
Utilities: Update script
2017-03-22, Robert Vehse
Utilities: Update script
* Use https for NetworkRedux
* Fix link for "Apple Design Awards"
* Adium is the legal property of its developers, whose names are listed in the copyright file included
* with this source distribution.
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU
* General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License,
* or (at your option) any later version.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even
* the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General
* Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not,
* write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
#import "AILoginController.h"
#import "AILoginWindowController.h"
#import <AIUtilities/AIDictionaryAdditions.h>
#import <AIUtilities/AIFileManagerAdditions.h>
#import <AIUtilities/AIEventAdditions.h>
//Paths & Filenames
#define PATH_USERS @"/Users" //Path of the users folder
#define DEFAULT_USER_NAME @"Default" //The default user name
@implementation AILoginController
// Init this controller
- (id)init
if ((self = [super init])) {
userDirectory = nil;
return self;
- (void)controllerDidLoad
// Close this controller
- (void)controllerWillClose
// Dealloc
- (void)dealloc
[userDirectory release];
[currentUser release];
[super dealloc];
// Prompts for a user, or automatically selects one
- (void)requestUserNotifyingTarget:(id)inTarget selector:(SEL)inSelector
NSMutableDictionary *loginDict;
NSArray *arguments;
NSUInteger argumentIndex;
NSString *userName = nil;
//Retain the target and selector
target = inTarget;
selector = inSelector;
//Open the login preferences
loginDict = [NSMutableDictionary dictionaryAtPath:[adium applicationSupportDirectory] withName:LOGIN_PREFERENCES_FILE_NAME create:YES];
//Make sure that atleast 1 login name is available. If not, create the name 'default'
if ([[self userArray] count] == 0) {
//Create a 'default' user
[self addUser:DEFAULT_USER_NAME];
//Set 'default' as the login of choice
[loginDict setObject:DEFAULT_USER_NAME forKey:LOGIN_LAST_USER];
[loginDict asyncWriteToPath:[adium applicationSupportDirectory] withName:LOGIN_PREFERENCES_FILE_NAME];
//Retrieve the desired user from the command line if possible
arguments = [[NSProcessInfo processInfo] arguments];
if (arguments && ([arguments count] > 1)) {
argumentIndex = [arguments indexOfObject:@"--user"];
if ((argumentIndex != NSNotFound) && ([arguments count] > argumentIndex + 1)) {
userName = [[[arguments objectAtIndex:argumentIndex+1] copy] autorelease];
If we don't have a userName yet, show the login select window if:
- Option is held down
- We should always show it
- LOGIN_LAST_USER does not indicate a valid user
if (!userName) {
BOOL userRequestedShowWindow = NO;
BOOL shouldShowWindow;
shouldShowWindow = [NSEvent optionKey];
if (!shouldShowWindow)
shouldShowWindow = (userRequestedShowWindow = [[loginDict objectForKey:LOGIN_SHOW_WINDOW] boolValue]);
if (!shouldShowWindow) {
/* Support a different default user for 'Debug' builds but not for 'Release-Debug' builds.
* The former are for developers, who may want this behavior.
* The latter are for beta testers, who are more likely to be just confused (as per #14432).
userName = [loginDict objectForKey:LOGIN_LAST_USER_DEBUG];
if (!userName)
shouldShowWindow = ((userName = [loginDict objectForKey:LOGIN_LAST_USER]) == nil);
if (shouldShowWindow) {
//Prompt for the user
loginWindowController = [[AILoginWindowController loginWindowControllerWithOwner:self] retain];
[loginWindowController showWindow:nil];
//If the user always wants to see the window, disable the login timeout
if (userRequestedShowWindow) [loginWindowController disableLoginTimeout];
if (userName) {
[self loginAsUser:userName];
// Returns the current user's Adium home directory
- (NSString *)userDirectory
return userDirectory;
- (NSString *)currentUser
return currentUser;
// Sets the correct user directory and sends out a login message
- (void)loginAsUser:(NSString *)userName
NSParameterAssert(userName != nil);
//Close the login panel
if (loginWindowController) {
[loginWindowController closeWindow:nil];
[loginWindowController release]; loginWindowController = nil;
//Save the user directory
currentUser = [userName retain];
userDirectory = [[[[adium applicationSupportDirectory] stringByAppendingPathComponent:PATH_USERS] stringByAppendingPathComponent:userName] retain];
//Tell Adium to complete login
[target performSelector:selector];
// Creates and returns a mutable array of the login users
- (NSArray *)userArray
BOOL isDirectory;
//Get the users path
NSString *userPath = [[adium applicationSupportDirectory] stringByAppendingPathComponent:PATH_USERS];
//Build the user array
NSMutableArray *userArray = [NSMutableArray array];
for (NSString *path in [[NSFileManager defaultManager] contentsOfDirectoryAtPath:userPath error:NULL]) {
//Fetch the names of all directories
if ([[NSFileManager defaultManager] fileExistsAtPath:[userPath stringByAppendingPathComponent:path] isDirectory:&isDirectory]) {
if (isDirectory) {
[userArray addObject:[path lastPathComponent]];
return userArray;
// Delete a user
- (void)deleteUser:(NSString *)inUserName
NSString *sourcePath;
NSParameterAssert(inUserName != nil);
//Create the source and dest paths
sourcePath = [[[adium applicationSupportDirectory] stringByAppendingPathComponent:PATH_USERS] stringByAppendingPathComponent:inUserName];
[[NSFileManager defaultManager] trashFileAtPath:sourcePath];
// Add a user with the specified name
- (void)addUser:(NSString *)inUserName
NSString *userPath;
NSParameterAssert(inUserName != nil);
//Create the user path
userPath = [[[adium applicationSupportDirectory] stringByAppendingPathComponent:PATH_USERS] stringByAppendingPathComponent:inUserName];
//Create a folder for the new user
[[NSFileManager defaultManager] createDirectoryAtPath:userPath withIntermediateDirectories:YES attributes:nil error:NULL];
// Rename an existing user
- (void)renameUser:(NSString *)oldName to:(NSString *)newName
NSString *sourcePath, *destPath;
NSParameterAssert(oldName != nil);
NSParameterAssert(newName != nil);
//Create the source and dest paths
sourcePath = [[[adium applicationSupportDirectory] stringByAppendingPathComponent:PATH_USERS] stringByAppendingPathComponent:oldName];
destPath = [[[adium applicationSupportDirectory] stringByAppendingPathComponent:PATH_USERS] stringByAppendingPathComponent:newName];
//Rename the user's folder (by moving it to a path with a different name)
[[NSFileManager defaultManager] moveItemAtPath:sourcePath toPath:destPath error:NULL];