
More MySpace removal.
2016-09-04, Robert Vehse
More MySpace removal.
* Adium is the legal property of its developers, whose names are listed in the copyright file included
* with this source distribution.
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU
* General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License,
* or (at your option) any later version.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even
* the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General
* Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not,
* write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
#import "ESPurpleJabberAccount.h"
#import <AdiumLibpurple/SLPurpleCocoaAdapter.h>
#import <Adium/AIAccountControllerProtocol.h>
#import <Adium/AIInterfaceControllerProtocol.h>
#import <Adium/AIStatusControllerProtocol.h>
#import <Adium/AIContactControllerProtocol.h>
#import <Adium/AIChat.h>
#import <Adium/AIHTMLDecoder.h>
#import <Adium/AIListContact.h>
#import <Adium/AIStatus.h>
#import <Adium/AIStatusIcons.h>
#import <Adium/ESFileTransfer.h>
#import <Adium/AIService.h>
#import <AIUtilities/AIAttributedStringAdditions.h>
#import <AIUtilities/AIDictionaryAdditions.h>
#import <AIUtilities/AIStringAdditions.h>
#import <libpurple/si.h>
#import <libpurple/chat.h>
#import <SystemConfiguration/SystemConfiguration.h>
#import "AIJabberConsoleController.h"
#import "AMPurpleJabberServiceDiscoveryBrowsing.h"
#import "ESPurpleJabberAccountViewController.h"
#import "AMPurpleJabberAdHocServer.h"
#import "AMPurpleJabberAdHocPing.h"
#import "AIMessageViewController.h"
#import <Adium/AIMenuControllerProtocol.h>
#import <AIUtilities/AIMenuAdditions.h>
@interface ESPurpleJabberAccount ()
- (BOOL)enableXMLConsole;
- (void)registerGateway:(NSMenuItem *)mitem;
- (void)removeGateway:(NSMenuItem *)mitem;
@implementation ESPurpleJabberAccount
- (void)initAccount
[super initAccount];
* @brief The UID will be changed. The account has a chance to perform modifications
* Upgrade old Jabber accounts stored with the host in a separate key to have the right UID, in the form
* Append to a proposed UID which has no domain name and does not need to be updated.
* @param proposedUID The proposed, pre-filtered UID (filtered means it has no characters invalid for this servce)
* @result The UID to use; the default implementation just returns proposedUID.
- (NSString *)accountWillSetUID:(NSString *)proposedUID
proposedUID = [proposedUID lowercaseString];
NSString *correctUID;
if ((proposedUID && ([proposedUID length] > 0)) &&
([proposedUID rangeOfString:@"@"].location == NSNotFound)) {
NSString *host;
//Upgrade code: grab a previously specified Jabber host
if ((host = [self preferenceForKey:@"Jabber:Host" group:GROUP_ACCOUNT_STATUS])) {
//Determine our new, full UID
correctUID = [NSString stringWithFormat:@"%@@%@",proposedUID, host];
//Clear the preference and then set the UID so we don't perform this upgrade again
[self setPreference:nil forKey:@"Jabber:Host" group:GROUP_ACCOUNT_STATUS];
[self setFormattedUID:correctUID notify:NotifyNow];
} else {
//Append [self serverSuffix] (e.g. to a Jabber account with no server
correctUID = [proposedUID stringByAppendingString:[self serverSuffix]];
} else {
correctUID = proposedUID;
return correctUID;
- (const char*)protocolPlugin
return "prpl-jabber";
- (void)dealloc
[xmlConsoleController close];
[xmlConsoleController release];
[adhocServer release];
[gateways release];
[super dealloc];
- (NSSet *)supportedPropertyKeys
static NSMutableSet *supportedPropertyKeys = nil;
if (!supportedPropertyKeys) {
supportedPropertyKeys = [[NSMutableSet alloc] initWithObjects:
[supportedPropertyKeys unionSet:[super supportedPropertyKeys]];
return supportedPropertyKeys;
- (PurpleAccount *)purpleAccount
if (!account) {
/* Lets be optimistic and hope they've fixed their buggy server today.
