
Adding +[NSString randomString] seems to be popular, it appears to be colliding with some plugin I have loaded. Add a prefix here.
* Adium is the legal property of its developers, whose names are listed in the copyright file included
* with this source distribution.
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU
* General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License,
* or (at your option) any later version.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even
* the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General
* Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not,
* write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
#import <Adium/AIAbstractListObjectMenu.h>
#import <AIUtilities/AIImageDrawingAdditions.h>
#import <Adium/AIListObject.h>
#import <Adium/AIServiceIcons.h>
#import <Adium/AIStatusIcons.h>
#import <Adium/AIUserIcons.h>
@interface AIAbstractListObjectMenu ()
- (void)_destroyMenuItems;
@implementation AIAbstractListObjectMenu
* @brief Init
- (id)init
if((self = [super init])){
//Rebuild our menu when Adium's status or service icon set changes
[[NSNotificationCenter defaultCenter] addObserver:self
[[NSNotificationCenter defaultCenter] addObserver:self
return self;
- (void)dealloc
[[NSNotificationCenter defaultCenter] removeObserver:self name:AIStatusIconSetDidChangeNotification object:nil];
[[NSNotificationCenter defaultCenter] removeObserver:self name:AIServiceIconSetDidChangeNotification object:nil];
[self _destroyMenuItems];
[super dealloc];
* @brief Returns an array of menu items
- (NSArray *)menuItems
menuItems = [[self buildMenuItems] retain];
return menuItems;
* @brief Returns a menu containing our menu items
* Remember that menu items can only be in one menu at a time, so if you use this function you cannot do anything
* manually with the menu items
- (NSMenu *)menu
if(!menu) {
menu = [[NSMenu allocWithZone:[NSMenu zone]] init];
[menu setMenuChangedMessagesEnabled:NO];
for (NSMenuItem *menuItem in self.menuItems)
[menu addItem:menuItem];
[menu setMenuChangedMessagesEnabled:YES];
return menu;
* @brief Returns the existing menu item
* @param object
* @return NSMenuItem
- (NSMenuItem *)menuItemWithRepresentedObject:(id)object
for (NSMenuItem *menuItem in self.menuItems) {
if ([menuItem representedObject] == object) {
return [[menuItem retain] autorelease];
} else if ([menuItem submenu]) {
for (NSMenuItem *submenuItem in menuItem.submenu.itemArray) {
if ([submenuItem representedObject] == object)
return [[submenuItem retain] autorelease];
return nil;
* @brief Rebuild the menu
- (void)rebuildMenu
[self _destroyMenuItems];
* @brief Destroy menu items
- (void)_destroyMenuItems
[menu release]; menu = nil;
[menuItems release]; menuItems = nil;
//For Subclasses -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
#pragma mark For Subclasses
* @brief Builds and returns an array of menu items which should be in the listObjectMenu
* Subclass this method to build and return the menu items you want.
- (NSArray *)buildMenuItems
return [NSArray array];
* @brief Returns a menu image for the object
* @param listObject The object for which an image will be created
* @param useUserIcon If YES, the status icon and user icon will be used. If NO, the status icon and service icon will be used.
- (NSImage *)imageForListObject:(AIListObject *)listObject usingUserIcon:(BOOL)useUserIcon
NSImage *statusIcon, *secondaryIcon;
NSSize statusSize, secondarySize, compositeSize;
NSRect compositeRect;
//Get the service and status icons
statusIcon = [AIStatusIcons statusIconForListObject:listObject type:AIStatusIconMenu direction:AIIconNormal];
statusSize = [statusIcon size];
if (useUserIcon) {
secondaryIcon = [AIUserIcons menuUserIconForObject:listObject];
} else {
secondaryIcon = [AIServiceIcons serviceIconForObject:listObject type:AIServiceIconSmall direction:AIIconNormal];
secondarySize = [secondaryIcon size];
//Composite them side by side (since we're only allowed one image in a menu and we want to see both)
compositeSize = NSMakeSize(statusSize.width + secondarySize.width + 1,
statusSize.height > secondarySize.height ? statusSize.height : secondarySize.height);
compositeRect = NSMakeRect(0, 0, compositeSize.width, compositeSize.height);
//Render the image
NSImage *composite = [[NSImage alloc] initWithSize:compositeSize];
[composite lockFocus];
[statusIcon drawInRect:compositeRect atSize:[statusIcon size] position:IMAGE_POSITION_LEFT fraction:1.0f];
[secondaryIcon drawInRect:compositeRect atSize:[secondaryIcon size] position:IMAGE_POSITION_RIGHT fraction:1.0f];
[composite unlockFocus];
return [composite autorelease];