
Utilities: Update script
2017-03-22, Robert Vehse
Utilities: Update script
* Use https for NetworkRedux
* Fix link for "Apple Design Awards"
* Adium is the legal property of its developers, whose names are listed in the copyright file included
* with this source distribution.
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU
* General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License,
* or (at your option) any later version.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even
* the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General
* Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not,
* write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
#import "AIApplication.h"
#import <Adium/AIDockControllerProtocol.h>
#import "AIMessageWindow.h"
#import "AIURLHandlerPlugin.h"
#import "AIAccountControllerProtocol.h"
#import "AIUtilities/AIArrayAdditions.h"
#import "AIInterfaceControllerProtocol.h"
#import "AIStatus.h"
#import "AIStatusGroup.h"
#import "AIStatusControllerProtocol.h"
#import "AIChatControllerProtocol.h"
#import "AIContactControllerProtocol.h"
#import <Adium/AIListContact.h>
#import <Adium/AIListGroup.h>
@implementation AIApplication
* @brief Intercept applicationIconImage so we can return a base application icon
* The base application icon doesn't have any badges, labels, or animation states.
- (NSImage *)applicationIconImage
return [adium.dockController baseApplicationIconImage] ?: [super applicationIconImage];
- (NSArray *)services
- (NSArray *)orderedWindows
//build a list of the windows, in order
return [super windows];
- (void)setOrderedWindows:(NSArray *)ow
//for some reason, when I call make new window at end, this method is called
NSLog(@"setOrderedWindows: %@\n%@",[self orderedWindows],ow);
[[NSScriptCommand currentCommand] setScriptErrorNumber:errOSACantAssign];
[[NSScriptCommand currentCommand] setScriptErrorString:@"Can't create window. At least, not like that."];
- (void)insertInOrderedWindows:(NSWindow *)w
[[NSScriptCommand currentCommand] setScriptErrorNumber:errOSACantAssign];
[[NSScriptCommand currentCommand] setScriptErrorString:@"Can't create window. At least, not like that."];
- (void)insertObject:(NSWindow *)w inOrderedWindowsAtIndex:(NSUInteger)idx
[[NSScriptCommand currentCommand] setScriptErrorNumber:errOSACantAssign];
[[NSScriptCommand currentCommand] setScriptErrorString:@"Can't create window. At least, not like that."];
- (NSArray *)chatWindows
NSArray *windows = [self orderedWindows];
NSMutableArray *chatWindows = [[[NSMutableArray alloc] init] autorelease];
for (NSInteger i=0;i<[windows count];i++)
if ([[windows objectAtIndex:i] isKindOfClass:[AIMessageWindow class]])
[chatWindows addObject:[windows objectAtIndex:i]];
return chatWindows;
- (AIMessageWindow *)valueInChatWindowsWithUniqueID:(NSNumber *)uniqueID
for (NSWindow *window in [self orderedWindows])
if ([window isKindOfClass:[AIMessageWindow class]])
if ([uniqueID isEqualToNumber:[NSNumber numberWithInteger:[window windowNumber]]])
return (AIMessageWindow *)window;
return nil;
- (NSArray *)chats
return [adium.chatController.openChats allObjects];
- (NSArray *)accounts
return adium.accountController.accounts;
- (NSArray *)contacts
return adium.contactController.allContacts;
- (void)insertObject:(AIListObject *)contact inContactsAtIndex:(NSInteger)idx
//Intentially unimplemented. This should never be called (contacts are created a different way), but is required for KVC-compliance.