* Do this here, so we only do it once for every run of Adium.
account = [super purpleAccount];
purple_account_set_bool(account, PURPLE_SSL_CDSA_BUGGY_TLS_WORKAROUND, false);
return account;
- (void)configurePurpleAccount
[super configurePurpleAccount];
NSString *connectServer;
BOOL forceOldSSL, allowPlaintext;
AIJabberTLSSetting requireTLS;
purple_account_set_username(account, self.purpleAccountName);
//'Connect via' server (nil by default)
connectServer = [self preferenceForKey:KEY_JABBER_CONNECT_SERVER group:GROUP_ACCOUNT_STATUS];
//XXX - As of libpurple 2.0.0, 'localhost' doesn't work properly by does. Hack!
if (connectServer && [connectServer isEqualToString:@"localhost"])
connectServer = @"";
purple_account_set_string(account, "connect_server", (connectServer ?
[connectServer UTF8String] :
NSString *boshServer = [self preferenceForKey:KEY_JABBER_BOSH_SERVER group:GROUP_ACCOUNT_STATUS];
purple_account_set_string(account, "bosh_url", (boshServer ? [boshServer UTF8String] : ""));
// FT proxies
NSString *ftProxies = [self preferenceForKey:KEY_JABBER_FT_PROXIES group:GROUP_ACCOUNT_STATUS];
if (ftProxies.length) {
purple_account_set_string(account, "ft_proxies", [ftProxies UTF8String]);
char *connectionSecurity;
forceOldSSL = [[self preferenceForKey:KEY_JABBER_FORCE_OLD_SSL group:GROUP_ACCOUNT_STATUS] boolValue];
if (![self preferenceForKey:KEY_JABBER_TLS group:GROUP_ACCOUNT_STATUS]) {
[self setPreference:@(AIJabberTLSRequired)
requireTLS = [[self preferenceForKey:KEY_JABBER_TLS group:GROUP_ACCOUNT_STATUS] shortValue];
if (forceOldSSL)
connectionSecurity = "old_ssl";
else if (requireTLS == AIJabberTLSAllowed)
connectionSecurity = "opportunistic_tls";
connectionSecurity = "require_tls";
purple_account_set_string(account, "connection_security", connectionSecurity);
purple_account_set_bool(account, "require_forward_secrecy", requireTLS == AIJabberTLSForwardSecrecRequired);
//Allow plaintext authorization over an unencrypted connection? Purple will prompt if this is NO and is needed.
allowPlaintext = [[self preferenceForKey:KEY_JABBER_ALLOW_PLAINTEXT group:GROUP_ACCOUNT_STATUS] boolValue];
purple_account_set_bool(account, "auth_plain_in_clear", allowPlaintext);
/* Mac OS X 10.4's cyrus-sasl's PLAIN mech gives us problems. Is it a bug in the installed library, a bug in its compilation, or a bug
* in our linkage against it? I don't know. The result is that the username gets included twice before the base64 encoding is performed.
* Furthermore, on any version, using the cyrus-sasl PLAIN mech prevents us from following Google Talk best practices for handling of domain names.
* This is because we can't add to the <auth> response's attributes:
* xmlns:ga='' ga:client-uses-full-bind-result='true'
* as per and therefore we won't automatically resolve changing an
* "" to "" or some other domain name.
* We therefore use the PLAIN implementation in libpurple itself. Libpurple's own DIGEST-MD5 is always used for compatibility with old OpenFire
* servers.
* This preference and the changes for it are added via the "libpurple_jabber_avoid_sasl_option_hack.diff" patch we apply during the build process.
purple_prefs_set_bool("/plugins/prpl/jabber/avoid_sasl_for_plain_auth", YES);
if (!adhocServer)
adhocServer = [[AMPurpleJabberAdHocServer alloc] initWithAccount:self];
- (NSString *)serverSuffix
NSString *host = [self preferenceForKey:KEY_JABBER_CONNECT_SERVER group:GROUP_ACCOUNT_STATUS];
return (host ? host : DEFAULT_JABBER_HOST);
/*! @brief Obtain the resource name for this Jabber account.
* This could be extended in the future to perform keyword substitution (e.g. s/%computerName%/CSCopyMachineName()/).
* @return The resource name for the account.
