
Docs: Minor tweaks.
2016-09-04, Robert Vehse
Docs: Minor tweaks.
* Adium is the legal property of its developers, whose names are listed in the copyright file included
* with this source distribution.
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU
* General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License,
* or (at your option) any later version.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even
* the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General
* Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not,
* write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
@class AIChat, AIContentObject;
* @brief Key used to retrieve the user's icon
#define KEY_WEBKIT_USER_ICON @"webKitUserIconPath"
* @brief Key used to retrieve the default font family
#define KEY_WEBKIT_DEFAULT_FONT_FAMILY @"DefaultFontFamily"
* @brief Key used to retrieve the default font size
#define KEY_WEBKIT_DEFAULT_FONT_SIZE @"DefaultFontSize"
* @brief Key used to retrieve the mask for the user's icon
#define KEY_WEBKIT_USER_ICON_MASK @"ImageMask"
* @brief Different ways of formatting display names
typedef enum {
Display_Name = 1,
Display_Name_Screen_Name = 2,
Screen_Name_Display_Name = 3,
Screen_Name = 4
} NameFormat;
* @brief Different ways of formatting display names
typedef enum {
AIDefaultName = 0,
AIDisplayName = 1,
AIDisplayName_ScreenName = 2,
AIScreenName_DisplayName = 3,
AIScreenName = 4
} AINameFormat;
* @brief Different ways of displaying background images
typedef enum {
BackgroundNormal = 0,
} AIWebkitBackgroundType;
@class ESFileTransfer;
* @class AIWebkitMessageViewStyle AIWebkitMessageViewStyle.h
* @brief Handles all interaction between the webkit message view controller and the message style, including creating the actual html strings to be appended
* @see AIWebKitMessageViewController
@interface AIWebkitMessageViewStyle : NSObject {
NSInteger styleVersion;
NSBundle *styleBundle;
NSString *stylePath;
NSString *activeVariant;
NSString *headerHTML;
NSString *footerHTML;
NSString *baseHTML;
NSString *contentHTML;
NSString *contentInHTML;
NSString *nextContentInHTML;
NSString *contextInHTML;
NSString *nextContextInHTML;
NSString *contentOutHTML;
NSString *nextContentOutHTML;
NSString *contextOutHTML;
NSString *nextContextOutHTML;
NSString *statusHTML;
NSString *fileTransferHTML;
NSString *topicHTML;
//Style settings
BOOL allowsCustomBackground;
BOOL transparentDefaultBackground;
BOOL allowsUserIcons;
BOOL usingCustomTemplateHTML;
BOOL checkedSenderColors;
NSArray *validSenderColors;
NSDateFormatter *timeStampFormatter;
AINameFormat nameFormat;
BOOL useCustomNameFormat;
BOOL showUserIcons;
BOOL showHeader;
BOOL combineConsecutive;
BOOL allowTextBackgrounds;
BOOL allowsColors;
BOOL showIncomingFonts;
BOOL showIncomingColors;
AIWebkitBackgroundType customBackgroundType;
NSString *customBackgroundPath;
NSColor *customBackgroundColor;
NSImage *userIconMask;
NSMutableDictionary *statusIconPathCache;
NSMutableDictionary *timeFormatterCache;
* @brief Create a message view style instance for the passed style bundle
+ (id)messageViewStyleFromBundle:(NSBundle *)inBundle;
* @brief Create a message view style instance by loading the bundle at the passed path
* @param path The path, which will be expanded to be bundle-relative via -[NSString(AIStringAdditions) stringByExpandingBundlePath] as needed
+ (id)messageViewStyleFromPath:(NSString *)path;
* @brief The NSBundle for this style
@property (readonly, nonatomic) NSBundle *bundle;
* @brief Reloads the content of the style, useful for style authors and updates
* @result YES if the style loaded succesfully; NO if an error (such as an incompatible style version) occurred.
- (BOOL) reloadStyle;
* @brief The name of the active variant.
* This is only a store; if it is changed, the changing object is responsible for making
* any appropriate calls to update the display
@property (nonatomic, retain) NSString *activeVariant;
* Returns YES if this style is considered legacy
* Legacy/outdated styles may perform sub-optimally because they lack beneficial changes made in modern styles.
- (BOOL)isLegacy;
#pragma mark Templates
* @brief Returns the base template for this style
* The base template is basically the empty view, and serves as the starting point of all content insertion.
