
Adding +[NSString randomString] seems to be popular, it appears to be colliding with some plugin I have loaded. Add a prefix here.
* Adium is the legal property of its developers, whose names are listed in the copyright file included
* with this source distribution.
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU
* General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License,
* or (at your option) any later version.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even
* the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General
* Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not,
* write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
#import <Adium/AIAbstractAccount.h>
#import <Adium/AIAccountControllerProtocol.h>
#import <Adium/AIChatControllerProtocol.h>
#import <Adium/AIContactControllerProtocol.h>
#import <Adium/AIContactObserverManager.h>
#import <Adium/AIContactControllerProtocol.h>
#import <Adium/AIContentControllerProtocol.h>
#import <Adium/AIInterfaceControllerProtocol.h>
#import <Adium/AIStatusControllerProtocol.h>
#import <Adium/AIChat.h>
#import <Adium/AIContentEvent.h>
#import <Adium/AIListContact.h>
#import <Adium/AIService.h>
#import <Adium/AIStatus.h>
#import <Adium/AIPasswordPromptController.h>
#import <Adium/AIUserIcons.h>
#import <AIUtilities/AIAttributedStringAdditions.h>
#import <AIUtilities/AIMutableOwnerArray.h>
#import <AIUtilities/AIStringAdditions.h>
#import <AIUtilities/AIDictionaryAdditions.h>
#import <AIUtilities/AISystemNetworkDefaults.h>
#define FILTERED_STRING_REFRESH 30.0 //delay in seconds between refresh of our attributed string statuses when needed
#define RECONNECT_BASE_TIME 1.75 //Reconnect wait time is base^(try) in seconds
#define RECONNECT_MIN_TIME 5.0 //Minimum time in seconds to wait between reconnect attempts
#define RECONNECT_MAX_TIME 600.0 //Maximum time in seconds to wait between reconnect attempts
#define ACCOUNT_DEFAULTS @"AccountDefaults"
@interface AIAccount (Abstract_PRIVATE)
- (void)requestImmediateDynamicContentUpdate:(NSNotification *)notification;
- (void)adiumDidLoad:(NSNotification *)inNotification;
- (void)_endSilenceAllUpdates;
- (void)_delayedUpdateStatusTimer:(NSTimer *)inTimer;
- (void)gotFilteredOutgoingContent:(NSAttributedString *)filteredValue context:(NSDictionary *)contextDict;
- (void)_refreshAttributedStrings:(NSTimer *)inTimer;
- (void)performAutoreconnect;
- (void)fastUserSwitchLeave:(NSNotification *)notification;
- (void)fastUserSwitchReturn:(NSNotification *)notification;
- (void)gotProxyServerPassword:(NSString *)inPassword returnCode:(AIPasswordPromptReturn)returnCode proxyConfiguration:(NSMutableDictionary *)proxyConfiguration;
* @class AIAbstractAccount
* @brief Abstract AIAccount methods
* This category exists to move as much 'meat' as possible out of <tt>AIAccount</tt> for simplification. The methods
* here provide default and common behavior for account code.
@implementation AIAccount(Abstract)
* @brief Init an account
- (id)initWithUID:(NSString *)inUID internalObjectID:(NSString *)inInternalObjectID service:(AIService *)inService
internalObjectID = [inInternalObjectID retain];
if ((self = [super initWithUID:inUID service:inService])) {
isTemporary = NO;
[self accountWillSetUID:UID];
//Register the defaults
static NSDictionary *defaults = nil;
if (!defaults) {
defaults = [[NSDictionary dictionaryNamed:ACCOUNT_DEFAULTS
forClass:[AIAccount class]] retain];
[adium.preferenceController registerDefaults:defaults
namesAreCaseSensitive = self.service.caseSensitive;
enabled = [[self preferenceForKey:KEY_ENABLED group:GROUP_ACCOUNT_STATUS] boolValue];
autoRefreshingKeys = [[NSMutableSet alloc] init];
dynamicKeys = [[NSMutableSet alloc] init];
attributedRefreshTimer = nil;
delayedUpdateStatusTimer = nil;
delayedUpdateStatusTargets = nil;
silenceAllContactUpdatesTimer = nil;
lastDisconnectionError = nil;
disconnectedByFastUserSwitch = NO;
//Register to be notified of dynamic content updates
[[NSNotificationCenter defaultCenter] addObserver:self
//Some actions must wait until Adium is finished loading so that all plugins are available
[[NSNotificationCenter defaultCenter] addObserver:self
//Handle the preference changed monitoring (for account status) for our subclass
[adium.preferenceController registerPreferenceObserver:self forGroup:GROUP_ACCOUNT_STATUS];
//Update our display name and formattedUID immediately
[self updateStatusForKey:KEY_FORMATTED_UID];
//Init the account
[self initFUSDisconnecting];
[self initAccount];
return self;
- (void)adiumDidLoad:(NSNotification *)inNotification
[self updateStatusForKey:KEY_ACCOUNT_DISPLAY_NAME];
[[NSNotificationCenter defaultCenter] removeObserver:self
* @brief Use our account number as internalObjectID
* Each user account is assigned a unique number for identification. AIObject will use our UID and ServiceID as the
* internalObjectID by default. But for accounts we'll want to use our account number instead, since UID and ServiceID
* may change and we want to use the same preferences even if they do.
- (NSString *)internalObjectID
return internalObjectID;
* @brief Improved description for NSLog
- (NSString *)description
return [NSString stringWithFormat:@"%@:%@",[super description],self.UID];
* @brief Custom path for account preferences
* Store our account preferences in a separate folder from object preferences to keep things clean
- (NSString *)pathToPreferences
* @brief User icon
* Method for accessing the user icon data for this account. This should always be used to retrieve the account's image data.
* @return NSData for this account's user icon
- (NSData *)userIconData
NSData *userIconData = nil;
if ([[self preferenceForKey:KEY_USE_USER_ICON group:GROUP_ACCOUNT_STATUS] boolValue]) {
/* If this account is set to use an account-specific icon, load it */
userIconData = [self preferenceForKey:KEY_USER_ICON group:GROUP_ACCOUNT_STATUS];
/* Note that we don't load KEY_DEFAULT_USER_ICON; if the user chooses to have an account-specific icon, then
* deletes that icon, this indicates that no icon at all should be used for the account.