- (NSString *)resourceName
NSString *resource = [self preferenceForKey:KEY_JABBER_RESOURCE group:GROUP_ACCOUNT_STATUS];
if(resource == nil || [resource length] == 0)
resource = [(NSString*)SCDynamicStoreCopyLocalHostName(NULL) autorelease];
return resource;
- (const char *)purpleAccountName
NSString *userNameWithHost = nil, *completeUserName = nil;
BOOL serverAppendedToUID;
* Purple stores the username in the format username@server/resource. We need to pass it a username in this format
* The user should put the username in username@server format, which is common for Jabber. If the user does
* not specify the server, use
serverAppendedToUID = ([UID rangeOfString:@"@"].location != NSNotFound);
if (serverAppendedToUID) {
userNameWithHost = UID;
} else {
userNameWithHost = [UID stringByAppendingString:[self serverSuffix]];
completeUserName = [NSString stringWithFormat:@"%@/%@" ,userNameWithHost, [self resourceName]];
return [completeUserName UTF8String];
* @brief Connect Host
* Convenience method for retrieving the connect host for this account
* Rather than having a separate server field, Jabber uses the servername after the user name.
* The connect server, stored in KEY_JABBER_CONNECT_SERVER, overrides this to provide the connect host. It will
* not be set in most cases.
- (NSString *)host
NSString *host;
if (!(host = [self preferenceForKey:KEY_JABBER_CONNECT_SERVER group:GROUP_ACCOUNT_STATUS])) {
NSUInteger location = [UID rangeOfString:@"@"].location;
if ((location != NSNotFound) && (location + 1 < [UID length])) {
host = [UID substringFromIndex:(location + 1)];
} else {
host = [self serverSuffix];
return host;
* @brief Should set aliases serverside?
* Jabber supports serverside aliases.
- (BOOL)shouldSetAliasesServerside
return YES;
- (AIListContact *)contactWithUID:(NSString *)sourceUID
AIListContact *contact;
contact = [adium.contactController existingContactWithService:service
if (!contact) {
contact = [adium.contactController contactWithService:[self _serviceForUID:sourceUID]
return contact;
- (AIService *)_serviceForUID:(NSString *)contactUID
AIService *contactService;
NSString *contactServiceID = nil;
if ([contactUID hasSuffix:@""] ||
[contactUID hasSuffix:@""] ||
[contactUID hasSuffix:@""]) {
contactServiceID = @"libpurple-jabber-gtalk";
} else if([contactUID hasSuffix:@""]){
contactServiceID = @"libpurple-jabber-livejournal";
} else {
contactServiceID = @"libpurple-Jabber";
contactService = [adium.accountController serviceWithUniqueID:contactServiceID];
return contactService;
- (id)authorizationRequestWithDict:(NSDictionary*)dict {
switch ([[self preferenceForKey:KEY_JABBER_SUBSCRIPTION_BEHAVIOR group:GROUP_ACCOUNT_STATUS] integerValue]) {
case 2: // always accept + add
// add
NSString *groupname = [self preferenceForKey:KEY_JABBER_SUBSCRIPTION_GROUP group:GROUP_ACCOUNT_STATUS];
if ([groupname length] > 0) {
AIListContact *contact = [adium.contactController contactWithService:self.service account:self UID:[dict objectForKey:@"Remote Name"]];
AIListGroup *group = [adium.contactController groupWithUID:groupname];
[contact.account addContact:contact toGroup:group];
// fallthrough
case 1: // always accept
[[self purpleAdapter] doAuthRequestCbValue:[[[dict objectForKey:@"authorizeCB"] retain] autorelease] withUserDataValue:[[[dict objectForKey:@"userData"] retain] autorelease]];
case 3: // always deny
[[self purpleAdapter] doAuthRequestCbValue:[[[dict objectForKey:@"denyCB"] retain] autorelease] withUserDataValue:[[[dict objectForKey:@"userData"] retain] autorelease]];
default: // ask (should be 0)
return [super authorizationRequestWithDict:dict];
return NULL;
* @brief Re-create the chat's join options.
