
Docs: Minor tweaks.
2016-09-04, Robert Vehse
file isExecutable
Docs: Minor tweaks.
import os.path
import plistlib
import sys
import reports
# Print the usage text if needed
if len(sys.argv) != 2:
print "Usage: python Summary.plist"
# Read in the file they named
infile = open(sys.argv[1], "r")
data =
# We want an array of reports, but we also want direct access to the plist
plist = plistlib.readPlistFromString(data)
reportlist = reports.summaryPlistToReports(data)
# Print out the header
print """== Static Analysis of Adium ==
This page lists the reports generated by [ Clang Static Analyzer] as run on r%(revision)s. This page can be used by developers to investigate each report and make a ruling on its validity.
=== Key ===
|| ||No ruling||
||[ticket:6 Y]||Confirmed report, ticket open||
||[ticket:1337 Y]||Confirmed report, ticket closed||
||~~[changeset:4 F]~~||Confirmed report, fixed without a ticket||
||N||False positive||
=== Reports ===
|| ||Data||Comment||""" % { "revision" : plist["Revision"] }
# Now print out each report
for r in reportlist:
print "|| ||%(bugtype)s in [ %(sourcefile)s:%(linenum)i]|| ||" % {
"bugtype" : r.type,
"revision" : plist["Revision"],
"reportfile" : r.reportfile,
"sourcefile" : os.path.basename(r.sourcefile),
"linenum" : r.endpathline,