} else if (!isTemporary && [[adium.preferenceController preferenceForKey:KEY_USE_USER_ICON group:GROUP_ACCOUNT_STATUS] boolValue]) {
/* For non-temporary accounts, load the global icon if it is to be used. The user may have set a global icon, then selected
* not to send an icon at all, so we must check the boolean preference first.
userIconData = [adium.preferenceController preferenceForKey:KEY_USER_ICON group:GROUP_ACCOUNT_STATUS];
/* If there isn't an icon set manually at the global level, we still need to check for one under KEY_DEFAULT_USER_ICON.
* KEY_DEFAULT_USER_ICON is used by a fallback icon source (e.g. via the Address Book 'me' card via the AB plugin)
* and stored under a separate key so that it can be distinguished from a manually specified icon.
if (!userIconData)
userIconData = [adium.preferenceController preferenceForKey:KEY_DEFAULT_USER_ICON
return userIconData;
* @brief Set user icon
* Convenience method for setting the user icon (into the status preferences) for this account.
* @param inData NSData for this account's user icon
- (void)setUserIconData:(NSData *)inData
[self setPreference:inData
* @brief Connect Host
* Convenience method for retrieving the connect host for this account
- (NSString *)host
return [self preferenceForKey:KEY_CONNECT_HOST group:GROUP_ACCOUNT_STATUS];
* @brief Connect Port
* Convenience method for retrieving the connect port for this account
- (int)port
return [(NSNumber *)[self preferenceForKey:KEY_CONNECT_PORT group:GROUP_ACCOUNT_STATUS] intValue];
* @brief Is this account enabled?
- (BOOL)enabled
return enabled;
* @brief Set if this account is enabled
- (void)setEnabled:(BOOL)inEnabled
enabled = inEnabled;
if (!inEnabled) {
[self setLastDisconnectionError:nil];
[self cancelAutoReconnect];
[self setPreference:[NSNumber numberWithBool:inEnabled]
//We don't update the display name unless we're enabled, so update it now
[self updateStatusForKey:KEY_ACCOUNT_DISPLAY_NAME];
//Reset reconnection attempts
reconnectAttemptsPerformed = 0;
* @brief Change the UID of this account
- (void)filterAndSetUID:(NSString *)inUID
//Filter our UID both with and without removing ignored characters
NSString *newProposedUID = [self.service normalizeUID:inUID removeIgnoredCharacters:YES];
NSString *newProposedFormattedUID = [self.service normalizeUID:inUID removeIgnoredCharacters:NO];
BOOL didChangeUID = NO;
//Give the account a chance to modify the UID
newProposedUID = [self accountWillSetUID:newProposedUID];
//Set our UID first (since self.formattedUID uses the UID as necessary)
if (![newProposedUID isEqualToString:self.UID]) {
[UID release];
UID = [newProposedUID retain];
//Inform the account controller of the changed UID
[adium.accountController accountDidChangeUID:self];
didChangeUID = YES;
//Set our formatted UID if necessary
if (![newProposedFormattedUID isEqualToString:self.formattedUID]) {
[self setFormattedUID:newProposedFormattedUID notify:NotifyNow];
if (didChangeUID) {
[self didChangeUID];
* @brief Called when the account was edited.
- (void)accountEdited
// Do nothing by default.
//Status ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
#pragma mark Status
- (NSString *)effectiveStatusKeyForKey:(NSString *)key
if ([key isEqualToString:KEY_USE_USER_ICON] || [key isEqualToString:KEY_DEFAULT_USER_ICON])
return key;
* @brief Catch status changes for this account
* For convenience, we let the account know when an account status preference for it has changed
- (void)preferencesChangedForGroup:(NSString *)group key:(NSString *)key
object:(AIListObject *)object preferenceDict:(NSDictionary *)prefDict firstTime:(BOOL)firstTime
if (!object || object == self) {
if ([self.supportedPropertyKeys containsObject:key]) {
[self updateStatusForKey:[self effectiveStatusKeyForKey:key]];
* @brief Silence contact status updates
* Instructs the account code to keep contact status updates silent for the specified interval. This greatly increases
* performance while connecting or perfoming an action that will generate a large number of contact status updates.
* Account code should honor the silentAndDelayed flag where-ever possible.
- (void)silenceAllContactUpdatesForInterval:(NSTimeInterval)interval
silentAndDelayed = YES;
if (silenceAllContactUpdatesTimer) {
[silenceAllContactUpdatesTimer invalidate];
[silenceAllContactUpdatesTimer release]; silenceAllContactUpdatesTimer = nil;
silenceAllContactUpdatesTimer = [[NSTimer scheduledTimerWithTimeInterval:interval
repeats:NO] retain];
- (void)_endSilenceAllUpdates
[silenceAllContactUpdatesTimer release]; silenceAllContactUpdatesTimer = nil;
silentAndDelayed = NO;
* @brief Update a contact's status
* Adium is requesting that the account update a contact's status. This method is primarily called by the get info
* window. Here we implement a guard to limit the rate at which contact info is looked up, which account code can use
* via the delayedUpdateContactStatus method at their convenience.
- (void)updateContactStatus:(AIListContact *)inContact
//If there is no outstanding delay
if (!delayedUpdateStatusTimer) {
//Update this contact's status immediately.
[self delayedUpdateContactStatus:inContact];
//Guard against subsequent updates
delayedUpdateStatusTimer = [[NSTimer scheduledTimerWithTimeInterval:[self delayedUpdateStatusInterval]
repeats:YES] retain];
} else {
//If there is an outstanding delay, set this contact as the target
if (!delayedUpdateStatusTargets) delayedUpdateStatusTargets = [[NSMutableArray alloc] init];
[delayedUpdateStatusTargets addObject:inContact];
- (void)_delayedUpdateStatusTimer:(NSTimer *)inTimer
/* Look up info for the next contact */
if ([delayedUpdateStatusTargets count]) {
[self delayedUpdateContactStatus:[delayedUpdateStatusTargets objectAtIndex:0]];
[delayedUpdateStatusTargets removeObjectAtIndex:0];
/* If we're done, release the array and stop the repeating timer */
if (![delayedUpdateStatusTargets count]) {
[delayedUpdateStatusTargets release]; delayedUpdateStatusTargets = nil;
[delayedUpdateStatusTimer invalidate];
[delayedUpdateStatusTimer release]; delayedUpdateStatusTimer = nil;
- (void)updateLocalDisplayNameTo:(NSAttributedString *)attributedDisplayName
NSString *displayName = [attributedDisplayName string];
if ([displayName length] == 0) displayName = nil;
//Apply the display name for local display
[[self displayArrayForKey:@"Display Name"] setObject:displayName
//Note the actual value we've set in CurrentDisplayName so we can compare against it later
[self setValue:displayName
[[AIContactObserverManager sharedManager] listObjectAttributesChanged:self
modifiedKeys:[NSSet setWithObject:@"Display Name"]];
* @brief Current display name, post filtering
* This might be used to see if a new display name needs to be sent to the server or if it is the same as the old one.
