
Fix an uncaught exception in the Default Client advanced preferences from messing up the UI by removing all traces of MSN and Yahoo from the URL handler code.
import datetime
import plistlib
import re
import sgmllib
class Report(list):
type = ""
reportfile = ""
sourcefile = ""
endpathline = 0
def append(self, something):
# We don't want anything but ReportItems
if not isinstance(something, ReportItem):
raise TypeError
list.append(self, something)
def __eq__(self, other):
# This is where we'll implement our logic for deciding whether or not
# two reports refer to the same issue.
# They must be in the same source file
if self.sourcefile != other.sourcefile:
return False
# They have to have to be of the same type
if self.type != other.type:
return False
# They should have the same path length
if len(self) != len(other):
return False
# Compare each item in the reports
for i in range(0, len(self)):
# The lines should be within (drumroll for magic number)
if abs(self[i].line - other[i].line) > 20:
return False
# The comments should be the same, line numbers notwithstanding
commentA = re.sub("line [0-9]+", "xxx", self[i].comment)
commentB = re.sub("line [0-9]+", "xxx", other[i].comment)
if commentA != commentB:
return False
return True
def __ne__(self, other):
# If we don't define this, we can have the case that a == b and a != b
return not self.__eq__(other)
class ReportItem:
# This needs to be expanded, for instance to know about the function that
# the error resides in.
line = 0
comment = ""
class ReportParser(sgmllib.SGMLParser):
_endPath = False
_record = False
_buffer = ""
_queue = [ ]
_pathprefix = ""
def __init__(self, pathprefix = ""):
self._pathprefix = pathprefix = Report()
def handle_comment(self, comment):
comment = comment.strip()
# We can get BUGFILE and BUGDESC from comments
if comment.startswith("BUGFILE"):
bugfile = comment[8:]
if bugfile.startswith(self._pathprefix):
bugfile = bugfile[len(self._pathprefix) + 1:] = bugfile
elif comment.startswith("BUGDESC"): = comment[8:].lower()
def start_td(self, attrs):
attrs = dict(attrs)
# Read in a line number
if "class" in attrs and attrs["class"] == "num" and \
"id" in attrs and attrs["id"][:2] == "LN":
linenum = int(attrs["id"][2:])
# Add a report if we're ready
while len(self._queue) > 0:
ri = ReportItem()
ri.line = linenum
ri.comment = self._queue.pop(0)
if self._endPath:
self._endPath = False = linenum
def start_div(self, attrs):
attrs = dict(attrs)
# Is this a message?
if "class" in attrs and attrs["class"] == "msg":
self._record = True
self._buffer = ""
if "id" in attrs and attrs["id"] == "EndPath":
self._endPath = True
def end_div(self):
if self._record:
self._record = False
self._buffer = ""
def handle_data(self, data):
if self._record:
self._buffer += data
def summaryPlistForReports(reports, revision = "Unknown"):
summary = {
"Timestamp" : datetime.datetime.utcnow(),
"Revision" : str(revision),
"Reports" : [ ],
for r in reports:
"Bug Type" : r.type,
"Report File" : r.reportfile,
"Source File" : r.sourcefile,
"End Path Line Number" : r.endpathline,
"Path" : [ ],
for i in r:
"Line Number" : i.line,
"Comment" : i.comment,
return plistlib.writePlistToString(summary)
def summaryPlistToReports(data):
summary = plistlib.readPlistFromString(data)
reports = [ ]
# Read in each report
for x in summary["Reports"]:
report = Report()
report.type = x["Bug Type"]
report.reportfile = x["Report File"]
report.sourcefile = x["Source File"]
report.endpathline = x["End Path Line Number"]
for y in x["Path"]:
item = ReportItem()
item.line = y["Line Number"]
item.comment = y["Comment"]
return reports
if __name__ == "__main__":
print "This file should not be invoked directly."