- (void)removeObjectFromContactsAtIndex:(NSInteger)idx
AIListObject *object = [self.contacts objectAtIndex:idx];
for (AIListGroup *group in object.groups) {
[object removeFromGroup:group];
- (NSArray *)statuses
return [adium.statusController.flatStatusSet allObjects];
- (NSArray *)contactGroups
return adium.contactController.allGroups;
- (void)setIsActive:(BOOL)val
[[NSScriptCommand currentCommand] setScriptErrorNumber:errOSACantAssign];
- (void)scriptingGoOnline:(NSScriptCommand *)c
//tell every account to go online
[[self accounts] makeObjectsPerformSelector:@selector(scriptingGoOnline:) withObject:c];
- (void)scriptingGoAvailable:(NSScriptCommand *)c
//tell every account to go available
[[self accounts] makeObjectsPerformSelector:@selector(scriptingGoAvailable:) withObject:c];
- (void)scriptingGoOffline:(NSScriptCommand *)c
//tell every account to go offline
[[self accounts] makeObjectsPerformSelector:@selector(scriptingGoOffline:) withObject:c];
- (void)scriptingGoAway:(NSScriptCommand *)c
//tell every account to go away
[[self accounts] makeObjectsPerformSelector:@selector(scriptingGoAway:) withObject:c];
- (void)scriptingGoInvisible:(NSScriptCommand *)c
//tell every account to go invisible
[[self accounts] makeObjectsPerformSelector:@selector(scriptingGoInvisible:) withObject:c];
* @brief Returns the active chat.
* In actuality, this returns the most recently active chat, which will return a chat even if all chat windows are closed.
* For some reason [AIInterfaceController activeChat] doesn't work like I would have expected it to.
- (AIChat *)activeChat
return [adium.interfaceController mostRecentActiveChat];
#pragma mark Status
- (id)makeStatusWithProperties:(NSDictionary *)keyDictionary
//ready the arguments!
AIStatusTypeApplescript type;
NSDictionary *properties = [keyDictionary objectForKey:@"KeyDictionary"];
if (!properties || ![properties objectForKey:@"statusTypeApplescript"])
type = AIAvailableStatusTypeAS;
type = [[properties objectForKey:@"statusTypeApplescript"] unsignedIntValue];
AIStatusType realType;
switch (type) {
case AIAvailableStatusTypeAS:
realType = AIAvailableStatusType;
case AIAwayStatusTypeAS:
realType = AIAwayStatusType;
case AIInvisibleStatusTypeAS:
realType = AIInvisibleStatusType;
case AIOfflineStatusTypeAS:
realType = AIOfflineStatusType;
AIStatus *status = [AIStatus statusOfType:realType];
if ([properties objectForKey:@"scriptingTitle"])
[status setTitle:[properties objectForKey:@"scriptingTitle"]];
if ([properties objectForKey:@"scriptingMessage"]) {
if ([[properties objectForKey:@"scriptingMessage"] isKindOfClass:[NSString class]])
[status setStatusMessageString:[properties objectForKey:@"scriptingMessage"]];
[status setStatusMessage:[properties objectForKey:@"scriptingMessage"]];
if ([properties objectForKey:@"scriptingAutoreply"]) {
if ([[properties objectForKey:@"scriptingAutoreply"] isKindOfClass:[NSString class]])
[status setAutoReplyString:[properties objectForKey:@"scriptingAutoreply"]];
[status setAutoReply:[properties objectForKey:@"scriptingAutoreply"]];
if ([keyDictionary objectForKey:@"Location"]) {
NSPositionalSpecifier *location = [keyDictionary objectForKey:@"Location"];
NSUInteger idx = [location insertionIndex];
[[adium.statusController rootStateGroup] addStatusItem:status atIndex:idx];
} else {
[adium.statusController addStatusState:status];
return status;
- (AIStatus *)valueInStatusesWithUniqueID:(id)uniqueID
return [adium.statusController statusStateWithUniqueStatusID:uniqueID];
- (AIStatus *)globalStatus
return adium.statusController.activeStatusState;
- (void)setGlobalStatus:(AIStatus *)inGlobalStatus
return [adium.statusController setActiveStatusState:inGlobalStatus];
- (id)scriptingGetURL:(NSScriptCommand *)command
NSString *url = [command directParameter];
[[NSNotificationCenter defaultCenter] postNotificationName:AIURLHandleNotification object:url];
return nil;
#pragma mark Debugging
- (void)setValue:(id)value forUndefinedKey:(NSString *)key
NSLog(@"*** setValue:%@ forUndefinedKey:%@ ***", value, key);
[super setValue:value forUndefinedKey:key];