- (NSString *)currentDisplayName
return [self valueForProperty:@"currentDisplayName"];
- (void)retrievePasswordThenConnect
AIPromptOption promptOption = AIPromptAsNeeded;
if ([self boolValueForProperty:@"mustPromptForPasswordOnNextConnect"])
promptOption = AIPromptAlways;
else if (!self.service.requiresPassword)
promptOption = AIPromptNever;
//Retrieve the user's password and then call connect
AILogWithSignature(@"Retrieving %@'s password (promptOption %i)", self, promptOption);
[adium.accountController passwordForAccount:self
* @brief Set the way our UID is displayed to the user
* For accounts, this is stored as a preference in addition to being set as an in-memory property
- (void)setFormattedUID:(NSString *)inFormattedUID notify:(NotifyTiming)notify
[self setPreference:inFormattedUID
[self setValue:inFormattedUID
* @brief Handle common account status updates
* We handle some common account status updates here for convenience. Things that the majority of protocols will use
* such as online state, full name, and display name.
- (void)updateCommonStatusForKey:(NSString *)key
BOOL areOnline = [self boolValueForProperty:@"isOnline"];
//Online status changed
//Call connect or disconnect as appropriate
if ([key isEqualToString:@"isOnline"]) {
if (self.shouldBeOnline && self.enabled) {
if (!areOnline && ![self boolValueForProperty:@"isConnecting"]) {
if (self.service.supportsPassword && (!password || [self boolValueForProperty:@"mustPromptForPasswordOnNextConnect"])) {
[self retrievePasswordThenConnect];
} else {
/* Connect immediately without retrieving a password because we either don't need one or
* already have one.
[self connect];
} else if ((areOnline || ([self boolValueForProperty:@"isConnecting"])) && ![self boolValueForProperty:@"isDisconnecting"]) {
[self disconnect];
} else if ([key isEqualToString:@"accountStatus"]) {
if (areOnline) {
//Set the status state after filtering its statusMessage as appropriate
[self autoRefreshingOutgoingContentForStatusKey:@"accountStatus"
context:[self valueForProperty:@"accountStatus"]];
} else {
//Check if account is 'enabled' in the accounts preferences. If so, bring it online in the specified state.
[self setShouldBeOnline:YES];
} else if ([key isEqualToString:KEY_ACCOUNT_DISPLAY_NAME]) {
if (self.enabled) {
[self autoRefreshingOutgoingContentForStatusKey:key selector:@selector(gotFilteredDisplayName:) context:nil];
} else if ([key isEqualToString:KEY_FORMATTED_UID]) {
//Transfer formatted UID from the stored preference to an in-memory property
[self setValue:[self preferenceForKey:KEY_FORMATTED_UID group:GROUP_ACCOUNT_STATUS]
} else if ([key isEqualToString:@"Enabled"]) {
//Set a property so observers are notified
[self setValue:[NSNumber numberWithBool:enabled]
//We are now enabled so should go online, or we are now disabled so should disconnect
[self setShouldBeOnline:enabled];
} else if ([key isEqualToString:KEY_USER_ICON]) {
NSData *originalData = [self userIconData];
[self setAccountUserImage:(originalData ? [[[NSImage alloc] initWithData:originalData] autorelease] : nil)
* @brief Sent by an account to itself to update its user icon
* Both NSImage and NSData forms are passed to prevent duplication of data; either or both may be used.
* The image should be resized as needed for the protocol.
* Subclasses MUST call super's implementation.
* @param image An NSImage of the user icon, or nil if no image.
* @param originalData The original data which made the image, which may be in any NSImage-compatible format, or nil if no image.
- (void)setAccountUserImage:(NSImage *)image withData:(NSData *)originalData;
[[AIContactObserverManager sharedManager] listObjectAttributesChanged:self
modifiedKeys:[NSSet setWithObject:KEY_USER_ICON]];
#pragma mark Status States
- (BOOL)handleOfflineAsStatusChange
return NO;
* @brief Set the account to a specified statusState
* This is the entry point for setting an AIAccount to a specified state.
- (void)setStatusState:(AIStatus *)statusState
if ((statusState.statusType == AIOfflineStatusType) &&
![self handleOfflineAsStatusChange]) {
[self setShouldBeOnline:NO];
} else {
//Store the status state as a property so it can be easily used elsewhere
[self setValue:statusState forProperty:@"accountStatus" notify:NotifyLater];
//Update us to the new state
[self updateStatusForKey:@"accountStatus"];
/* Set our IdleSince time if appropriate... this will just be set when the state is selected; the account
* is thereafter responsible for updating any serverside settings as needed. All of our current services will handle
* updating idle time as it changes automatically. This is a per-account preference setting; it will override
* any global idle setting for this account but won't change it. */
if ([self.supportedPropertyKeys containsObject:@"idleSince"]) {
NSDate *idleSince;
idleSince = ([statusState shouldForceInitialIdleTime] ?
[NSDate dateWithTimeIntervalSinceNow:-([statusState forcedInitialIdleTime]+1)] :
if ([self preferenceForKey:@"idleSince" group:GROUP_ACCOUNT_STATUS] != idleSince) {
[self setPreference:idleSince forKey:@"idleSince" group:GROUP_ACCOUNT_STATUS];
[self notifyOfChangedPropertiesSilently:YES];
* @brief Set a status state without going online
* Set the status state as a property so that if we sign on later we will update to the proper state.
* Do not ask the account to actually switch to the state; do not perform any notifications about the change.
* This is intended for use by the statusController only.
- (void)setStatusStateAndRemainOffline:(AIStatus *)statusState
//Store the status state as a property so it can be easily used elsewhere
[self setValue:statusState forProperty:@"accountStatus" notify:NotifyNever];
if ([self.supportedPropertyKeys containsObject:@"idleSince"]) {
NSDate *idleSince;
idleSince = (statusState.shouldForceInitialIdleTime ?
