
Utilities: Update script
2017-03-22, Robert Vehse
Utilities: Update script
* Use https for NetworkRedux
* Fix link for "Apple Design Awards"
* Adium is the legal property of its developers, whose names are listed in the copyright file included
* with this source distribution.
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU
* General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License,
* or (at your option) any later version.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even
* the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General
* Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not,
* write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
#import <Adium/AIContactControllerProtocol.h>
#import "ESStatusSort.h"
#import <AIUtilities/AIDictionaryAdditions.h>
#import <Adium/AIListObject.h>
#import <Adium/AILocalizationTextField.h>
#import <Adium/AIContactList.h>
#define STATUS_SORT_DEFAULT_PREFS @"StatusSortDefaults"
#define KEY_GROUP_AVAILABLE @"Status:Group Available"
#define KEY_GROUP_MOBILE @"Status:Group Mobile"
#define KEY_GROUP_UNAVAILABLE @"Status:Group Unavailable"
#define KEY_GROUP_AWAY @"Status:Group Away"
#define KEY_GROUP_IDLE @"Status:Group Idle"
#define KEY_GROUP_IDLE_AND_AWAY @"Status:Group Idle+Away"
#define KEY_SORT_IDLE_TIME @"Status:Sort by Idle Time"
#define KEY_RESOLVE_ALPHABETICALLY @"Status:Resolve Alphabetically"
#define KEY_SORT_ORDER @"Status:Sort Order"
#define KEY_RESOLVE_BY_LAST_NAME @"Status:Resolve Alphabetically By Last Name"
#define KEY_SORT_GROUPS_ALPHA @"Status:Sort Groups Alphabetically"
#define AVAILABLE AILocalizedString(@"Available",nil)
#define AWAY AILocalizedString(@"Away",nil)
#define IDLE AILocalizedString(@"Idle",nil)
#define AWAY_AND_IDLE AILocalizedString(@"Away and Idle",nil)
#define UNAVAILABLE AILocalizedString(@"Unavailable",nil)
#define OTHER_UNAVAILABLE AILocalizedString(@"Other Unavailable",nil)
#define ONLINE AILocalizedString(@"Online",nil)
#define MOBILE AILocalizedString(@"Mobile",nil)
#define STATUS_DRAG_TYPE @"Status Sort"
typedef enum {
Available = 0,
} Status_Sort_Type;
static BOOL groupAvailable;
static BOOL groupMobile;
static BOOL groupUnavailable;
static BOOL groupAway;
static BOOL groupIdle;
static BOOL groupIdleAndAway;
static BOOL sortIdleTime;
static BOOL sortGroupsAlphabetically;
static BOOL resolveAlphabetically;
static BOOL resolveAlphabeticallyByLastName;
static NSInteger sortOrder[MAX_SORT_ORDER_DIMENSION];
static NSInteger sizeOfSortOrder;
@interface ESStatusSort ()
- (void)configureControlDimming;
- (void)pruneAndSetSortOrderFromArray:(NSArray *)sortOrderArray;
* @class ESStatusSort
* @brief AISortController to sort by contacts and groups
* Extensive configuration is allowed.
@implementation ESStatusSort
* @brief Did become active first time
* Called only once; gives the sort controller an opportunity to set defaults and load preferences lazily.