- (NSDictionary *)extractChatCreationDictionaryFromConversation:(PurpleConversation *)conv
NSString *jid = [NSString stringWithUTF8String:purple_conversation_get_title(conv)];
NSArray *components = [jid componentsSeparatedByString:@"@"];
if ([components count] != 2) return nil;
NSString *channel = [components objectAtIndex:0];
NSString *host = [components objectAtIndex:1];
PurpleConnection *gc = purple_account_get_connection([self purpleAccount]);
JabberStream *js = purple_connection_get_protocol_data(gc);
// jabber_chat_find_by_conv will fail as chat->id isn't set yet
JabberChat *chat = jabber_chat_find(js, [channel UTF8String], [host UTF8String]);
if (!chat) {
AILogWithSignature(@"Could not find chat: %@@%@", channel, host);
return nil;
NSMutableDictionary *dict = [NSMutableDictionary dictionary];
[dict setObject:channel forKey:@"room"];
[dict setObject:host forKey:@"server"];
[dict setObject:[NSString stringWithUTF8String:g_hash_table_lookup(chat->components, "handle")] forKey:@"handle"];
return dict;
#pragma mark Status
- (NSString *)encodedAttributedString:(NSAttributedString *)inAttributedString forListObject:(AIListObject *)inListObject
static AIHTMLDecoder *jabberHtmlEncoder = nil;
if (!jabberHtmlEncoder) {
jabberHtmlEncoder = [[AIHTMLDecoder alloc] init];
[jabberHtmlEncoder setIncludesHeaders:NO];
[jabberHtmlEncoder setIncludesFontTags:YES];
[jabberHtmlEncoder setClosesFontTags:YES];
[jabberHtmlEncoder setIncludesStyleTags:YES];
[jabberHtmlEncoder setIncludesColorTags:YES];
[jabberHtmlEncoder setEncodesNonASCII:NO];
[jabberHtmlEncoder setPreservesAllSpaces:NO];
[jabberHtmlEncoder setUsesAttachmentTextEquivalents:YES];
return [jabberHtmlEncoder encodeHTML:inAttributedString imagesPath:nil];
- (NSString *)_UIDForAddingObject:(AIListContact *)object
NSString *objectUID = object.UID;
NSString *properUID;
if ([objectUID rangeOfString:@"@"].location != NSNotFound) {
properUID = objectUID;
} else {
properUID = [NSString stringWithFormat:@"%@@%@",objectUID,];
return [properUID lowercaseString];
- (NSString *)unknownGroupName {
return (AILocalizedString(@"Roster","Roster - the Jabber default group"));
- (NSString *)connectionStringForStep:(NSInteger)step
switch (step) {
case 0:
return AILocalizedString(@"Connecting",nil);
case 1:
return AILocalizedString(@"Initializing Stream",nil);
case 2:
return AILocalizedString(@"Reading data",nil);
case 3:
return AILocalizedString(@"Authenticating",nil);
case 5:
return AILocalizedString(@"Initializing Stream",nil);
case 6:
return AILocalizedString(@"Authenticating",nil);
return nil;
- (AIReconnectDelayType)shouldAttemptReconnectAfterDisconnectionError:(NSString **)disconnectionError
AIReconnectDelayType shouldAttemptReconnect = [super shouldAttemptReconnectAfterDisconnectionError:disconnectionError];
if (([self lastDisconnectionReason] == PURPLE_CONNECTION_ERROR_CERT_OTHER_ERROR)) {
shouldAttemptReconnect = AIReconnectNever;
} else if (!finishedConnectProcess && ![password length] &&
(disconnectionError &&
([*disconnectionError isEqualToString:[NSString stringWithUTF8String:_("Read Error")]] ||
[*disconnectionError isEqualToString:[NSString stringWithUTF8String:_("Service Unavailable")]] ||
[*disconnectionError isEqualToString:[NSString stringWithUTF8String:_("Forbidden")]]))) {
//No password specified + above error while we're connecting = behavior of various broken servers. Prompt for a password.
[self serverReportedInvalidPassword];
shouldAttemptReconnect = AIReconnectImmediately;
#ifdef HAVE_CDSA
else if (purple_account_get_bool([self purpleAccount],PURPLE_SSL_CDSA_BUGGY_TLS_WORKAROUND,false) && disconnectionError &&
[*disconnectionError isEqualToString:[NSString stringWithUTF8String:_("SSL Handshake Failed")]]) {
AILog(@"%@: Reconnecting immediately to try to work around buggy TLS stacks",self);
shouldAttemptReconnect = AIReconnectNormally;
return shouldAttemptReconnect;
- (void)disconnectFromDroppedNetworkConnection
/* Before we disconnect from a dropped network connection, set gc->disconnect_timeout to a non-0 value.
* This will let the prpl know that we are disconnecting with no backing ssl connection and that therefore
* the ssl connection is has should not be messaged in the process of disconnecting.