[NSDate dateWithTimeIntervalSinceNow:-statusState.forcedInitialIdleTime] :
if ([self preferenceForKey:@"idleSince" group:GROUP_ACCOUNT_STATUS] != idleSince) {
[self setPreference:idleSince forKey:@"idleSince" group:GROUP_ACCOUNT_STATUS];
* @brief Callback from the threaded filter performed in [self updateStatusForKey:@"accountStatus"]
- (void)gotFilteredStatusMessage:(NSAttributedString *)inStatusMessage forStatusState:(AIStatus *)statusState
[statusState setFilteredStatusMessage:[inStatusMessage string]];
[self setStatusState:statusState
- (AIStatusSummary)statusSummary
AIStatusType statusType = self.statusState.statusType;
if (statusType == AIOfflineStatusType) {
return AIOfflineStatus;
} else {
if (statusType == AIAwayStatusType) {
if ([self valueForProperty:@"idleSince"]) {
return AIAwayAndIdleStatus;
} else {
return AIAwayStatus;
} else if ([self valueForProperty:@"idleSince"]) {
return AIIdleStatus;
} else {
return AIAvailableStatus;
- (AIStatus *)statusState
if ([self boolValueForProperty:@"isOnline"]) {
AIStatus *statusState = [self valueForProperty:@"accountStatus"];
if (!statusState) {
statusState = [adium.statusController defaultInitialStatusState];
[self setStatusStateAndRemainOffline:statusState];
return statusState;
} else {
AIStatus *statusState = [self valueForProperty:@"accountStatus"];
if (statusState && statusState.statusType == AIOfflineStatusType) {
//We're in an actual offline status; return it
return statusState;
} else {
//We're offline, but our status is keeping track of what we'll be when we sign back on. Return the generic offline status.
return [adium.statusController offlineStatusState];
* @brief The status state this account is set to regardless of whether or not it is online
- (AIStatus *)actualStatusState
return [self valueForProperty:@"accountStatus"];
- (NSString *)statusName
return self.statusState.statusName;
- (AIStatusType)statusType
return self.statusState.statusType;
- (NSAttributedString *)statusMessage
return self.statusState.statusMessage;
- (NSString *)statusMessageString
return [self.statusMessage string];
* @brief Are sounds for this acount muted?
- (BOOL)soundsAreMuted
return [self.statusState mutesSound];
#pragma mark Passwords
* @brief Store in memory (but nowhere else) the password for this account
- (void)setPasswordTemporarily:(NSString *)inPassword
if (password != inPassword) {
[password release]; password = [inPassword retain];
* @brief While we are connected, return the password used to connect
* This will not look up the password in the keychain. Results are undefined if we are not connected.
- (NSString *)passwordWhileConnected
return password;
* @brief Password entered callback
* Callback after the user enters her password for connecting; finish the connect process.
- (void)passwordReturnedForConnect:(NSString *)inPassword returnCode:(AIPasswordPromptReturn)returnCode context:(id)inContext
//If a password was returned, and we're still waiting to connect
if ((returnCode == AIPasswordPromptOKReturn) &&
((inPassword && [inPassword length]) || ![self.service requiresPassword])) {
[self setValue:nil
if (![self boolValueForProperty:@"isOnline"] && ![self boolValueForProperty:@"isConnecting"]) {
[self setPasswordTemporarily:inPassword];
//Time to connect!
[self connect];
} else {
[self setShouldBeOnline:NO];
- (void)serverReportedInvalidPassword
AILogWithSignature(@"%@", self);
[self setValue:[NSNumber numberWithBool:YES]
[self setPasswordTemporarily:nil];
//Auto-Refreshing Status String ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
#pragma mark Auto-Refreshing Status String
* @brief Schedule/Unschedule a status string for auto-refreshing if it contains dynamic content
* Tests an attributed status string. If the string contains dynamic content, the key is noted. If it also requires
* periodic polling to refresh its value, it will be scheduled for automatic refreshing and periodically updated.
* If the string does not contain dynamic content any existing scheduling for it will be removed. Call this method when the
* value of an attributed status that supports automatic refreshing is changed by the user.
* @param key Property to check for auto-refreshing content
* @result The current value of the auto-refreshing string for you to use.
- (NSAttributedString *)autoRefreshingOutgoingContentForStatusKey:(NSString *)key
NSAttributedString *originalValue = [self autoRefreshingOriginalAttributedStringForStatusKey:key];
NSAttributedString *filteredValue;
NSString *originalValueString = [originalValue string];
filteredValue = [adium.contentController filterAttributedString:originalValue
//Refresh periodically if the filtered string is different from the original one
if (originalValue && (![originalValueString isEqualToString:[filteredValue string]])) {
[self startAutoRefreshingStatusKey:key forOriginalValueString:originalValueString];
} else {
[self stopAutoRefreshingStatusKey:key];
return filteredValue;
* @brief Filter outgoing content, notifying via a selector when done
* Same as autoRefreshingOutgoingContentForStatusKey: but allows delayed filters to be run (which may take
* multiple run loops). The filtered attributedString is sent to self on selector "selector" whenever it's complete.
* @param key Property to check for auto-refreshing content
* @param selector Selector to call when status string is updated
* @param context Context to use for filtering the status string (Optional)
- (void)autoRefreshingOutgoingContentForStatusKey:(NSString *)key selector:(SEL)selector context:(id)originalContext
NSAttributedString *originalValue = [self autoRefreshingOriginalAttributedStringForStatusKey:key];
NSMutableDictionary *contextDict;
contextDict = [NSMutableDictionary dictionaryWithObjectsAndKeys:NSStringFromSelector(selector), @"selectorString",
key, @"key", nil];
if (originalValue) {
[contextDict setObject:originalValue forKey:@"originalValue"];
if (originalContext) {
[contextDict setObject:originalContext forKey:@"originalContext"];
//Filter the content
[adium.contentController filterAttributedString:originalValue
* @brief Provide the NSAttributedString which will be filtered for a given property
* In general, returns the preference for the key as an attributed string.
* For statuses, returns the status message of the current statusState.
