
More MySpace removal.
2016-09-04, Robert Vehse
More MySpace removal.
* Adium is the legal property of its developers, whose names are listed in the copyright file included
* with this source distribution.
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU
* General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License,
* or (at your option) any later version.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even
* the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General
* Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not,
* write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
#import <Adium/AIContactControllerProtocol.h>
#import <Adium/AIInterfaceControllerProtocol.h>
#import <Adium/AIMenuControllerProtocol.h>
#import "DCInviteToChatPlugin.h"
#import "DCInviteToChatWindowController.h"
#import <AIUtilities/AIMenuAdditions.h>
#import <Adium/AIAccount.h>
#import <Adium/AIChat.h>
#import <Adium/AIListContact.h>
#import <Adium/AIListGroup.h>
#import <Adium/AIListObject.h>
#import <Adium/AIMetaContact.h>
#import <Adium/AIService.h>
#import "AIListBookmark.h"
#define INVITE_CONTACT AILocalizedString(@"Invite to Chat",nil)
@interface DCInviteToChatPlugin ()
- (NSMenu *)groupChatMenuForContact:(AIListContact *)contact;
- (IBAction)dummyTarget:(id)sender;
@implementation DCInviteToChatPlugin
- (void)installPlugin
//Invite to Chat menu item
menuItem_inviteToChat = [[[NSMenuItem allocWithZone:[NSMenu menuZone]] initWithTitle:INVITE_CONTACT
keyEquivalent:@""] autorelease];
[adium.menuController addMenuItem:menuItem_inviteToChat toLocation:LOC_Contact_Action];
//Invite to Chat context menu item
menuItem_inviteToChatContext = [[[NSMenuItem allocWithZone:[NSMenu menuZone]] initWithTitle:INVITE_CONTACT
keyEquivalent:@""] autorelease];
[adium.menuController addContextualMenuItem:menuItem_inviteToChatContext toLocation:Context_Contact_Action];
//Validate our menu items
- (BOOL)validateMenuItem:(NSMenuItem *)menuItem
NSMenuItem *targetMenuItem;
if (menuItem == menuItem_inviteToChat)
targetMenuItem = menuItem_inviteToChat;
else if (menuItem == menuItem_inviteToChatContext)
targetMenuItem = menuItem_inviteToChatContext;
targetMenuItem = nil;
return (targetMenuItem ? ([[targetMenuItem submenu] numberOfItems] > 0) : YES);
- (void)menu:(NSMenu *)menu needsUpdateForMenuItem:(NSMenuItem *)menuItem
NSMenuItem *targetMenuItem;
if (menuItem == menuItem_inviteToChat)
targetMenuItem = menuItem_inviteToChat;
else if (menuItem == menuItem_inviteToChatContext)
targetMenuItem = menuItem_inviteToChatContext;
targetMenuItem = nil;
if (targetMenuItem) {
AIListObject *listObject = ((targetMenuItem == menuItem_inviteToChat) ?
[adium.interfaceController selectedListObjectInContactList] :
if ([listObject isKindOfClass:[AIListContact class]]) {
[targetMenuItem setSubmenu:[self groupChatMenuForContact:(AIListContact *)listObject]];
} else {
//Generic title, no submenu
[targetMenuItem setTitle:INVITE_CONTACT];
[targetMenuItem setSubmenu:nil];
//Don't include it at all if this is a contextual menu and it has no items
if ((targetMenuItem == menuItem_inviteToChatContext) && ([[targetMenuItem submenu] numberOfItems] == 0)) {
[[targetMenuItem menu] removeItem:menuItem_inviteToChatContext];
- (IBAction)inviteToChat:(id)sender
NSArray *repArray = [sender representedObject];
AIListContact *listContact = [repArray objectAtIndex:1];
AIChat *chat = [repArray objectAtIndex:0];
[DCInviteToChatWindowController inviteToChatWindowForChat:chat contact:listContact];
#pragma mark Private
- (NSMenu *)groupChatMenuForContact:(AIListContact *)contact
NSArray *openChats = [adium.interfaceController openChats];
NSMenu *menu_chatMenu = nil;
if (contact && ![contact isKindOfClass:[AIListGroup class]] && ![contact isKindOfClass:[AIListBookmark class]]) {
NSDictionary *serviceDict;
NSMutableSet *addedChats = nil;
NSUInteger currentNumberOfItems, numberOfMenuItems = 0;
// Get a dictionary of (service class, contacts in that service)
serviceDict = ([contact isKindOfClass:[AIMetaContact class]] ?
((AIMetaContact *)contact).dictionaryOfServiceClassesAndListContacts :
[NSDictionary dictionaryWithObject:contact forKey:contact.service.serviceClass]);
//Iterate on each service. For an AIListMetacontact, this may be multiple services; for an AIListContact, this will just be a single iteration.
for (NSString *serviceClass in serviceDict) {
//Each iteration, if we have more menu items now than before, add a separator item
currentNumberOfItems = [menu_chatMenu numberOfItems];
if (currentNumberOfItems > numberOfMenuItems) {
[menu_chatMenu addItem:[NSMenuItem separatorItem]];
numberOfMenuItems = currentNumberOfItems + 1;
//Loop through all chats
for (AIChat *chat in openChats) {
//Is this the same serviceClass as this contact?
if (chat.isGroupChat &&
[chat.account.service.serviceClass isEqualToString:serviceClass]) {
if (!menu_chatMenu) {
menu_chatMenu = [[[NSMenu allocWithZone:[NSMenu menuZone]] initWithTitle:@""] autorelease];
[menu_chatMenu setMenuChangedMessagesEnabled:NO];
if (![addedChats containsObject:chat]) {
[menu_chatMenu addItemWithTitle:chat.displayName
representedObject:[NSArray arrayWithObjects:chat, contact, nil]];
if (!addedChats) addedChats = [NSMutableSet set];
[addedChats addObject:chat];
//Remove the last separator if our new number of items isn't bigger than the previous one (that is, we haven't added any items since the last separator)
currentNumberOfItems = [menu_chatMenu numberOfItems];
if ((currentNumberOfItems <= numberOfMenuItems) &&
(currentNumberOfItems > 0)) {
[menu_chatMenu removeItemAtIndex:(currentNumberOfItems-1)];
[menu_chatMenu setMenuChangedMessagesEnabled:YES];
return menu_chatMenu;
// Dummy target so that we get validateMenuItem calls
- (IBAction)dummyTarget:(id)sender { }