
Prompt the user to authenticate again when using the refresh_token gives an error. Also, show the error to the user.
* Adium is the legal property of its developers, whose names are listed in the copyright file included
* with this source distribution.
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU
* General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License,
* or (at your option) any later version.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even
* the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General
* Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not,
* write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
#import <AdiumLibpurple/SLPurpleCocoaAdapter.h>
#import "CBPurpleAccount.h"
#import "CBPurpleServicePlugin.h"
#import "adiumPurpleCore.h"
#import "adiumPurpleEventloop.h"
#import <Adium/AIAccountControllerProtocol.h>
#import <Adium/AIInterfaceControllerProtocol.h>
#import <Adium/AILoginControllerProtocol.h>
#import <AIUtilities/AIObjectAdditions.h>
#import <Adium/AIAccount.h>
#import <Adium/AICorePluginLoader.h>
#import <Adium/AIService.h>
#import <Adium/AIChat.h>
#import <Adium/AIContentTyping.h>
#import <Adium/AIHTMLDecoder.h>
#import <Adium/AIListContact.h>
#import <Adium/AIContactObserverManager.h>
#import <Adium/AIUserIcons.h>
#import <Adium/AIContactObserverManager.h>
#import <AIUtilities/AIImageAdditions.h>
#import <CoreFoundation/CoreFoundation.h>
#import <libpurple/libpurple.h>
#import <glib.h>
#import <stdlib.h>
#import "ESPurpleAIMAccount.h"
#import "CBPurpleOscarAccount.h"
#import "ESiTunesPlugin.h"
#import "adiumPurpleAccounts.h"
//Purple slash command interface
#import <libpurple/cmds.h>
#import "libpurple_extensions/oscar-adium.h"
@interface SLPurpleCocoaAdapter ()
- (void)initLibPurple;
- (BOOL)attemptPurpleCommandOnMessage:(NSString *)originalMessage fromAccount:(AIAccount *)sourceAccount inChat:(AIChat *)chat;
static NSMutableArray *libpurplePluginArray = nil;
@implementation SLPurpleCocoaAdapter
* @brief Return the shared instance
+ (SLPurpleCocoaAdapter *)sharedInstance
* A pointer to the single instance of this class active in the application.
* The purple callbacks need to be C functions with specific prototypes, so they
* can't be ObjC methods. The ObjC callbacks do need to be ObjC methods. This
* allows the C ones to call the ObjC ones.
static SLPurpleCocoaAdapter *_sharedInstance;
static dispatch_once_t sharedInstanceGuard;
dispatch_once(&sharedInstanceGuard, ^{
_sharedInstance = [[self alloc] init];
return _sharedInstance;
* @brief Plugin loaded
* Initialize each libpurple plugin. These plugins should not do anything within libpurple itself; this should be done in
* -[plugin initLibpurplePlugin].
+ (void)pluginDidLoad
libpurplePluginArray = [[NSMutableArray alloc] init];
for (NSString *libpurplePluginPath in [adium allResourcesForName:@"PlugIns"
withExtensions:@"AdiumLibpurplePlugin"]) {
[AICorePluginLoader loadPluginAtPath:libpurplePluginPath
+ (NSArray *)libpurplePluginArray
return libpurplePluginArray;
//Register the account purpleside in the purple thread
- (void)addAdiumAccount:(CBPurpleAccount *)adiumAccount
//Note that purple_account_new() calls purple_accounts_find() first, returning an existing PurpleAccount if there is one.
PurpleAccount *account = purple_account_new([adiumAccount purpleAccountName], [adiumAccount protocolPlugin]);
if (account->ui_data) {
[(CBPurpleAccount *)account->ui_data autorelease];
[(CBPurpleAccount *)account->ui_data setPurpleAccount:nil];
account->ui_data = [adiumAccount retain];
[adiumAccount setPurpleAccount:account];
purple_account_set_status_list(account, "offline", YES, NULL);
//Remove an account purpleside
- (void)removeAdiumAccount:(CBPurpleAccount *)adiumAccount
PurpleAccount *account = accountLookupFromAdiumAccount(adiumAccount);
if (account) {
[(CBPurpleAccount *)account->ui_data release];
account->ui_data = nil;
[adiumAccount setPurpleAccount:NULL];
#pragma mark Initialization
- (id)init
if ((self = [super init])) {
[self initLibPurple];
return self;
static void ZombieKiller_Signal(int i)
int status;
pid_t child_pid;
while ((child_pid = waitpid(-1, &status, WNOHANG)) > 0);
- (void)networkDidChange:(NSNotification *)inNotification
purple_signal_emit(purple_network_get_handle(), "network-configuration-changed", NULL);
- (void)debugLoggingIsEnabledDidChange:(NSNotification *)inNotification
void adium_glib_print(const char *string)
NSAutoreleasePool *pool = [[NSAutoreleasePool alloc] init];
AILog(@"(GLib): %s", string);
[pool drain];
void adium_glib_log(const gchar *log_domain, GLogLevelFlags flags, const gchar *message, gpointer user_data)
if (!AIDebugLoggingIsEnabled()) return;
NSAutoreleasePool *pool = [[NSAutoreleasePool alloc] init];
NSString *level;
if (!log_domain) log_domain = "general";
level = @"ERROR";
level = @"CRITICAL";
level = @"WARNING";
level = @"MESSAGE";
else if ((flags & G_LOG_LEVEL_INFO) == G_LOG_LEVEL_INFO)
level = @"INFO";
else if ((flags & G_LOG_LEVEL_DEBUG) == G_LOG_LEVEL_DEBUG)
level = @"MISC";
level = @"UNKNOWN";
AILog(@"(GLib : %s): %@: %s", log_domain, level, message);
[pool drain];
- (void)initLibPurple
/* Initializing libpurple may result in loading a ton of buddies if our permit and deny lists are large; that, in
* turn, would create and update a ton of contacts.
[[AIContactObserverManager sharedManager] delayListObjectNotifications];
// Redirect every possible glib error message to AILog
for (NSString *domain in [NSArray arrayWithObjects:@"GLib", @"GModule", @"GLib-GObject", @"GThread", @"Gnt", @"GStreamer", @"stderr", nil]) {
g_log_set_handler([domain UTF8String], G_LOG_LEVEL_MASK | G_LOG_FLAG_FATAL | G_LOG_FLAG_RECURSION, adium_glib_log, NULL);
g_log_set_handler(NULL, G_LOG_LEVEL_MASK | G_LOG_FLAG_FATAL | G_LOG_FLAG_RECURSION, adium_glib_log, NULL);
// Init the glib type system (used by GObjects)
/* Don't let gstreamer load 'system path' plugins - if the user has gstreamer installed elsewhere,
* or if this is a poor, confused developer who has built gstreamer locally, this will lead to very
* bad behavior.