- (NSAttributedString *)autoRefreshingOriginalAttributedStringForStatusKey:(NSString *)key
NSAttributedString *originalValue;
if ([key isEqualToString:@"accountStatus"]) {
AIStatus *statusState = [self actualStatusState];
/* -[AIAccount actualStatusState] won't set usinto an initial state if we don't have one yet,
* unlike -AIAccount.statusState. Although I expect that the default state will never have an associated
* statusMessage, it's good form to check it.
if (!statusState) statusState = [adium.statusController defaultInitialStatusState];
originalValue = statusState.statusMessage;
} else {
// First look for an account-specific preference
originalValue = [[self preferenceForKey:key group:GROUP_ACCOUNT_STATUS] attributedString];
// Failing that, if this account isn't temporary, try to get a global preference
if(!isTemporary && !originalValue) {
originalValue = [[adium.preferenceController preferenceForKey:key group:GROUP_ACCOUNT_STATUS] attributedString];
return originalValue;
* @brief Callback for threaded filtering
* Called once threaded filtering of a status string is complete
* @param filteredValue Filtered attributed string
* @param contextDict Context used for filtering
- (void)gotFilteredOutgoingContent:(NSAttributedString *)filteredValue context:(NSDictionary *)contextDict
NSAttributedString *originalValue = [contextDict objectForKey:@"originalValue"];
NSString *key = [contextDict objectForKey:@"key"];
SEL selector = NSSelectorFromString([contextDict objectForKey:@"selectorString"]);
id originalContext = [contextDict objectForKey:@"originalContext"];
NSString *originalValueString = [originalValue string];
//Refresh periodically if the filtered string is different from the original one
if (originalValue && (![originalValueString isEqualToString:[filteredValue string]])) {
[self startAutoRefreshingStatusKey:key forOriginalValueString:originalValueString];
} else {
[self stopAutoRefreshingStatusKey:key];
if (originalContext) {
[self performSelector:selector
} else {
[self performSelector:selector
* @brief Start auto-refreshing a property
* If polling is necessary, add the key to autoRefreshingKeys and start our timer. Whether polling is needed or not,
* note that the key is dynamic.
- (void)startAutoRefreshingStatusKey:(NSString *)key forOriginalValueString:(NSString *)originalValueString
[dynamicKeys addObject:key];
if ([adium.contentController shouldPollToUpdateString:originalValueString]) {
[autoRefreshingKeys addObject:key];
[self _startAttributedRefreshTimer];
* @brief Stop auto-refreshing a property
* Stops an account status string from auto-refreshing
* @param key The key to stop auto-refreshing, or nil to stop all keys
- (void)stopAutoRefreshingStatusKey:(NSString *)key
if (key) {
[dynamicKeys removeObject:key];
[autoRefreshingKeys removeObject:key];
} else {
[dynamicKeys removeAllObjects];
[autoRefreshingKeys removeAllObjects];
if ([autoRefreshingKeys count] == 0) [self _stopAttributedRefreshTimer];
* @brief Suspend auto-refreshing timer when disconnected
* Here we suspend the auto-refreshing timer when the account goes offline, and restart it when the account goes back
* online. This prevents us from running the timer for offline accounts.
- (void)setValue:(id)value forProperty:(NSString *)key notify:(NotifyTiming)notify
if ([key isEqualToString:@"isOnline"]) {
if ([value boolValue]) {
if ([autoRefreshingKeys count]) [self _startAttributedRefreshTimer];
} else {
[self _stopAttributedRefreshTimer];
} else if ([key isEqualToString:@"isDisconnecting"]) {
if ([value boolValue]) {
[self _stopAttributedRefreshTimer];
[super setValue:value forProperty:key notify:notify];
* @brief Start the auto-refreshing status timer
- (void)_startAttributedRefreshTimer
if (!attributedRefreshTimer) {
attributedRefreshTimer = [[NSTimer scheduledTimerWithTimeInterval:FILTERED_STRING_REFRESH
repeats:YES] retain];
* @brief Stop the auto-refreshing status timer
- (void)_stopAttributedRefreshTimer
if (attributedRefreshTimer) {
[attributedRefreshTimer invalidate];
[attributedRefreshTimer release];
attributedRefreshTimer = nil;
* @brief Refresh auto-refreshing strings
* This is the auto-refreshing timer method, it refreshes all auto-refreshing account status strings on an interval.
- (void)_refreshAttributedStrings:(NSTimer *)inTimer
NSString *key;
for (key in autoRefreshingKeys) {
if ([self shouldUpdateAutorefreshingAttributedStringForKey:key]) {
[self updateStatusForKey:key];
//We were informed that some of our dynamic content may have just changed; update it
- (void)requestImmediateDynamicContentUpdate:(NSNotification *)notification
if ([dynamicKeys count]) {
NSString *key;
for (key in [[dynamicKeys copy] autorelease]) {
[self updateStatusForKey:key];
//Move the next fire date forward since we just updated them all
if (attributedRefreshTimer) {
[attributedRefreshTimer setFireDate:[NSDate dateWithTimeIntervalSinceNow:FILTERED_STRING_REFRESH]];
//Contacts -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
#pragma mark Contacts
* @brief All contacts on this account
* Returns an array of all the AIListContact objects on this account
- (NSArray *)contacts
NSMutableArray *results = [NSMutableArray array];
for (AIListContact *contact in adium.contactController.allContacts) {
if(contact.account == self)
[results addObject:contact];
return results;
* @brief Retrieve a contact by UID
* Quickly finds an AIListContact object on this account by UID. If the contact does not exist it will be created.
* @param sourceUID NSString name of the desired contact
* @return AIListContact with the desired UID
- (AIListContact *)contactWithUID:(NSString *)sourceUID
if (!namesAreCaseSensitive) {
sourceUID = [sourceUID compactedString];
return [adium.contactController contactWithService:service
* @brief The fallback alias for a chat participant
* A fallback alias for a chat participant. This returns nil if a chat-specific alias is inappropriate.
* @param contact the AIListContact
* @param chat the AIChat
* @return An alias for the contact in the chat, otherwise nil.
- (NSString *)fallbackAliasForContact:(AIListContact *)contact inChat:(AIChat *)chat
return nil;
* @brief How should deletion of a particular group be handled?
* If the account returns AIAccountGroupDeletionShouldRemoveContacts, then each contact will be removed from the contact list
* If instead AIAccountGroupDeletionShouldIgnoreContacts is returned, the group is removed from the contact list's display
* but contacts are not affected. In this case, the account should take action to avoid redisplaying the group in
* the future. This is used for, for example, the Twitter timeline; a deletion is unlikely to mean the user actually
* wanted to stop following all contained contacts.
