEqual:(id)anObject
return ([anObject isMemberOfClass:[self class]] &&
[[(AIListContact *)anObject internalUniqueObjectID] isEqualToString:[self internalUniqueObjectID]]);
//AppleScript ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
#pragma mark AppleScript
- (id)sendScriptCommand:(NSScriptCommand *)command {
NSDictionary *evaluatedArguments = [command evaluatedArguments];
NSString *message = [evaluatedArguments objectForKey:@"message"];
AIAccount *targetAccount = [evaluatedArguments objectForKey:@"account"];
NSString *filePath = [evaluatedArguments objectForKey:@"filePath"];
AIListContact *targetMessagingContact = self;
AIListContact *targetFileTransferContact = nil;
if (targetAccount) {
if (self.account != account)
targetMessagingContact = [adium.contactController contactWithService:self.service account:account UID:self.UID];
targetFileTransferContact = targetMessagingContact;
//Send any message we were told to send
if (message && [message length]) {
AIChat *chat;
BOOL autoreply = [[evaluatedArguments objectForKey:@"autoreply"] boolValue];
//Make sure we know where we are sending the message - if we don't have a target yet, find the best contact for
if (!targetMessagingContact) {
//Get the target contact. This could be the same contact, an identical contact on another account,
//or a subcontact (if we're talking about a metaContact, for example)
targetMessagingContact = [adium.contactController preferredContactForContentType:CONTENT_MESSAGE_TYPE
targetAccount = targetMessagingContact.account;
if (targetMessagingContact) {
chat = [adium.chatController openChatWithContact:targetMessagingContact
//Take the string and turn it into an attributed string (in case we were passed HTML)
NSAttributedString *attributedMessage = [AIHTMLDecoder decodeHTML:message];
AIContentMessage *messageContent;
messageContent = [AIContentMessage messageInChat:chat
[adium.contentController sendContentObject:messageContent];
} else {
AILogWithSignature(@"No contact available to receive a message to %@", self);
//Send any file we were told to send
if (filePath && [filePath length]) {
//Make sure we know where we are sending the file - if we don't have a target yet, find the best contact for
if (!targetFileTransferContact) {
//Get the target contact. This could be the same contact, an identical contact on another account,
//or a subcontact (if we're talking about a metaContact, for example)
targetFileTransferContact = [adium.contactController preferredContactForContentType:CONTENT_FILE_TRANSFER_TYPE
if (targetFileTransferContact) {
[adium.fileTransferController sendFile:filePath toListContact:targetFileTransferContact];
} else {
AILogWithSignature(@"No contact available to receive files to %@", self);
return nil;
//Writing Direction ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
#pragma mark Writing Direction
- (NSWritingDirection)defaultBaseWritingDirection
static NSWritingDirection defaultBaseWritingDirection;
static BOOL determinedDefaultBaseWritingDirection = NO;
if (!determinedDefaultBaseWritingDirection) {
/* Use the default writing direction of the language of the user's locale (and not the language
* of the active localization). By that, we assume most users are mostly talking to their local friends.
NSString *lang = [[NSLocale currentLocale] objectForKey:NSLocaleLanguageCode];
defaultBaseWritingDirection = [NSParagraphStyle defaultWritingDirectionForLanguage:lang];
determinedDefaultBaseWritingDirection = YES;
return defaultBaseWritingDirection;
- (NSWritingDirection)baseWritingDirection {
return (dir ? [dir intValue] : [self defaultBaseWritingDirection]);
- (void)setBaseWritingDirection:(NSWritingDirection)direction {
[self setPreference:[NSNumber numberWithInteger:direction]
#pragma mark Address Book
- (ABPerson *)addressBookPerson
return [AIAddressBookController personForListObject:self.parentContact];
- (void)setAddressBookPerson:(ABPerson *)inPerson
[self.parentContact setPreference:[inPerson uniqueId]
#pragma mark Applescript
- (NSScriptObjectSpecifier *)objectSpecifier
NSScriptObjectSpecifier *containerRef = self.account.objectSpecifier;
return [[[NSNameSpecifier allocWithZone:[self zone]]
initWithContainerClassDescription:[containerRef keyClassDescription]
containerSpecifier:containerRef key:@"contacts" name:self.UID] autorelease];
- (BOOL)scriptingBlocked
return [self isBlocked];
- (void)setScriptingBlocked:(BOOL)b
[self setIsBlocked:b updateList:YES];
@dynamic containingObject;