- (void)didBecomeActiveFirstTime
//Register our default preferences
[adium.preferenceController registerDefaults:[NSDictionary dictionaryNamed:STATUS_SORT_DEFAULT_PREFS
forClass:[self class]]
//Load our preferences
NSDictionary *prefDict = [adium.preferenceController preferencesForGroup:PREF_GROUP_CONTACT_SORTING];
groupAvailable = [[prefDict objectForKey:KEY_GROUP_AVAILABLE] boolValue];
groupMobile = [[prefDict objectForKey:KEY_GROUP_MOBILE] boolValue];
groupUnavailable = [[prefDict objectForKey:KEY_GROUP_UNAVAILABLE] boolValue];
groupAway = [[prefDict objectForKey:KEY_GROUP_AWAY] boolValue];
groupIdle = [[prefDict objectForKey:KEY_GROUP_IDLE] boolValue];
groupIdleAndAway = [[prefDict objectForKey:KEY_GROUP_IDLE_AND_AWAY] boolValue];
sortIdleTime = [[prefDict objectForKey:KEY_SORT_IDLE_TIME] boolValue];
sortGroupsAlphabetically = [[prefDict objectForKey:KEY_SORT_GROUPS_ALPHA] boolValue];
resolveAlphabetically = [[prefDict objectForKey:KEY_RESOLVE_ALPHABETICALLY] boolValue];
resolveAlphabeticallyByLastName = [[prefDict objectForKey:KEY_RESOLVE_BY_LAST_NAME] boolValue];
[self pruneAndSetSortOrderFromArray:[prefDict objectForKey:KEY_SORT_ORDER]];
* @brief Determines how the statusSort() method will operate.
* The sortOrder array, when it is done, contains, in order, the statuses which will be sorted upon.
* @param sortOrderArray An <tt>NSArray</tt> of <tt>NSNumber</tt>s whose values are Status_Sort_Type
- (void)pruneAndSetSortOrderFromArray:(NSArray *)sortOrderArray
NSNumber *sortTypeNumber;
NSInteger i;
for (i = 0; i < MAX_SORT_ORDER_DIMENSION; i++) {
sortOrder[i] = -1;
i = 0;
//Enumerate the ordering array. For all sort types which are valid given the active sorting types,
//add to sortOrder[]. Finalize sortOrder with -1.
BOOL groupIdleOrIdleTime = (groupIdle || sortIdleTime);
for (sortTypeNumber in sortOrderArray) {
switch ([sortTypeNumber integerValue]) {
case Available:
/* Group available if:
Group available,
Group all unavailable, or
Group separetely the idle and the away (such that the remaining alternative is Available)
if (groupAvailable ||
groupUnavailable ||
(/*!groupUnavailable &&*/ groupAway && groupIdleOrIdleTime)) sortOrder[i++] = Available;
case Away:
if (!groupUnavailable && groupAway) sortOrder[i++] = Away;
case Idle:
if ((!groupUnavailable && groupIdle) || sortIdleTime) sortOrder[i++] = Idle;
case Away_And_Idle:
if (!groupUnavailable && groupIdleAndAway) sortOrder[i++] = Away_And_Idle;
case Unavailable:
//If one of groupAway or groupIdle is off, or we need a generic unavailable sort
if (groupUnavailable ||
((groupAvailable && (!groupAway || !groupIdleOrIdleTime)))) {
sortOrder[i++] = Unavailable;
case Online:
/* Show Online category if:
We aren't grouping all the available ones (this would imply grouping unavailable)
We aren't grouping all the unavailable ones (this would imply grouping available)
We aren't grouping both the away and the idle ones (this would imply grouping available)
if (!groupAvailable && !groupUnavailable && !(groupAway && (groupIdleOrIdleTime))) {
sortOrder[i++] = Online;
case Mobile:
if (groupAvailable && groupMobile) {
sortOrder[i++] = Mobile;
sortOrder[i] = -1;
sizeOfSortOrder = i;
[tableView_sortOrder reloadData];
* @brief Non-localized identifier
- (NSString *)identifier{
return @"by Status";
* @brief Localized display name
- (NSString *)displayName{
return AILocalizedString(@"Sort Contacts by Status",nil);
* @brief Properties which, when changed, should trigger a resort
- (NSSet *)statusKeysRequiringResort{
return [NSSet setWithObjects:@"isOnline",@"isIdle",@"listObjectStatusType",@"isMobile",nil];
* @brief Attribute keys which, when changed, should trigger a resort
- (NSSet *)attributeKeysRequiringResort{
return [NSSet setWithObject:@"Display Name"];
* @brief Can the user manually reorder when this sort controller is active?
* The status sort can sort within status groupings either manually or alphabetically. Only the former should allow user reordering.