setenv("GST_PLUGIN_SYSTEM_PATH", " ", 1);
//Set the gaim user directory to be within this user's directory
if (![[NSUserDefaults standardUserDefaults] boolForKey:@"Adium 1.0.3 moved to libpurple"]) {
//Remove old icons cache
[[NSFileManager defaultManager] removeItemAtPath:[[[adium.loginController userDirectory] stringByAppendingPathComponent:@"libgaim"] stringByAppendingPathComponent:@"icons"]
//Update the rest
[[NSFileManager defaultManager] moveItemAtPath:[[adium.loginController userDirectory] stringByAppendingPathComponent:@"libgaim"]
toPath:[[adium.loginController userDirectory] stringByAppendingPathComponent:@"libpurple"]
[[NSUserDefaults standardUserDefaults] setBool:YES
forKey:@"Adium 1.0.3 moved to libpurple"];
//Set the purple user directory to be within this user's directory
NSString *purpleUserDir = [[adium.loginController userDirectory] stringByAppendingPathComponent:@"libpurple"];
purple_util_set_user_dir([[purpleUserDir stringByExpandingTildeInPath] fileSystemRepresentation]);
//Set the caches path
purple_buddy_icons_set_cache_dir([[[adium cachesPath] stringByExpandingTildeInPath] fileSystemRepresentation]);
/* Delete blist.xml once when 1.2.4 runs to clear out any old silliness, including improperly blocked Yahoo contacts */
if (![[NSUserDefaults standardUserDefaults] boolForKey:@"Adium 1.2.4 deleted blist.xml"]) {
[[NSFileManager defaultManager] removeItemAtPath:
[[[NSString stringWithUTF8String:purple_user_dir()] stringByAppendingPathComponent:@"blist"] stringByAppendingPathExtension:@"xml"]
[[NSUserDefaults standardUserDefaults] setBool:YES
forKey:@"Adium 1.2.4 deleted blist.xml"];
//Initialize the libpurple core; this will call back on the function specified in our core UI ops for us to finish configuring libpurple
if (!purple_core_init("Adium")) {
NSLog(@"*** FATAL ***: Failed to initialize purple core");
AILog(@"*** FATAL ***: Failed to initialize purple core");
//Libpurple's async DNS lookup tends to create zombies.
struct sigaction act;
act.sa_handler = ZombieKiller_Signal;
//Send for terminated but not stopped children
act.sa_flags = SA_NOCLDWAIT;
sigaction(SIGCHLD, &act, NULL);
//Observe for network changes to tell libpurple about it
[[NSNotificationCenter defaultCenter] addObserver:self
/* Be sure to enable debug logging if it is turned on after launch */
[[NSNotificationCenter defaultCenter] addObserver:self
/* For any behaviors which occur on the next run loop, provide a buffer time of continued expectation of
* heavy activity.
[[AIContactObserverManager sharedManager] delayListObjectNotificationsUntilInactivity];
[[AIContactObserverManager sharedManager] endListObjectNotificationsDelay];
#pragma mark Lookup functions
static NSString* serviceClassForPurpleProtocolID(const char *protocolID)
NSString *serviceClass = nil;
if (protocolID) {
if (!strcmp(protocolID, "prpl-oscar"))
serviceClass = @"AIM-compatible";
else if (!strcmp(protocolID, "prpl-gg"))
serviceClass = @"Gadu-Gadu";
else if (!strcmp(protocolID, "prpl-jabber"))
serviceClass = @"Jabber";
else if (!strcmp(protocolID, "prpl-meanwhile"))
serviceClass = @"Sametime";
else if (!strcmp(protocolID, "prpl-msn"))
serviceClass = @"MSN";
else if (!strcmp(protocolID, "prpl-novell"))
serviceClass = @"GroupWise";
else if (!strcmp(protocolID, "prpl-yahoo"))
serviceClass = @"Yahoo!";
else if (!strcmp(protocolID, "prpl-zephyr"))
serviceClass = @"Zephyr";
return serviceClass;
* Finds an instance of CBPurpleAccount for a pointer to a PurpleAccount struct.
CBPurpleAccount* accountLookup(PurpleAccount *account)
CBPurpleAccount *adiumPurpleAccount = (account ? (CBPurpleAccount *)account->ui_data : nil);
/* If the account doesn't have its ui_data associated yet (we haven't tried to connect) but we want this
* lookup data, we have to do some manual parsing. This is used for example from the OTR preferences.
if (!adiumPurpleAccount && account) {
const char *protocolID = account->protocol_id;
NSString *serviceClass = serviceClassForPurpleProtocolID(protocolID);
for (adiumPurpleAccount in adium.accountController.accounts) {
if ([adiumPurpleAccount isKindOfClass:[CBPurpleAccount class]] &&
[adiumPurpleAccount.service.serviceClass isEqualToString:serviceClass] &&
[adiumPurpleAccount.UID caseInsensitiveCompare:[NSString stringWithUTF8String:account->username]] == NSOrderedSame) {
return adiumPurpleAccount;
PurpleAccount* accountLookupFromAdiumAccount(CBPurpleAccount *adiumAccount)
return [adiumAccount purpleAccount];
AIListContact* contactLookupFromBuddy(PurpleBuddy *buddy)
//Get the node's ui_data
AIListContact *theContact = (buddy ? (AIListContact *)buddy->node.ui_data : nil);
//If the node does not have ui_data yet, we need to create a contact and associate it
if (!theContact && buddy) {
NSString *UID;
UID = [NSString stringWithUTF8String:purple_normalize(purple_buddy_get_account(buddy), purple_buddy_get_name(buddy))];
theContact = [accountLookup(purple_buddy_get_account(buddy)) contactWithUID:UID];
//Associate the handle with ui_data and the buddy with our statusDictionary
buddy->node.ui_data = [theContact retain];
//This is the first time the contact has been accessed from the buddy; reset the icon cache for it
[AIUserIcons flushCacheForObject:theContact];
return theContact;
AIListContact* contactLookupFromIMConv(PurpleConversation *conv)
return nil;
AIChat* groupChatLookupFromConv(PurpleConversation *conv)
AIChat *chat;
chat = (AIChat *)conv->ui_data;
if (!chat) {
NSString *name = [NSString stringWithUTF8String:purple_conversation_get_name(conv)];
CBPurpleAccount *account = accountLookup(purple_conversation_get_account(conv));
* Need to start a new chat, associating with the PurpleConversation.