- (AIAccountGroupDeletionResponse)willDeleteGroup:(AIListGroup *)group
return AIAccountGroupDeletionShouldRemoveContacts;
#pragma mark Chats
- (BOOL)joiningGroupChatRequiresCreationDictionary
return NO;
//Connectivity ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
#pragma mark Connectivity
* @brief Should the account be online?
* This indicates whether the user desires the account to be online, not the actual online state.
- (BOOL)shouldBeOnline
return [[self preferenceForKey:@"isOnline" group:GROUP_ACCOUNT_STATUS] boolValue];
* @brief Set if this account should be online
* This is how the account should be informed that the user's desired online/offline status for the account
* changed; this may be called as a result of a status change, for example.
* If shouldBeOnline is YES, the account will be brought online in the status state it was in last.
* If shouldBeOnline is NO, the account will be disconnected.
- (void)setShouldBeOnline:(BOOL)shouldBeOnline
[self setPreference:[NSNumber numberWithBool:shouldBeOnline]
/* If the users says we should no longer be online, clear out any stored password.
* Note that we can de disconnected via -[AIAccount disconnect] without going through this method; this is how we will be disconnected
* in an automatic fashoin, such as if network connectivity drops. This allows us, when reconnected after such a disconnection, to still
* have the password 'on tap' for use at that time.
if (!shouldBeOnline) {
[self setPasswordTemporarily:nil];
[self setLastDisconnectionError:nil];
[self cancelAutoReconnect];
- (void)toggleOnline
BOOL online =;
BOOL connecting = [self boolValueForProperty:@"isConnecting"];
BOOL reconnecting = ([self valueForProperty:@"waitingToReconnect"] != nil);
//If online or connecting set the account offline, otherwise set it to online
[self setShouldBeOnline:!(online || connecting || reconnecting)];
* @brief Should the account's status be updated as soon as it is connected?
* If YES, the StatusState and IdleSince properties will be told to update as soon as the account connects.
* This will allow the account to send its status information to the server upon connecting.
* If this information is already known by the account at the time it connects and further prompting to send it is
* not desired, return NO.
- (BOOL)updateStatusImmediatelyAfterConnecting
return YES;
- (void)displayYouHaveConnectedInChat:(AIChat *)chat
//Display a connected message
AIContentEvent *eventMessage = [AIContentEvent eventInChat:chat
date:[NSDate date]
message:[[[NSAttributedString alloc] initWithString:AILocalizedStringFromTableInBundle(@"You have connected", nil, [NSBundle bundleForClass:[AIAccount class]], "Displayed in an open chat when its account has been connected")] autorelease]
[adium.contentController receiveContentObject:eventMessage];
* @brief The account did connect
* Subclasses should call this on self after connecting
- (void)didConnect
//Display a status message in all open chats for this account.
for (AIChat *chat in adium.interfaceController.openChats) {
if (chat.account == self && chat.isOpen) {
if (chat.isGroupChat) {
// Returns BOOL result, however since there is no callback from
// libpurple if the chat failed, the result of rejoining will
// always be true at the moment
[self rejoinChat:chat];
} else {
[self displayYouHaveConnectedInChat:chat];
//We are now online
[self setValue:nil forProperty:@"isConnecting" notify:NotifyLater];
[self setValue:[NSNumber numberWithBool:YES] forProperty:@"isOnline" notify:NotifyLater];
[self setValue:nil forProperty:@"connectionProgressString" notify:NotifyLater];
[self setValue:nil forProperty:@"connectionProgressPercent" notify:NotifyLater];
[self setValue:nil forProperty:@"waitingToReconnect" notify:NotifyLater];
AILogWithSignature(@"*** status dictionary is now %@", propertiesDictionary);
//Apply any changes
[self notifyOfChangedPropertiesSilently:NO];
//Reset reconnection attempts
reconnectAttemptsPerformed = 0;
//Update our status and idle status to ensure our newly connected account is in the states we want it to be
if (self.statusState.statusType == AIOfflineStatusType) {
/* If our account thinks it's still in an offline status, that means it went offline previously via an offline status.
* Set to the status being used by other accounts if possible; otherwise, set to our default initial status.
AIStatus *newStatus = adium.statusController.activeStatusState;
if (newStatus.statusType == AIOfflineStatusType) {
newStatus = [adium.statusController defaultInitialStatusState];
[self setStatusState:newStatus];
} else {
if ([self updateStatusImmediatelyAfterConnecting]) {
[self updateStatusForKey:@"accountStatus"];
[self updateStatusForKey:@"idleSince"];
- (void)cancelAutoReconnect
[self setValue:nil forProperty:@"waitingToReconnect" notify:NotifyNow];
reconnectAttemptsPerformed = 0;
[NSObject cancelPreviousPerformRequestsWithTarget:self
* @brief Autoreconnect after a specified delay
* @param delay Delay in seconds
- (void)autoReconnectAfterDelay:(NSTimeInterval)delay
[self setValue:[NSDate dateWithTimeIntervalSinceNow:delay] forProperty:@"waitingToReconnect" notify:NotifyNow];
[self performSelector:@selector(performAutoreconnect)
- (void)performAutoreconnect
//If we still want to be online, and we're not yet online, continue with the reconnect
if ([self shouldBeOnline] &&
! && ![self boolValueForProperty:@"isConnecting"]) {
[self updateStatusForKey:@"isOnline"];
* @brief Remove the properties from a listContact which we placed there
* Called for each contact to reduce our memory footprint after a contact signs off or an account disconnects.
- (void)removePropertyValuesFromContact:(AIListContact *)listContact silently:(BOOL)silent
for (NSString *key in self.contactProperties) {
[listContact setValue:nil forProperty:key notify:NotifyLater];
//Apply any changes
[listContact notifyOfChangedPropertiesSilently:silent];
* @brief Remove all contacts owned by this account and clear their properties set by this account
- (void)removeAllContacts
[[AIContactObserverManager sharedManager] delayListObjectNotifications];
NSArray *myContacts = [self contacts];
/* Clear status flags on all contacts for this account, and set their remote group to nil.
* Also, unless we have an open chat, tell the contact controller that it can release this contact.