- (NSString *)baseTemplateForChat:(AIChat *)chat;
* @brief Returns the template for inserting content
* Templates may be different for different content types and for content objects similar to the one preceding them.
- (NSString *)templateForContent:(AIContentObject *)content similar:(BOOL)contentIsSimilar;
* @brief Returns the template for the given content filled in with keywords substituted.
- (NSString *)completedTemplateForContent:(AIContentObject *)content similar:(BOOL)contentIsSimilar;
* @brief Returns the BOM script for appending content
- (NSString *)scriptForAppendingContent:(AIContentObject *)content similar:(BOOL)contentIsSimilar willAddMoreContentObjects:(BOOL)willAddMoreContentObjects replaceLastContent:(BOOL)replaceLastContent;
* @brief Returns the BOM script for changing the view's variant to the active variant
- (NSString *)scriptForChangingVariant;
* @brief Returns the BOM script for scrolling after adding multiple content objects
* Only applicable for styles which use the internal template
- (NSString *)scriptForScrollingAfterAddingMultipleContentObjects;
#pragma mark Settings
* @brief Style supports custom backgrounds
@property (readonly) BOOL allowsCustomBackground;
* @brief Style has a transparent background
@property (readonly) BOOL isBackgroundTransparent;
* @brief Style's default font family
- (NSString *)defaultFontFamily;
* @brief Style's default font size
- (NSNumber *)defaultFontSize;
* @brief Style has a header
@property (readonly, nonatomic) BOOL hasHeader;
* @brief Style has a topic
@property (readonly, nonatomic) BOOL hasTopic;
* @brief Style's user icon mask
@property (readonly, nonatomic) NSImage *userIconMask;
* @brief Style supports user icons
@property (readonly, nonatomic) BOOL allowsUserIcons;
* @brief Style supports display of text colors
@property (readonly, nonatomic) BOOL allowsColors;
* @brief The style's sender colors
@property (readonly, nonatomic) NSArray *validSenderColors;
* @brief Set the format of dates/time stamps
- (void ) setDateFormat:(NSString *)inDateFormat;
* @brief The visibility of user icons
@property (readwrite, nonatomic) BOOL showUserIcons;
* @brief The visibility of the chat header
@property (readwrite, nonatomic) BOOL showHeader;
* @brief Toggle use of a custom name format
@property (readwrite, nonatomic) BOOL useCustomNameFormat;
* @brief The custom name format being used
@property (readwrite, nonatomic) AINameFormat nameFormat;
* @brief The visibility of message background colors
@property (readwrite, nonatomic) BOOL allowTextBackgrounds;
* @brief The path to the custom background image
@property (readwrite, copy, nonatomic) NSString *customBackgroundPath;
* @brief Set the custom background image type (How it is displayed - stretched, tiled, centered, etc)
@property (readwrite, nonatomic) AIWebkitBackgroundType customBackgroundType;
* @brief Set the custom background color
@property (readwrite, retain, nonatomic) NSColor *customBackgroundColor;
* @brief Toggle visibility of received coloring
@property (readwrite, nonatomic) BOOL showIncomingMessageColors;
* @brief Toggle visibility of received fonts
@property (readwrite, nonatomic) BOOL showIncomingMessageFonts;
#pragma mark Variants
* @brief Returns an alphabetized array of available variant names for this style
- (NSArray *)availableVariants;
* @brief Returns the file path to the css file defining a variant of this style
- (NSString *)pathForVariant:(NSString *)variant;
* @brief Default variant for all style versions
- (NSString *)defaultVariant;
+ (NSString *)defaultVariantForBundle:(NSBundle *)inBundle;
#pragma mark Keyword Substitution
* @brief Substitute content keywords
* Substitute keywords in a template with the appropriate values for the passed content object
* We allow the message style to handle this since the behavior of keywords is dependent on the style and may change
* for future style versions
- (NSMutableString *)fillKeywords:(NSMutableString *)inString forContent:(AIContentObject *)content similar:(BOOL)contentIsSimilar;
* @brief Substitute base keywords
* We allow the message style to handle this since the behavior of keywords is dependent on the style and may change
* for future style versions
- (NSMutableString *)fillKeywordsForBaseTemplate:(NSMutableString *)inString chat:(AIChat *)chat;