- (BOOL)canSortManually {
return !resolveAlphabetically;
#pragma mark Configuration
* @brief Window title when configuring the sort
* Subclasses should provide a title for configuring the sort only if configuration is possible.
* @result Localized title. If nil, the menu item will be disabled.
- (NSString *)configureSortWindowTitle{
return AILocalizedString(@"Configure Status Sort",nil);
* @brief Nib name for configuration
- (NSString *)configureNibName{
return @"StatusSortConfiguration";
* @brief View did load
- (void)viewDidLoad
[checkBox_groupAvailable setState:groupAvailable];
[checkBox_groupMobileSeparately setState:groupMobile];
[checkBox_groupAway setState:groupAway];
[checkBox_groupIdle setState:groupIdle];
[checkBox_groupIdleAndAway setState:groupIdleAndAway];
[checkBox_sortIdleTime setState:sortIdleTime];
[checkBox_sortGroupsAlphabetically setState:sortGroupsAlphabetically];
[checkBox_alphabeticallyByLastName setState:resolveAlphabeticallyByLastName];
[buttonCell_alphabetically setState:(resolveAlphabetically ? NSOnState : NSOffState)];
[buttonCell_manually setState:(resolveAlphabetically ? NSOffState : NSOnState)];
[buttonCell_allUnavailable setState:(groupUnavailable ? NSOnState : NSOffState)];
[buttonCell_separateUnavailable setState:(groupUnavailable ? NSOffState : NSOnState)];
[self configureControlDimming];
[tableView_sortOrder setDataSource:self];
[tableView_sortOrder setDelegate:self];
[tableView_sortOrder registerForDraggedTypes:[NSArray arrayWithObject:STATUS_DRAG_TYPE]];
* @brief Preference changed
* Sort controllers should live update as preferences change.
- (IBAction)changePreference:(id)sender
NSArray *sortOrderArray = [adium.preferenceController preferenceForKey:KEY_SORT_ORDER
if (sender == checkBox_groupAvailable) {
groupAvailable = [sender state];
[adium.preferenceController setPreference:[NSNumber numberWithBool:groupAvailable]
[self configureControlDimming];
} else if (sender == checkBox_groupMobileSeparately) {
groupMobile = [sender state];
[adium.preferenceController setPreference:[NSNumber numberWithBool:groupMobile]
//Ensure the mobile item is in our sort order array, as the old defaults didn't include it
if ([sortOrderArray indexOfObject:[NSNumber numberWithInteger:Mobile]] == NSNotFound) {
NSMutableArray *newSortOrderArray = [[sortOrderArray mutableCopy] autorelease];
[newSortOrderArray addObject:[NSNumber numberWithInteger:Mobile]];
[adium.preferenceController setPreference:newSortOrderArray
sortOrderArray = newSortOrderArray;
} else if (sender == checkBox_groupAway) {
groupAway = [sender state];
[adium.preferenceController setPreference:[NSNumber numberWithBool:groupAway]
} else if (sender == checkBox_groupIdle) {
groupIdle = [sender state];
[adium.preferenceController setPreference:[NSNumber numberWithBool:groupIdle]
} else if (sender == checkBox_groupIdleAndAway) {
groupIdleAndAway = [sender state];
[adium.preferenceController setPreference:[NSNumber numberWithBool:groupIdleAndAway]
} else if (sender == checkBox_sortIdleTime) {
sortIdleTime = [sender state];
[adium.preferenceController setPreference:[NSNumber numberWithBool:sortIdleTime]
} else if (sender == checkBox_sortGroupsAlphabetically) {
sortGroupsAlphabetically = [sender state];
[adium.preferenceController setPreference:[NSNumber numberWithBool:sortGroupsAlphabetically]
} else if (sender == matrix_resolution) {
id selectedCell = [sender selectedCell];
resolveAlphabetically = (selectedCell == buttonCell_alphabetically);
[adium.preferenceController setPreference:[NSNumber numberWithBool:resolveAlphabetically]
[self configureControlDimming];
} else if (sender == matrix_unavailableGrouping) {
id selectedCell = [sender selectedCell];
groupUnavailable = (selectedCell == buttonCell_allUnavailable);
[adium.preferenceController setPreference:[NSNumber numberWithBool:groupUnavailable]
[self configureControlDimming];
