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<h1>Locations of Adium files</h1>
<p>This page lists the locations of all Adium-related files.</p>
<p><strong>Note:</strong> The "Library" folder mentioned below is hidden in OS X versions 10.7 and newer. See <a class="ext_link" href="">this article</a> for details.</p>
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<h3>Location of the application</h3>
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<p>Normally, your Adium should be placed in the following location:</p>
<li>Home Folder <strong></strong> Applications <strong></strong></li>
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<h3>Location of preferences</h3>
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<p>Adium places the majority of its preferences here:</p>
<li>Home Folder <strong></strong> Library <strong></strong> Application Support <strong></strong> Adium 2.0</li>
<p>There is also a preference file at:</p>
<li>Home Folder <strong></strong> Library <strong></strong> Preferences <strong></strong> com.adiumX.adiumX.plist</li>
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<h3>Location of saved transcripts</h3>
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<p>Message transcripts can be found in this directory:</p>
<li>Home Folder <strong></strong> Library <strong></strong> Application Support <strong></strong> Adium 2.0 <strong></strong> Users <strong></strong> Default <strong></strong> Logs</li>
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<h3>Location of user icons</h3>
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<p><strong>Your own icons</strong></p>
<p>Recent icons set via the icon picker (both for contacts and for yourself) are cached at ~/Library/Images/iChat Recent Pictures, and such recent icons are shared with iChat.</p>
<p><strong>Icons of your contacts</strong></p>
<p>Icons, once retrieved, are cached at ~/Library/Caches/Adium/Default. (The "Library" folder is hidden in OS X versions 10.7 and newer. See this article for details.)</p>
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<h3>Location of non-standard, installed Xtras</h3>
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<p>The Adium Xtras you have installed are stored in subfolder of the "Adium 2.0" folder mentioned above:</p>
<li>Home Folder <strong></strong> Library <strong></strong> Application Support <strong></strong> Adium 2.0
<li><strong></strong> Contact List - Contact list layouts and themes (.ListLayout, .ListTheme)</li>
<li><strong></strong> Emoticons - Emoticon packs (.AdiumEmoticonSet)</li>
<li><strong></strong> Menu Bar Icons - Menu bar icon packs (.AdiumMenuBarIcons)</li>
<li><strong></strong> Message Styles - Message styles (.AdiumMessageStyle)</li>
<li><strong></strong> PlugIns - Plugins (.AdiumPlugin)</li>
<li><strong></strong> Scripts - Scripts (.AdiumScript)</li>
<li><strong></strong> Service Icons - Service icon packs (.AdiumServiceIcons)</li>
<li><strong></strong> Sounds - Sound packs (.AdiumSoundSet)</li>
<li><strong></strong> Status Icons - Status icon packs (.AdiumStatusIcons)</li>
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