* This may call back through to us recursively, via:
* -[CBPurpleAccount chatWithContact:identifier:]
* -[AIChatController chatWithContact:]
* -[CBPurpleAccount openChat:]
* -[SLPurpleCocoaAdaper openChat:onAccount:]
* convLookupFromChat()
* groupChatLookupFromConv()
* That's fine, as we'll get the same lookups the second time through; we just need to be cautious.
chat = [account chatWithName:name identifier:[NSValue valueWithPointer:conv]];
if (!chat.chatCreationDictionary) {
// If we don't have a chat creation dictionary (i.e., we didn't initiate the join), create one.
chat.chatCreationDictionary = [account extractChatCreationDictionaryFromConversation: conv];
if (conv->ui_data != chat) {
[(AIChat *)(conv->ui_data) release];
conv->ui_data = [chat retain];
AILog(@"group chat lookup assigned %@ to %p (%s)",chat,conv, purple_conversation_get_name(conv));
return chat;
AIChat* existingChatLookupFromConv(PurpleConversation *conv)
return (conv ? conv->ui_data : nil);
AIChat* chatLookupFromConv(PurpleConversation *conv)
switch(purple_conversation_get_type(conv)) {
return groupChatLookupFromConv(conv);
return imChatLookupFromConv(conv);
return existingChatLookupFromConv(conv);
AIChat* imChatLookupFromConv(PurpleConversation *conv)
AIChat *chat;
chat = (AIChat *)conv->ui_data;
if (!chat) {
//No chat is associated with the IM conversation
AIListContact *sourceContact;
PurpleBuddy *buddy;
PurpleAccount *account;
account = purple_conversation_get_account(conv);
// AILog(@"%x purple_conversation_get_name(conv) %s; normalizes to %s",account,purple_conversation_get_name(conv),purple_normalize(account,purple_conversation_get_name(conv)));
//First, find the PurpleBuddy with whom we are conversing
buddy = purple_find_buddy(account, purple_conversation_get_name(conv));
if (!buddy) {
//No purple_buddy corresponding to the purple_conversation_get_name(conv) is on our list, so create one
buddy = purple_buddy_new(account, purple_normalize(account, purple_conversation_get_name(conv)), NULL); //create a PurpleBuddy
NSCAssert(buddy != nil, @"buddy was nil");
sourceContact = contactLookupFromBuddy(buddy);
* Need to start a new chat, associating with the PurpleConversation.
* This may call back through to us recursively, via:
* -[CBPurpleAccount chatWithContact:identifier:]
* -[AIChatController chatWithContact:]
* -[CBPurpleAccount openChat:]
* -[SLPurpleCocoaAdaper openChat:onAccount:]
* convLookupFromChat()
* imChatLookupFromConv()
* That's fine, as we'll get the same lookups the second time through; we just need to be cautious.
chat = [accountLookup(account) chatWithContact:sourceContact identifier:[NSValue valueWithPointer:conv]];
if (!chat) {
NSString *errorString;
errorString = [NSString stringWithFormat:@"conv %x: Got nil chat in lookup for sourceContact %@ (%x ; \"%s\" ; \"%s\") on adiumAccount %@ (%x ; \"%s\")",
(buddy ? purple_buddy_get_name(buddy) : ""),
((buddy && purple_buddy_get_account(buddy) && purple_buddy_get_name(buddy)) ? purple_normalize(purple_buddy_get_account(buddy), purple_buddy_get_name(buddy)) : ""),
(account ? purple_account_get_username(account) : "")];
NSCAssert(chat != nil, errorString);
//Associate the PurpleConversation with the AIChat
if (conv->ui_data != chat) {
[(AIChat *)(conv->ui_data) release];
conv->ui_data = [chat retain];
return chat;
PurpleConversation* convLookupFromChat(AIChat *chat, id adiumAccount)
PurpleConversation *conv = [[chat identifier] pointerValue];
PurpleAccount *account = accountLookupFromAdiumAccount(adiumAccount);
if (!conv && adiumAccount && purple_account_get_connection(account)) {
AIListObject *listObject = chat.listObject;
//If we have a listObject, we are dealing with a one-on-one chat, so proceed accordingly
if (listObject) {
char *destination;
destination = g_strdup(purple_normalize(account, [listObject.UID UTF8String]));
conv = purple_conversation_new(PURPLE_CONV_TYPE_IM, account, destination);
//associate the AIChat with the purple conv
if (conv) imChatLookupFromConv(conv);
} else {
//Otherwise, we have a multiuser chat.
//All multiuser chats should have a non-nil name.
NSString *chatName =;
if (chatName) {
const char *name = [chatName UTF8String];
Look for an existing purpleChat. If we find one, our job is complete.
We will never find one if we are joining a chat on our own (via the Join Chat dialogue).
We should never get to this point if we were invited to a chat, as groupChatLookupFromConv(),
which was called when we accepted the invitation and got the chat information from Purple,
will have associated the PurpleConversation with the chat and we would have stopped after
[[chat identifier] pointerValue] above.
However, there's no reason not to check just in case.
PurpleChat *purpleChat = purple_blist_find_chat(account, name);
if (!purpleChat) {
If we don't have a PurpleChat with this name on this account, we need to create one.
Our chat, which should have been created via the Adium Join Chat API, should have
a ChatCreationInfo property with the information we need to ask Purple to
perform the join.
NSDictionary *chatCreationInfo = [chat valueForProperty:@"chatCreationInfo"];
chatCreationInfo = [(CBPurpleAccount *)chat.account willJoinChatUsingDictionary:chatCreationInfo];
if (!chatCreationInfo) {
AILog(@"*** No chat creation info for %@ on %@",chat,adiumAccount);
return NULL;
AILog(@"Creating a chat with name %s (Creation info: %@).", name, chatCreationInfo);
GHashTable *components;
//Prpl Info
PurpleConnection *gc = purple_account_get_connection(account);
GList *list, *tmp;
struct proto_chat_entry *pce;
g_return_val_if_fail(gc != NULL, NULL);
//Create a hash table
//The hash table should contain char* objects created via a g_strdup method
components = g_hash_table_new_full(g_str_hash, g_str_equal,
g_free, g_free);
for (NSString *identifier in chatCreationInfo) {
id value = [chatCreationInfo objectForKey:identifier];
char *valueUTF8String = NULL;
if ([value isKindOfClass:[NSNumber class]]) {
valueUTF8String = g_strdup_printf("%ld",(long int)[value integerValue]);
} else if ([value isKindOfClass:[NSString class]]) {
valueUTF8String = g_strdup([value UTF8String]);
} else {
AILog(@"Invalid value %@ for identifier %@",value,identifier);
//Store our chatCreationInfo-supplied value in the compnents hash table
if (valueUTF8String) {
g_strdup([identifier UTF8String]),
if (chat.lastMessageDate) {
NSTimeInterval lastMessageInterval = [chat.lastMessageDate timeIntervalSince1970];
NSString *historySince = [[NSDate dateWithTimeIntervalSince1970:lastMessageInterval + 1]
timeZone:[NSTimeZone timeZoneWithAbbreviation:@"UTC"]
g_hash_table_replace(components, g_strdup("history_since"), g_strdup([historySince UTF8String]));
} else {
AILogWithSignature(@"No last message found for history on %@", chat);
//In debug mode, verify we didn't miss any required values
if (AIDebugLoggingIsEnabled()) {
/* Get the chat_info for our desired account. This will be a GList of proto_chat_entry
* objects, each of which has a label and identifier. Each may also have is_int, with a minimum
* and a maximum integer value.
if ((PURPLE_PLUGIN_PROTOCOL_INFO(gc->prpl))->chat_info)
list = (PURPLE_PLUGIN_PROTOCOL_INFO(gc->prpl))->chat_info(gc);
//Look at each proto_chat_entry in the list to verify we have it in chatCreationInfo
for (tmp = list; tmp; tmp = tmp->next)
pce = tmp->data;
char *identifier = g_strdup(pce->identifier);
NSString *value = [chatCreationInfo objectForKey:[NSString stringWithUTF8String:identifier]];
if (!value) {
AILog(@"Danger, Will Robinson! %s is in the proto_info but can't be found in %@",identifier,chatCreationInfo);
/* Join the chat serverside - the GHashTable components, coupled with the originating PurpleConnection,
* now contains all the information the prpl will need to process our request.
