
Fix an uncaught exception in the Default Client advanced preferences from messing up the UI by removing all traces of MSN and Yahoo from the URL handler code.
// from the command line:
// php -q fire2adium.php
// set this one variable
$system_username = "";
// you could set these too
$chat_username = "Fire Import";
$chat_service = "AIM";
// shouldn't need to set anything below
$fire_base = "/Users/${system_username}/Library/Application Support/Fire/Sessions";
$adium_base = "/Users/${system_username}/Library/Application Support/Adium 2.0/Users/Default/Logs/${chat_service}.${chat_username}";
mkdir($adium_base, 0755);
$fire_log_dirs = array();
$handle = opendir($fire_base);
while($file = readdir($handle))
if($file != "." && $file != ".." && is_dir("${fire_base}/${file}"))
$fire_log_dirs[] = $file;
foreach($fire_log_dirs as $fire_log_dir)
list($chat_username_receiver,$chat_service_receiver) = explode('-', $fire_log_dir);
$adium_log_dir = "$chat_username_receiver";
mkdir("${adium_base}/${adium_log_dir}", 0755);
$fire_logs = array();
$handle = opendir("${fire_base}/${fire_log_dir}");
while($file = readdir($handle))
if($file != "." && $file != ".." && !is_dir("${fire_log_path}/${fire_log_dir}/${file}"))
$fire_logs[] = $file;
foreach($fire_logs as $fire_log)
list($date, $crap) = explode(',', $fire_log);
list($year,$month,$day) = explode('-', $date);
copy("${fire_base}/${fire_log_dir}/${fire_log}", "${adium_base}/${adium_log_dir}/${chat_username_receiver} (${year}|${month}|${day}).html");
echo "done\n";