PurpleConnection *gc = purple_account_get_connection(account);
!gc->disconnect_timeout) {
gc->disconnect_timeout = -1;
AILog(@"%@: Disconnecting from a dropped network connection", self);
[super disconnectFromDroppedNetworkConnection];
#pragma mark File transfer
- (BOOL)canSendFolders
return NO;
- (void)beginSendOfFileTransfer:(ESFileTransfer *)fileTransfer
[super _beginSendOfFileTransfer:fileTransfer];
- (void)acceptFileTransferRequest:(ESFileTransfer *)fileTransfer
[super acceptFileTransferRequest:fileTransfer];
- (void)rejectFileReceiveRequest:(ESFileTransfer *)fileTransfer
[super rejectFileReceiveRequest:fileTransfer];
- (void)cancelFileTransfer:(ESFileTransfer *)fileTransfer
[super cancelFileTransfer:fileTransfer];
#pragma mark Status Messages
- (NSString *)statusNameForPurpleBuddy:(PurpleBuddy *)buddy
NSString *statusName = nil;
PurplePresence *presence = purple_buddy_get_presence(buddy);
PurpleStatus *status = purple_presence_get_active_status(presence);
const char *purpleStatusID = purple_status_get_id(status);
if (!purpleStatusID) return nil;
if (!strcmp(purpleStatusID, jabber_buddy_state_get_status_id(JABBER_BUDDY_STATE_CHAT))) {
} else if (!strcmp(purpleStatusID, jabber_buddy_state_get_status_id(JABBER_BUDDY_STATE_XA))) {
} else if (!strcmp(purpleStatusID, jabber_buddy_state_get_status_id(JABBER_BUDDY_STATE_DND))) {
statusName = STATUS_NAME_DND;
return statusName;
#pragma mark Menu items
- (NSString *)titleForContactMenuLabel:(const char *)label forContact:(AIListContact *)inContact
if (strcmp(label, _("Un-hide From")) == 0) {
return [NSString stringWithFormat:AILocalizedString(@"Un-hide From %@",nil),inContact.formattedUID];
} else if (strcmp(label, _("Temporarily Hide From")) == 0) {
return [NSString stringWithFormat:AILocalizedString(@"Temporarily Hide From %@",nil),inContact.formattedUID];
} else if (strcmp(label, _("Unsubscribe")) == 0) {
return [NSString stringWithFormat:AILocalizedString(@"Unsubscribe %@",nil),inContact.formattedUID];
} else if (strcmp(label, _("(Re-)Request authorization")) == 0) {
return [NSString stringWithFormat:AILocalizedString(@"Re-request Authorization from %@",nil),inContact.formattedUID];
} else if (strcmp(label, _("Cancel Presence Notification")) == 0) {
return [NSString stringWithFormat:AILocalizedString(@"Cancel Presence Notification to %@",nil),inContact.formattedUID];
} else if (strcmp(label, _("Ping")) == 0) {
return [NSString stringWithFormat:AILocalizedString(@"Ping %@",nil),inContact.formattedUID];
return [super titleForContactMenuLabel:label forContact:inContact];
- (NSString *)titleForAccountActionMenuLabel:(const char *)label
if (strcmp(label, _("Set User Info...")) == 0) {
return [AILocalizedString(@"Set User Info", nil) stringByAppendingEllipsis];
} else if (strcmp(label, _("Search for Users...")) == 0) {
return [AILocalizedString(@"Search for Users", nil) stringByAppendingEllipsis];
} else if (strcmp(label, _("Set Mood...")) == 0) {
return [AILocalizedString(@"Set Mood", nil) stringByAppendingEllipsis];
} else if (strcmp(label, _("Set Nickname...")) == 0) {
return [AILocalizedString(@"Set Nickname", nil) stringByAppendingEllipsis];
return [super titleForAccountActionMenuLabel:label];
#pragma mark Multiuser chat
* @brief A chat will be joined
* This gives the account a chance to update any information in the chat's creation dictionary if desired.
* @result The final chat creation dictionary to use.