AILog(@"In the event of an emergency, your GHashTable may be used as a flotation device...");
serv_join_chat(gc, components);
return conv;
PurpleConversation* existingConvLookupFromChat(AIChat *chat)
return (PurpleConversation *)[[chat identifier] pointerValue];
void* adium_purple_get_handle(void)
static NSInteger adium_purple_handle;
return &adium_purple_handle;
#pragma mark Images
static NSString *_messageImageCachePathWithoutExtension(int imageID, AIAccount* adiumAccount)
NSString *messageImageCacheFilename = [NSString stringWithFormat:@"TEMP-Image_%@_%i", adiumAccount.internalObjectID, imageID];
return [[adium cachesPath] stringByAppendingPathComponent:messageImageCacheFilename];
NSString *processPurpleImages(NSString* inString, AIAccount* adiumAccount)
NSScanner *scanner;
NSString *chunkString = nil;
NSMutableString *newString;
NSString *targetString = @"<IMG ID=";
NSCharacterSet *quoteApostropheCharacterSet = [NSCharacterSet characterSetWithCharactersInString:@"\"\'"];
int imageID;
if ([inString rangeOfString:targetString options:NSCaseInsensitiveSearch].location == NSNotFound) {
return inString;
//set up
newString = [[NSMutableString alloc] init];
scanner = [NSScanner scannerWithString:inString];
[scanner setCharactersToBeSkipped:[NSCharacterSet characterSetWithCharactersInString:@""]];
//A purple image tag takes the form <IMG ID='12'></IMG> where 12 is the reference for use in PurpleStoredImage* purple_imgstore_get(int)
//Parse the incoming HTML
while (![scanner isAtEnd]) {
//Find the beginning of a purple IMG ID tag
if ([scanner scanUpToString:targetString intoString:&chunkString]) {
[newString appendString:chunkString];
if ([scanner scanString:targetString intoString:&chunkString]) {
//Skip past a quote or apostrophe
[scanner scanCharactersFromSet:quoteApostropheCharacterSet intoString:NULL];
//Get the image ID from the tag
[scanner scanInt:&imageID];
//Skip past a quote or apostrophe
[scanner scanCharactersFromSet:quoteApostropheCharacterSet intoString:NULL];
//Scan past a >
[scanner scanString:@">" intoString:nil];
//Get the image, then write it out as a png
PurpleStoredImage *purpleImage = purple_imgstore_find_by_id(imageID);
if (purpleImage) {
NSString *filename = (purple_imgstore_get_filename(purpleImage) ?
[NSString stringWithUTF8String:purple_imgstore_get_filename(purpleImage)] :
NSString *imagePath = _messageImageCachePathWithoutExtension(imageID, adiumAccount);
//First make an NSImage, then request a TIFFRepresentation to avoid an obscure bug in the PNG writing routines
//Exception: PNG writer requires compacted components (bits/component * components/pixel = bits/pixel)
NSData *data = [NSData dataWithBytes:purple_imgstore_get_data(purpleImage)
NSString *extension = [NSImage extensionForBitmapImageFileType:[NSImage fileTypeOfData:data]];
if (!extension) {
//We don't know what it is; try to make a png out of it
NSImage *image = [[NSImage alloc] initWithData:data];
NSData *imageTIFFData = [image TIFFRepresentation];
NSBitmapImageRep *bitmapRep = [NSBitmapImageRep imageRepWithData:imageTIFFData];
data = [bitmapRep representationUsingType:NSPNGFileType properties:nil];
extension = @"png";
[image release];
filename = [filename stringByAppendingPathExtension:extension];
imagePath = [imagePath stringByAppendingPathExtension:extension];
//If writing the file is successful, write an <IMG SRC="filepath"> tag to our string; the 'scaledToFitImage' class lets us apply CSS to directIM images only
if ([data writeToFile:imagePath atomically:YES]) {
[newString appendString:[NSString stringWithFormat:@"<IMG CLASS=\"scaledToFitImage\" SRC=\"%@\" ALT=\"%@\">",
imagePath, filename]];
} else {
//If we didn't get a purpleImage, just leave the tag for now.. maybe it was important?
[newString appendFormat:@"<IMG ID=\"%ld\">",chunkString];
return ([newString autorelease]);
#pragma mark Notify
// Notify ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// We handle the notify messages within SLPurpleCocoaAdapter so we can use our localized string macro
- (void *)handleNotifyMessageOfType:(PurpleNotifyMsgType)type withTitle:(const char *)title primary:(const char *)primary secondary:(const char *)secondary;
NSString *primaryString = [NSString stringWithUTF8String:primary];
NSString *secondaryString = secondary ? [NSString stringWithUTF8String:secondary] : nil;
NSString *titleString;
if (title) {
titleString = [NSString stringWithFormat:AILocalizedString(@"Adium Notice: %@",nil),[NSString stringWithUTF8String:title]];
} else {
titleString = AILocalizedString(@"Adium : Notice", nil);
NSString *errorMessage = nil;
NSString *description = nil;
if (primary && strcmp(primary, _("Already there")) == 0)
return NULL;
//Suppress notification warnings we have no interest in seeing
if (secondaryString) {
if ((strcmp(secondary, _("Not supported by host")) == 0) || /* OSCAR */
(strcmp(secondary, _("Not logged in")) == 0) || /* OSCAR */
(strcmp(secondary, _("Your buddy list was downloaded from the server.")) == 0) || /* Gadu-gadu */
(strcmp(secondary, _("Your buddy list was stored on the server.")) == 0) /* Gadu-gadu */) {
return NULL;
if ([secondaryString isEqualToString:
[NSString stringWithFormat:[NSString stringWithUTF8String:_("Could not add the buddy %s for an unknown reason.")], "1"]]) {
/* Rather random error displayed by OSCAR (since forever, as of libpurple 2.4.0) for some clients while connecting */
return NULL;
if ([secondaryString rangeOfString:@"Your contact is using Windows Live"].location != NSNotFound) {
/* Yahoo without MSN support - English string from the server */
return NULL;
if ([primaryString rangeOfString: @"did not get sent"].location != NSNotFound) {
//Oscar send error
//This may not ever occur as of libpurple 2.4.0; I can't find the phrase 'did not get sent' in any of the code. -evands
NSString *targetUserName = [[[[primaryString componentsSeparatedByString:@" message to "] objectAtIndex:1] componentsSeparatedByString:@" did not get "] objectAtIndex:0];
errorMessage = [NSString stringWithFormat:AILocalizedString(@"Your message to %@ did not get sent",nil),targetUserName];
if (secondaryString) {
if ([secondaryString rangeOfString:[NSString stringWithUTF8String:_("Rate")]].location != NSNotFound) {
description = AILocalizedString(@"You are sending messages too quickly; wait a moment and try again.",nil);
