
file isExecutable
Fix an uncaught exception in the Default Client advanced preferences from messing up the UI by removing all traces of MSN and Yahoo from the URL handler code.
use warnings;
use strict;
use File::Find;
use File::Copy;
use Getopt::Long;
my $inDir = undef;
my $outDir = undef ;
my $adiumUser = undef;
my $force = 0;
my $skip = 0;
my $foundLogs = 0;
my $help = 0;
my %Protocols = ( #Map gaim protocol IDs to Adium ones
"aim" => "AIM",
"icq" => "ICQ",
"yahoo" => "Yahoo!",
"msn" => "MSN",
"jabber"=> "Jabber", # both jabber and gtalk
#Add the rest here, or tell me what they are, someone who uses other protocols
sub usage
my $msg = shift;
print "Error: $msg\n\n" if $msg;
print "Usage: [--adiumUser <user> | --outDir <output dir>] [--inDir <input dir>] [--yes]\n";
print "Options: (defaults)\n\n";
print "\tinDir:\t\t\tDirectory to import logs from (~/.gaim/logs)\n";
print "\toutDir:\t\t\tDirectory to import logs to (./Logs)\n";
print "\tadiumUser:\t\tAttempt to automatically import logs to the specified Adium user\n";
print "\tforce\t\t\tOverwrite existing logs\n";
print "\tskip\t\t\tSkip existing logs\n";
print "\thelp:\t\t\tDisplay this help.\n";
print "\nOnce the logs have been imported, the contents of outDir can be dragged to your Adium log folder\n\n";
exit(defined $msg);
sub process_log
-r or return;
#gaim logs are LOG_BASE/Protocol/Account/Contact/YYYY-MM-DD-TIME.(html|txt)
if($File::Find::name =~ m! ^ $inDir # top level dir
(?:/)? # optional /
([^/]+)/ # 1 - protocol
([^/]+)/ # 2 - account
([^/]+)/ # 3 - contact
(\d{4})- # 4 - year
(\d{2})- # 5 - month
(\d{2})\. # 6 - day
(\d{2}) # 7 - hour
(\d{2}) # 8 - minute
(\d{2}) # 9 - second
(?:-(\d{4})\w{3})? # 10 - optional timezone
\.(html|txt) # 11 - extension
my ($proto,$acct,$contact,$year,$month,$day,$hour,$min,$seconds,$tz,$ext) = ($1,$2,$3,$4,$5,$6,$7,$8,$9,$10,$11);
return unless defined ($proto = $Protocols{lc $proto});
if ($proto eq 'Jabber' and $acct =~ /gmail\.com/) {
$proto = "GTalk";
$foundLogs = 1; #Set the logs found flag
my $outFN = defined($tz) ? "$contact ($year-$month-${day}T$hour.$min.$seconds-$tz)." : "$contact ($year|$month|$day).";
$outFN .= ((lc $ext) eq "html") ? "html" : "adiumLog";
unless (-d "$outDir/$proto.$acct/$contact") {
unless (-d "$outDir/$proto.$acct") {
mkdir("$outDir/$proto.$acct") or die "Can't mkdir $outDir/$proto.$acct: $!";
mkdir("$outDir/$proto.$acct/$contact") or die "Can't mkdir $outDir/$proto.$acct/$contact: $!";
my $file = "$outDir/$proto.$acct/$contact/$outFN";
return if(-e $file && $skip);
if(-e $file && !$force)
#print(($adiumUser?"$adiumUser already has":"There already exists"),
#" a log from $proto.$acct to $contact on $day/$month/$year.\n");
`cat '$_' >> '$file'`;
} else {
copy($_,$file) or die "Failed to copy $_ to $file: $!";
`touch -t $year$month$day$hour$min.$seconds '$file'`;
#Sort a list of log files by time
sub sort_logs
my @files = @_;
return sort logcmp @files;
sub logcmp
my ($t1,$t2);
$t1 = $& if $a =~ /\d{6}/;
$t2 = $& if $b =~ /\d{6}/;
return 0 unless defined($t1) && defined($t2);
return $t1 <=> $t2;
GetOptions( "adiumUser=s" => \$adiumUser,
"inDir=s" => \$inDir,
"outDir=s" => \$outDir,
"yes" => \$force,
"force" => \$force,
"skip" => \$skip,
"help" => \$help)
or usage();
usage() if $help;
usage("You must supply at most one of adiumUser and outDir") if defined($outDir) && defined($adiumUser);
$outDir ||= "$ENV{HOME}/Library/Application Support/Adium 2.0/Users/$adiumUser/Logs" if defined $adiumUser;
$outDir ||= "$ENV{PWD}/Logs";
$outDir = "$ENV{PWD}/$outDir" unless $outDir =~ m!^/!;
$inDir ||= shift;
$inDir ||= "$ENV{HOME}/.gaim/logs";
print "NOTE: Output directory exists, existing logs will be appended to.\n" if(-d $outDir);
mkdir($outDir) unless -e $outDir;
usage("Output dir must be a directory") unless -d $outDir;
usage("Output dir must be writeable") unless -w $outDir;
usage("Input directory '$inDir' does not exist") unless -d $inDir;
usage("Input directory '$inDir' is not readable") unless -r $inDir;
#Spider the logs dir
find({wanted => \&process_log,
preprocess => \&sort_logs}, $inDir);
#Warn if we didn't find any logs
print "Warning: No recognized logs found.\n";
print "Note:\tThis script only supports logs generated by gaim 0.73 and above.\n";
print "\tYou may be able to update older gaim logs to the new format using the script from\n";
print "\t\n";