- (NSDictionary *)willJoinChatUsingDictionary:(NSDictionary *)chatCreationDictionary
if (![[chatCreationDictionary objectForKey:@"handle"] length]) {
NSMutableDictionary *dict = [[chatCreationDictionary mutableCopy] autorelease];
[dict setObject:self.displayName
chatCreationDictionary = dict;
return chatCreationDictionary;
- (BOOL)chatCreationDictionary:(NSDictionary *)chatCreationDict isEqualToDictionary:(NSDictionary *)baseDict
/* If the chat isn't keeping track of a handle, it's because we added it in
* willJoinChatUsingDictionary: above. Remove it from baseDict so the comparison is accurate.
if (![chatCreationDict objectForKey:@"handle"])
baseDict = [baseDict dictionaryWithDifferenceWithSetOfKeys:[NSSet setWithObject:@"handle"]];
return [chatCreationDict isEqualToDictionary:baseDict];
* @brief Do group chats support topics?
- (BOOL)groupChatsSupportTopic
return YES;
* @brief Return the "nickname" part of a MUC JID
* @param contact The AIListContact
* @param chat the AIChat
* @return The nickname for a chat participant
- (NSString *)fallbackAliasForContact:(AIListContact *)contact inChat:(AIChat *)chat
if (contact.isStranger && [contact.UID.lowercaseString].location != NSNotFound) {
NSInteger loc = [contact.UID rangeOfString:@"/"].location;
if (loc == NSNotFound) {
return [super fallbackAliasForContact:contact inChat:chat];
return [contact.UID substringFromIndex:loc + 1];
} else {
return [super fallbackAliasForContact:contact inChat:chat];
- (BOOL)shouldDisplayOutgoingMUCMessages
return NO;
- (NSMenu *)actionMenuForChat:(AIChat *)chat
NSMenu *menu;
NSArray *listObjects = chat.chatContainer.messageViewController.selectedListObjects;
AIListObject *listObject = nil;
if (listObjects.count) {
listObject = [listObjects objectAtIndex:0];
menu = [adium.menuController contextualMenuWithLocations:[NSArray arrayWithObjects:
[NSNumber numberWithInteger:Context_Contact_GroupChat_ParticipantAction],
[NSNumber numberWithInteger:Context_Contact_Manage],
return menu;
#pragma mark Status
* @brief Return the purple status type to be used for a status
* Most subclasses should override this method; these generic values may be appropriate for others.
* Active services provided nonlocalized status names. An AIStatus is passed to this method along with a pointer
* to the status message. This method should handle any status whose statusNname this service set as well as any statusName
* defined in AIStatusController.h (which will correspond to the services handled by Adium by default).
* It should also handle a status name not specified in either of these places with a sane default, most likely by loooking at
* statusState.statusType for a general idea of the status's type.
* @param statusState The status for which to find the purple status ID
* @param arguments Prpl-specific arguments which will be passed with the state. Message is handled automatically.
* @result The purple status ID
- (const char *)purpleStatusIDForStatus:(AIStatus *)statusState
arguments:(NSMutableDictionary *)arguments
const char *statusID = NULL;
NSString *statusName = statusState.statusName;
NSString *statusMessageString = [statusState statusMessageString];
NSNumber *priority = nil;
if (!statusMessageString) statusMessageString = @"";
switch (statusState.statusType) {
case AIAvailableStatusType:
if (([statusName isEqualToString:STATUS_NAME_FREE_FOR_CHAT]) ||
([statusMessageString caseInsensitiveCompare:[adium.statusController localizedDescriptionForCoreStatusName:STATUS_NAME_FREE_FOR_CHAT]] == NSOrderedSame))
statusID = jabber_buddy_state_get_status_id(JABBER_BUDDY_STATE_CHAT);
priority = [self preferenceForKey:KEY_JABBER_PRIORITY_AVAILABLE group:GROUP_ACCOUNT_STATUS];
case AIAwayStatusType:
if (([statusName isEqualToString:STATUS_NAME_DND]) ||
([statusMessageString caseInsensitiveCompare:[adium.statusController localizedDescriptionForCoreStatusName:STATUS_NAME_DND]] == NSOrderedSame) ||
[statusName isEqualToString:STATUS_NAME_BUSY]) {
//Note that Jabber doesn't actually support a 'busy' status; if we have it set because some other service supports it, treat it as DND
statusID = jabber_buddy_state_get_status_id(JABBER_BUDDY_STATE_DND);
} else if (([statusName isEqualToString:STATUS_NAME_EXTENDED_AWAY]) ||
([statusMessageString caseInsensitiveCompare:[adium.statusController localizedDescriptionForCoreStatusName:STATUS_NAME_EXTENDED_AWAY]] == NSOrderedSame))
statusID = jabber_buddy_state_get_status_id(JABBER_BUDDY_STATE_XA);
priority = [self preferenceForKey:KEY_JABBER_PRIORITY_AWAY group:GROUP_ACCOUNT_STATUS];
case AIInvisibleStatusType:
AILog(@"Warning: Invisibility is not yet supported in libpurple 2.0.0 jabber");
priority = [self preferenceForKey:KEY_JABBER_PRIORITY_AWAY group:GROUP_ACCOUNT_STATUS];
statusID = jabber_buddy_state_get_status_id(JABBER_BUDDY_STATE_AWAY);
case AIOfflineStatusType:
//Set our priority, which is actually set along with the status...Default is 0.