} else if ([secondaryString rangeOfString:[NSString stringWithUTF8String:_("Service unavailable")]].location != NSNotFound ||
[secondaryString rangeOfString:[NSString stringWithUTF8String:_("Not logged in")]].location != NSNotFound) {
description = AILocalizedString(@"Connection error.",nil);
} else if ([secondaryString rangeOfString:[NSString stringWithUTF8String:_("Refused by client")]].location != NSNotFound) {
description = AILocalizedString(@"Your message was refused by the other user.",nil);
} else if ([secondaryString rangeOfString:[NSString stringWithUTF8String:_("Reply too big")]].location != NSNotFound) {
description = AILocalizedString(@"Your message was too big.",nil);
} else if ([secondaryString rangeOfString:[NSString stringWithUTF8String:_("In local permit/deny")]].location != NSNotFound) {
description = AILocalizedString(@"The other user is in your deny list.",nil);
} else if ([secondaryString rangeOfString:[NSString stringWithUTF8String:_("Too evil")]].location != NSNotFound) {
description = AILocalizedString(@"Warning level is too high.",nil);
} else if ([secondaryString rangeOfString:[NSString stringWithUTF8String:_("User temporarily unavailable")]].location != NSNotFound) {
description = AILocalizedString(@"The other user is temporarily unavailable.",nil);
if (!description)
description = AILocalizedString(@"No reason was given.",nil);
//If we didn't grab a translated version, at least display the English version Purple supplied
[adium.interfaceController handleMessage:([errorMessage length] ? errorMessage : primaryString)
withDescription:([description length] ? description : ([secondaryString length] ? secondaryString : @"") )
return NULL;
/* XXX ugly */
- (void *)handleNotifyFormattedWithTitle:(const char *)title primary:(const char *)primary secondary:(const char *)secondary text:(const char *)text
NSString *titleString = (title ? [NSString stringWithUTF8String:title] : nil);
NSString *primaryString = (primary ? [NSString stringWithUTF8String:primary] : nil);
if (!titleString) {
titleString = primaryString;
primaryString = nil;
NSString *secondaryString = (secondary ? [NSString stringWithUTF8String:secondary] : nil);
if (!primaryString) {
primaryString = secondaryString;
secondaryString = nil;
static AIHTMLDecoder *notifyFormattedHTMLDecoder = nil;
if (!notifyFormattedHTMLDecoder) notifyFormattedHTMLDecoder = [[AIHTMLDecoder decoder] retain];
NSString *textString = (text ? [NSString stringWithUTF8String:text] : nil);
if (textString) textString = [[notifyFormattedHTMLDecoder decodeHTML:textString] string];
NSString *description = nil;
if ([textString length] && [secondaryString length]) {
description = [NSString stringWithFormat:@"%@\n\n%@",secondaryString,textString];
} else if (textString) {
description = textString;
} else if (secondaryString) {
description = secondaryString;
NSString *message = primaryString;
[adium.interfaceController handleMessage:(message ? message : @"")
withDescription:(description ? description : @"")
withWindowTitle:(titleString ? titleString : @"")];
return NULL;
#pragma mark File transfers
- (void)displayFileSendError
[adium.interfaceController handleMessage:AILocalizedString(@"File Send Error",nil)
withDescription:AILocalizedString(@"An error was encountered sending the file.",nil)
withWindowTitle:AILocalizedString(@"File Send Error",nil)];
#pragma mark Thread accessors
- (void)disconnectAccount:(id)adiumAccount
PurpleAccount *account = accountLookupFromAdiumAccount(adiumAccount);
AILog(@"Setting %x disabled and offline (%s)...",account,
purple_status_type_get_id(purple_account_get_status_type_with_primitive(account, PURPLE_STATUS_OFFLINE)));
purple_account_set_enabled(account, "Adium", NO);
- (void)registerAccount:(id)adiumAccount
purple_account_set_register_callback(accountLookupFromAdiumAccount(adiumAccount), adiumPurpleAccountRegisterCb, adiumAccount);
static void purpleUnregisterCb(PurpleAccount *account, gboolean success, void *user_data) {
[(CBPurpleAccount*)user_data unregisteredAccount:success?YES:NO];
- (void)unregisterAccount:(id)adiumAccount
purple_account_unregister(accountLookupFromAdiumAccount(adiumAccount), purpleUnregisterCb, adiumAccount);
//Called on the purple thread, actually performs the specified command (it should have already been tested by
//attemptPurpleCommandOnMessage:... below.
- (BOOL)doCommand:(NSString *)originalMessage
inChat:(AIChat *)chat
PurpleConversation *conv = convLookupFromChat(chat, sourceAccount);
PurpleCmdStatus status;
char *markup, *error;
const char *cmd;
BOOL didCommand = NO;
if (!conv || ([originalMessage length] < 2)) return NO;
cmd = [originalMessage UTF8String];
//cmd+1 will be the cmd without the leading character, which should be "/"
markup = g_markup_escape_text(cmd+1, -1);
status = purple_cmd_do_command(conv, cmd+1, markup, &error);
//The only error status which is possible now is either
switch (status) {
purple_conv_present_error(purple_conversation_get_name(conv), purple_conversation_get_account(conv), "Command failed");
didCommand = YES;
purple_conv_present_error(purple_conversation_get_name(conv), purple_conversation_get_account(conv), "Wrong number of arguments");
didCommand = YES;
didCommand = YES;
/* Ignore this command and let the message send; the user probably doesn't even know what they typed is a command */
didCommand = NO;
return didCommand;
* @brief Check a message for purple / commands=
* @result YES if a command was performed; NO if it was not
- (BOOL)attemptPurpleCommandOnMessage:(NSString *)originalMessage fromAccount:(AIAccount *)sourceAccount inChat:(AIChat *)chat
BOOL didCommand = NO;
if ([originalMessage hasPrefix:@"/"]) {
didCommand = [self doCommand:originalMessage
return didCommand;
* @brief Send a notification over a service which supports that
* This should not be called for an account whose service doesn't support sending notifications (check before calling).
* Doing so will return without displaying an error; the message should be sent as a normal message in this case.
* @param type An AINotificationType.
* @param sourceAccount The account from which to send
* @param chat The chat in which to send the notification
- (void)sendNotificationOfType:(AINotificationType)type
inChat:(AIChat *)chat
PurpleConversation *conv = convLookupFromChat(chat,sourceAccount);
//Returns YES if the message was sent (and should therefore be displayed). Returns NO if it was not sent or was otherwise used.