} else if (sender == checkBox_alphabeticallyByLastName) {
resolveAlphabeticallyByLastName = [sender state];
[adium.preferenceController setPreference:[NSNumber numberWithBool:resolveAlphabeticallyByLastName]
[self pruneAndSetSortOrderFromArray:sortOrderArray];
[adium.contactController sortContactList];
* @brief Configure control dimming
- (void)configureControlDimming
[checkBox_alphabeticallyByLastName setEnabled:resolveAlphabetically];
[checkBox_groupAway setEnabled:!groupUnavailable];
[checkBox_groupIdle setEnabled:!groupUnavailable];
[checkBox_groupIdleAndAway setEnabled:!groupUnavailable];
[checkBox_groupMobileSeparately setEnabled:groupAvailable];
#pragma mark Sort Order Tableview datasource
* @brief Table view number of rows
- (NSInteger)numberOfRowsInTableView:(NSTableView *)tableView
return sizeOfSortOrder;
* @brief Table view object value
- (id)tableView:(NSTableView *)aTableView objectValueForTableColumn:(NSTableColumn *)aTableColumn row:(NSInteger)rowIndex
switch (sortOrder[rowIndex]) {
case Available:
case Away:
return AWAY;
case Idle:
return IDLE;
case Away_And_Idle:
case Unavailable:
//Unavailable is always the same sort, but to the user it can be either "Unavailable" or "Other Unavailable"
//depending upon what other options are active. The test here is purely cosmetic.
return ((!sortIdleTime && (groupUnavailable || !(groupAway || groupIdle || groupIdleAndAway))) ?
case Online:
return ONLINE;
case Mobile:
return MOBILE;
return @"";
* @brief The NSNumber Status_Sort_Type which corresponds to a string
* @param string A string such as AVAILABLE or AWAY (localized)
* @result The NSNumber Status_Sort_Type which corresponds to the string
- (NSNumber *)numberForString:(NSString *)string
NSInteger equivalent = -1;
if ([string isEqualToString:AVAILABLE]) {
equivalent = Available;
} else if ([string isEqualToString:AWAY]) {
equivalent = Away;
} else if ([string isEqualToString:IDLE]) {
equivalent = Idle;
} else if ([string isEqualToString:AWAY_AND_IDLE]) {
equivalent = Away_And_Idle;
} else if ([string isEqualToString:UNAVAILABLE] || ([string isEqualToString:OTHER_UNAVAILABLE])) {
equivalent = Unavailable;
} else if ([string isEqualToString:ONLINE]) {
equivalent = Online;
} else if ([string isEqualToString:MOBILE]) {
equivalent = Mobile;
return [NSNumber numberWithInteger:equivalent];
* @brief Table view write rows
- (BOOL)tableView:(NSTableView *)tableView writeRows:(NSArray *)rows toPasteboard:(NSPasteboard *)pboard
[pboard declareTypes:[NSArray arrayWithObject:STATUS_DRAG_TYPE] owner:self];
//Build a list of all the highlighted aways
NSString *dragItem = [self tableView:tableView
row:[[rows objectAtIndex:0] integerValue]];
//put it on the pasteboard
[pboard setString:dragItem forType:STATUS_DRAG_TYPE];
return YES;
* @brief Table view validate drop
- (NSDragOperation)tableView:(NSTableView *)tableView validateDrop:(id <NSDraggingInfo>)info proposedRow:(NSInteger)row proposedDropOperation:(NSTableViewDropOperation)operation
NSString *avaliableType = [[info draggingPasteboard] availableTypeFromArray:[NSArray arrayWithObject:STATUS_DRAG_TYPE]];
if ([avaliableType isEqualToString:STATUS_DRAG_TYPE]) {
if (operation == NSTableViewDropAbove && row != -1) {
return NSDragOperationMove;
} else {
return NSDragOperationNone;
return NSDragOperationNone;
* @brief Table view accept drop
- (BOOL)tableView:(NSTableView *)tableView acceptDrop:(id <NSDraggingInfo>)info row:(NSInteger)row dropOperation:(NSTableViewDropOperation)operation
NSString *availableType = [[info draggingPasteboard] availableTypeFromArray:[NSArray arrayWithObject:STATUS_DRAG_TYPE]];
if ([availableType isEqualToString:STATUS_DRAG_TYPE]) {
NSString *item = [[info draggingPasteboard] stringForType:STATUS_DRAG_TYPE];
//Remember, sortOrderPref contains all possible sorting types, not just the ones presently visible in the table!