* Then allow notifications for all these contacts to go out.
for (AIListContact *listContact in myContacts) {
for (NSString *groupName in listContact.remoteGroupNames)
[listContact removeRemoteGroupName:groupName];
[self removePropertyValuesFromContact:listContact silently:YES];
for (AIListContact *listContact in myContacts) {
if (![adium.chatController existingChatWithContact:[listContact parentContact]])
[adium.contactController accountDidStopTrackingContact:listContact];
[[AIContactObserverManager sharedManager] endListObjectNotificationsDelaysImmediately];
* @brief Contact properties we may set
* @result An NSSet of the properties we should clear from contacts when signing off
- (NSSet *)contactProperties
static NSSet *_contactProperties = nil;
if (!_contactProperties)
_contactProperties = [[NSSet alloc] initWithObjects:@"isOnline",@"Warning",@"idleSince",
@"idle",@"isIdle",@"Signon Date",@"listObjectStatusName",@"listObjectStatusType",@"listObjectStatusMessage",@"Client",KEY_TYPING,nil];
return _contactProperties;
- (double)minimumReconnectTime
* @brief Did disconnect
- (void)didDisconnect
//If we were online, display a status message in all of our open chats noting our disconnection
if ([self boolValueForProperty:@"isOnline"]) {
for (AIChat *chat in adium.interfaceController.openChats) {
if (chat.account != self || !chat.isOpen)
//Display a connected message in all open chats
AIContentEvent *newStatusMessage = [AIContentEvent eventInChat:chat
date:[NSDate date]
message:[[[NSAttributedString alloc] initWithString:AILocalizedStringFromTableInBundle(@"You have disconnected", nil, [NSBundle bundleForClass:[AIAccount class]], "Displayed in an open chat when its account has been connected")] autorelease]
[newStatusMessage setCoalescingKey:ACCOUNT_STATUS_UPDATE_COALESCING_KEY];
[adium.contentController receiveContentObject:newStatusMessage];
if (chat.isGroupChat)
[chat removeAllParticipatingContactsSilently];
//We are now offline
[self setValue:nil forProperty:@"isDisconnecting" notify:NotifyLater];
[self setValue:nil forProperty:@"isConnecting" notify:NotifyLater];
[self setValue:nil forProperty:@"isOnline" notify:NotifyLater];
//Stop all autorefreshing keys
[self stopAutoRefreshingStatusKey:nil];
//Apply any changes
[self notifyOfChangedPropertiesSilently:NO];
//Remove all contacts
[self removeAllContacts];
//If we were disconnected unexpectedly, attempt a reconnect. Give subclasses a chance to handle the disconnection error.
if (reconnectAttemptsPerformed > 1 && [self boolValueForProperty:@"isWaitingForNetwork"]) {
// If we know this connection is waiting for the network to return, don't bother continuing to reconnect.
// Let it try for 2 times and then cancel and wait for the network to return.
[self cancelAutoReconnect];
AILog(@"%@: Disconnected (\"%@\"): Waiting until network returns.", self, lastDisconnectionError);
} else if ([self shouldBeOnline] && lastDisconnectionError) {
AIReconnectDelayType shouldReconnect = [self shouldAttemptReconnectAfterDisconnectionError:&lastDisconnectionError];
if (shouldReconnect == AIReconnectNormally) {
// Set our retry time to RECONNECT_BASE_TIME^reconnectAttemptsPerformed
double reconnectDelay = pow(RECONNECT_BASE_TIME, (double)reconnectAttemptsPerformed);
// Make sure we're not going too fast
if (reconnectDelay < [self minimumReconnectTime])
reconnectDelay = [self minimumReconnectTime];
// Or too slow
else if (reconnectDelay > RECONNECT_MAX_TIME)
reconnectDelay = RECONNECT_MAX_TIME;
AILog(@"%@: Disconnected (\"%@\"): Automatically reconnecting in %0f seconds (%i attempts performed)",
self, lastDisconnectionError, reconnectDelay, reconnectAttemptsPerformed);
[self autoReconnectAfterDelay:reconnectDelay];
} else if (shouldReconnect == AIReconnectImmediately) {
AILog(@"%@: Disconnected (\"%@\"): Automatically reconnecting immediately", self, lastDisconnectionError);
[self performAutoreconnect];
} else {
AILog(@"%@: Disconnected: Will not reconnect", self);
if(shouldReconnect != AIReconnectNeverNoMessage && lastDisconnectionError) {
[adium.interfaceController handleErrorMessage:[NSString stringWithFormat:@"%@ (%@) : Error",self.UID,[self.service shortDescription]]
//Reset reconnection attempts
reconnectAttemptsPerformed = 0;
} else {
AILog(@"%@: Disconnected; should be online? %@; lastDisconnectionError %@",
self, ([self shouldBeOnline] ? @"Yes" : @"No"), lastDisconnectionError);
* @brief Applescript connect
* Connect method for applescript support. Sets the online flag to YES for this account, invoking a connect.
- (void)connectScriptCommand:(NSScriptCommand *)command
[self setShouldBeOnline:YES];
* @brief Applescript disconnect
* Disconnect method for applescript support. Sets the online flag to NO for this account, invoking a disconnect.
- (void)disconnectScriptCommand:(NSScriptCommand *)command
[self setShouldBeOnline:NO];
* @brief Last disconnection error
- (NSString *)lastDisconnectionError
return lastDisconnectionError;
* @brief Set the last disconnection error
- (void)setLastDisconnectionError:(NSString *)inError
// If we already have an error, ignore the new one, unless
// we're resetting to nil.
if (lastDisconnectionError && inError) {
if (lastDisconnectionError != inError) {
[lastDisconnectionError release];
lastDisconnectionError = [inError retain];
* @brief By default, always attempt to reconnect. Subclasses may override this to manage reconnect behavior.
* Subclasses should return AIReconnectImmediately for invalid passwords or situations where immediate reconnect is possible,
* AIReconnectNormally to use the builtin exponential reconnect delay, and AIReconnectNever on unrecoverable errors.
- (AIReconnectDelayType)shouldAttemptReconnectAfterDisconnectionError:(NSString **)disconnectionError
return AIReconnectNormally;
* @brief Returns whether or not this account is connected via an encrypted connection.
- (BOOL)encrypted
return NO;
//Fast user switch disconnecting ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
#pragma mark Fast user switch disconnecting
* @brief Init FUS disconnecting/reconnecting
* Init disconnecting and reconnecting in response to FUS events.