- (void)sendEncodedMessage:(NSString *)encodedMessage
inChat:(AIChat *)chat
const char *encodedMessageUTF8String;
if (encodedMessage && (encodedMessageUTF8String = [encodedMessage UTF8String])) {
PurpleConversation *conv = convLookupFromChat(chat,sourceAccount);
switch (purple_conversation_get_type(conv)) {
PurpleConvIm *im = purple_conversation_get_im_data(conv);
purple_conv_im_send_with_flags(im, encodedMessageUTF8String, flags);
PurpleConvChat *purpleChat = purple_conversation_get_chat_data(conv);
purple_conv_chat_send(purpleChat, encodedMessageUTF8String);
AILog(@"What in the world? Got PURPLE_CONV_TYPE_ANY.");
} else {
AILog(@"*** Error encoding %@ to UTF8",encodedMessage);
- (void)sendTyping:(AITypingState)typingState inChat:(AIChat *)chat
PurpleConversation *conv = convLookupFromChat(chat,nil);
if (conv) {
// BOOL isTyping = (([typingState intValue] == AINotTyping) ? FALSE : TRUE);
PurpleTypingState purpleTypingState;
switch (typingState) {
case AINotTyping:
purpleTypingState = PURPLE_NOT_TYPING;
case AITyping:
purpleTypingState = PURPLE_TYPING;
case AIEnteredText:
purpleTypingState = PURPLE_TYPED;
- (void)addUID:(NSString *)objectUID onAccount:(id)adiumAccount toGroup:(NSString *)groupName withAlias:(NSString *)alias
PurpleAccount *account = accountLookupFromAdiumAccount(adiumAccount);
const char *groupUTF8String, *buddyUTF8String, *aliasUTF8String;
PurpleGroup *group;
PurpleBuddy *buddy;
//Find the group (Create if necessary)
groupUTF8String = (groupName ? [groupName UTF8String] : "Buddies");
if (!(group = purple_find_group(groupUTF8String))) {
group = purple_group_new(groupUTF8String);
purple_blist_add_group(group, NULL);
buddyUTF8String = [objectUID UTF8String];
aliasUTF8String = alias.length ? [alias UTF8String] : NULL;
// Find an existing buddy in the group.
buddy = purple_find_buddy_in_group(account, buddyUTF8String, group);
if (!buddy) {
buddy = purple_buddy_new(account, buddyUTF8String, aliasUTF8String);
/* purple_blist_add_buddy() will move an existing contact serverside, but will not add a buddy serverside.
* We're working with a new contact, hopefully, so we want to call serv_add_buddy() after modifying the purple list.
* This is the order done in add_buddy_cb() in gtkblist.c */
purple_blist_add_buddy(buddy, NULL, group, NULL);
AILog(@"Adding buddy %s to group %s with alias %s",purple_buddy_get_name(buddy), group->name, aliasUTF8String);
purple_account_add_buddy(account, buddy);
- (void)removeUID:(NSString *)objectUID onAccount:(id)adiumAccount fromGroup:(NSString *)groupName
const char *groupUTF8String;
PurpleGroup *group;
// Find the right buddy; group -> buddy in group -> remove that buddy
groupUTF8String = (groupName ? [groupName UTF8String] : "Buddies");
if ((group = purple_find_group(groupUTF8String))) {
PurpleAccount *account = accountLookupFromAdiumAccount(adiumAccount);
PurpleBuddy *buddy;
if ((buddy = purple_find_buddy_in_group(account, [objectUID UTF8String], group))) {
/* Remove this contact from the server-side and purple-side lists.
* Updating purpleside does not change the server.
* Purple has a commented XXX as to whether this order or the reverse (blist, then serv) is correct.
* We'll use the order which purple uses as of purple 1.1.4. */
AILog(@"Removing buddy %s from group %s", purple_buddy_get_name(buddy), purple_group_get_name(purple_buddy_get_group(buddy)));
purple_account_remove_buddy(account, buddy, group);
- (void)moveUID:(NSString *)objectUID onAccount:(id)adiumAccount fromGroups:(NSSet *)oldGroups toGroups:(NSSet *)groupNames withAlias:(NSString *)alias;
PurpleAccount *account = accountLookupFromAdiumAccount(adiumAccount);
for (NSString *groupName in groupNames) {
if (!oldGroups.count) {
// If we don't have any source groups, silently turn this into an add.
[self addUID:objectUID onAccount:adiumAccount toGroup:groupName withAlias:alias];
PurpleGroup *group;
const char *groupUTF8String = (groupName ? [groupName UTF8String] : "Buddies");
// Find the PurpleGroup, otherwise create a new one.
if (!(group = purple_find_group(groupUTF8String))) {
group = purple_group_new(groupUTF8String);
purple_blist_add_group(group, NULL);
for (NSString *sourceGroupName in oldGroups) {
PurpleGroup *oldGroup;
if ((oldGroup = purple_find_group([sourceGroupName UTF8String]))) {
PurpleBuddy *buddy;
if ((buddy = purple_find_buddy_in_group(account, [objectUID UTF8String], oldGroup))) {
// Perform the add to the new group. This will turn into a move, and will update serverside.
AILog(@"Buddy %p (%@) moving serverside to %@", buddy, objectUID, groupName);
if (strcmp(purple_account_get_protocol_id(account), "prpl-yahoo") == 0) {
/* XXX File a bug report with the need for this special-case w/ libpurple -evands 10/14/10 */
/* Work around a Yahoo! bug in which buddies in multiple groups can't be moved properly.
* Traverse all buddies on this account.
* If the buddy is in the old group (it must be, for us to reach this point given the if
* statement above) and is also in another group, we need to remove it from the old group before
* this move. Otherwise, it won't work. However, if we remove it from the old group and it *isn't* in
* another group already, Yahoo will force reauthorization, which is ugly. */
GSList *buddies = purple_find_buddies(account, [objectUID UTF8String]);
BOOL isInGroupBesidesOldGroup = NO;
for (GSList *bb = buddies; bb != NULL; bb = bb->next) {
PurpleBuddy *aBuddy = (PurpleBuddy *)bb->data;
if (purple_buddy_get_group(aBuddy) != oldGroup) {
isInGroupBesidesOldGroup = YES;
if (isInGroupBesidesOldGroup) {
purple_account_remove_buddy(account, buddy, oldGroup);
AILog(@"Removed because it met the Yahoo! workaround criteria");
purple_blist_add_buddy(buddy, NULL, group, NULL);
// Continue so we avoid the "add to group" code below.
// If we got this far, the move failed; turn into an add.