NSMutableArray *sortOrderPref = [[adium.preferenceController preferenceForKey:KEY_SORT_ORDER
NSNumber *sortNumber = [self numberForString:item];
//Remove it from our array
[sortOrderPref removeObject:sortNumber];
if (row == [tableView numberOfRows]) {
//Dropped at the bottom
[sortOrderPref addObject:sortNumber];
} else {
//Find the object which will end up just below it
NSInteger targetIndex = [sortOrderPref indexOfObject:[self numberForString:[self tableView:tableView
if (targetIndex != NSNotFound) {
//Insert it there
[sortOrderPref insertObject:sortNumber atIndex:targetIndex];
} else {
//Dropped at the bottom
[sortOrderPref addObject:sortNumber];
[adium.preferenceController setPreference:sortOrderPref
[self pruneAndSetSortOrderFromArray:sortOrderPref];
//Select and scroll to the dragged object
[tableView reloadData];
[adium.contactController sortContactList];
[sortOrderPref release];
return YES;
#pragma mark Sorting
* @brief The status sort method itself
* It's magic... but it's efficient magic!
NSInteger statusSort(id objA, id objB, BOOL groups, id<AIContainingObject> container)
AIListObject *objectA = (AIListObject *)objA;
AIListObject *objectB = (AIListObject *)objB;
if (groups) {
if (sortGroupsAlphabetically) {
return [((AIListObject *)objectA).displayName compare:((AIListObject *)objectB).displayName];
} else {
//Keep groups in manual order if set to do so.
if ([container orderIndexForObject:objectA] > [container orderIndexForObject:objectB]) {
return NSOrderedDescending;
} else {
return NSOrderedAscending;
} else {
AIStatusSummary statusSummaryA = [objectA statusSummary];
AIStatusSummary statusSummaryB = [objectB statusSummary];
//Always sort offline contacts to the bottom
BOOL onlineA = (statusSummaryA != AIOfflineStatus);
BOOL onlineB = (statusSummaryB != AIOfflineStatus);
if (!onlineB && onlineA) {
return NSOrderedAscending;
} else if (!onlineA && onlineB) {
return NSOrderedDescending;
//We only need to start looking at status for sorting if both are online;
//otherwise, skip to resolving alphabetically or manually
if (onlineA && onlineB) {
NSUInteger i = 0;
BOOL away[2];
BOOL mobile[2];
BOOL definitelyFinishedIfSuccessful, onlyIfWeAintGotNothinBetter, status;
NSInteger idle[2];
NSInteger sortIndex[2];
NSInteger objectCounter;
//Get the away state and idle times now rather than potentially doing each twice below
away[0] = ((statusSummaryA == AIAwayStatus) || (statusSummaryA == AIAwayAndIdleStatus));
away[1] = ((statusSummaryB == AIAwayStatus) || (statusSummaryB == AIAwayAndIdleStatus));
idle[0] = (((statusSummaryA == AIIdleStatus) || (statusSummaryA == AIAwayAndIdleStatus)) ?
objectA.idleTime :
idle[1] = (((statusSummaryB == AIIdleStatus) || (statusSummaryB == AIAwayAndIdleStatus)) ?