- (void)initFUSDisconnecting
if ([self disconnectOnFastUserSwitch]) {
[[[NSWorkspace sharedWorkspace] notificationCenter] addObserver:self
[[[NSWorkspace sharedWorkspace] notificationCenter] addObserver:self
* @brief User leave
* System is switching to another user, disconnect this account
- (void)fastUserSwitchLeave:(NSNotification *)notification
if ( {
[self setShouldBeOnline:NO];
disconnectedByFastUserSwitch = YES;
* @brief User return
* System is returning to our original user, reconnect this account
- (void)fastUserSwitchReturn:(NSNotification *)notification
if (disconnectedByFastUserSwitch) {
[self setShouldBeOnline:YES];
disconnectedByFastUserSwitch = NO;
* @brief Set display name
* Set the display name which is used for this account locally (and remotely if supported by the protocol)
- (void)setDisplayName:(NSString *)displayName
if ([displayName length] == 0) displayName = nil;
[self setPreference:(displayName ?
[[NSAttributedString stringWithString:displayName] dataRepresentation] :
#pragma mark Proxy Configuration Retrieval
* @brief Retrieve the proxy configuration information for this account
* This should be used by the AIAccount subclass before initiating its connect process if it supports proxies.
* target will be notified via selector, which must take two arguments,
* the first of which will be an NSDictionary of information and the second of which will be the passed context.
* The NSDictionary which is returned will have the following key/object pairs:
* @"AdiumProxyType" an NSNumber containing an AdiumProxyType value
* @"Host" an NSString
* @"Port" an NSNumber
* @"Username" an NSString (potentially nil)
* @"Password" an NSString (relevant only if Username is non-nil)
- (void)getProxyConfigurationNotifyingTarget:(id)target selector:(SEL)selector context:(id)context
NSMutableDictionary *proxyConfiguration = [NSMutableDictionary dictionary];
BOOL notifyTargetNow = YES;
if ([[self preferenceForKey:KEY_ACCOUNT_PROXY_ENABLED group:GROUP_ACCOUNT_STATUS] boolValue]) {
NSNumber *proxyPref = [self preferenceForKey:KEY_ACCOUNT_PROXY_TYPE group:GROUP_ACCOUNT_STATUS];
AdiumProxyType proxyType = (proxyPref ? [proxyPref intValue] : Adium_Proxy_Default_SOCKS5);
NSNumber *port = nil;
NSString *host = nil, *username = nil, *proxyPassword = nil;
BOOL promptForPassword = NO;
if ((proxyType == Adium_Proxy_Default_SOCKS5) ||
(proxyType == Adium_Proxy_Default_HTTP) ||
(proxyType == Adium_Proxy_Default_SOCKS4)) {
NSDictionary *systemProxySettingsDictionary;
ProxyType systemConfigurationProxyType = Proxy_None;
if (proxyType == Adium_Proxy_Default_SOCKS5) {
systemConfigurationProxyType = Proxy_SOCKS5;
} else if (proxyType == Adium_Proxy_Default_HTTP) {
systemConfigurationProxyType = Proxy_HTTP;
} else /*if (proxyType == Adium_Proxy_Default_SOCKS4) */{
systemConfigurationProxyType = Proxy_SOCKS4;
if ((systemProxySettingsDictionary = [AISystemNetworkDefaults systemProxySettingsDictionaryForType:systemConfigurationProxyType])) {
host = [systemProxySettingsDictionary objectForKey:@"Host"];
port = [systemProxySettingsDictionary objectForKey:@"Port"];
username = [systemProxySettingsDictionary objectForKey:@"Username"];
proxyPassword = [systemProxySettingsDictionary objectForKey:@"Password"];
if ((username && [username length]) &&
(!proxyPassword || ![proxyPassword length])) {
promptForPassword = YES;
} else {
host = [self preferenceForKey:KEY_ACCOUNT_PROXY_HOST group:GROUP_ACCOUNT_STATUS];
port = [self preferenceForKey:KEY_ACCOUNT_PROXY_PORT group:GROUP_ACCOUNT_STATUS];
if (host && [host length]) {
//If we need to authenticate, request the password and finish setting up the proxy in gotProxyServerPassword:returnCode:proxyConfiguration:
username = [self preferenceForKey:KEY_ACCOUNT_PROXY_USERNAME group:GROUP_ACCOUNT_STATUS];
if (username && [username length]) {
promptForPassword = YES;
if (host) {
[proxyConfiguration setObject:host forKey:@"Host"];
if (port) [proxyConfiguration setObject:port forKey:@"Port"];
if (username) [proxyConfiguration setObject:username forKey:@"Username"];
if (proxyPassword) [proxyConfiguration setObject:proxyPassword forKey:@"Password"];
[proxyConfiguration setObject:[NSNumber numberWithInt:proxyType]
} else {
[proxyConfiguration setObject:[NSNumber numberWithInt:Adium_Proxy_None]
if (promptForPassword) {
if (target) [proxyConfiguration setObject:target forKey:@"NotificationTarget"];
if (selector) [proxyConfiguration setObject:NSStringFromSelector(selector) forKey:@"NotificationSelector"];
if (context) [proxyConfiguration setObject:context forKey:@"NotificationContext"];
[adium.accountController passwordForProxyServer:host
//gotProxyServerPassword:returnCode:proxyConfiguration: is responsible for notifying the target
notifyTargetNow = NO;
} else {
[proxyConfiguration setObject:[NSNumber numberWithInt:Adium_Proxy_None]
if (notifyTargetNow) {
[target performSelector:selector
* @brief Callback for the accountController's passwordForProxyServer:... method
* @param inPassword The retrieved password
* @param proxyConfiguration The proxy configuration dictionary, which also includes the original target/selector/context passed to getProxyConfigurationNotifyingTarget:selector:context:
- (void)gotProxyServerPassword:(NSString *)inPassword returnCode:(AIPasswordPromptReturn)returnCode proxyConfiguration:(NSMutableDictionary *)proxyConfiguration
if ((returnCode == AIPasswordPromptOKReturn) && inPassword) {
id target = [proxyConfiguration objectForKey:@"NotificationTarget"];
SEL selector = NSSelectorFromString([proxyConfiguration objectForKey:@"NotificationSelector"]);
id context = [proxyConfiguration objectForKey:@"NotificationContext"];
[proxyConfiguration setObject:inPassword forKey:@"Password"];
[target performSelector:selector
} else {
//If passed a nil password, cancel the connection attempt
[self disconnect];