[self addUID:objectUID onAccount:adiumAccount toGroup:groupName withAlias:alias];
- (void)renameGroup:(NSString *)oldGroupName onAccount:(id)adiumAccount to:(NSString *)newGroupName
PurpleGroup *group = purple_find_group([oldGroupName UTF8String]);
//If we don't have a group with this name, just ignore the rename request
if (group) {
//Rename purpleside, which will rename serverside as well
purple_blist_rename_group(group, [newGroupName UTF8String]);
- (void)deleteGroup:(NSString *)groupName onAccount:(id)adiumAccount
PurpleGroup *group = purple_find_group([groupName UTF8String]);
if (group) {
#pragma mark Alias
- (void)setAlias:(NSString *)alias forUID:(NSString *)UID onAccount:(id)adiumAccount
PurpleAccount *account = accountLookupFromAdiumAccount(adiumAccount);
if (purple_account_is_connected(account)) {
const char *uidUTF8String = [UID UTF8String];
PurpleBuddy *buddy = purple_find_buddy(account, uidUTF8String);
const char *aliasUTF8String = [alias UTF8String];
const char *oldAlias = (buddy ? purple_buddy_get_alias(buddy) : nil);
if (buddy && ((aliasUTF8String && !oldAlias) ||
(!aliasUTF8String && oldAlias) ||
((oldAlias && aliasUTF8String && (strcmp(oldAlias,aliasUTF8String) != 0))))) {
//If we had an alias before but no longer have, adiumPurpleBlistUpdate() is not going to send the update
//(Because normally it's wasteful to send a nil alias to the account). We need to manually invoke the update.
if (oldAlias && !alias) {
AIListContact *theContact = contactLookupFromBuddy(buddy);
[adiumAccount updateContact:theContact
#pragma mark Chats
- (void)openChat:(AIChat *)chat onAccount:(id)adiumAccount
//Looking up the conv from the chat will create the PurpleConversation purpleside, joining the chat, opening the server
//connection, or whatever else is done when a chat is opened.
- (void)closeChat:(AIChat *)chat
PurpleConversation *conv = existingConvLookupFromChat(chat);
if (conv) {
[chat setIdentifier:nil];
/* We retained the chat when setting it as the ui_data; we are releasing here, so be sure to set conv->ui_data
* to nil so we don't try to do it again.
AILogWithSignature(@"Destroying %p (and releasing chat %p)", conv, conv->ui_data);
[(AIChat *)conv->ui_data release];
conv->ui_data = nil;
//Tell purple to destroy the conversation.
- (void)inviteContact:(AIListContact *)listContact toChat:(AIChat *)chat withMessage:(NSString *)inviteMessage;
PurpleConversation *conv;
PurpleAccount *account;
PurpleConvChat *purpleChat;
AIAccount *adiumAccount = chat.account;
AILog(@"#### inviteContact:%@ toChat:%@",listContact.UID,;
// dchoby98
if (([adiumAccount isKindOfClass:[CBPurpleAccount class]]) &&
(conv = convLookupFromChat(chat, adiumAccount)) &&
(account = accountLookupFromAdiumAccount((CBPurpleAccount *)adiumAccount)) &&
(purpleChat = purple_conversation_get_chat_data(conv))) {
//PurpleBuddy *buddy = purple_find_buddy(account, [listObject.UID UTF8String]);
AILog(@"#### addChatUser chat: %@ (%@) buddy: %@",, chat,listContact.UID);
(inviteMessage ? [inviteMessage UTF8String] : ""),
[listContact.UID UTF8String]);
- (void)createNewGroupChat:(AIChat *)chat withListContact:(AIListContact *)contact
//Create the chat
convLookupFromChat(chat, chat.account);
//Invite the contact, with no message
[self inviteContact:contact toChat:chat withMessage:nil];
- (BOOL)contact:(AIListContact *)inContact isIgnoredInChat:(AIChat *)inChat
PurpleConversation *conv = existingConvLookupFromChat(inChat);
if (!conv)
return NO;
PurpleConvChat *convChat = purple_conversation_get_chat_data(conv);
return (purple_conv_chat_is_user_ignored(convChat, [inContact.UID UTF8String]) ? YES : NO);
- (void)setContact:(AIListContact *)inContact ignored:(BOOL)inIgnored inChat:(AIChat *)inChat
PurpleConversation *conv = existingConvLookupFromChat(inChat);
if (!conv)
PurpleConvChat *convChat = purple_conversation_get_chat_data(conv);
if ([self contact:inContact isIgnoredInChat:inChat]) {
purple_conv_chat_unignore(convChat, [inContact.UID UTF8String]);
} else {
purple_conv_chat_ignore(convChat, [inContact.UID UTF8String]);
#pragma mark Account Status
* @brief Generate a GList from a dictionary
* @param arguments An NSDictionary, whose keys and values will be used to form alternating key-value items in the GList
* @result A GList, which the caller is responsible for freeing
GList *createListFromDictionary(NSDictionary *arguments)
GList *attrs = NULL;
if ([arguments count]) {
for (NSString *key in arguments) {
id valueObject;
if ((valueObject = [arguments objectForKey:key])) {
const char *value = NULL;
if ([valueObject isKindOfClass:[NSNumber class]])
value = GINT_TO_POINTER([valueObject integerValue]);
else if ([valueObject isKindOfClass:[NSString class]])
value = [valueObject UTF8String];
AILogWithSignature(@"Warning: unknown class %@ (%@) for key %@",
NSStringFromClass([valueObject class]), valueObject, key);
//Append the key
attrs = g_list_append(attrs, (gpointer)[key UTF8String]);
//Now append the value
attrs = g_list_append(attrs, (gpointer)value);
} else {
AILogWithSignature(@"Warning: could not determine value of %@ for key %@",
valueObject, key);
return attrs;
- (void)setStatusID:(const char *)statusID
isActive:(NSNumber *)isActive
arguments:(NSMutableDictionary *)arguments
PurpleAccount *account = accountLookupFromAdiumAccount(adiumAccount);
GList *attrs = createListFromDictionary(arguments);
AILog(@"Setting status on %x (%s): ID %s, isActive %i, attributes %@",account, purple_account_get_username(account),
statusID, [isActive boolValue], arguments);
purple_account_set_status_list(account, statusID, [isActive boolValue], attrs);
if (purple_status_is_online(purple_account_get_active_status(account)) &&
purple_account_is_disconnected(account)) {
//This status is an online status, but the account is not connected or connecting
//Ensure the account is enabled
if (!purple_account_get_enabled(account, "Adium")) {
purple_account_set_enabled(account, "Adium", YES);
//Now connect the account
- (void)setSongInformation:(NSDictionary *)arguments onAccount:(id)adiumAccount
PurpleAccount *account = accountLookupFromAdiumAccount(adiumAccount);
GList *attrs;
PurpleStatus *tune;
tune = purple_presence_get_status(purple_account_get_presence(account), "tune");
if (!tune)
if (!arguments)
purple_status_set_active(tune, FALSE);
attrs = createListFromDictionary(arguments);
purple_status_set_active_with_attrs_list(tune, TRUE, attrs);
- (void)setInfo:(NSString *)profileHTML onAccount:(id)adiumAccount
PurpleAccount *account = accountLookupFromAdiumAccount(adiumAccount);
const char *profileHTMLUTF8 = [profileHTML UTF8String];
purple_account_set_user_info(account, profileHTMLUTF8);
if (purple_account_get_connection(account) != NULL && purple_account_is_connected(account)) {
serv_set_info(purple_account_get_connection(account), profileHTMLUTF8);
- (void)setBuddyIcon:(NSData *)buddyImageData onAccount:(id)adiumAccount
PurpleAccount *account = accountLookupFromAdiumAccount(adiumAccount);
if (account) {
NSUInteger len = [buddyImageData length];
/* purple_buddy_icons_set_account_icon() takes responsibility for the buddy icon memory */
NSAssert( UINT_MAX >= [buddyImageData length],
@"Attempting to send more data than libPurple can handle. Abort." );
purple_buddy_icons_set_account_icon(account, g_memdup([buddyImageData bytes], (unsigned int)len), len);
- (void)setIdleSinceTo:(NSDate *)idleSince onAccount:(id)adiumAccount
PurpleAccount *account = accountLookupFromAdiumAccount(adiumAccount);
if (purple_account_is_connected(account)) {
NSTimeInterval idle = (idleSince != nil ? [idleSince timeIntervalSince1970] : 0);
PurplePresence *presence;
presence = purple_account_get_presence(account);
purple_presence_set_idle(presence, (idle > 0), (long)idle);
#pragma mark Get Info
- (void)getInfoFor:(NSString *)inUID onAccount:(id)adiumAccount
PurpleAccount *account = accountLookupFromAdiumAccount(adiumAccount);
if (purple_account_is_connected(account)) {
serv_get_info(purple_account_get_connection(account), purple_normalize(account, [inUID UTF8String]));
#pragma mark Xfer
- (void)xferRequest:(PurpleXfer *)xfer
- (void)xferRequestAccepted:(PurpleXfer *)xfer withFileName:(NSString *)xferFileName
//Only start the file transfer if it's still not marked as cancelled and therefore can be begun.