objectB.idleTime :
if (groupMobile) {
mobile[0] = [objectA isMobile];
mobile[1] = [objectB isMobile];
} else {
/* If mobile appears in the sort list, treat the two items as identical */
mobile[0] = FALSE;
mobile[1] = FALSE;
for (objectCounter = 0; objectCounter < 2; objectCounter++) {
sortIndex[objectCounter] = 999;
for (i = 0; i < sizeOfSortOrder ; i++) {
//Reset the internal bookkeeping
onlyIfWeAintGotNothinBetter = NO;
definitelyFinishedIfSuccessful = NO;
//Determine the state for the status this level of sorting cares about
switch (sortOrder[i]) {
case Available:
status = (!away[objectCounter] && !idle[objectCounter]); // TRUE if A is available
case Mobile:
status = mobile[objectCounter];
definitelyFinishedIfSuccessful = YES;
case Away:
status = away[objectCounter];
case Idle:
status = (idle[objectCounter] != 0);
case Away_And_Idle:
status = away[objectCounter] && (idle[objectCounter] != 0);
definitelyFinishedIfSuccessful = YES;
case Unavailable:
status = away[objectCounter] || (idle[objectCounter] != 0);
onlyIfWeAintGotNothinBetter = YES;
case Online:
status = YES; //we can only get here if the person is online, anyways
onlyIfWeAintGotNothinBetter = YES;
status = NO;
//If the object has the desired status and we want to use it, store the new index it should go to
if (status &&
(!onlyIfWeAintGotNothinBetter || (sortIndex[objectCounter] == 999))) {
sortIndex[objectCounter] = i;
//If definitelyFinishedIfSuccessful is YES, we're done sorting as soon as something fits
//this category
if (definitelyFinishedIfSuccessful) break;
} //End for object loop
if (sortIndex[0] > sortIndex[1]) {
return NSOrderedDescending;
} else if (sortIndex[1] > sortIndex[0]) {
return NSOrderedAscending;
//If one idle time is greater than the other and we want to sort on that basis, we have an ordering
if (sortIdleTime) {
//Ordering is determined if either has a idle time and their idle times are not identical
if (((idle[0] != 0) || (idle[1] != 0)) && (idle[0] != idle[1])) {
if (idle[0] > idle[1]) {
return NSOrderedDescending;
} else {
return NSOrderedAscending;
if (!resolveAlphabetically) {
//If we don't want to resolve alphabetically, we do want to resolve by manual ordering if possible
CGFloat orderIndexA = [container orderIndexForObject:objectA];
CGFloat orderIndexB = [container orderIndexForObject:objectB];
if (orderIndexA > orderIndexB) {
return NSOrderedDescending;
} else if (orderIndexA < orderIndexB) {
return NSOrderedAscending;
//If we made it here, resolve the ordering alphabetically, which is guaranteed to be consistent.
//Note that this sort should -never- return NSOrderedSame, so as a last resort we use the internalObjectID.
NSComparisonResult returnValue;
if (resolveAlphabeticallyByLastName) {
//Split the displayname into parts by spacing and use the last part, the "last name," for comparison
NSString *space = @" ";
NSString *displayNameA = [objectA displayName];
NSString *displayNameB = [objectB displayName];
NSArray *componentsA = [displayNameA componentsSeparatedByString:space];
NSArray *componentsB = [displayNameB componentsSeparatedByString:space];
returnValue = [[componentsA lastObject] caseInsensitiveCompare:[componentsB lastObject]];
//If the last names are the same, compare the whole object, which will amount to sorting these objects
//by first name
if (returnValue == NSOrderedSame) {
returnValue = [displayNameA caseInsensitiveCompare:displayNameB];
if (returnValue == NSOrderedSame) {
returnValue = [[objectA internalObjectID] caseInsensitiveCompare:[objectB internalObjectID]];
} else {
returnValue = [[objectA longDisplayName] caseInsensitiveCompare:[objectB longDisplayName]];
if (returnValue == NSOrderedSame) {
returnValue = [[objectA internalObjectID] caseInsensitiveCompare:[objectB internalObjectID]];
return (returnValue);
* @brief Sort function
- (sortfunc)sortFunction{
return &statusSort;