[arguments setObject:(priority ? priority : [NSNumber numberWithInteger:0])
//We could potentially set buzz on a per-status basis. We have no UI for this, however.
[arguments setObject:[NSNumber numberWithBool:YES] forKey:@"buzz"];
//If we didn't get a purple status ID, request one from super
if (statusID == NULL) statusID = [super purpleStatusIDForStatus:statusState arguments:arguments];
return statusID;
#pragma mark Gateway Tracking
- (void)addContact:(AIListContact *)theContact toGroupName:(NSString *)groupName contactName:(NSString *)contactName {
NSRange atsign = [theContact.UID rangeOfString:@"@"];
if(atsign.location != NSNotFound)
[super addContact:theContact toGroupName:groupName contactName:contactName];
else {
NSDictionary *gatewaydict;
// avoid duplicates!
for (gatewaydict in gateways) {
if([[[gatewaydict objectForKey:@"contact"] UID] isEqualToString:theContact.UID])
if (gatewaydict)
[gateways removeObjectIdenticalTo:gatewaydict];
[gateways addObject:[NSDictionary dictionaryWithObjectsAndKeys:
theContact, @"contact",
groupName, @"remoteGroup",
- (void)removeContact:(AIListContact *)theContact {
NSRange atsign = [theContact.UID rangeOfString:@"@"];
if(atsign.location != NSNotFound)
[super removeContact:theContact];
else {
for (NSDictionary *gatewaydict in [[gateways copy] autorelease]) {
if([[[gatewaydict objectForKey:@"contact"] UID] isEqualToString:theContact.UID]) {
[[self purpleAdapter] removeUID:theContact.UID onAccount:self fromGroup:[gatewaydict objectForKey:@"remoteGroup"]];
[gateways removeObjectIdenticalTo:gatewaydict];
#pragma mark XML Console, Tooltip, AdHoc Server Integration and Gateway Integration
* @brief Returns whether or not this account is connected via an encrypted connection.
- (BOOL)encrypted
return ( && [self secureConnection]);
- (void)didConnect {
[gateways release];
gateways = [[NSMutableArray alloc] init];
[adhocServer addCommand:@"ping" delegate:(id<AMPurpleJabberAdHocServerDelegate>)[AMPurpleJabberAdHocPing class] name:@"Ping"];
[super didConnect];
if ([self enableXMLConsole]) {
if (!xmlConsoleController) xmlConsoleController = [[AIJabberConsoleController alloc] init];
[xmlConsoleController setPurpleConnection:purple_account_get_connection(account)];
discoveryBrowserController = [[AMPurpleJabberServiceDiscoveryBrowsing alloc] initWithAccount:self
- (void)didDisconnect {
[xmlConsoleController setPurpleConnection:NULL];
[discoveryBrowserController release]; discoveryBrowserController = nil;
[adhocServer release]; adhocServer = nil;
[super didDisconnect];
[gateways release]; gateways = nil;
- (IBAction)showXMLConsole:(id)sender {
[xmlConsoleController showWindow:sender];
- (BOOL)enableXMLConsole
BOOL enableConsole;
//Always enable the XML console for debug builds
enableConsole = YES;
//For non-debug builds, only enable it if the preference is set
enableConsole = [[NSUserDefaults standardUserDefaults] boolForKey:@"AMXMPPShowAdvanced"];
return enableConsole;
- (IBAction)showDiscoveryBrowser:(id)sender {
[discoveryBrowserController browse:sender];
- (PurpleSslConnection *)secureConnection {
// this is really ugly
PurpleConnection *gc = purple_account_get_connection(self.purpleAccount);
return ((gc && gc->proto_data) ? ((JabberStream*)purple_account_get_connection(self.purpleAccount)->proto_data)->gsc : NULL);
- (NSArray *)accountActionMenuItems {