if ((purple_xfer_get_status(xfer) != PURPLE_XFER_STATUS_CANCEL_LOCAL) &&
(purple_xfer_get_status(xfer) != PURPLE_XFER_STATUS_CANCEL_REMOTE)) {
//XXX should do further error checking as done by purple_xfer_choose_file_ok_cb() in purple's ft.c
purple_xfer_request_accepted(xfer, [xferFileName UTF8String]);
- (void)xferRequestRejected:(PurpleXfer *)xfer
- (void)xferCancel:(PurpleXfer *)xfer
if ((purple_xfer_get_status(xfer) == PURPLE_XFER_STATUS_UNKNOWN) ||
(purple_xfer_get_status(xfer) == PURPLE_XFER_STATUS_NOT_STARTED) ||
(purple_xfer_get_status(xfer) == PURPLE_XFER_STATUS_STARTED) ||
(purple_xfer_get_status(xfer) == PURPLE_XFER_STATUS_ACCEPTED)) {
#pragma mark Account settings
- (void)setCheckMail:(NSNumber *)checkMail forAccount:(id)adiumAccount
PurpleAccount *account = accountLookupFromAdiumAccount(adiumAccount);
BOOL shouldCheckMail = [checkMail boolValue];
purple_account_set_check_mail(account, shouldCheckMail);
- (void)setDefaultPermitDenyForAccount:(id)adiumAccount
PurpleAccount *account = accountLookupFromAdiumAccount(adiumAccount);
if (account && purple_account_get_connection(account)) {
account->perm_deny = PURPLE_PRIVACY_DENY_USERS;
#pragma mark Protocol specific accessors
- (void)OSCAREditComment:(NSString *)inComment forUID:(NSString *)inUID onAccount:(id)adiumAccount
PurpleAccount *account = accountLookupFromAdiumAccount(adiumAccount);
if (purple_account_is_connected(account)) {
PurpleBuddy *buddy;
PurpleGroup *g;
OscarData *od;
const char *uidUTF8String = [inUID UTF8String];
if ((buddy = purple_find_buddy(account, uidUTF8String)) &&
(g = purple_buddy_get_group(buddy)) &&
(od = purple_account_get_connection(account)->proto_data)) {
aim_ssi_editcomment(od, purple_group_get_name(g), uidUTF8String, [inComment UTF8String]);
- (void)OSCARSetFormatTo:(NSString *)inFormattedUID onAccount:(id)adiumAccount
PurpleAccount *account = accountLookupFromAdiumAccount(adiumAccount);
if (account &&
purple_account_is_connected(account) &&
[inFormattedUID length]) {
oscar_reformat_screenname(purple_account_get_connection(account), [inFormattedUID UTF8String]);
#pragma mark Request callbacks
- (void)performContactMenuActionFromDict:(NSDictionary *)dict forAccount:(id)adiumAccount
PurpleBuddy *buddy = [[dict objectForKey:@"PurpleBuddy"] pointerValue];
void (*callback)(gpointer, gpointer);
//Perform act's callback with the desired buddy and data
callback = [[dict objectForKey:@"PurpleMenuActionCallback"] pointerValue];
if (callback)
callback((PurpleBlistNode *)buddy, [[dict objectForKey:@"PurpleMenuActionData"] pointerValue]);
- (void)performAccountMenuActionFromDict:(NSDictionary *)dict forAccount:(id)adiumAccount
PurplePluginAction *act;
PurpleAccount *account = accountLookupFromAdiumAccount(adiumAccount);
if (account && purple_account_get_connection(account)) {
act = purple_plugin_action_new(NULL, [[dict objectForKey:@"PurplePluginActionCallback"] pointerValue]);
if (act->callback) {
act->plugin = purple_account_get_connection(account)->prpl;
act->context = purple_account_get_connection(account);
act->user_data = [[dict objectForKey:@"PurplePluginActionCallbackUserData"] pointerValue];
* @brief Call the purple callback to pass on an authorization response
* @param inCallBackValue The cb to use
* @param inUserDataValue Original user data
- (void)doAuthRequestCbValue:(NSValue *)inCallBackValue withUserDataValue:(NSValue *)inUserDataValue
PurpleAccountRequestAuthorizationCb callBack = [inCallBackValue pointerValue];
if (callBack) {
callBack([inUserDataValue pointerValue]);
* @brief Tell purple we closed an authorization request without a response
- (void)closeAuthRequestWithHandle:(id)authRequestHandle
#pragma mark Secure messaging
- (void)purpleConversation:(PurpleConversation *)conv setSecurityDetails:(NSDictionary *)securityDetailsDict
- (void)refreshedSecurityOfPurpleConversation:(PurpleConversation *)conv
AILog(@"*** Refreshed security...");
- (void)dealloc
[super dealloc];
#ifdef HAVE_CDSA
- (CFArrayRef)copyServerCertificates:(PurpleSslConnection*)gsc {
PurplePlugin *cdsa_plugin = purple_plugins_find_with_name("CDSA");
return nil;
CFArrayRef result;
gboolean ok = NO;
purple_plugin_ipc_call(cdsa_plugin, "copy_certificate_chain", &ok, gsc, &result);
return result;