AILog(@"Getting accountActionMenuItems for %@",self);
NSMutableArray *menu = [[NSMutableArray alloc] init];
if([gateways count] > 0) {
NSDictionary *gatewaydict;
for(gatewaydict in gateways) {
AIListContact *gateway = [gatewaydict objectForKey:@"contact"];
NSMenuItem *mitem = [[NSMenuItem alloc] initWithTitle:gateway.UID action:@selector(registerGateway:) keyEquivalent:@""];
NSMenu *submenu = [[NSMenu alloc] initWithTitle:gateway.UID];
NSArray *menuitemarray = [self menuItemsForContact:gateway];
for (NSMenuItem *m2item in menuitemarray)
[submenu addItem:m2item];
if([submenu numberOfItems] > 0)
[submenu addItem:[NSMenuItem separatorItem]];
NSMenuItem *removeItem = [[NSMenuItem alloc] initWithTitle:AILocalizedString(@"Remove gateway","gateway menu item") action:@selector(removeGateway:) keyEquivalent:@""];
[removeItem setTarget:self];
[removeItem setRepresentedObject:gateway];
[submenu addItem:removeItem];
[removeItem release];
[mitem setSubmenu:submenu];
[submenu release];
[mitem setRepresentedObject:gateway];
[mitem setImage:[AIStatusIcons statusIconForListObject:gateway
[mitem setTarget:self];
[menu addObject:mitem];
[mitem release];
[menu addObject:[NSMenuItem separatorItem]];
NSArray *supermenu = [super accountActionMenuItems];
if(supermenu) {
[menu addObjectsFromArray:supermenu];
[menu addObject:[NSMenuItem separatorItem]];
if ([self enableXMLConsole]) {
NSMenuItem *xmlConsoleMenuItem = [[NSMenuItem alloc] initWithTitle:AILocalizedString(@"XML Console",nil)
[xmlConsoleMenuItem setTarget:self];
[menu addObject:xmlConsoleMenuItem];
[xmlConsoleMenuItem release];
NSMenuItem *discoveryBrowserMenuItem = [[NSMenuItem alloc] initWithTitle:AILocalizedString(@"Discovery Browser",nil)
[discoveryBrowserMenuItem setTarget:self];
[menu addObject:discoveryBrowserMenuItem];
[discoveryBrowserMenuItem release];
return [menu autorelease];
- (void)registerGateway:(NSMenuItem*)mitem {
if(mitem && [mitem representedObject])
jabber_register_gateway((JabberStream*)purple_account_get_connection(self.purpleAccount)->proto_data, [[[mitem representedObject] UID] UTF8String]);
- (void)removeGateway:(NSMenuItem*)mitem {
AIListContact *gateway = [mitem representedObject];
if(![gateway isKindOfClass:[AIListContact class]])
// since this is a potentially dangerous operation, get a confirmation from the user first
if([[NSAlert alertWithMessageText:AILocalizedString(@"Really remove gateway?",nil)
defaultButton:AILocalizedString(@"Remove","alert default button")
informativeTextWithFormat:AILocalizedString(@"This operation would remove the gateway %@ itself and all contacts belonging to the gateway on your contact list. It cannot be undone.",nil), gateway.UID] runModal] == NSAlertDefaultReturn) {
// first, locate all contacts on the roster that belong to this gateway
NSString *jid = gateway.UID;
NSString *pattern = [@"@" stringByAppendingString:jid];
NSMutableArray *gatewayContacts = [[NSMutableArray alloc] init];
NSMutableSet *removeGroups = [NSMutableSet set];
for (AIListContact *contact in self.contacts) {
if([contact.UID hasSuffix:pattern]) {
[gatewayContacts addObject:contact];
[removeGroups unionSet:contact.groups];
// now, remove them from the roster
[self removeContacts:gatewayContacts
[gatewayContacts release];
// finally, remove the gateway itself
[self removeContact:gateway];
- (AMPurpleJabberAdHocServer*)adhocServer {
return adhocServer;